Enlightenment Thought

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The Enlightenment was born some time in the late 17th century and is the ancestor of many, many ideologies. They are a broad ideology used to represent ideas of the Age of Enlightenment. Although their biggest contribution to the world was to give birth to Republicanism and Classical Liberalism, they also caused the separation of church and state and went against tyranny. Their ideas promoted individual liberty, progress, fraternity, and tolerance.

Enlightenment parented Classical Liberalism in the early 18th century, as the concept of the invisible hand and free-market ideas were created. Classical Liberalism was then the parent of most free-market ideologies.

Enlightenment also gave birth to the modern republican ideals who led to the creation of the Society of the Friends of the Constitution, from which originated Jacobinism, the predominant political force in the French revolution. Jacobinism later would form the basic blocks of File:Soc.png Socialism.

Ingsoc, at some point, traveled back in time and had a child with Enlightenment. This created Illuminatism.

They also had a child with Agrarianism called Physiocracy, who would in turn become the parent of Georgism.

And, for last, at the start of the 20th century, they had a child with Austrolibertarianism, Neo-Enlightenment.


Personality and Behaviour

Enlightenment within the comics is usually portrayed as a stereotypical enlightened thinker.

How to Draw

An Enlightenment wig is an encouraged accessory to both

Glowing Design

Flag of Enlightenment Thought (Glowing design)
  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Draw a large yellow circle inside the ball
  3. Draw a smaller light yellow circle inside the ball

And you're done

Color Name HEX RGB
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Light Yellow #FFF881 255, 248, 129
Yellow #FFF200 255, 242, 0

Candle Design

Flag of Enlightenment Thought (Candle design)
  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Draw a candle handle
  3. Draw a candle which is glowing on the handle

And you're done

Color Name HEX RGB
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Yellow #FFF200 255, 242, 0
Red #ED131F 237, 19, 31
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Grey #5A5A5A 90, 90, 90
Light Grey #C4C4C4 196, 196, 196




  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - I like that you advocate for social progress just like I did back in my day, but could you slow down a little there?
  • Neo-Enlightenment - Listen, I like your dedication to my values and ideas but stop acting like you're the same as me.
  • Enlightened Absolutism - My monarchist son, the only monarchy worth a damn. Still a monarchist though.
  • Nationalism - Even though you're my son, your ideas has led to some horrible events.


Further Information



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