Community:How to Edit on the Wiki: Difference between revisions

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Last revision: January 11, 2024.
Last revision: February 18, 2024.

This should serve as a detailed guide on how to properly edit wiki pages and contribute to the Polcompball Wiki, detailing every step so the admins don't have to fix broken formatting and code ever again.
<!-- This page will be split into a Style Guide (for writing styles) and an Art Guide (for infobox images). These administrative pages will be listed in a navbox at the top of the page.-->
Welcome to the Polcompball Wiki! Before getting started, you should read this quick guide on how to structure a page on the wiki. Refer to [[File:Ancom.png]][[Anarcho-Communism]] or the rest of our [[File:Featured.png]][[:Category:Featured Articles|Featured Articles]] for pages that exemplify our guidelines.

==The Basics of MediaWiki Editing==
== Notability ==
* In order for an article to be created about an ideology, it must be approved by the Ideology Council. This means it is generally scientific and agreed to be a legitimate ideology.
** To make sure these criteria are met, present the ideology on the Polcompball Wiki Discord Server in the user-proposals section.
*** Administrators can be differentiated from other users by the purple names and the Sysop tag in their wiki profile. They also have a unique role on the server, along with council members.
* Personal ideologies or ideologies that otherwise do not meet the criteria will be deleted at first sighting.
* Ideologies that are not approved by the moderation team will be removed from the wiki and if a user repeatedly creates ideologies without administrator permission will be subject to an appropriate ban.

Whenever you want to edit a page, you can either press "Edit" (Visual Editing) or "Edit source" (Source Editing). They differ immensely and therefore you have to choose which one to edit with. The general rules are this:
== Writing ==
First and foremost, write along the lines of the page structure, even if it's barebones. Something is better than nothing. Articles lacking content will be given [[Template:MessageBox/Warning|warnings]].

===Visual Editing===
The writing style should vary based on the seriousness of the ideology. Satirical or eccentric ideologies, such as [[File:Strans.png]] [[Stransserism]], may adopt the humorous writing style of [ TVTropes], while serious ideologies should mirror the style and conventions of [[w:Main_Page|Wikipedia]]. Articles should not be written in a condescending manner as observed in [ RationalWiki], or an exceedingly critical tone like that of [ Conservapedia].
Do not use visual editing.

===Source Editing===
Copying from Wikipedia, any other Wiki (including this very own) or any other copyrighted page is ''strictly forbidden'' and will result in a warning at first and a ban at second.
Source editing looks complicated at first but for general use, it is pretty simple:
* To input an image, use <code>'''<nowiki>[[File:(filename).(file format, should be png, gif or jpg)]]</nowiki>'''</code>. So for example, to put [[File:Ancom.png]] into a page you'd write <code>'''<nowiki>[[File:Ancom.png]]</nowiki>'''</code>.
** Note that we do not have a specific file name system, so often you'll have to look out for icons on other pages to use or upload your own, as the wiki will tell you if a file is a duplicate. Alternatively, look on the [[List of Variants]], [[List of Polandball icons]] or [[List of People Icons]].
* To link to other PCB pages, use <code>'''<nowiki>[[page name]]</nowiki>'''</code>. So if I wanted to link to [[File:Internation.png]] [[Internationalism]], you'd type <code>'''<nowiki>[[Internationalism]]</nowiki>'''</code>.
**To link to a page with a specific word instead of just its name such as [[Luddism|this]], simply write <code>'''<nowiki>[[(pagename)|(whatever you want)]]</nowiki>'''</code>, e.g. <code>'''<nowiki>[[Luddism|this]]</nowiki>'''</code>
**To link to categories you can't use this. Putting in <code>'''<nowiki>[[Category:(category name)]]</nowiki>'''</code> in the page just makes it a part of that category. Instead, use <code>'''<nowiki>{{Info|category name}}</nowiki>'''</code> for the infoboxes, while on pages use <code>'''<nowiki>[[:Category:(category name)]]</nowiki>'''</code>
*To link to a page outside the wiki, simply put one square bracket on each side of the link like this: <code>'''<nowiki>[(link)]</nowiki>'''</code>
**To link to a page with a specific word instead of just its name such as [ this], simply write <code>'''<nowiki>[(link) (whatever you want)]]</nowiki>'''</code>, e.g. <code>'''<nowiki>[ Wow check out this funny video!]</nowiki>'''</code>
**We have special templates for linking to other wikis. To link to Wikipedia, write <code>'''<nowiki>[[w:page name]]</nowiki>'''</code>, to link to the [[File:Philosophyball_icon.png]] [ Philosophyball Wiki] use [[Template:PHB|'''<nowiki>{{PHB}}</nowiki>''']], to [[File:Awaj.png]] [ Polcompball Anarchy] use [[Template:PCBA|'''<nowiki>{{PCBA}}</nowiki>''']] and to link to the [[File:Polandball.png]] [ Polandball Wiki]
*To put a subheading, simply add two equals signs at both ends of the line like <code>'''<nowiki>==this==</nowiki>'''</code>. To lessen the importance of the subheading just add more equals signs on both sides <code>'''<nowiki>===like===</nowiki>'''</code> <code>'''<nowiki>====this====</nowiki>'''</code>.
*To use a template on a page use <code>'''<nowiki>{{template name}}</nowiki>'''</code>. Many templates use variables to dictate content through <code>'''<nowiki>{{template name|variable}}</nowiki>'''</code>.
**Every template is different. [[List of Templates]] has a list of all the templates however as of writing this parts of the page are outdated. If you don't know how to use a template, don't be afraid to go to [ our Discord Server] for help.
*To make a new line in normal writing, use <code>'''<nowiki><br></nowiki>'''</code>. Still however use the "Enter" key to make the page easier to edit.

