Classical Conservatism

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Classical Conservatism, also called Traditionalist Conservatism, is a type of conservative that focuses on traditions stemming from before File:Enlightnenment.png the enlightenment philosophy.

ClassCons emphasize the need for the principles of a transcendent moral order, the bonds of social order, and the defense of ancestral institutions over what they consider as excessive individualism.

They also place a strong emphasis on authority and tradition among other things. Civically speaking, the ideology can vary between moderately authoritarian (most ClassCons) to somewhat libertarian (Powell, for example).

Despite being culturally right, they are generally neither nationalist (with the exception of Enoch Powell) nor reactionary (although the latter is debatable).


Classical Conservatism, or rather Toryism can be said to originate in late 17th-century England, in which there was a dispute over the right of the Catholic James, brother of the King Charles II, to succeed the throne. Those who supported James were known as Tories, and their ideology Toryism. Tories were generally staunch monarchists and Anglicans, and favoured agrarianism over industrialism, in addition to being opposed to radical reform such as that advocated for by Foxites.

Personality and Behaviour

  • Has a very posh British accent (most likely Received Pronunciation).
  • Stereotypical "proper person".
  • Uses vintage sophisticated vernacular, such as: "bogus," "to be frank," and "poppycock".
  • "Why don't you go and make me a sammich?"
  • Fetishizes Romanticist art and bashes everything that's modern.
  • May act like Pops from Regular Show.

How to Draw

Drawing ClassCon is simple:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it in with navy blue
  3. Draw a black or near-black top hat on top of the ball
  4. Add the eyes
  5. Give him a golden monocle over his right eye and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Navy Blue #110F5F 17, 15, 95



  • Monarchism - For King/Queen and Country!
  • Traditionalism - Fellow T R A D I T I O NTM connoisseur.
  • Mercantilism - Rule Britannia! Britannia rules the waves!
  • Imperialism - ...Britons never, never, never shall be slaves!
  • Counter-Enlightenment - Cheers!
  • Christian Theocracy - Religion is the only thing separating us from animals, and by Jove, we must defend our established church.
  • Paleoconservatism - My Yankee grandson who defends traditional values; does not critique the enlightenment enough, unfortunately.
  • Carlism - My more religious Spaniard counterpart.
  • Agrarianism - Of course, a return to a simple, traditional life.
  • Conservative Liberalism - My liberal child whom I hold in high regard! Maintains most of my values while being a reformer.
  • Conservatism - I do admit that you do not go far enough, but I am proud of you nevertheless, ol' chap!
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - Disraeli was indeed a great Prime Minister!
  • One-Nation Conservatism - Same as I said above.
  • Eco-Conservatism - Splendid! We have got to protect our environment to preserve our culture!
  • Distributism - Defends me a lot, as we both want a traditional lifestyle.
  • Communitarianism - Jolly good! Strong communities make strong societies.
  • Borisism - Real good chum of mine. Thanks for delivering us Brexit and putting me in charge of the House of Commons.
  • Optimateism - Defender of Roman Republic's customs and rule of law. But did you really have to shamk Caesar? Rather bit rude innit?
  • Patriarchy - Very fine chap! Just how society should be run!


  • Capitalism - Sir, I am not so sure...
  • Nationalism - ...maybe?
  • Conservative Socialism - Socialism? I beg your pardon?
  • National Conservatism - Magnificent, but please simmer down with the nationalism; Enoch Powell was very based, if I do say.
  • Reactionarism - Blimey! You are going a bit too far there even for me, sir! And if I am being honest, I am more fond of the Renaissance myself.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Another socialist I can tolerate.
  • Classical Liberalism - My good, ole rival! I have to admit, though, you are definitely better than that modern liberal doofus.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Another tolerable liberal, if I may say so myself, but like any reactionary blokes, he can go too far culturally.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Low Tory rubbish, but I have hope that they will prove me wrong.
  • Right-Wing Populism - Good Lord, they are annoying... but I do admit they have all the right ideas.
  • National Liberalism - That Nigel Farage is "based" as they say nowadays, but the rest of them are too nationalist and not traditionalist enough, to my dismay.
  • Ricardian Socialism - Percy Ravenstone was a delightful fellow; however, I must say you are far too well-acquainted with this preposterous notion of "egalitarianism."
  • Alt-Right - Young man, you have some good ideas, but bloody hell, get off the Internet and go outside! It is making you a really odd bloke.


Further Information






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