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Template:Shocking Not to be confused with Men's Liberation

Manosphere is a collection of Men's Rights Movements typically associated with the culturally right, and are characterized by a focus on masculinity, anti-feminism and extreme misogyny. Manosphere covers the men's rights movement, incels, Men Going Their Own Way (MGTOW), pick-up artists and the fathers' rights movement and often have various off-shoots that vary significantally in ideology.

It is often politically associated with the Alt-Right. Manosphere movements are heavily implicated in online harassment and violence against women. However, some manosphere movements identify as left-wing, or even anti-sexists, although the validity of such claims is dubious.


While every group that conforms the Manosphere has their own set of ideologies, they have some overarching core beliefs:

  • Modern western society has been corrupted by feminism. (depends on the region)
  • There are inherent behavioural differences between men and women.
  • Men should adopt a hyper-masculine role and get women to submit to them.
  • The concept of the "taking the red pill", a metaphor borrowed from The Matrix, which refers to the "awakening" of men to the supposed reality that society is inherently misandrist and that men are oppressed by women. Conversely, not accepting this ideology is referred to as "taking the blue pill".
    • There are a variety of other "pills" not from The Matrix, such as the "black pill", which advocates for fatalism, defeatism for the unattractive, a deep hatred of women and the belief that they are hopeless in romance. Another one is the "purple pill", a lefist perspective on Manosphere ideology.
  • Men are divided into "alpha" and "beta" males, where "alphas" are sexually dominant and attractive, while "betas" are undesirable and unattractive. They also believe women gravitate towards "beta" males for financial benefits.
  • That women (Especially white women, but depends on the region too) tend to be attracted to minorities, especially black males over white men. This theory is typically known as the "BBC" theory (Which won't be said here for obvious reasons).
  • While the ideology of Manosphere is typically considered traditionally right-wing by nature, and is often considered such especially by progressives and feminists, this is not in fact true. In reality, the ideology typically is extremely decenteralized and varries significantally by ideology and belief system and just like other movements (like feminism) has many variations and off-shoots that are not apart of "traditional" manosphere thought.
  • Some left-leaning Manosphere groups believe that men, especially the economically disadvantaged, the poor, minorities and people with mental disabilities or physical deformities are often forced by society to be lonely and are essentially forced into a lower class and often are feared by women who often are defended by the state and is used to justify things like police brutality against minorities to protect white women.
  • Some also use their own theories that are the inverse of things like the "BBC Theory" known as the "JBW" (Just be white) theory. Where women typically find white men more attractive than minorities and are often unattracted or even afraid of men who are non-white minorities. Because of this, a sexual revolution mostly if not entirely of men must take place. These "Purple-Pilled" movements tend to be syncretic political philosophies between traditional Manosphere thought and Men's Liberation ideas, although they still tend to generally have extremly negative views on not only most (if not All forms of) feminism and intersectional anti-sexist movements, but specificially towards women in general.
  • There are also certain bisexual/pansexual manosphere communities that believe that healthy traditional male-women relationships are inherintly unrealistic and believe that things like dating other males or "femboys" are more ideal. Such examples could be gaycel and rainbowcel communities although many other manosphere groups are explicitly anti-LGBT and see being LGBT+ or acting feminine as inherintly toxic or anti-male.

A lot of Western manosphere movements are heavily related to the alt-right, and white nationalist movements, while some local manosphere movements are related to racial nationalist movements depending on the region. Much like those movements, Manosphere groups are racist and xenophobic. However, some do tolerate minorities, whether inside or outside their group. Certain groups also include some LGBT identities, usually bisexuals and pansexuals.

One movement that stands out from the other Manosphere movements is the Fathers' rights movement, as it is not explicitly far-right or anti-feminist. However, the movement does contain a large amount of misogynists.

Personality and Behavior

Manosphere is terminally online and a NEET. He enjoys watching "Feminists Owned" compilations, run YouTube channels, playing video games, reading comic books and manga, watching animated series (specially anime) and being constantly on social media. He is very bitter towards female ideologies, and has very few friends. He is obsessed with his own appearance, trying to make himself sexually attractive to women to appear as an "alpha". He usually blames women for all of his problems. Obviously, he is very misogynistic and racist. He at times will act like he cares about minorities and poor people but (usually) does it as an excuse to justify his sexism against ALL women.

How to Draw

Flag of Manosphere

Drawing Manosphere is fairly simple:

  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Fill the ball with white
  3. Draw a dark violet Mars symbol in the middle,
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Dark Violet #955BAC 149, 91, 172



  • Alt-Right - Down with feminism! Down with Cultural Marxism! Save the West!
  • Alt-Lite - When I'm not feeling like harassing women, you're very agreeable.
  • Neoreactionarism - Hey, you're talking sense!
  • Patriarchy - Ah yes, Men should being an alpha male, but at least accept that women are the problem, dad.
  • Right-Wing Populism - I vote for you during elections.
  • White Nationalism and Racial Nationalism - Minorities shall not take our women!
  • Libertarianism - Government interference usually benefits women by undermining men's rights.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - A lib that isn't a cuck, pretty based AF, I also vote for him.
  • National Liberalism - Watered down version of above but still good.
  • Korwinism - Based for saying that women are inferior compared to men in terms of intelligence. And he likes femboys too.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Level 4 MGTOW and Stefan Molyneux is absolutely based.
  • Separtism - Truly my inspiration behind men going their own way! Keep those women out entirely or as sex-slaves!
  • File:Anarcho-Fascismalt2.png Anarcho-Fascism - Rejecting the Gay Identity tha the State Contributes to Develop, Reclaiming Masculinity by Organizing in the Smallest Poitical Unity.


  • Conservatism - You have some great ideas! Why do you let women (dare I say, tradthots) into your movements?
  • Conservative Feminism - Tradthot who attempted to be a camouflaging pick-me woman.
  • Men's Liberation - I praise you for pointing out men's problems and misandry, but goddamn don't be a soycuck and understand that working with feminists makes you a beta loser.
  • Rainbowcels/Homonationalism - Jack Donovan is based though I'm not going to date you. Gays and same-sex attraction are the same and they're destroying the west.
  • Islamic Theocracy - Rapefugees who took away our women! But Islam is right about women tho.


Further Information



Online Communities