Hopefully that should get you started. The best way to learn MediaWiki is to look at other pages to see what they're doing, and applying it elsewhere.<br>
Similarly, using generative AI of any kind to generate text for an edit is ''explicitly forbidden'', due to ongoing discussions in regards to the origin and copyright of this information. Doing so will result in similar punishment to other plagiarism cases. AI tools like ChatGPT can be used in indirect ways (such as asking for technical help and for writing plots for comics), but we severely ''advise against'' using them as sources of information as these are not tuned for accuracy.
Now let's get to the actual content of a page.

When describing an ideology, you should be describing only its core ideals, and you shouldn't go too in-depth into what it believes (example: Don't write entire paragraphs on this ideology's opinion on how a migration should look). That's what the further reading section is for.
The infobox are arguably the most important part of any Polcompball page. They show the basics and general personality of an ideology. <br>
Infoboxes are a template and are always right after Messageboxes on a standard page. They use the [[Template:Ideology|<code>'''<nowiki>{{Ideology}}</nowiki>'''</code>]] template and have an absolute ton of variables, as shown below with what to put in each one.
|title = The title of an ideology, as well as its icon before it, or alternatively icons either side.
|image = Just the file name and the file type of an image, no need for the brackets or "File:" part. Cannot be an icon.
|caption = A short joke, or something that the ideology would say.
|gallery = If the ball has multiple designs, then use this. Separate each image with a new line and a title, in the format "filename.png|Title"
|aliases = The different names for an ideology, Separated with a line break. The {{Alias}} template may be used.
|alignments = Contains the before-mentioned category links ({{Info|category name}}). Separated by line breaks.
|influences = List the ideologies that have influenced the ideology you are writing for in any way. You can use brackets if they have only influenced variants of the ideology. Separated by line breaks.
|influenced = List the ideologies that have been influenced by the ideology you are writing for in any way. You can use brackets if it has only influenced variants of another ideology. Separated by line breaks.
|theorists = The page where you put all the people who adhere/adhered to this ideology or were associated with it. Separated by region with collapsed sections for readability. Separated by line breaks.
|examples = Examples of where this ideology was implemented. IRL and only sometimes fictional. Separated by line breaks.
|sub = Sub-Ideologies of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. Separated by line breaks.
|school = Schools of Thought of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. Separated by line breaks.
|regional = Regional Tendencies of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. Separated by line breaks.
|personal = Personal Tendencies of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. The difference between all fo these can be found in the [[List of Variants]]. Separated by line breaks.
|likes = What the ideology likes as a character. Can be people, events, objects, anything. Separated by line breaks.
|dislikes = What the ideology dislikes as a character. Can be people, events, objects, anything. Separated by line breaks.
|song = Links to Youtube songs that are associated with the ideology. Can be jokes. Separated by line breaks.
|themecolor = Hexadecimal code for how the boxes holding subtitles and the title look. For fancier designs, look at other pages. White/Blank when left blank.
|textcolor = Hexadecimal code for how the title and subheading text looks. For fancier designs, look at other pages. White when left blank.
|border = Border width. Leave blank on almost every page.
|bordercolor = Self-described. Leave blank on almost every page. Uses hexadecimal.

