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    Isolationism is a usually nationalist, non-quadrant ideology, which believes that its nation's interests are the most important, and it wants to keep the affairs of other countries at a distance.

    The term "Isolationism" can be interpreted more broadly as a foreign policy of military and political non-interference in international affairs and in the internal affairs of sovereign states, coupled with Economic Nationalism and cultural isolation, as well as with the impossibility of being in permanent military alliances , while maintaining the possibility of participation in temporary military alliances that meet the current interests of the state and in permanent international organizations of a non-military nature.



    The United States of America under President   Calvin Coolidge (from 1923 to 1929) was a great example of isolationism. Coolidge was a right-wing libertarian that wanted to shrink the government in many ways, especially by allowing more civil liberties, democracy, and capitalism to flourish. Coolidge also greatly reduced the US military budget to lower the US's impact on the world stage. He also rose tariffs to a MASSIVE extent to protect domestic industry. Basically, he wanted the United States to have an extremely small to non-existent impact on the rest of the world.


    Main article:   Hoxhaism



    Between 1641 and 1853, the feudal   Tokugawa Shogunate of Japan pursued a policy called Kaikin, which forbade any contact with foreign countries. Despite that, Japan maintained limited trade and diplomatic relations with   Imperial China, the   Joseon dynasty, and nearby   Ryukyu Islands, as well as the   Dutch Republic, Japan's only Western trading partner for most of the period.


    Main article:   Juche

    In the mid-1860s, Regent Heungseon Daewongun, father of Emperor Gojong, pursued a policy of strict foreign policy isolation as he strengthened the army and began to equip it with the latest Japanese weapons, reorganized the military system, transformed the coast guard. The policy of isolation has strengthened Korean patriotism and protected their culture. Heungseon Daewongun was able to protect Joseon from cultural imperialism and westernization and thus protect Korea's heritage from it. He also wanted to avoid engaging with the West, which would have been inevitable if Western countries had been allowed to trade freely, as this would have worsened the state's influence.

    Modern-day Korean isolationism exists within the borders of   North Korea and their   Juche ideology.


    Main article:   De Francism


    In general, for most of its history,   Switzerland remained neutral in most military conflicts, including both World Wars. It also had a complicated relationship with the UN for a long time, with them not joining the organization until 2002 via a referendum.

    Following the traditional policy of neutrality, Switzerland in the 1950s and early 1960s faced difficulties in participating in various plans for European integration. In 1948, it joined the Organization for European Economic Cooperation, but refrained from joining the European Economic Community (what would later become the   EU we know and "love" today). The obvious political goals of this organization were unacceptable to Switzerland. However, it became one of the founding members of the European Free Trade Association in 1959, and in 1963 joined the Council of Europe, once again demonstrating its interest in European cooperation. In 1972, a national referendum ratified a free trade agreement with the EU, which by 1977 had phased out tariffs on all industrial products.




      Helvetic Model  

    The Helvetic Model is an economically centre-right to right-wing and usually culturally right-leaning ideology.

    Helvetic Model puts its focus on low tax rates, openness for international trade, strict neutrality in wars and other international affairs, federalism, collective leadership in the executive, individualism, strong elements of direct democracy with frequent referendums and low market intervention.


    Non-Interventionism is a variant of Isolationism that supports a foreign policy that doesn't interfere in the domestic politics and affairs of other countries, mostly for anti-war and anti-imperialist reasons. But rejects total cultural isolation and can support free trade and/or peaceful internationalism. Advocates of non-interventionalism differ greatly from most isolationists as they typically uphold multiculturalism and are often not nationalists.

       Turkmen Model  

    Turkmen Model Is an economically center, totalitarian and culturally apathetic ideology. It is focused on a state capitalist economy focused on exporting natural resources, such as methane. It initially had a one-party system before deciding on a strong non-partisan executive.


    How to Draw

    Isolationism has two designs. One features a brick wall with barbed wire to represent isolation, especially closed-off borders. The other is simply the icon of Isolationism on 9Axes.

    Wall variant

    Flag of Isolationism
    1. Draw a ball.
    2. Fill two thirds of it with dark green.
    3. Draw a dark grey brick wall and the barbed wire on top in the bottom third of the ball.
    4. Add the eyes.
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Dark Green #327D4B 50, 125, 75
    Very Dark Grey #191919 25, 25, 25

    Flag variant

    1. Draw a ball.
    2. Fill it with purple.
    3. Draw a silhouette of a waving flag
    4. Add the eyes
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Purple #9C27B0 156, 39, 176
    Very Dark Grey #191919 25, 25, 25




    •   Alter-Globalization - The best form of globalism, but still cringe. At least he hates some of my enemies though.
    •   Patriotism - You don't go far enough, but at least you're usually not a globalist cuck.
    •   Burmese Socialism - That's going a bit too far, you don't need to seal yourself entirely off from the world.
    •   Trumpism - You kept screaming "America First!", yet ended up tuning your back on me for   him.
    •   Stalinism - You talked about Socialism in one country, but then ruined it by invading Poland.
    •   Pol Potism - You said that you will isolate yourself from the world, and then you invaded Vietnam.
    •   Chinese Theocracy - Sometimes a based Isolationist, at other times a cringe Imperialist Globalist.
    •   Autarchism - I wanted the isolation of our nation from the rest of the world, not the isolation of every individual from each other.


    •   Globalism - Economic globalization is an awful idea and it won't work.
    •   Imperialism - We shouldn't conquer nor invade other nations!
    •   Jingoism &   Irredentism - Fine, I'll say it again: We shouldn't conquer nor invade other nations!!! (Even if some of their territory was once ours.)
    •   Neoliberalism - The worst form of liberalism.
    •   State Liberalism - This one is even worse than the guy above. No, I will not open up, and stop throwing rainbow rocks through my windows, you pink imperialist dick!
    •   Neoconservatism - The worst form of conservatism. Also, you're literally not conserving anything at all.
    •   Neo-Libertarianism - The worst form of libertarianism. Also you're weird.
    •   Trotskyism - The worst form of socialism. And btw you're basically just a red neocon.
    •   Castroism - You call yourself an "anti-imperialist" but then intervene militarily in other countries and finance rebel groups just to promote your "revolution"? Are you kidding me man? You're pretty much just another red neocon.
    •   Anationalism - The worst form of anarchism. Also, you’re just literally Anarcho-Imperialism anyway.
    •   National Socialism - Imperialist asshat who called Switzerland "a pimple on the face of Europe". Depending on what You have done, You're that one pimple on the face of Europe!
    •   Gaddafism - Hates Switzerland like   him , funded foreign rebel groups like   him, and later on worked with  him. Truly the worst of various worlds.

    Further Information





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