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Not to be confused with Chinese Blueshirtism.

Blueshirtism is an authoritarian unity, culturally far-right, ideology based on the ideas of Clerical Fascism in Ireland. The ideology is practiced by the short-lived political party Army Comrades Association, later called the National Guard, then Young Ireland and for the final time, the League of Youth, well known as The Blueshirts.

The ideology is named simply after the party that is mentioned before. However, the members of that party are sometimes nicknamed "Blueshirts".


The history will be mainly about the party itself that uses the ideology as it's basis.

The 1932 Public Safety Act in Ireland was suspended, lifting bans on numerous organizations such as the Irish Republican Army, along with some of the organization's political prisoners released. In 1932, Ned Cronin founded the party known as the Army Comrades Association. The party is for the Irish army veterans, according to their name. They believe that freedom of speech is being 'repressed', and now providing security at events at Cumann na nGaedheal, leading to clashes between the Irish Republican Army and the Army Comrades Association. It had more than 30,000 members by September, 1932.

Some of these members later joined the Irish republican army leading to yet another split between pro treaty factions of the IRA and anti-treaty factions within the IRA.

Eoin O'Duffy renamed into the National Guard and then he re-modelled the organisation with Fascist elements such as the Roman salute, political uniforms, marching rallies & adopting an economic system called Corporatism but requiring members must be Catholic to join in this movement.

The National Guard has following objectives to "Make Ireland Great Again.

  • Promote the reunification of Ireland.
  • Oppose to Communism and foreign influnce to uphold Catholic principles in every sphere of public activity.
  • Promote and maintain social order.
  • Make organised and disciplined voluntary public service a permanent and accepted feature of the political life and to lead the youth of Ireland in a movement of constructive national action.
  • Promote of co-ordinated national organisations of employers and employed with the aid of judicial tribunals will effectively prevent strikes, lock-outs and harmoniously compose industrial influences.
  • Cooperate with the official agencies of the state for the solution of such pressing social problems as the provision of useful and economic public employment for those whom private enterprise cannot absorb.
  • Secure the creation of a representative national statutory organisation of farmers with rights and status sufficient to secure the safeguarding of agricultural interests in all revisions of agricultural and political policy.
  • Expose and prevent corruption or victimisation in the national and local administration.
  • Awaken throughout the country a spirit of combination, discipline, zeal and patriotic realism which will put the state in a position to serve the people efficiently in the economic along with social spheres.

The National Guard aka the Blueshirts planned a flawless parade in Dublin at August 22nd 1933 for proceeding into Glasnevin Cemetery, stopping at Leinster lawn in front of the Irish parliament and make a couple speeches to commemorate Irish leaders such as Arthur Griffith, Michael Collins & Kevin O'Higgins but it was stopped by the Irish government because the parade reminded about Mussolini's March on Rome and it cause a coup d'état, so they banned the parade along with Eoin O'Duffy accepting it but several provincial parades lead the Irish government to ban the Blueshirts as an illegal organisation.

After Eoin O'Duffy was removed from Fine Gael along with the Blueshirts being dissolved in 1935, He founded his own political movement called the National Corporate Party aka the Greenshirts after a meeting of 500 people in June and then eighty Blueshirts have become Greenshirts. The National Corporate Party have raised funds through public dances while it promotes an independent Republic outside of the British Empire to represents the ideas of The Easter Rising 1916. The National Corporate Party have committed itself to the preservation along with promotion of the Irish language and Gaelic culture even another Irish Fascist political party called the Ailtirí na hAiséirghe/Architects Of The Resurrection does the same thing since 1942 during World War 2.