Now it is time to get into article structure itself.
Because this is an English wiki, English must be used when making edits on articles. Any dialect of English doesn't matter, but American English is recommended. Wikis for other languages can be found [[Polcompball Wiki:About Polcompball Wiki#Language Wikis|here]].

==Different Sections of a Page==
==Page structure==
Every single page on the wiki is broken up into sections, which this part of the guide will go through one by one.

===Before the Infobox===
Before the infobox of an article, there are mainly two things, those being Message Boxes and notices.
The infobox contains a summary and an image of the ideology. The <code>{{[[Template:Ideology|Ideology]]}}</code> template is used. All infoboxes should follow the structure of the sample infobox on [[Template:Ideology|the template's documentation page]]. Fields that do not apply to a given ideology may be left blank.
* Message Boxes are the things on the front of a page saying some information such as if the page is a [[:Category:Stubs|stub]], [[:Category:Art_for_improvement|if it needs new art]] or [[List_of_Templates#Article_Management_Templates|anything else really.]]
* Notices are the things before a page that notify you things about it, such as a confusion with a [[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy|na]][[Corporatism|me]] [[File:Corptism.png]], or the existence of the page on [[File:Philosophyball_icon.png]] [ another wiki.]

===The Infobox===
We have already covered this, however remember the infobox is a template and can still contain other templates.
A short beginning section, giving a quick breakdown of the political ideology (preferably with where it stands on the cultural, economic and statist axes) and a summary of its philosophy and principles.

Use the [[Template:Quote|<code>'''<nowiki>{{Quote}}</nowiki>'''</code>]] template to put a quote at the top of a page right after the infobox like this: <pre>
The history of the ideology and its founder, if applicable, should be summarized in an easy-to-read and objective manner.
|quote= What the actual quote is, surrounded by quotation marks.
|speaker= Icon, and the speaker linked to their page.
Make sure the quote is relevant to the ideology. The speaker does not have to adhere to the ideology, as long as the quote is relevant.

===The Opening/Summary===
The first paragraph should be a general summary of an ideology. It can be as long as the writer wants, however most definetly can't be made blank or be too long. I might as well use this section to mention how articles should be written. <br>
*Generally, writing on the wiki must not be biased to one side (such as Conservapedia) or be written in condescending tone (such as RationalWiki). Ideally, writing should use icons frequently to represent concepts and other ideologies, while frequently linking to them on the wiki. This also applies for variants, values and categories. Also, make sure to simplify your writing and not overcomplicate while including necessary detail. <br>
*Do not copy from other wikis, such as Wikipedia. Do not use generative AI such as ChatGPT, we will be able to tell and it will result in a temporary block. <br>

===Foundations and Beliefs===
===Foundations and Beliefs===
The beliefs section seeks to briefly describe the doctrines of an ideology, and general trends. If the ideology has many central pillars/themes, the section may be split with each one being a lower subheading.
This section is used to describe the ideology's core values, principles and beliefs.

This part of the page described the history of the ideology, physically. Commonly if the ideology focuses on one specific doctrine or movement (i.e. [[File:Rockrep.png]] [[Rockefeller Republicanism]]) then the page should only mention the history of that movement. However if instead the page describes a general idea with many different interpretations and implementations (e.g. [[File:Georgist.png]] [[Georgism]]) then the history section should be split for each implementation.
* If the ideology is fictional, fictional history may be included.

===Personality and Behavior===
===Personality and Behaviour===
Ideally this section should represent a ball's character within comics and other media. It should be seperated by bullet points with general themes, while not being too specific.
A section detailing the ideology's personality and behavior in comics. A subsection, titled '''Stylistic Notes''', may be included to indicate common visual and behavioral differences from the ideology's canon design and personality, such as [[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism]] wearing cat ears and exhibiting childish behavior.

