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"What point of doing anything, if you can change realities and simply escape from justice? After that religions and politics don't make any sence for you (shifters)." - some reddit user from r/ShiftingRealities

Politics are social things. But I'm a very antisocial chaotic person, which means that political stuff is pointless towards my life (except maybe Avaritionism and Anarcho-Nihilism). Currenly getting my shit together and planning to survive without job (by doing complex financial tricks and scams), because i hate working for anyone except for my own satisfaction (it can be anything)... OR better - be a internet freelancer that does random stuff for few bucks. But don't worry, I'm still a peacefull as the former myself, just don't say anything rage inducing (religion is being one of them).

My personality & behavior

Summary: completely broken and really apathetic passive and loveless semi-sociopath that only helps when asked. Hates all kind of cultures except the internet culture and really dislikes religions (they don't make any sence, except Zen Buddhism which focuses on void state). Also hates so called moralf@ggots - they are literally the authoritarian cucks which enforce their shitty naive worldview. Dislikes naive idealism, socialism, twitter, discord, 4chan, other social media, communism, mainstream capitalism, wholesomeness, love, kinship, fake friendship but likes true friendship, high functionic autistic people and intellectual stoicism that focus on doing something other than just drinking, fucking and taking drugs. Really likes to crush hopes and dreams of others (it's called breaking their idealist glasses). Sees no point of marrying and loving someone, cause his libido and joy died months ago after reading too much doomer things on internet. In the other side... my parents yell me to take antidepressant meds and be a normal functional member of society with finding job, marrying, having kids and etc. They raised me and cared about me when i'm a dumb kid , so I don't want to dissapoint them and maybe fix my life. I can find some job, but I will NEVER marry and have kids (or even have sex), cause of terrible financial situation. Really - how the fuck I'm supposed to satisfy my hypothetical future wife's needs and feed the kids, when I'm barelly feeding myself and being in constant debts for now?

Current plans

I'm planing to become a indie-game developer, and currently i'm planning developing a game called "Motherfly Inc". Summary this game is a hybrid of Yume 2kki and Forestry mod from Minecraft. Player basically sleeps, catches a different kind of butterflies and breeds them for making a more beautiful and resource producing (through processing leftover chrysalis) butterflies. There will be a thousand kind of butterflies - from ugly, non-productive, dysgenic and short living ones to pretty, productive, fertile and long living ones. Entire goal of game would be just collecting all of butterflies, including the bad and useless ones. It would not be so easy, because every butterfly/egg/catterpillar needs a different kind of temperature, habitat, humidity, food and liquids for living.

User Relations

  • Daniello - 7/10. Confusing apolitical, but I admire your hatred towards drugs and alc*hol.
  • Thugtholomew - 7/10. Just a decent progressive libright person.
  • RegDavLan1852 - 7.5. Strange long name, but still moderate too (0.5+ points for being in Kazakhstan).
  • Rojtavs - 0/10. Oversensitive person that hates me for calling her "liberal". So how your view different from average socialist liberal zoomers, a? Wait... born in 2006... yeah, you are literal zoomer! I'm a zoomer too, but born 5 years earlier. Honestry I dissapointed with your personality, And I really wish when you outgrow the political phase. Massive L for supporting r*ligious freedom and democracy.
  • Fsclander256 - 0/10. Don't hide behind fake hoppean mask, you still a dirty wokebert that loves diversity, pacifism and retarded religions. Gonna lick those religious fundie moralfags asses, you naive retard? I will never forgive you for putting me in Kakistocracy page and putting pathetic reason for that (seriously, you can simply accuse me for being cringe LARPer (which is I abandoned months ago) or even for pseudo-intellectualism (my real flaw), but nooo... let's accuse me for post-humanist LARP stance!). Also, you believe in cyclical civilizations crap which is laughable and idealist itself. Please -ACK yourself (so I can make a hanged soyjak version of your pathetic face), faggot asshole dicksucker.


  • Daniello - Add me.
    • Done.
  • Thugtholomew - Add me?
    • Done too.
  • *Regierungdavidlands1852 - add me aswell?🥺
    • Done (Honestly, I'm very rarely visit this site, because I'm too busy with building Enigmatica 2 Expert factories and exploring Yume 2kki worlds)
  • - Hey, thanks for Orion's hand introduction! It is also ironic that you are avaritionist, just like me. Waiting for your game tho.
  • - Well, my avariotionism is mostly peaceful and introverted, so it's more close to passive Anarcho-Nihilism than Avaritionism itself. What about game - it would be done under several months (not even a release, but alpha test), because it's not a job, but a hobby that I spend maximum 3-4 hours per day (and 6-8 hours during friday, saturday and sunday). Thankfully that game is purely 2d (like Undertale and Deltarune), otherwise 3D version would take entire f*cking decades before I finish it.
    • - Well, it is understandable(about peacefulness). Btw, what game engine do you choose? А также у тебя есть дискорд?
    • - Godot 4 (still learning stuff). I don't have discord.
      • - Btw, will/can(dunno how to make it more polite) you help me to make Neo-Enlightenment relationships better?
    • Next day I will add at least 10 enemies, because that page really lacks of it. But for now I'm going to sleep.
      • - Good night and thanks for help.
        • - Thanks for adding relations, good luck with your life!
  1. Current World Order
  2. It's not a hate, but a frustration from their manerless, dirty, unwise and ignorant members
  3. Only the philosophy, movement itself is very cringe inducing leftist daydream