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Being a black revolutionary, I support the end of poverty and unfair work wages not in my own country but around the globe. I respect all sovereignties though. I´m a socialist. Despite so. I had wrongly been labeled many things for my former moderate views often. Such as, I've been called a Liberal, a Socdem by the same Anarchists, a conservative, and a utopian by a conservative. Aside, how the socialist revolution can be re-implemented worldwide is a big question though.

Invalid user

Polictial Journey

-> ? -> -> / -> // ->

  • Pre 2021, Stone Era: I was a Liberal because, why not? I might have been Apolictial before. After watching some videos from 2020 I got more roped into politics. And if I remember, I liked the German and Brazilian monarchies, so I grew into being a pro- Monarchist.
  • Nov-December 2021, Development Era: I used a more traditionalist system, Monarchy, viewing Democracy as a flawed denegrate system bringing corrupt people to power which could lead countries to be unstable. I shifted away after being aware monarchies only care of their wealth from corporate buineseses, and the fact they are hard to remove just put stress on the people, perhaps that Monarcho-Capitalism & Monarchism in general are the same. They're indistinguishable! Monarcho-Populism is an oxymoron too!

As a Afro-American, I felt disunity of my people. While I had good education, many others didn't and lived in poverty. As a radical, But I grew on Pan-Africanism in 2021, I watched several videos of how Neocolonialism decides the future of the African continent. France's debt trap, backing of puppet dictators, Francafrique all contribute to Africa's poverty and stagnant process. I was so hotheaded I would made foul, uncivil arguements shouting we must destroy western invention out of the horrication. I got pushed into Pan-African + Third Worldist circles and anti-globalist and pro- nationalist sentiment influenced my soon to be polictial life. And today I still openly identify as Pan-African, no regrets.

  • Early to Mid 2022, Radical Era: I read into the content of the Lawrence textile strikes of 1912. Low pay, greedy bosses! At my school, we learned more of labour strikes in the US even, and I saw a pattern in history that the lower classes were treated unfairly. I become an anti- Capitalist. Capitalism was the poison of the world taking advantage of the lower class and stripping them of their autonomy, whatever from France, to Russia, to India, to Vietnam and China. The first signs of being a File:Soc.png Socialist was linked to my original claims of supporting job security, free food, free healthcare, better change, better reforms, better handling of the crippling economy, and equality of all groups.

Marxism as the original Communist, Stalin as a cruel red statist, Lenin as the uplift of Russia, and Marxism–Leninism as the synthesis connecting all above. But Marxism–Leninism was devious for me, so I preferred Democratic Socialism or Left-Wing Populism. Why?

While Authoritarianism keeps things in order, a thing you see or two is that it patrols over people's everyday lives to make sure they aren't criticizing the state. Authoritarians become Autocratic and think more of serving themselves and the elite than the people they left to suffer.

  • May to June 2022: I had de-radicalized for now. I encountered a Syndicalist known as Buni. I became fascinated with trade unions, though it was iffy to self-proclaim yourself as one when you aren't that focused on the subject. A month or two later, I partially abandoned Progressive Conservativism and Cultural Nationalism and had put my mind on finally appecting internationalism as I focused on cultural topics. CynicalLibra introduced me to ML and MLM influence on this community, and I will have to read Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.

I started to question my views a more alot. One time after a day, I went to a program like I would usually do, and I, in a tolerant political dicussion talked about my digust of capitalism. Many of the people at the program were actually sympathetic towards my critics, after all they didn't give shit about profitting off the program. So I bother to talk economics to bring more interest.

Some time later, one of them, recommended me an economic professor known as "Katherine Gibson". From her words, Katherine talked about how various different non-Capitalist societies exist within the status quo and that the only way to counter the status quo were to spread these non-capitalist views to places around the world. I decided to check Katherine out after the program. They recommended many more books each week.

While now trying to figure of the puzzle known as "post-modernism", I became Centre-left culturally.

Social Views


Semi-cringe. Babies are meant to be worthy in my philosophy and morals as the older they get the better the purpose they'll serve. But if the baby was an accident maybe abortion if needed.


File:Soc.png Socialism is inherently pro- Democracy as democracy is supported in the workplace, councils, etc. Even the USSR had elections, so the liberal statement "sOcIaLisM iS tOlTaRiAn" is bullshit LMAO. But what we really need to know is what system of democracy is suited for socialism? Where do we vote?

Vanguard or Councils?