The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 has started and Cardinal Joseph MacRory who is friends with a Carlist named Count Ramírez De Arellano suggested Eoin O'Duffy to create The Irish Brigade fight for Franco and the Spanish Nationalists but it came true but only in a year. Despite the Irish Government trying to stop The Irish Brigade from coming into Spain to fight, Eoin O'Duffy went to Spain where he meets Juan De la Cierva, Javier Ramírez Sinués, Emilio Mola & later Francisco Franco promising that 5,000 Irish volunteers would be here but in reality there were 700 and most of them came from Galway. The Irish Brigade were attached to the Spanish Foreign Legion however their excessive drinking lead to Spanish superiors critize the brigade as annoying and later during The Battle of Jarama 1937 as the Irish Brigade approaching the front line to fight but they were fired upon by a Falangist unit that left two Irishmen dead. After these events happened in the war along with more of them Eion O'Duffy let The Irish Brigade to withdraw from Spain to go back to Ireland and it was greeted by hundreds of people in Dublin but later The Irish Brigade dissolved along with the National Corporate Party.

After Eion O' Duffy returned to Ireland, he wrote a book called "Crusade In Spain" (1938) and it features the Irish Brigade but also features Anti-Masonry & Anti-Semitism because of the trade unions are directed or focused by the Communist International. Eion O' Duffy congratulated Francisco Franco for winning the Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 who later replied him back with a thank you for defending Catholicism from destruction and disorder. When World War 2 has started Eoin O'Duffy have meet with a Germany spy named Oskar Pfaus who put in touch with the Irish Republican Amry/IRA that involved in The S-Plan and later he met an Italian diplomat named Vincenzo Berardis who wanted him to create new Irish Fascist movement that unite the Irish Blueshirts and Irish Republicans together. In the summer of 1943 at a German Legation in Dublin, Eion O'Duffy wanted to organise the Irish Volunteer Legion to fight against the Soviet Union even he explained his offer to the German ambassador but it was rejected and Eion O'Duffy devolved a serious drinking problem that lead to his death in November 30th 1944.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a clover.
  2. Fill the stem and petals in light blue.
  3. Draw a red cross on middle of the petals.
  4. Draw in the eyes.

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Moderate Blue #5492D4 84, 146, 212
Strong Red #CF0103 207, 1, 3




  • National Socialism - The Irish Volunteer Corps was an idea to let our Irish veterans from Spain to fight against Bolshevism but you rejected that idea and also you are planning to erase the Catholics after you done erase the Jews along with the Slavs but at least I'm not woke.
  • Irish Republicanism - We both wanted a free independent Ireland so we help each other but you started to hate me because I supported The Anglo-Irish Treaty of 1921 and become a Fascist Corporatist instead of a File:Soc.png Socialist like you.
  • British Fascism - I used to be your enemy during the Early 20th Century but now I understand that you have denounce the Black & Tans and wanted Ireland to be itself so we might both became friends but maybe.
  • Zionism - I don't have a problem with you but I do have a problem with your Socialist brother and I have wrote a book about him in 1938.
  • Falangism - Don't hurt me, I am on your side and you are
  • Democratic Socialism - Sinn Fein hasn't won an election in years.
  • Reactionary Socialism- You're a bit too extreme even for me!


  • Stalinism - Stop sitting on potatoes and farting on them otherwise you're gonna create another Irish Potato Famine but with Socialism in it.
  • Anti-Fascism - You are going to be stoned to death but with potatoes.
  • Esoteric Socialism - You are Sinn Ful.
  • Labour Zionism - It was also known as Sydincalist Zionism.
  • Kleptocracy - You have been exposed to the public and they know who you really are.
  • Toryism - I wont lead the league of youth with the Union Jack tied to my neck!
  • Marxism–Leninism - You're the reason the IRA broke apart and also you are responsible for creating The Limerick Soviet to divide Ireland even more.
  • Syndicalism - You are a brute who causes destruction and disorder.
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Buenaventura Durruti looks like a pervert even he is not as one.
  • State Atheism - That hat is way too big and it was not green.
  • The International Brigades - You are making a Irishman fighting against an another Irishman and that is not diversity. Watch This Video About Real Diversity

Further Information



Alternate History



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