Democratic Socialism

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Democratic Socialism, commonly shortened to DemSoc, and not to be confused with Social Democracy, is a left-wing ideology inhabiting around the top center of the libertarian left quadrant. It is one of the more moderate socialists.

Democratic socialists want to create a Democratic and File:Soc.png Socialist society, usually through using Liberal democracy. They usually support Reformist means to establish socialism. It also advocates for public ownership of large businesses and either a limited market composed of worker cooperatives or decentralised planning, or a mix of the two.


Evolutionary Democratic Socialism

They supports a fully socialist system by gradually reforming capitalism from within. Evolutionary democratic socialists accuse supporters of revolution of being impractical and of supporting pie-in-the-sky approaches. This reformism dominated the democratic socialist scene.

Revolutionary Democratic Socialism

Revolutionary democratic socialists accuse those who favor evolution of supporting a kind of "socialism from above" that is achieved via legislation and which does not truly abolish the capitalist system.Revolutionary democratic socialists also believe that the political structures within existing capitalist societies serve as an impediment to full democracy, which they believe can only achieved by establishing a new political structure built from the bottom up and based on popular organizations that emerge during democratic and socialist struggles.


How to Draw

Flag of Democratic Socialism (DSA design)

USA style

Drawing Democratic Socialism in this design takes a few steps:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with red
  3. Draw a white hand outline coming from the left
  4. Draw a black hand outline coming from the right, that holds onto the white hand
  5. Draw a white rose with 2 white leaves
  6. Draw the eyes and you're done!


Star style

Flag of Democratic Socialism (Star design)

Drawing Democratic Socialism in the star style also takes a few steps:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with red
  3. Draw a white circle in the center
  4. Draw a smaller blue circle inside the white circle.
  5. Draw a white star over the circle, being careful to leave the points of the star outside of the white circle but the indentations well inside the blue one so this one is still visible
  6. Draw a smaller red star inside the white star
  7. Add the eyes and you're done!





  • Conservative Socialism - I like your economic takes but stop calling everything you don't like "degeneracy" please!
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - You got great economic takes but nationalism... really?
  • Khrushchevism - Authoritarian, but did manage to De- Stalinize the USSR.
  • Social Libertarianism - I like your decentralization but when are you going to seize the means of production?
  • Marxism - You’re way too extreme. Also why do you keep saying I am a Marxist Communist?! And why do you hate Mom?
  • Chavismo - A little too authoritarian but I still support him against American imperialism.


Further Information



Political Parties



Online Communities


Template:Leftunity Template:Socs