Bootlockers of the status quo don't like to admit Capitalism is deadly as the Commies. How many went bankrupt and had to give up said property (including after the fall of socialist countries)? How many people in Africa and native America sold into slavery? How many faced inflation in post-Soviet Russia and fled? How many were bombed, killed, and raped by NATO troops in the name of Democracy in MENA? How many died in Bengal and Irish famines too? How many suffered from dictatorships in those remiges in Latin America? Look at what France was before the revolt. The peasants were slaves to the bourgeoisie government and landlords, and the latter would take food from the peasants just to give it to people who lived as royals. Whatever the laborers produced would be profit collected by the landlords. This was similar to pre-revolution Russia, which is just an Astiocracy protected by bourgeoisie who exploited the starving workers.

Socialism on the other hand is a diverse idea as many theorists applied their own variants to what makes Socialism. To me, File:Soc.png Socialism is proletariat rule in distribution. All industries and work property are owned directly by the people who work for them, with levels of social change. Humanitarian needs from the planned economy are supplied to all without cost and the capitalist hierarchy will die. But I hadn't had a main influencer.


I oppose free trade as it will be corrupted in global trade to debt trap other nations. This especially applies to third-world nations bourgeoisie from the oriental will enslave (literally) if it means seizing the fruits of labor in another country. The national government will keep things in check. (WIP)



Economic Planning

Market Socialism will not be needed as it is a semi-oxymoron because markets also enable wealth inequality. Dengist China is a good example.






At first I belived, the nation is what we fought to create. I was a patriot because I wanted to take pride in where you came from. To contribute to the economy, science, arts, and politics makes me feel good to do work for my nation. I do not want to force people into Nationalist doctrine, I just respect my nation personally. At first I was against internationalism, but eventually softned up and grew on it. But I still believed our nation should be developed first.

After national issues are put to place, the nation will focus on internationalist policies. The nation should not be nosy to other countries and will send minimum intervention if the nation is in a civil war. The pretolariat around the world must create international unity, creating a form of Alter-Globalization to fight the exploitive west. The nations collaborate while not overshadowing one another.


Indigenous Programs

> What would be the point in giving the native there land back?

If we give their land back, the natives will arise again in terms of population. Reverses aren't working well enough.

> How are you going to boost up the indigenous population?

Thought paternalism, I want education and loaning land to help natives use the land properly to raise younger generations. The natives will be given autonomy status like in the reserves. Overtime, when the autonomous provinces are developed enough and the natives have a good population, the lands will be abolished and the natives will definitely be allowed to reintegrate with the rest of the population.

> We would you encourage them to mix with other natives?

If they volunteer? But some sort of unity may be needed.


If I got to power porn will be banned, when someone is caught watching it they will be executed


Why should this even be a question? All in the nation deserve to be treated equal in the nation, and the concept of racial supremacy should be abolished. Heck, eventually the term "race" should be outlawed, as that's a whistle for people to still generalize each other. Not all Blacks are naturally violent, not all Whites want segregation, not all Asians eat dogs, and not all Ameridans want to kill everyone. In a ideal society, any who enacts racial prejudice against another should be forced into a reeducation camp.

Many BLM movements have been focused on pushing Black Nationalism instead of what they claimed to rightfully fight for, and that the BLM movement should be revised and not torn down completely.


Traditions are useless in life and there is no point of keeping them. It's better to preserve them in a museum or in cultural acts. Progressivism will destroy Traditionalism, but never the traditions or cultures themsleves,, so what's the whining?


Religion shouldn't be abolished but should stay separate. Overall just a secular state where churches and mosques don't have political power.

Read Literature

(All of these were recommended to me)

Videos and Documentary

(But these, I made myself to watch)

