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Summary of my Ideology





Environmental Policies

Cultural Policies

Foreign Policy


Beliefs (WIP)


For my government, I advocate for a secular federal republic, with a parliamentary system and an independent judiciary, along with a reformed constitution.

Numerous non-profit anti-corruption agencies and transparency measures will be put into place. A flexible pay system will be offered according to their performance and merit.

Furthermore, I would implement a council of experts in order to research and validate the actions of the parliament before their action actually takes place. All government officials will retire once they reach 50 years old to prevent senility.

Voting System

I will take a unique approach towards a democracy. There will be a system similar to that of the Party List System, that you can elect people from parties to be in the parliament, but it will adopt a semi-direct democracy system to ensure the population gets what it needs.

This voting system will also be 100% digital, with only a specific agency in charge of the system, in order to prevent rigged elections (Ex:Burning of ballot boxes)


I follow a regulated mixed Right-Social Democracy economic model, with a progressive UBI (Universal Basic Income) which depends in order of the status of the individual (when an individual is broke, they will be offered many sums of UBI, when an individual is rich, they will be offered less), in order to give everyone a fair chance in life. All transactions will be digitalized and uses credit cards.

I am a proud fan of Universal Welfare, and things such as Universal Healthcare, Education, etc. should be free. I will address the housing crisis by implementing laws to limit the price gouging of rent and offer a massive sum of UBI to individuals who need it.

I will nationalize some important industries, such as the energy, transportation, healthcare, education, financing, natural resource, military, and housing industries. I cannot allow monopolies on people's needs.


The progressive income tax system sucks due to frustation of the populace so I am disbanding it. Only taxes such as Land-Value Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Drug Tax, and Carbon Tax would exist.

Intellectual Property

It sucks! Only rich people and corporations abuse it. So I am completely disbanding intellectual property.

Corporation Regulation

Cultural Policies

Environmental Policies

Foreign Policy



  • Social Libertarianism - Your idea of a UBI (Universal Basic Income) is really great for alleviating poverty and ensuring everyone gets a fair chance.
  • Sandersism - You are spot on with your stances on worker's rights and the problems of the American Government, it's sad how you didn't get elected for 2016 and 2020; you could have brought America to a new age of prosperity.


  • Duterteism - I kind of agree with your "War on Drugs." Also your anti-terror law is GARBAGE, like it states that anyone deemed a terrorist will be arrested. Overall, you were a based president.
  • Capitalism - Most successful economic system in modern day, but nowadays you are abused by corporations and rich people, however some Nordic Nations make good use of you via Nordic Model and Social Democracy, so you are just fine in my eyes.
  • Gaddafism - I appreciate how you proposed the “Gold Dinar” to improve the economies of the entire African continent, and how you improved your nation in general in many ways, however your support for state-sponsored terrorism leaves a lot to be desired. Still sad to see your nation be toppled and destroyed under American Imperialism.
  • Corporatocracy - Any influence of you in the government is shit. But it can’t be denied that you brought innovation to society, only when you are regulated and populist, and that you cease your modern day slavery.


  • Gloria Macapagal Thought - Fascist who enforced the disappearances of activists who questioned her authority, also I will never forget your Joint Marine Seismic Undertaking (JMSU), that allowed China and other Southeast Asian countries to explore these lands. This intensified the West Philippine Sea conflict and allowed China to land in the Spratlys in the first place.
  • Kissingerism - “Kissinger helped to prolong the Vietnam War and expand that conflict into neutral Cambodia; facilitated genocides in Cambodia, East Timor, and Bangladesh; accelerated civil wars in southern Africa; and supported coups and death squads throughout Latin America. He had the blood of at least 3 million people on his hands, according to his biographer Greg Grandin.”
  • American Model - A literal shithole system. Corporate lobbying, inflation of prices, income and wealth inequality, low wages, a liberal democracy which is just popularity contests, rising prices of houses, healthcare system which is garbage and (somewhat) poisoned by Big Pharma, absolutely high student debts, and expensive education.
  • Xi Jinping Thought - Get out of West Philippine Sea. Totalitarian nation and literally Xinjiang is full of concentration camps and not to mention the fact that many of your industries uses modern slave labor. Secondary corporate hell.

Literally Me

  • BLNFLM - Literally me in some way. Her stance towards corporations are effective (according to my tastes) and drastically influenced my view of social democracy.
  • Thugtholomew - Your literally based and I got your user template


Icons Made

  • AnthraCorp.png
  • Kya Old.png
  • Kya.png
  • 764.png
  • Blood Tribe.png
  • EsotericHitler.png
  • Makitsuki.png
  • Sakitsuki.png
  • Shadow Feud.png
  • Tactical.png
  • Monarch_Drip.png
  • KyaMilitary.png

Icons Updated

  • EsoHitler.png
  • Trustbust.png
  • AntiConsumerism.png
  • Homocorp.png
  • SJWCap.png
  • Dead Commie.png
  • National Action.png


Military Kyaelism



  • Thugtholomew - Unironically, BASED ideology and BASED art, add me?
    • Kya - Sure I'll add you when I'm done with relations tab :)
    • - If you lived in America during Kaiserreich, who would you join? Macarthur’s America, Pacific States of America, New England, American Union State or Combined Syndicates of America?
      • Kyael - To be fair, I only heard of the German Empire in Kaiserreich, and Huey Long's America is a close second for my picking due to it's "Share the Wealth" program, but if I had to chose, I would certainly pick the Syndicates as unlike Huey Long's America, the workers there are more eager to work under unionization and left-reforms, leading to a booming worker-owned industry and the result of a healthy economy. (I probably picked for Syndicates since it has lots of leftist values)
      • - k
      • - By the way, sorry I edited your page besides the comments. I saw that one of your PNGs wasn’t working so I typed it again to fix it :)
      • - Its okei since the wiki service tends to be doing that problem
