Fourth Theory

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Fourth Theory is a culturally conservative, authoritarian, and economically left-wing ideology that seeks to go beyond the 3 modern political theories, Liberalism, Communism and Fascism. Fourth Theory deems that Liberalism and its associated post-modernism have successfully defeated their 2 major political opponents ( Communism and Fascism) and are currently destroying politics as a whole and that to fight them a new fourth political theory is necessary, inspired by fringe ideas from communist and fascist movements but rejecting the orthodoxy of both of them. Fourth Theory rejects the ideas that the main subject of politics is one of individualism, class or nation but one of Dasein, a concept of Heideggerian philosophy that roughly refers to the experience of being unique to humans. The Fourth Theory also wants and calls for a return to traditionalism and theology, because it seeks to return to a set of values that oppose those of the current liberal modernity.

How to Draw

Flag of Fourth Theory
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with black
  3. Draw 4 sets of double pointed yellow arrows at 45 degree angles from one another
  4. Add eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
Yellow #FFCD01 255, 205, 1




  • Fascism - Some good ideas but you failed to eradicate liberalism!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Same as above.
  • Kleptocracy - Putin is based for how he stands up to the west, but western oligarchs are still cringe.
  • Trumpism - Not a fan of the capitalism, but your foreign and social policies get my support. By that I mean you're too much of an idiot to do his bidding.
  • Orthodox Theocracy - The current Eastern Orthodox Church is cringe, but society still needs a religious revival.
  • Luxemburgism - Your progressive policies leave a lot to be desired but Rosa was overall based.
  • Libertarianism - You are a variant of liberalism. That's stupid. But you want to stop the american imperialism and overseas wars. This is pretty based. Gun rights are good ideas. And you dislike the progressives, too.
  • Archeofuturism - You want a return to tradition as well. But stop with the transhumanist crap, and stop stealing my ideas. And your idea to unite Eurasia and North America betrays the very purpose of eurasianism. We want to create an eurasian big space to force the USA to finally leave Eurasia alone.
  • Bonapartism - On the one hand, you are a stupid enlightened liberal who fought against Russia. On the other hand, you wanted to build a monarchist, tellurocratic eurasian empire. That was actually pretty based.


  • Liberalism - Your time to go has come!
  • Neoliberalism - You too, degenerate!
  • Liberal Conservatism - Fake conservative that only serves the principles of liberalism!
  • National Socialism - Absolute moron grouping people by race and killing millions of Soviets! I don't know why dad likes you so much.
  • Neoconservatism - Your warmongering imperialism has destroyed so many lives and your obsession with forcing American culture on the rest of the world is disgusting. Eastern Europe and the Middle East are in ruins because of you. What exactly are you conserving to begin with? Fuck you, Bush!
  • Third Way - Are you not just Neoconservatism again? Fuck you, Clinton and Obama!
  • Globalism - Stop trying to force your culture on me you racist!
  • Zionism - FREE PALESTINE! Also, Israel controls America, and both are controlled by shadow governments.
  • Kahanism - "Greater Israel?" Fuck you!
  • Esoteric Socialism - The only kind of socialism I genuinely hate.
  • Thalassocracy - Sea Power Cultures ultimately brought to the world liberalism, materialism and degeneracy. We need an alliance of Land Powers to stop the world domination of Sea Powers, to ensure a free Eurasia.
  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - The worst possible expression of Liberalism.
  • llluminatism - Jean Parvulesco showed me that you are the ones controlling USA and Great Britain. And you are probably an ancient Seth worshipping cabal who already corrupted Atlantis.[1] [2]
  • Transhumanism - You will be humanity self destruction and you are the end point of modernity and the ultimate evil.

Further Information




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