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    Revision as of 18:36, 21 February 2022 by YugoslavPartisan2 (talk | contribs) (Undo revision 172174 by Applethesky2021 (talk))

    Tridemism[4], more commonly referred to by its full name The Three Principles of the People, is a mildly democratic (later authoritarian), economically variable (depending on time period and faction) ideology inhabiting a moderate position in between the 2 authoritarian quadrants (In it's later years). It is a Chinese ideology which was developed by Sun Yat-sen, meant to bring power and prosperity to China. It is based on three principles, those being Minzu, Minquan and Minsheng (explained in beliefs), also being the constitutional ideology of the Republic of China (Taiwan)[5].

    But it's not actual running anymore, KMT is believing "Revisionist Tridemism" - A Tridemism which isn't beliving Georgism anymore. The nowadays of Taiwan still have lots of landlords.


    Tridemism, or the Three Principles of The People, was a nationalist and republican ideology developed by Chinese revolutionary Sun Zhongshan (Sun Yat-sen) during the Xinhai (Tsinghai) Revolution, and was the theory on which the Guomindang (Kuomintang - Chinese Nationalist Party) was based. Under these principles, Sun, the temporary president of the new revolutionary state, ruled the Republic of China, the successor of the last imperial Chinese dynasty of   Qing. It was designed to make China a free, happy, and prosperous nation.

      Right-wing Kuomintang

    The right KMT was officially formed after the cleansing against communists and communist sympathizers in the KMT in 1927. Its most prominent figures were Chiang Kai-shek, Hu Hanmin (before his imprisonment), and Chiang Ching-kuo. The right KMT took a more anti-communist, socially conservative, and authoritarian party line than the original KMT, but it continued Sun’s Georgist economic policies in Taiwan after it was defeated by the communists in Mainland China. It is also very anti-Japanese and Chinese nationalist in general.

    After the death of Chiang Kai-shek in Taiwan, the Chinese nationalist KMT regime began to relax its political restrictions and to improve its civil rights and freedoms under the reforms of Chiang Ching-kuo. In 1986, the Democratic Progressive Party was formed as a real opposition party, which Chiang Ching-kuo did not try to shut down.

    Since the 1992 Consensus, the Right Wing KMT is not a Tridemist anymore, they don't believe in Georgism. So there is why the rent of Taiwan's house is very high.(Revisionist Tridemism) The right-KMT like CCP and PRC in nowadays.

      Left-wing Kuomintang  

    After the end of World War II, the relationship between the Chinese Kuomintang and the CPC, who had allied to fight the Japanese, became increasingly tense; ultimately, both sides restarted the civil war, which World War II had interrupted.

    In 1945 and 1946, members of the Kuomintang's left wing formed the Three People's Confederation of Comrades and the China Nationalist Democratic Promotion Association in Chongqing and Guangzhou, respectively.

    In November 1947, the first joint representative meeting of the Kuomintang left was held in Hong Kong; on 1 January 1948, the meeting announced the official establishment of the   "Chinese Kuomintang Revolutionary Committee"(中國國民黨革命委員會), and nominated Soong Ching-ling, the widow of Sun Yat-sen, as the Honorary Chairman of the Revolutionary Committee (despite Soong Ching-ling never formally joining the commission). Till this day, it remains as one of PRC's eight "Democratic Parties (民主黨派)" and while having seats in People's Assembly, holds barely any actual political power and is often mocked as nothing but a decoration to maintain PRC's claim that they're multi-parties system and is running under a certain form of consociationalim.


      民族 Mínzú (Nationalism)

    Roughly translates to   Civic Nationalism, this principle states that China must be independent from all   Imperialist influence and oppression, which can be achieved by developing "China-nationalism" as opposed to   ethnic nationalism, uniting Han, Manchus, Mongols and Tibetans, as well as Muslims in China (although this part is somewhat debatable as it often practiced as   Han hegemony in reality).

      民權 Mínquán (Democracy)

    Roughly translates to   Civil Rights, this principle stated that instead of having an Emperor to rule China, all Chinese people should be his own Emperor under a democratic system, which citizens have the right to vote and influence politic via democratic means. It also added two more branches--Control Yuan and Examination Yuan -- to more commonly adapted tripartite of power separation due to China's political tradition.

