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I will write this like a PolComp wikipage

Spoonks is culturally far-right, Nationalist, and Reactionary ideology based of me. Spoonks believes "Globohomo" should cease to within society and more traditional/Christian values should be restored, as well as strict opposition to immigration. Spoonks is anti E.U due to mass migration, but over all is a soft Eurosceptic. Spoonks has an opposition to progressive movements/groups such as Feminism, BlackLivesMatter, and antifa. Dark Enlightenment and the Alt-lite are movements I have positive feelings towards

Big corporations are owned by progressives supportive of online censorship and I play Dolphin emulator, so Spoonks has favorability of the Pirate Party. I believe the internet should be ran like Anarchism, with very little rules and people are allowed to say/post anything they want along as they're not breaking the law or harassing anyone.


Just like most people, Spoonks was a griller for most of his life, until my parents exposed me to politics. My first ideology was Progressive Conservativism/Liberal Conservativism, me being anti-gun, anti-illegal immigration, anti-gay marriage and pretty homophobic, Globalist, pro-life, and mainly socially liberal on other issues.

Around the rise of ISIS and migrant crisis, I was in favor of Neo-Conservativism to fight back Islamic terrorism and mass migration. I supported Americans having endless wars in the MiddleEast and I was often suspicious (but not hostile) of Muslims due to media indoctrination. I began to get more LGBT friendly, became pro-choice, and supported the right to own fire arms.

Overtime, I learned war isn't worth it. And most Arabs are kind and generous people so I wasn't in favor of Neo-Conservativism anymore. Libertarianism was an anti-war ideology so I was IN favor of it, I didn't like Anarcho-Capitalism and regular Libertarianism wasn't my style, so I went for Libertarian Conservativism. As I studied Libertarianism more and researched the topic, and watched Youtube videos and had discussions. I realized I supported Libertarianism because I didn't fully understand it, It sounds cool on paper but was really stupid in real-life. The Libertarian mindset of "It's okay when private companies do it" turned me off.