===How to Draw===
===How to Draw===
This section should include a couple things:
In this section you should put in the information regarding the origin of the ball's design then a step-by-step guide on how to draw the ball and next to it the image of the flag or other symbol on which the ball is based in preferably SVG format (if the image is not available in an SVG format, you may ask the wiki user [[User:TheGhostOfInky|TheGhostOfInky]] for a conversion). The flags uses this [[Template:Flag|template]], as well as for [[Template:Cockade|cockades]], [[Template:Symbol|symbols]] and [[Template:COA|coat of arms]]. At the bottom of the section you should use the [[Template:Flag-auto|Flag-auto template]] to provide the colors which you would need to draw the ball in hex and RGB values.<br>
*A simple step-by-step guide to drawing the ball. Use hashtags at the beginnings of lines to make a numbered list.
When giving information of how to draw a ball remember that you should remember that you're giving advice on how to draw the ''hardest'' parts of the ball ''first'' as such you should ''condense'' easier steps of drawing the ball into a single one and expand on the hardest parts of drawing the ball into multiple steps. As a rule of thumb, don't be like the [ following meme].
*An image of the flag of the ball in SVG format, using the [[Template:Flag|'''<nowiki>{{Flag}}</nowiki>''']] template.
*A color guide for the flag and any props for the ball using the [[Template:Flag-auto|'''<nowiki>{{Flag-auto}}</nowiki>''']] template.

Here would be the relationship of the ideology with other ideologies, as described from their point of view. Here the different way the ideology speaks can be shown off, the beliefs, history, and personality. It can also be relationships with specific variants.
A section detailing the ideology's relationships with other ideologies, usually written in the first person perspective of the ideology the page is about. The three basic categories are friends, frenemies and enemies, which may be modified or renamed to fit the ideology. All ideologies mentioned should be listed in a bulleted list and have their icon displayed to their left of their name. Make sure to be specific with relations, and not make it just screaming towards another ideology like "REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE-".

=== Further Information ===
A section offering readers further information on the ideology, with books, Wikipedia pages, YouTube videos and online communities dedicated to it. Resources should be categorized under the subsections '''Texts''', '''Videos''' and '''Miscellaneous Articles''' (for Wikipedia articles, blogs and other short sources). Formally published and scientifically validated theory should be prioritized to short-form content.

Free content is heavily preferred owing to its ease of accessibility by the general reader. If no free and safe download of the resource is available, a link to its scientific publication or Amazon link to purchasing the text should be substituted.

===Further Information===
A very important part of a page. Ideally, Polcompball should act as a way for people to learn more about ideologies, and this is where this happens. Within this section, sources, internet communities, theory, books, articles and Wikipedia pages can all be shown off. <br>
Free resources may be found on:
Free resources may be found on:
* [ The Internet Archive]
* [ The Internet Archive]
Line 74: Line 125:
* [ The Holy See Website] ([[File:Catheo.png]][[Catholic Theocracy|Catholicism]])
* [ The Holy See Website] ([[File:Catheo.png]][[Catholic Theocracy|Catholicism]])

Additionally free resources can be found by searching the name of the source with the phrase "pdf" and "for free" and the like next to it.
A place for where the community shines: the art. Here, every piece of art can be shown off, however do note that they should be shown off differently depending on what type of art it is. <br>
If the artwork is a portrait of the ideology, use <pre>
file name.png|Short Description
There should be different seubheadings and galleries for regular portraits, alternate designs and variants. Do not put icons here. <br>
As for comics and compasses however, instead use <pre>
<gallery mode="slideshow">
file name.png|Short Description

Addition of fraudulent or malicious links to this section will result in an immediate ban from the wiki.
Navboxes are the little boxes at the very bottom of a page that redirect you to more ideologies. They commonly resemble categories. A full list can be found at the [[List_of_Templates#Navboxes|List of Templates]]. To insert one into a page simply write <code>'''<nowiki>{{Navbox/(navbox name)}}</nowiki>'''</code>. <br>
For more info, go to [[Template:Navbox|'''<nowiki>{{Navbox}}</nowiki>''']]

The further information section also includes a section may also include a section on Communities. Communities are places on the internet where users following an ideology gather and talk about their beliefs. Valid communities to put in further information sections include Forums, Wikis, Chatrooms, Link aggregates, user generated libraries and more.
Finally, the categories of a page. In order for a page to be part of a category, simply list all the categories it is a part of at the bottom of the page such as <code>'''<nowiki>[[Category:category name]]</nowiki>'''</code>. Make sure not to include the colon at the start.

Now that we covered everything, the best way to learn MediaWiki stuff is too look at it yourself and learn. As such, you can look at any page you want, howevevr we made a very special example for you below. It doesn't use the Ideology template, as that one can only be used by actual ideologies, so it uses User-Ideology instead.
It may also contain a list of ideologies on the top which share overlapping texts.