Polictal Relationships

Sweet views, cool guys

  • Template:UserBeryAb - Even if our political beliefs are different, we are friends. I may want to chat sometimes.
  • Nekoqing - Thanks for telling me your view of China. It's good to hear the other side no matter how much I agree or disagree. Still sketchy of China's intentions. I hope to also talk to you more.
  • Anglo-germanic socialist - We are very similar in idealogy, and he apologized for a certain incident. It was unintentional and just some PSTD stuff, man please get well.
  • Template:UserGeneralGanyu - Aligns in idealogy like me, and you're one of the most nicest and understand users, unlike most of PCB.
  • Template:UserDNY - Silimar to the above in ideology. Anyone who loves Tito, Ho Chi Minh, or Sun Yat-Sen is based. I hate how the Miraheze discord shits on this guy, but it doesn't matter because people like Jao just find stuff to get mad over. He's actually swag, I tell you.
  • Template:UserChirotesla - Fellow patriot from Asian Poland. I see we are both on Polandball fanon wiki, don´t mind me! Although I disagree on Markets you are just as kind as Scarlet.
  • Glencoe - That Tony guy. Ideology is similar to Chiro.
  • Template:Yoda8soup - A mutual friend who I see on discord.
  • 72hours - Another mutual friend I see on discord.
  • CynicalLibra - We are already alike in ideology and we support Ho Chi Minh and the environment, but she takes it further with the Marxism and Maoism. Thanks for recommending me your Maoist literature, I guess
  • Template:UserImmorxius - Fellow African bruudha from the polandball wiki! Solidarity with Pan-Arabism and honor to Pan-Africanism!
  • Template:Applethesky2021 - As said with BeryAb, but you wanted to friend me so we are friendly. We may get along.
  • Template:UserCheebow8 - My friend from Polandball Wiki who wanted to get in touch with me more. Also gave me this icon. Western conservatism though.....
  • Template:UserPantheon - Not sure about Monarchy, but if the monarchy is caring for the common people workers, it COULD work.

Meh views, interesting though

  • Template:UserDualPlay - I never understood why people like Juche, it's a totalitarian hellhole put under sanctions (which makes me a bit sypmethic for it), and Deng was... how do I say?? But that's all I know about you. But, shouldn't you not ban sex? Just censor all pornography man.
  • Template:UserMatteel - Guy who trolled me once. Parts of your ideology still need changes like the Liberalism. What the fuck is this self-hatred anti-Mexican thing for!
  • TheJester - You seem nice.
  • Template:UserAshleyHere - Don't know much about you.

*Dies of cringe*

Fashies and Interventionists. I wouldn't bother to actually add people.

The autistic four from PCBMH. If you know who you are, piss off and KYS now.

The Gang

  • File:Soc.png Socialism - The economic system that actually cares for the poor. Capitalists may say stuff like "Socialism is when guberment or laziness" but that's a projection brought on themselves.
  • Republicanism - The term "republic" originates from "Res publica" which means "the public". Fits well because Socialist republics are intended to represent a platform for the masses.
  • Marxist Feminism - Feminists within the Socialist movement are right to be against Capitalism. Capitalism is against anything percived as radical, and by the means will use traditionalist propaganda to defend its unjust ways. Or instead, it recognizes Feminism as something that can be neutred for profiting it's buineseses (than destroying the reputation of), which is why Liberal "Feminism" exists.
  • Indigenism -


  • Marxism - Reading his book as of right now. Though I don't fully agree with all his ideas, you made some good points.
  • Leninism - Based?
  • Marxism-Leninism - Depending somewhere, you would be from here to the swag section. I'll admit I like your attire for socialism such as the workers' rights in the USSR, as well as many positive policies (Feminism, Anti-Racism, Internationalism), but Stalin did kill a lot (unsure if it was 18 milion, but whatever). Although, he resecured Europe from the clenches of fascism by aiding socialist parties. Beyond that, you had bad intentions with the police statism and bureaucracy later on.
  • Maoism - Read above, plus the cultural revolution had the good intention to rid of outdated traditions of the bourgeoisie upper class,, but that was a disaster. Although Mao himself didn't directly cause famine, he was incompetent to solve it and that's awful.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Me during early to mid 2022. I thought Socialism worked when the state had minimal control because thatś how the proletariat would have direct power. But then...
  • Anarcho-Communism - Silimar to that of the entity above, albeit more confusing for me. Abolishing the state could´ve reduced insitutional oppression, however, I don´t understand how Anarchy could really work...
  • Progressive Conservatism -
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Traditions are worthless and stupid. Well, not all of them. And no this isn't woke jannie twitfuck ideology. Look at Marxism, Leninism, Jacobinism, those were REAL examples of revprogs.
  • Nationalism - I used to show royalty of you back then, but is there a point now? Helping to fix the problems within the country is good, but your focus on international unity is vague. (But western internationalism is soy as hell)


  • Humanism - To realize it, Anti-Humanists are correct. You are nothing more than an empty bubble of speech that western society projects on.
  • Social Democracy - Social Democrats when they realize welfare by the state won't create equality in a society that's still managed by the upper class. Atleast your leftist variants are trying, while your Right-wing variants are purely horrible.
  • Liberal Socialism - Read above, but..
  • Dengism -


