List of movements/Political Parties/Norway
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- Arbeidarpartiet (Labour Party)
- Arbeidernes ungdomsfylking (Workers' Youth League)
- Arbeidarpartiet left (Historical)
- Arbeidarpartiet right (Historical)
- Senterpartiet (Centre Party)
- Høyre (Conservative Party)
- Fremskrittspartiet (Progress Party)
- Sosialistisk Venstreparti (Socialist Left Party)
- Rødt (Red Party)
- Venstre (Liberal Party)
- Miljøpartiet De Grønne (Green Party)
- Kristelig Folkeparti (Christian Democratic Party)
- Pasientfokus (Patient Focus)
- Demokratene i Norge (The Democrats in Norway)
- Konservativt (Conservative)
- Stem Alliasen (The Alliance)
- Liberalistene (Capitalist Party)
- Piratpartiet (The Pirate Party)
- Norges Kommunistiske Parti (Communist Party of Norway)
- Tjen Folket – Kommunistisk Forbund (Serve the People – Communist League)
- Samfunnspartiet (Society Party)
- Folkets parti FNB (People's Party FNB)
- Feministisk initiativ (Feminist Initiative)
- Det Politiske parti (The Political Party)
- Kystpartiet (Costal Party)
- Sámeálbmot bellodat (Sami People's Party)
- Árja (Commitment)
- Norgespartiet (Norway Party)
- Industri- og Næringspartiet (Indusrty and Business Party)
- Partiet Sentrum (Center Party)
- Nasjonal Samling (National Gathering, 1933-1945)
- Arbeidernes Kommunist parti (Workers' Communist Party, 1973-2007)
- Sosialistisk Folkeparti (Socialist People's Party, 1961-1976
- NorgesPatriotene (Norwegian Patriots, 2007-2009)
- Fedrelandspartiet (Fatherland Party, 1990-2008)
- Nasjonal Alliansen (National Alliance, 1999-2006)
- Frisinnede Venstre (Free-minded Liberal Party, 1909-1945)
- Hvit Valgallianse (White Electoral Alliance, 1995-1997)
- Kristent Konservativt Parti (Christian Conservative Party, 1965-1998)
- Norsk Front (Norwegian Front, 1975-1979)
- Nasjonal demokratene (National Democrats, 1990-1991)
- Det Liberale Folkepartiet (Liberal People's Party, 1992-2017)
- Vigrid (2008-2009)
List of Prime Minsters
- Christian Michelsen (1905-1907, Liberal)
- Jørgen Løvland (1907-1908, Liberal)
- Gunnar Knudsen (1908-1910, 1913-1920, Liberal)
- Wollert Konow (1910-1912, Free-minded Liberal Party)
- Jens Bratlie (1912-1913, Conservative)
- Otto Bahr Halvorsen (1920-1921, 1923, Conservative)
- Otto Albert Blehr (1921-1923, Liberal)
- Abraham Berge (1923-1924, Free-minded Liberal Party)
- Johan Ludwig Mowinckel (1924-1926, 1928-1931, 1933-1935, Liberal)
- Ivar Lykke (1926-1928, Conservative)
- Christopher Hornsrud (1928, Labor)
- Peder Kolstad (1931-1932, Agrarian)
- Jens Hundseid (1932-1933, Agrarian)
- Johan Nygaardsvold (1935-1945, Labor)
- Vidkun Quisling (1940, 1942-1945, National Unity)
- Ingolf Elster Christensen (1940, Conservative)
- Josef Terboven (1940-1942, NSDAP)
- Einar Gerhardsen (1945-1951, 1955-1963, 1963-1965, Labor)
- Oscar Torp (1951-1955, Labor)
- John Lyng (1963, Conservative)
- Per Borten (1965-1971, Center)
- Trygve Bratteli (1971-1972, 1973-1976, Labor)
- Lars Korvald (1972-1973, Christian Democrats)
- Odvar Nordli (1976-1981, Labor)
- Kåre Willoch (1981-1986, Conservative)
- Jan Peder Syse (1989-1990, Conservative)
- Gro Harlem Brundtland (1981, 1986-1989, 1990-1996, Labor)
- Thorbjørn Jagland (1996-1997, Labor)
- Kjell Mange Bondevik (1997-2000, 2001-2005, Christian Democrats)
- Jens Stoltenberg (2000-2001, 2005-2013, Labor)
- Erna Solberg (2013-2021, Conservative)
- Jonas Ghar Støre (2021-, Labor)