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==How to Draw==
==How to Draw==
{{File:Ilminism Flag.png}} Drawing Ilminism is similar to drawing the South Korea ball from Polandball.
{{Flag|File:Ilminism Flag.png}} Drawing Ilminism is similar to drawing the South Korea ball from Polandball.
#Draw a ball & fill it with white.
#Draw a ball & fill it with white.
#Draw a red and dark blue circle shaped "ying-yang" (taeguk) symbol in the middle.
#Draw a red and dark blue circle shaped "ying-yang" (taeguk) symbol in the middle.

Revision as of 20:52, 8 April 2022

Ilminism, also called the One-People Principle is an authoritarian, ethno-nationalist and egalitarian ideology that was the ruling ideology of South Korea under their first President, Rhee Syngman and later reformed & adopted by the third President of South Korea, Park Chung-hee. He believes in creating a loyal and obedient citizenry through authoritarianism, strong socio-culturally traditionalist sentiment and brazen appeals to ethnic-nationalism.


The term Ilminism is a Korean word meaning "One People Ideology (or principle)". The ideology emerged from the works of Korean philosopher Dr. An Ho-sang, who was the Minister of Education under President Rhee Syngman's administration, and prior to his promotion studied at the University of Jena in Germany during the late 1920s. He made a case explaining why even though civilian autonomy & agency are important, the interests of the collective South Korean Nation/people as a whole should be a higher priority, especially considering the threat of the North Koreans overtaking them at the time.

Main Advocators & Practitioners

IN the 1st Republic, President Rhee Syngman later developed & adapted the theoretical framework of the One-People Principle and made it much into the contemporary ideology used in his administration until his resignation in 1960, and later was reformed further and used under the Park Chung-hee administration for nearly 2 more decades after the 5.16.1961 Coup d'état.

In the 3rd & 4th Republic, President Park Chung-hee's reign included many aspects of the Ilminist ideology, specifically including his highly controversial Yushin Constitution. It was a highly authoritarian ratification of the Korean constitution, which gave the executive branch (him) the extremely autocratic ability act as judge, jury & executioner for laws, the economy, political organizing, media/press, etc. It also created extremely ethno-nationalist & traditionalist sentiment in South Korean society, such as cutting men's hair that was too long, and forcing women to wear skirts (if they chose to wear skirts) that were at least 17 centimeters in length. This was done in order to reinforce the idea of gender roles (men being masculine, women being feminine, but also reserved and celibate). Ilminism also demanded that the Korean Nation (people) or Fatherland was the first and foremost priority & concern in all decisions and policies made in the government. To further prove this, during the May 16 coup when President Park Chung-hee seized power, the announcements made used such rhetoric as "we are a race of brilliant culture, with over 5000 years of history to realize this". In 1979, Park Chung-hee was assassinated, ending his 18 year reign.

It is still heavily debated whether President Chun Doo-hwan was truly a practitioner of the One-People Principle, but his staunch refusals to democratize the country & newly amended constitution that was heavily biased in favour of his own political party made it clear that he was another authoritarian leader, and wanted to establish himself as a strongman military dictator in the footsteps of Park Chung-hee. The infamous 1980 Gwangju revolt made Chun Doo-hwan even more unpopular than ever before, and by 1987 he resigned, with a newly democratic constitution being ratified after his resignation, thus ending the 5th Republic, and the last remaining practices of Ilminism in Korea to this day.

Core Beliefs

Main Principles

The One-People Principle was based around a 4-point political program: Eliminating discrimination between the nobility and the masses, the economic equalization of rich and poor through land reform & corporatist economics under President Rhee Syngman, but was later reformed & transformed into a State Capitalist economy under President Park Chung-hee, political equity between males & females, and an end to discrimination between the Northern & Southern parts within the country, including ending discrimination between the urban & rural areas within the country as well.

Ilminism believes in an end to overall partisan politics, in favor of a united Korean people behind a de facto one-party state.


Ilminism also believes strongly in Confucian philosophy & principles, including (but is not limited to) the moral & ethics of loyalty which have elements attributed to the western philosophy of the Great man theory, belief in the traditional family structure (a man, woman & X amount of children), and a deep respect for ceremony, old Korean culture & elders. An important thing to note is that Confucianism in Korea often refers to a specific version called Neo-Confucianism, a more secular & less spiritual form of Confucianism that stresses a more logical & practical view of traditional Confucian practices, making Neo-Confucianism a philosophy rather than a religion. This would allow for separate religious accommodations such as Dr. An Ho-sang being a Dangunist, and Rhee Syngman being a Christian, and Park Chung-hee being a Buddhist, despite all of them simultaneously being a strong supporter of Confucianism.

The Communist Question

And of course, the One People Principle is vehemently anti-communist, given the indefinite North (communist)/ South (anti-communist) split of the Korean peninsula since the 1950's (due to ideological conflicts & foreign intervention). In fact under both President Rhee Syngman's & Park Chung-hee's respective reigns, many communists had been brutally suppressed and in extreme cases, executed outright.