  • Traditionalism - Have a seat old man, and let me tell you why traditions are dead. Simply, they have no valuable point or reason to exist in the modern world, and your will to push back human progress and advance to justify it as well..
  • Reactionarism & Dark Enlightenment - When you let traditionalism take over your brain amd dose you out.
  • Corporatocracy - "Climate change isn't real hur dur, exploitation and slavery in the third world is a hoax hur dur, it's poor people's fault for not working good enough hur dur!!" Plus, you're just [{Capitalism]]'s modern peak.
  • Objectivism - "uh actually, admitting to hating the poor and denying the flaws of our modern system as well as imperialist apologia is a philosophical gain"
  • Neoconservatism & Neoliberalism - NATO should have disbanded by the end of the Cold War, but you guys still did your same old practice by destroying countries in the Middle East and Africa. I do not justify Putin's conquest of Ukraine, but that's not important to all those you tortured in the third world.
  • World Federalism - STFU WOKE IMPERIALIST. Fucking fight me pig.
  • Fascism - Ultranationalist control freak. Why do HOI4 players and edgy 4channers admire you? Probably all the jimmies that deny full total domination by a single man isn't slutty.
  • National Socialism - Your retarded anti-Jewish conspiracy theories were a hoax for plain blatant racism, proof that idiotic divisions create the deaths of millions. And do people actually think this guy is a socialist? Literally, and like literally, anything disapproves that.
  • Racial Nationalism - Racism is an outdated system, get over it. Go burn in hell with your crushed ethnostate utopias.


Polictial Test

Retaking later.

Polictial Parties

This will be completly redone soon..

  • United States:
    • Republican Party - Garbage.
    • Democratic Party - Garbage but gay.
  • Cuba:
    • Communist Party of Cuba - Cuba under Batista had been a police state comparable to that of the Pahlavi monarchy. Under the current remote, Cuba started to improve (oh wow how shocking for a commie nation) and illiteracy became absent. That was until the US snapped and put an embargo hoping it would force Cuba into their demands. The USA had always stuck their nose in Cuba since Spain got ass kicked and will force their economy hostage even if it starves many. So anyone stating Cuba needs democracy is just proposing a second US-backed dictatorship.
  • Venezuela:
    • United Socialist Party of Venezuela

  • France:
    • (WIP)
  • Germany:
  • File:Cball-.png
  • Russia:
    • United Russia - ...I'm not gonna speak of this one.
    • Russian Opposition (opposition) - Yeah not this either.