Finally, this section showcases popular comics and art on [|<nowiki>r/polcompball</nowiki>] and [|<nowiki>r/polcompballart</nowiki>]. Art in this section should feature the page's ideology prominently, rather than as a background detail or supporting character. A detailed guide to adding galleries through wikitext is available [[w:c:community:Help:Galleries,_Slideshows,_and_Sliders/wikitext|on the Fandom Community Wiki]].

<blockquote> ''This page is not on {{PHB|Main Page|Philosophyball}}, but let's pretend it is for the purpose of the block quote.'' </blockquote>
All art displayed in this section must be appropriately credited by including the title of the work and creator's Reddit profile in the caption. The original Reddit post and creator's profile must be hyperlinked, if applicable. A sample of a gallery and its source code is available below.
{{MessageBox/Art Improvement}}
|title=[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Exampleism
|caption="I'm trapped in the infobox!!! Help!!!"
{{Alias|Altcentr.png|Main Page|Minimum wage worker}}<br>
<!-- To learn on using alias speech bubbles, go to "Template:Alias" ty <3 -->
{{Info|Non-Quadrant|Non-Quadrant I guess?}}
<!-- "Template:Info" "Template:Info/list" ty <3 -->
|song=<div style="overflow:auto; height:auto; max-height:200px; background:transparent;">
<!-- the thing above this dictates that if it overflows, it will be scrollable and compressed -->
[ Learn from Lei Feng's Good Example]
[[File:Cball-US.png]] '''The United States''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] John Smith
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Jane Smith
[[File:Cball-EU.png]] '''Europe''' {{Collapse|
<!-- all the names ill put past here are from a random name generator. theyre examples. if theyre offensive im sorry but blame them. -->
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Fintan Harris
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Carmen Ross
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Warren Gillespie
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Aryan Whitney
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Mya Gamble
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Christine Lang
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Francesca Herman
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Ajay Cunningham
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Eddie Booth
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Ela Greene
<!-- there are more categories for regions past the US and Europe, and their icons are found on other pages. just look at a big one and you'll find it. -->
|influences=<div style="overflow:auto; height:auto; max-height:200px; background:transparent;">
[[File:Guevara.png]] [[Guevarism]]<br>
[[File:Salazar.png]] [[Salazarism]]<br>
[[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism]]<br>
[[File:LeftRothbardianismPix.png]] [[Left-Rothbardianism]] (Some)<br>
[[File:Monarch.png]] [[Monarchism]] (Most)<br>
[[File:Natural Law.png]] [[w:Natural Law Theory|Natural Law Theory]]<br>
[[File:Philan.png]] [[Philosophical Anarchism]] (Some)
|sub =
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] '''Left-Exampleism'''{{Collapse|
**[[File:AntiDem.png]] {{PCBA|Anti-Democracy}}
**[[File:Liberalsoc.png]] [[Ethnonationalism|Liberal Socialism]]
**[[File:VHMment.png]] [[Voluntary Human Extinction]]
**[[File:Xenofeminism.png]] [[Xenofeminism]]
*[[File:Exampleicon.png]] '''Right-Exampleism''' {{Collapse|
**[[File:Anglican Theocracyf.png]] [[Protestant Theocracy|Anglicanism]]
**[[File:Antipop.png]] Anti-Populism
**[[File:AuthTradCon.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism]]
**[[File:BritishEmpire.png]] [[Imperialism|British Imperialism]]
**[[File:Conmon.png]] [[Constitutional Monarchism]]
**[[File:Reactcross.png]] [[Reactionaryism]]
[[File:SteveBannon.png]] [[Alt-Lite#Bannonism|Bannonism]]<br>
[[File:FvD-icon.png]] [[Reactionary Liberalism|Baudetism]]<br>
[[File:Bism.png]] [[Bismarckism]]<br>
[[File:Distributist.png]] [[Distributism]]<br>
[[File:UKUKIP.png]] [[National Liberalism|Faragism]]<br>
|likes=<div style="overflow:auto; height:auto; max-height:200px; background:transparent;">
Being an example<br>
|dislikes=<div style="overflow:auto; height:auto; max-height:200px; background:transparent;">
This infobox<br>
|quote="i love this existence"
|speaker=[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Exampleism
'''Exampleism''', also called '''The Example''', is an example within this page. Let's say that it is a [[File:Cright.png]] center right-wing ideology, with [[File:Prog-u.png]] socially progressive views.

