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Environmentalism, sometimes called Green Politics, is an non-quadrant ideology used to represent a range of ideologies which fall under the belief that nature should be a significant factor in deciding public policy, be it increasing recycling, decreasing CO2 emissions, or stopping water pollution, etc.

Blue Environmentalism

Blue Environmentalism, also known as Aqua Environmentalism, Ocean Environmentalism, and Marine Environmentalism is Environmentalism focused on the Ocean. Mainly about cleaning plastic from the ocean and looking after sea animals.


Environmentalist is portrayed as being a stereotypical hippy pro-nature advocate and will behave accordingly, sometimes they may even be portrayed as "doomer" or a so called "climate alarmist" and be constantly terrified and worried over their and other's carbon footprint.

How to Draw

Flag of Environmentalism
  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Make it Green
  3. Then on the ball draw either a Leaf in white.

You're done




  • Agrarianism - Sometimes he cares about the environment, but sometimes his judgement gets clouded and he destroys the nature to make more farms.
  • Neoluddism - Has good ideas, but I wish he'd stop sending package bombs to business executives and academics.
  • Voluntary Human Extinction - You want to save the environment, but please don't kill everyone.
  • Stalinism - Sustainable forestry: Good! However, where did the wetlands go? Also remember the Aral Sea!
  • National Socialism - Thanks for the environmentalism but you're really evil.
  • Eco-Fascism - Same as above.


Further Information



Template:Nonquad Template:Eco