    File:Soc.png 民生 Mínshēng (Socialism)

    Roughly translates to "Doctrine of Livelihood", or File:Soc.png Socialism more broadly. While Sun Yat-sen stated in a 1924 speech that "Mínshēngism" is File:Soc.png Socialism." and even at times calls his proposed policies  Communist, he was opposed to the   Marxist definitions of "class struggle" and "surplus value" as well as File:Marxlen.png Russian style communism, saying that: "The Soviet system in Russia is not pure communism but Marxism — and Marxism is not communism; the real communism comes from Proudhon and Bakunin." (Sun Yat-sen 1924)

    Sun Yat-sen instead defined Mínshēng as a doctrine of "people's livelihood, social existence, national economy, and group life." (ibid)

    In practice it mostly focused on land distribution and monopoly issues, observing that: "We [the Chinese] are making Shanghai the industrial and commercial metropolis of Central China, and Canton the center of South China; and as a result, land values in Shanghai and Canton have multiplied tens of thousands of times within a few decades. (...) We have condemned merchants and manufacturers for their unfair means of profit-making through monopoly, but the landowners, unlike the merchants and manufacturers who have to work hard, receive tremendous profit by doing nothing. Only through the hard labor and constant effort of the mass of people can an area be developed and improved. A general rise in prices always follows a rise of land values, and in this way, the landowners sit down to enjoy the fruits of others' labor. In other words, the earnings of the mass of the people from their improvement of an area are indirectly stolen by the landowners." (ibid)

    Sun Yat-sen proposed to solve this with a land value tax, inspired by   Henry George: "Inasmuch as the economic progress is the labor of the people in general, it is only just that any increment in land value from such progress be shared by all in the community." (ibid)

    How to Draw

    Flag of Tridemism

    The flag of Tridemism is based on the "Blue Sky and White Sun flag" (青天白日旗), which is the party flag of the Chinese Nationalist Party (Kuomintang) and the naval jack of the Republic of China Navy.

    1. Draw a triangle,
    2. Fill it with blue,
    3. Draw a white circle in the middle,
    4. Draw 12 sunrays in white along the outside of it,
    5. Add the eyes and you're done!
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Blue #000095 0, 0, 149
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255


    As Tridemism was separated with both left-wing factions (Especially the Revolutionary Committee of the Chinese Kuomintang - RCCK) and right-wing factions, Tridemism's relationship between several ideologies was mixed due to factional differences.



    •   Illuminatism - Uhhhhh... hi, fellow... triangle.
    •   Nationalism - ALL CHINESE UNITE!!!! ---- wait, what do you mean Taiwanese, Mongols, Uyghurs and Tibetan are not Chinese?
    •   National Socialism - How can I be your ally when you're an ally of that   Japanese devil? Thanks for saving me from him. Oh and thanks for the equipment and advisors.
    •   White Nationalism - Kinda iffy about the racial supremacist stuff, but thanks for the support and honorary white status.
    •  Federalism - Thanks for the support in overthrowing   Qing, but sorry, your ideal was just encouraging those warlords. What China needs is unity under my- erm, I mean, one banner!
    •   Capitalism - FILTHY MERCHANTS! YOU EXPLOIT THE PEOPLE! .....then again, it wouldn't be possible for revolution to succeed without all the investments from Chinese merchants that supporting my ideal......
    •   Dengism - Stop saying I'm now his pet! I'm just pro-Chinese unity! 感謝您的支持,我們絕對不讓這些塔綠班勝選!


    •   Separatism - REEEE warlords! Don't you realize China is supposed to be united?! Also, stop encouraging those Taiwan independence movements! How are we going to retake the mainland if I lose my final base?! Well I'll have Kinmen and Matsu then
    •   Social Liberalism and   National Liberalism - Pan-green cucks! 1450水軍!塔綠班!綠色恐怖!Taiwanese are Chinese!

    Further Information




    Notable KMT members in general


      Notable KMT leftists

      Notable KMT rightists



    Notable overseas KMT members:

    Uncomfirmed Left or Right




    1. There is a common joke among Taiwanese ACGM community, suggesting that Dr. Sun Yat-Sen was a lolicon due to his previous marriages (Kaoru Otsuki, aged 13 when proposed; Haru Asada, aged 15 when being Dr. Sun's concubine; and Soong Ching-ling, via grooming) which involved underage girls (by modern standards)
    2. Sun Yat-sen was also an Anti-Capitalist and Socialist
    3. Initially Chiang Kai-Shek was a Marxist who researched several works of Karl Marx and held left-leaning views, until he began to be sceptical towards the KMT-CCP co-operation after the Canton Coup. This caused Chiang to be radicalized from a communist admirer to an unironic anti-communist since then. Source: 蔣介石與中共交手一生 保存中華文化
    4. https://books.google.com/books?id=vFy3J2PyEAoC&pg=PA77#v=onepage&q&f=false
    5. https://law.moj.gov.tw/ENG/LawClass/LawAll.aspx?pcode=A0000001
    6. A Taiwanese who grew up during Japanese period and was once frighted for IJA, he later joined KMT , became its Chairman and president of ROC after the death of Chiang Ching-kuo. Later in life he turned to support the Taiwan independence movement. After some failed attempts to change KMT from a Chinese nationalistic party to a Taiwanese one, he expelled himself from the KMT in 2001.


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