Exampleism doesn't exist, but if it did, it probably started existing in the 90s in [[File:Cball-Switzerland.png]] Switzerland.
Exampleism began existing in the 1990s in [[File:Cball-Switzerland.png]] Switzerland by [[File:Exampleicon.png]] Carmen Ross. It quickly established many members such as [[File:Exampleicon.png]] Aryan Whitney and [[File:Exampleicon.png]] Ela Greene. In addition, it also spread to America with [[File:Exampleicon.png]] John Smith.
RevenantEgo-THETI.png|[ The Birth of Transhumanist Ego Theocratic Imperialism] by [ RevenantEgo]
TrickleJest-THETI.png|[ THETIball Learns About Praxis] by [ TrickleJest]
Turtle3210-THETI.png|[ THETI with Seussian Characteristics] by [ turtle3210]

<gallery orientation="square">
RevenantEgo-THETI.png|[ The Birth of Transhumanist Ego Theocratic Imperialism] by [ RevenantEgo]
TrickleJest-THETI.png|[ THETIball Learns About Praxis] by [ TrickleJest]
Turtle3210-THETI.png|[ THETI with Seussian Characteristics] by [ turtle3210]

=== Navboxes ===
At the bottom of the article, navboxes should be added, which should match it's respective categories below. Navboxes are used for navigating ideologies without the use of the search bar. The full list of all navboxes can be found [[List_of_Templates#Navboxes|here]].
* Each page should only have 1 quadrant navbox, adding unnecessary navboxes counts as spam and will be treated as such by moderators.

====[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Left-Exampleism====
=== Categories ===
The left wing of Exampleism is much more accepting of [[File:Prog-u.png]] culturally progressive views for the country of Switzerland, with their most notable theorist being [[File:Exampleicon.png]] Warren Gillespie.
Don't forget to categorize the page with the appropriate categories, namely [[:Category:Ideologies|Category:Ideologies]] (It's automatically added when you add the ideology template so if your page is lacking it, it's probably a bad sign), the ball's quadrant (Generally this means only 1, unless the page refers to several variants of the same ideology like [[File:Technocracy.png]] [[Technocracy]] that has non-quadrant for the general movement and authleft for the 1930's technocratic movement in particular), and descriptors such as the ideology's cultural position or ideological supersets. A full list of categories is available at {{Special:Categories}}, as a finishing note do not create unnecessary categories as this is considered spam by the moderators and treated as such.

====[[File:Exampleicon.png]] Right-Exampleism====
==Additional Notes==
The right wing of Exampleism mainly exists in America, supported by [[File:Exampleicon.png]] Jane Smith. They are much more protective of family values and really hate [[File:Cball-California.png]] California.

==Personality and Behaviour==
=== Adding Icons ===
*Likes examples.
Visit the [[List of ideology icons]] page to learn how to add flairs and to see what flairs you can add to pages.<br />
*Works for the Polcompball Wiki to appear in this page.
Ideologies mentioned in an article, even outside of the Relationships section, should have their articles hyperlinked and have their icon displayed to the left of the link.
*Eager to try new things.
*Has a mild distaste of California.

=== Infobox Details ===
==How to Draw==
#Draw a ball
An ideology's infobox must contain its name, icon, quadrant and ideological influences. A clear image of that ideology must be included.
#Fill it with white
#Draw a black box
#Draw a red tick in the box, with both sides going outside the box's borders
#Erase the parts of the box sourrounding the tick.
#Add eyes and done.

{{Flag-auto|c1 = Red
=== Pictures ===
|h1 = #FF0000
{{Hatnote|<blockquote>''Main article: [[Community:Art Guidelines|Art Guidelines]]''</blockquote>}}
|c2 = Black
Before you add your own picture, check if someone has already added a picture of the ideology. If they have, check if yours is of better quality than the one currently on the page; if it is, then go ahead and replace it.
|h2 = #141414
|c3 = White
|h3 = #FFFFFF}}
<!-- No flag, but you would use "Template:Flag". Also, remember to use "Template:Flag-auto" -->
*[[File:Altcentr.png]] [[Main Page|Polcompball Wiki]] - Thanks for the job, I guess.