  • Senegal:
    • Senegalese Democratic Party - You´re not as bad as any other Senegalese party, but I heard you rigged elections?
    • File:Soc.png Socialist Party of Senegal - You could have done better for the Senegalese economy.
  • Gambia:
    • Alliance for Patriotic Reorientation and Construction - Why do you even exist? You are a fake populist, and you built nothing for the country while brutalizing opponents. If you are trying to get back to power, don't come back alive. but based quote against the west
  • Mali:
    • Rally for Mali - Useless curropt party, but you fought terrorism and separatists in the north.
  • Liberia:
    • National Democratic Party of Liberia -
  • Sudan:
    • National Congress Party (Sudan) - Fuck off! You terrorized the Darfur people and Christians of South Sudan, as well as gave weapons to Al-Qaeda. Hope you like getting forcefully kicked out of power asshat.
    • Forces of Freedom and Change - Good job for overthrowing the shit party mentioned above. You claim to support women´s rights also! Hopefully, you´ll make Sudan democratic.
  • South Sudan:
    • Sudan People's Liberation Movement - Salva Kiir and this were based when you fought for your people's religious rights and opposed western intervention, later on, now you are ethnic nationalist?! What happened to unite your people to fight al-Bashir? Your government is just as stale as the NRM too...
  • Ethiopia:
    • Prosperity Party - Thanks for ending ethnopluralism and enforcing equality. I hope you defeat the Tigrayan rebels for raping innocents.
    • Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front - An ethnopluralist party that used to rule Ethiopia. I get ethnopluralism was the solution after the civil war, but bruhhh. Also letting the TPLF in charge was bullshit.
  • Eritrea:
    • People's Front for Democracy and Justice - Good job for making the country self-reliant, but that's the only good you have so far. Quit censorship and be less authoritarian and I may want to like you.
  • Somalia:
    • Peace and Development Party - Yayyy new president of Somalia has been elected!!! Now fix the country. I´m damn serious.
  • Togoball:
    • - Union for the Republic - Does nothing for the country, and only made the dictatorship hereditary.
  • Congo DR:
    • File:Prog.png Union for Democracy and Social Progress - Why do I not trust you. I feel like you are similar to the pasrty below.
    • People's Party for Reconstruction and Democracy - You were based at first for promoting democracy, but you used it to became a curropt kleptocratic league that betrayed everything Laurent Kabila fought for. Hope Joseph likes prison.
  • Uganda:
    • National Resistance Movement - You saved Uganda from the clutches of Obote and that fascist Amin and that guy Obote and fought clerical extremists, but I have been doubting you are good for Uganda considering I heard how incompetent your fatass president is, and that you can´t pay back your debt to China.. Uganda's been in a constant state of dictatorship ever since independence.
  • Kenya:
    • Jubilee Party - Good that you´re actually fighting corruption, unlike most other African organizations.
    • Kenya African National Union -
  • Tanzania:
    • Chama cha Mapinduzi -
  • Rwanda:
    • Rwandan Patriotic Front - Thank you on making Rwanda the Singapore of Africa! Kicking out the genocidal chauvinists known as the Democratic FDLR & Interahamwe went well. But your interventions in the Congo were bad, you killed millions there and got away with it :( and you still loot off the Congo. (Now the Congo is dealing with your opposition groups, sad....)
  • South Africa:
    • African National Congress - You were good at the start, and I wish it stayed that way before you became flawed and somewhat racist. At least Mandela was based and you´re better than the EFF or Apartheid.
  • Zimbabwe:
    • ZANU-PR - Freeing Zimbabwe from white supremacy was based, and for a while, you improved the economy. But after Mugabe was elected president, you forced whites to leave the country which I understand your anger but that makes you the racist now. Now, your corrupt government refuses to give the people food, and the country is screwed. Also, you're pushing some ethnic supremacy against the Ndebele people? Hopefully your current president is improving hopefully.
  • Mozambique:
    • FRELIMO - You saw how bad the colonialists were, and you fought for equality. I heard some rumors you deported the remaining Portuguese population which is black supremacist krinj. Other than that, you fought the apartheid-backed RENAMO. Also you improved healthcare and focused heavily on education which is what most African countries should have done.

  • China:
    • Chinese Commnist Party (PRC) - I heard Neko told me you aren´t completely evil, but you are a very sketchy and still a bad influence.
    • Chinese Nationalist Party (ROC) - You sounded as brutal as the PRC back until the '80s... at least you became less brutal after.
  • Korea:
    • Workers' Party of Korea (DPRK) - Kim Jong-Il and Kim Jong-Un are all tyrannical because they did nothing for the country while people slowly starved. If you gonna be a dictator at least let people have food! Kim Il-Sung was semi-based.
    • Democratic Party of Korea (ROK) -
  • Japan:
    • Liberal Democratic Party - N*oconservative.
  • India:
    • Bharatiya Janata Party -
    • Indian National Congress -
  • Vietnam:
    • Communist Party of Vietnam -
  • Cambodia:
  • Malaysia:
  • Kazakhstan:
    • Amanat - I like most of your reforms. You did cause some protests, but you are semi-based otherwise. And self-reliance from Russia isn't bad either, but you could be more economically left.
  • Afghanistan:
    • Taliban - DIE.
    • People's Democratic Party of Afghanistan - Khaliq faction had good intentions but were brutal Stalinists that went to far on religion and authority measures, and the Parcham faction were revisionist puppets elected by Brezhnev for his social imperialism. But this was the least bad Afghanistan's party they had unfortunately like it or not.




Template:SocialistUsers Template:PopulistUsers Template:NationalistUsers Template:Anti-Colonial


id=KF8CAAAAYAAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button&hl=en&newbks=1&newbks_redir=0&gboemv=1&ovdme=1#v=onepage&q&f=false Guild Socialism: A Plan For Economic Democracy - G.D.H. Cole]
Marx was not a “statist” - Jonas Čeika - CCK Philosophy

The departure of the Chinese Socialist was bad. I loved reading his page. I met some wonderful national heroes. Thanks to him.

    • TEB - I still have contact with him fortunately.
  • 72hours add me?
    • TEB - Done.
  • Pepsi Queen - Add me?
  • Template:UserPantheon - Have you read the Green book already?
    • TEB - No one recommended it to me.