Social Libertarianism

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Not to be confused with Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism.

Social Libertarianism, clipped to SocBert, is a LibUnity ideology that leans culturally left. He advocates for a robust decentralized government, free markets, and social welfare. SocBert believes that both negative liberty (ie freedom to do stuff) and positive liberty (ie freedom from forces (such as poverty, bad health, pollution)) are equally important and therefore libertarian ideology should be reformed to view liberty & justice as being free from all forms of domination instead of only freedom from the state. Socbert tends to agree with libertarianism on most issues, but disagrees on economics and welfare, believing that a welfare state (ideally a UBI or NIT) and some forms of regulation are needed to guarantee positive liberties.


The SocBert ball is a very altruistic, happy, energetic, and pro-freedom ball. Although he likes a lot of people, not that many people like him back. He's too much of a "Socialist" for libertarians, so he's called a "fake libertarian" by LibRights. On the other hand, he's also called a "Libertarian Trojan Horse" by socialists. Usually, he hangs out with his mom Social Democracy, his half-sister Social Georgism and his dad Libertarianism every other weekend.

How to Draw

Flag of Social Libertarianism
  1. Draw a circle
  2. Fill it with yellow
  3. Draw a rose ( It can be hard If you can't pull it off using a simpler design)
  4. Draw eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #F5DD02 245, 221, 2
Black #141414 20, 20, 20




  • Libertarianism - Free markets, small government, and guns are based. Complete government non-involvement? Agree to disagree.
  • Social Democracy - Like the social programs and the intentions behind them, but not the bureaucracy and centralized government.
  • Libertarian Market Socialism - Not really ... good, but the best socialist to exist.
  • Anarchism and her family - I admire your love of freedom, but you can't give people a nice social safety net without a government.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Wish people would stop confusing us. That being said, you're one of the least bad socialists after Libertarian Market Socialism.
  • Social Authoritarianism - Based in every way except cringe authoritarianism. Just why, man?
  • Tridemism - While I don't like your authoritarian and nationalist tendencies, Social Georgism is based. Also, FREE TAIWAN!
  • Andrew Yang, himself - I like your political philosophy for the most part and UBI. However based on your recent actions and words, you clearly aren’t nearly as culturally progressive as I thought you were.


Further Information



Online Communities


Wacky ideologies 37 Social Libertarianism by Knights of the alternate histories

Youtube Videos


Template:Libunity Template:Caps Template:Libertarian Template:Welfare