Absolute Monarchism

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Absolute Monarchism (AbMon), or Absolutism, is an authoritarian ideology which advocates for a single monarch with absolute rule over the state who is not bound by any formal rules, often being seen as owning the countries they reside over. Such rule is often justified through religious means though some modern proponents of this ideology use secular arguments.



Absolute Monarchy in Antiquity where monarchs managed to garner extreme amounts of power over their kingdoms. Sometimes even achieving a cult of personality, a famous example being the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt.

Medieval Period

While most Monarchies in Europe were limited by the feudal system, some monarchs have managed to garner enough power to rule in an absolute or semi-absolute manner. Some of these examples have often failed due to Certain Republican Revolutions. Although, some have managed to end without Revolutions.

China also experienced periods of Absolute Monarchism, which usually decayed into more Bureaucratic forms of government, which caused them to lose the percieved "Mandate of Heaven" and be overthrown, which was believed to cause the cycle to repeat.

Modern Day

Currently there are a couple of absolute monarchies, those being: Brunei Darussalam, Kingdom of Eswatini, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Sultanate of Oman, Vatican City and the State of Qatar. Some monarchies lost the title of "absolute" relatively recently, those being: The Kingdom of Bhutan, The Kingdom of Nepal (now a republic) and The Kingdom of Tonga. There are also some Non-Ceremonial Constitutional Monarchies that get lumped in to the category of "absolute monarchies" by left-wing journalists, example being the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Some powerful dictatorships are put into the category of "Absolute Monarchies", notably the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, although both followers of such dictatorships' ideologies and followers of absolute monarchism disagree with this assessment.


God-Given Right to Rule

Most absolute Monarchies lay their claim to power on Religion, making most absolute monarchies theocratic or Establishmentarian in nature. This concept is called "The Divine Right of Kings" in Europe and "The Mandate of Heaven" in China, and "Devaraja/Chakravarti" in India and its sphere of influence in Southeast Asia, although there are some differences in their theology and practices. This does not have to be the case and there can be a secular absolute monarchy.

Supremacy as a requirement to order

One of the main secular arguments for Absolute Monarchy is that for a society to have order and security, it must have power that stems from one absolute body and that body should be the monarch.

Personality and Behavior

They may be shown to speak Elizabethan English/Shakespearean English, unless they represent someone outside of England. They are quick to anger and like to shout, 'OFF WITH THEIR HEAD!' when ordering someone's execution.

How to Draw

Flag of Absolute Monarchism

The symbol for Absolute Monarchism is a combination of the color purple, which is a color commonly associated with monarchism as well as a black V-shaped pattern which in the Polcompball community is used to represent authoritarianism in other ideology balls.

  1. Draw a ball with eyes.
  2. Draw a "V" shape in black.
  3. Fill the inside part of the ball purple, and the outside black.
  4. Add a crown.

And you're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Purple #B83DBA 184, 61, 186
Black #141414 20, 20, 20



  • Noocracy - Am I not the wisest of philosopher kings?
  • Monarchism - I love thee the way thee art, father. Unmixed, whole, personal, & absolute monarchy!
  • Chinese Theocracy - Even the wise men of the east shalt knoweth my ways.
  • Autocracy - From the ashes of Rome, my empire shalt rise as a phoenix.
  • Enlightened Absolutism- My empire shall spread technological advancement and civilization!
  • Braunism - A contemporary Polish, free market-loving version of me.
  • Neoreactionarism - A secular contemporary proponent of my system and very good student.
  • Neocameralism - One of his great ideas and an interesting system for my Kingdom.
  • Christian Theocracy - God Himself hath sanctioned my rule! Wait, what doth thee mean 'tis sinful to have a harem of mistresses?


  • Bismarckism - An admirable reformer, but he wishes to put his rule o'er the emperor's.
  • Constitutional Monarchism - The relic of 19th century, yet they believeth themselves to beest the most progressive and relevant!
  • Meritocracy - Sometimes we allow non-nobles to rise to prominence; though, that depends on my mood.
  • Stratocracy - Thou hast helped to spread our empire far and wide but thou hast betrayed me for his power fantasy.


Further Information




Online Communities




  1. For most historical absolute monarchies, there usually existed a claim to the divine right to rule from some deity(ies).