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Kraterocracy is an off-the-compass AuthRight ideology that believes it is the natural right of the strong to subjugate and tyrannize the weak. While Social Darwinism merely calls for the utter extermination of the weak, Kraterocracy calls for their complete subjugation. The only hope for the weak of achieving an even tolerable existence is to ascend the ranks via brute strength or manipulation.

As such, Kraterocracy is highly comparable to an incredibly extreme and physical form of Oligarchy.


Kraterocracy believes in a system where the expression 'might makes right' is applied to governance. A kraterocratic government would be ruled the strongest in society, most commonly through physical violence. However, a system like this could also be ruled by the most manipulative people as well, with people able to seize power through their abilities as a demagogue, rather than as a fighter. Nonetheless, kratocratic systems are often associated with physical force.

Personality and Behaviour

Kraterocracy combines the "might-makes-right" attitude of Social Darwinism, with the imposing, intimidating, and calculating demeanor of Ingsoc. He will not hesitate to punch, fight, and/or utterly obliterate any and all who stand in his way, but usually refrains from doing so for the sake of polite conversation and political subterfuge.

How to Draw

Flag of Kraterocracy
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill the ball in almost black (#202020),
  3. Draw a dark blue (#000099) omega symbol (Ω) in the middle of the ball,
  4. Add a single eye in the center of the omega and you're done!
  5. (Optional) Add a sword or a weapon of choice.
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #202020 32, 32, 32
Dark Blue #000099 0, 0, 153



  • Imperialism - Weak nations deserve to be oppressed.
  • Posadism - You possess nuclear armaments? A worthy foe.
  • Social Darwinism - A worthy foe, even if you lack structure.
  • Combatocracy - Even if we fight, in the end, the strong will rule.
  • Stratocracy - Who is stronger than trained soldiers I ask?
  • Autocracy - An autocratic leader would be the strongest in their nation so they are in the right.
  • Crusadism - Closest thing to a real world counterpart of mine.


  • Ingsoc - You may subjugate the weak, but in their luxury and brainwashing, the Inner Party grows weak as well.
  • Avaritionism - Your strong may succeed, but what is the purpose of strength if not to subjugate?
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - You do establish sovereignty, but if every foe is alike, what weak is there to subjugate?
  • Ochlocracy - Unity is strength indeed, but quality is what defines true power.
  • Kleptocracy - Why must you keep your strength a secret? Make your deception known to the world.
  • Oligarchy - If only you were as strong as me, but you're not so I cannot be your friend.
  • National Socialism - You claim to be the master race and yet you lost?
  • National Capitalism - A moderate whose meekness makes him a weak foe.
  • Capitalism - Yes, there is no unjust hierarchy, but living in luxury makes him a weak foe.
  • Reactionary Socialism - A somewhat worthy foe whose weakness is compassion for the poor. How pitiful.
  • Post-Humanism - My formidable mechanical adversary, however, has begun to become a problem for the natural order.


  • File:Ego.png Egoism - No gods? No kings? A life not worth living.
  • Communalism - Opposition is essential to assert one's strength.
  • Soulism - There is no such thing as an unjust hierarchy.
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Why commit to using such rudimentary weaponry?
  • Veganarchism - Yes, subjugation includes animals, for they are weaker entities.
  • Primal Primitivism - Including you too, savage beast.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - In spite of the barbaric savages among us yearning for clay blood, you insist on supporting "peace"? Just pitiful.
  • Welfarism & File:Soc.png Socialism - All beings ARE NOT CREATED EQUAL. Some are born strong, some with greater beauty, some are born into poverty, and others are born sick and feeble, but in birth and in upbringing, in the sheer scope of ability, every individual is inherently different. That is why people discriminate against one another, which is why there is struggle, competition and the unfaltering march of progress, while the weak and those who do not conform to the rules of the strong are left behind. There is nothing unnatural about inequality, but EQUALITY IS.

Further Information



Instead of Debates Just Fight To The Death by Jreg
Charles zi Britannia's speech about inequality


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