The theoretical egalitarian underpinnings of Ilminism would be to herald a class-collaborating society under firm central leadership. In an Ilminist society, the upper and the lower classes would both work together to rid themselves of materialism & class conflict, in favor of a more metaphysically balanced & fulfilled society.


The older-generation Ilminists frequently have these characteristics:

  • Hates it when people say: " North Korea is the real Korea".
  • Is very socially conservative, and reminisces about the 60's-80's.
  • Only maintains alliances & international cooperation opportunistically.
  • Get's very angry and emotional when the colonialization of Korea is brought up.
  • Praises & worships his Dictators (almost as much as North Koreans worship their Dictators). These practices are then adopted by Ilbe Storehouse by referring their approved presidents (Lee Myung-bak, Park Chung-hee, Park Geun-hye) as Gakha (가카, corrupted from 閣下 각하 "Their Excellency", an obsolete title associated with dictatorship, or 레카 rekha, short for 레이디 가카 reidi gakha "Lady gakha" in the case for Park Geun-hye).
  • Keeps denying the Gwangju Uprising, claiming that North Korean forces were involved in that uprising.

Younger Ilminists (New Right) stay mostly consistent to the older-generation Ilminists, but with the utilisation of the Internet and Satirism. They mostly conducted troll operations and browsing in Ilbe Storehouse (일베저장소), the Korean equivalent of 4chan. However, compared to the older-generation Ilminists, they hold positive views on Japan, especially their anime culture, having a hatred towards Honam Region, known for having a 98% vote for a regional left-wing party candidate Kim Dae-jung, and having an interest in underage girls, known as Lolini (로린이, "Lolita girl"). They were known as the Korean equivalent of the Alt-Right movement[3], where the latter was called as the "American Ilbe" by left-leaning Koreans, due to the allegations of extreme xenophobia, sexism (Ilbe users called feminists and gold-diggers as Kimchi Bitches), homophobia, satirising political dissidents (especially liberal-leaning Presidents such as Roh Moo-hyun, which he was trolled with "Noala", an image of Roh Mu-Hyeon with a photoshopped koala face or call May 23 'The day of Gravity', making fun of his death (Suicide by jumping) saying that gravity killed him) and incidents (victims of the Sewol Ferry Tragedy, Ilbe users launched a gluttony strike in front of family members of the victims who are on hunger strike) and hacking activities.

How to Draw

File:File:Ilminism Flag.png
Flag of Ilminism

Drawing Ilminism is similar to drawing the South Korea ball from Polandball.

  1. Draw a ball & fill it with white.
  2. Draw a red and dark blue circle shaped "ying-yang" (taeguk) symbol in the middle.
  3. Draw the 4 sets of trigrams, as shown on the flag.
  4. Add the eyes.

Alternative version:

Flag of Ilminism
  1. Fill a ball with dark blue.
  2. Cut in half and fill top/left half with red.
  3. Cut in the middle horizontally and fill it with white.
  4. Add the eyes




  • Corporatism - Eh, state capitalism works far better.
  • National Capitalism - This is far too extreme. Park Chung-hee wouldn't go THIS far.
  • National Socialism - We may have some things in common, but I will never forgive you for supporting those Japanese scum.
  • Antijap.png Anti-Japaneseism - I like that you hate the Japanese devil, but you're a cringe anarchist.
  • Chinese Blueshirtism - I would normally support you, but you're Pro-Japanese so let's not.
  • Neoconservatism - I appreciate the help against those Northern scum, but you're very of similar to him, so let's not be friends.
  • Dengism - Okay fine, your economic reforms are kind of good, but Ilbe calls you a cockroach and you are still commie who helps fake Korea.
  • Japanese Liberal Democracy - These young Ilbe userbase likes you and your anime, and we can work together against fake Korea but I will never forgive what your predecessor did before, because you refuse to apologize.
  • White Nationalism - Thanks for the Honorary White status, but I have to serve ties with South Africa as you take things too far! Also , I prefer your White horse (white women) than those Kimchi women.


  • Imperialism - You're a very bad influence.
  • Juche - My abhorrent, communist twin brother.
  • Stalinism - Thanks a lot for creating him, jerk. Your 5 year economic plans are not too bad though...
  • Maoism - If you would have just minded your own damn business, all of the Korean peninsula would be mine!
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Even though we had to retreat, we still wrecked you during the Vietnam war, fear the fierce tigers!
  • Pol Potism - Genocidal maniac. Perfect example of what communism leads to.
  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - Men cannot have long hair! Women cannot wear skirts that aren't at least 17 centimeters! This is ridiculous!
  • Showa Statism - RAPIST!!! GENOCIDAL MURDERER!!! The Americans should have nuked you far more than just twice!
  • Democracy & Anti-Authoritarianism - The airborne brigade is the best in the Republic of Korea Armed Forces, and If those citizens are not afraid of the Airborne brigades, they are no longer citizens! THEY ARE RIOTERS & TERRORISTS, AND WE NEED TO IMPOSE THE IRON FIST ON THEM!!!
  • Feminism - Ah yes, a """liberated""", short-haired Kimchi Nyun[4]. Are you just Totalitarianism???

Further Information


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