Christian Theocracy

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Christian Theocracy is a right-wing, ideology occupying the upper center section of the Authoritarian scale of the political compass, depending on the type of Christianity (Calvinists on the far right, Catholics center left, etc.). It believes that a strong, Christian government is necessary for the salvation of mankind. They do not want a separation of church and state, moderates believe in living according to the 10 commandments as a rule for civil life while radicals might go as far as crusading against non-christians.


The papal states were this as his son catholic theocracy. Even today the tiny state of the Vatican is a christian theocracy. Additionally there are many ideologies both secular and religious influenced by christian beliefs

Stylistic Notes

  • Can be holding a cross or Eucharist materials such as bread and wine.
  • Is NEVER late for Bible study club meetings.

How to Draw

Flag of Christian Theocracy

Drawing Christian Theocracy is really easy:

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color in the ball white.
  3. Draw a deep blue square in the top left corner.
  4. Draw a red cross in the middle of the blue square.
  5. Add the eyes, and your're done!





  • Jewish Theocracy - This is our land we're taking crusades in, & some of thou had me think that thy a heretic.
  • Zoroastrian Theocracy- Though thou are not of the faith thy rule under cyrus the great was righteous
  • Christian Communism - I like that thou care about the poor, but what's that with communism?
  • Clerical Fascism - young man thou and ye kids have to stop being so racist! But other than that ye fine.
  • Reactionary - young man thou are a little extreme but other than that ye fine. And stop being so violent same goes for ye kids.
  • Christian Anarchism - Thou need a Christian government!
  • Euskadi Carlism- Thou are a good christian but why are thou a socialist?
  • Catholic Workerism- Thou are a good christian but why are thou an anarchist?
  • National Syndicalism - Thou are a good christian but why are thou a syndicalist?


Further Information




Template:Authunity Template:Religious Template:Conservative