===Good Examples===
* Cover images of ideologies must abide by the quality guidelines indicated in this [ tutorial] ([ Original Reddit post]). Low-quality or rule-breaking images may result in the article's removal.
*[[File:Philosophyball_icon.png]] [ Philosophy Ball] - Some of the best pages of -ball wikis, but also rather underdeveloped. I should ask my boss to help them!
* Cover images should depict the ideology against a white or transparent background. Detailed backgrounds, [ such as this], make for good comic panels, but obscure the ball's appearance.
*[[File:Polandball.png]] [ Polandball Wiki] - Same here, altough you have many more pages and some of the best art out of all -ball wikis. Also the oldest.
* The ideology may be given relevant accessories and placed in a pose, as long as the accessories and pose do not obscure the main motif of its flag. [ This image] is a good example of an accessorized ball whose design remains clearly visible.

=== Redirects ===
===Bad Examples===
*[[File:Awaj.png]] [ PCBA] - Almost all your pages are bad examples of Polcompball. Also you don't pay me.
If an ideology has an alternative name or acronym, a redirect page should be created to allow readers to search for the page more easily. Redirect names should follow the naming conventions of regular pages.

==Further Information==
'''Visual Editor'''
# Create a page with the alternate name
# Click on the 3 bar icon on visual editor
# Choose "Options"
# Click the box next to the "Redirect page to" text
# Put the name of the page of the ideology there.

'''Source Editor'''
*[ Lorem Ipsum]
# Create a page with the alternate name

# Insert <code>#REDIRECT <nowiki>[[Name of target page]]</nowiki></code> in the editing interface.
*[[w:Example|Example]] - Example (disambiguation}

*[[w:Example_(musician)|Example (musician)]] - This musician

<gallery widths="185" orientation="square">
Exampleimage.png|"This is not much better than the infobox."

{{Navbox/PCB Community}}


<!-- Anyways, I hope you enjoyed the guide. This was first written between 13th-15th of February by athena von Krab. If you need any help, simply messag me on Discord and I'll gladly answer. See ya, and I hope you enjoy editing the wiki ;) -->

Latest revision as of 20:00, 18 February 2024

Last revision: February 18, 2024.

This should serve as a detailed guide on how to properly edit wiki pages and contribute to the Polcompball Wiki, detailing every step so the admins don't have to fix broken formatting and code ever again.

The Basics of MediaWiki Editing

Whenever you want to edit a page, you can either press "Edit" (Visual Editing) or "Edit source" (Source Editing). They differ immensely and therefore you have to choose which one to edit with. The general rules are this:

Visual Editing

Do not use visual editing.

Source Editing

Source editing looks complicated at first but for general use, it is pretty simple:

  • To input an image, use [[File:(filename).(file format, should be png, gif or jpg)]]. So for example, to put into a page you'd write [[File:Ancom.png]].
  • To link to other PCB pages, use [[page name]]. So if I wanted to link to Internationalism, you'd type [[Internationalism]].
    • To link to a page with a specific word instead of just its name such as this, simply write [[(pagename)|(whatever you want)]], e.g. [[Luddism|this]]
    • To link to categories you can't use this. Putting in [[Category:(category name)]] in the page just makes it a part of that category. Instead, use {{Info|category name}} for the infoboxes, while on pages use [[:Category:(category name)]]
  • To link to a page outside the wiki, simply put one square bracket on each side of the link like this: [(link)]
    • To link to a page with a specific word instead of just its name such as this, simply write [(link) (whatever you want)]], e.g. [ Wow check out this funny video!]
    • We have special templates for linking to other wikis. To link to Wikipedia, write [[w:page name]], to link to the Philosophyball Wiki use {{PHB}}, to Polcompball Anarchy use {{PCBA}} and to link to the Polandball Wiki
  • To put a subheading, simply add two equals signs at both ends of the line like ==this==. To lessen the importance of the subheading just add more equals signs on both sides ===like=== ====this====.
  • To use a template on a page use {{template name}}. Many templates use variables to dictate content through {{template name|variable}}.
    • Every template is different. List of Templates has a list of all the templates however as of writing this parts of the page are outdated. If you don't know how to use a template, don't be afraid to go to our Discord Server for help.
  • To make a new line in normal writing, use <br>. Still however use the "Enter" key to make the page easier to edit.

Hopefully that should get you started. The best way to learn MediaWiki is to look at other pages to see what they're doing, and applying it elsewhere.
Now let's get to the actual content of a page.


The infobox are arguably the most important part of any Polcompball page. They show the basics and general personality of an ideology.
Infoboxes are a template and are always right after Messageboxes on a standard page. They use the {{Ideology}} template and have an absolute ton of variables, as shown below with what to put in each one.

|title = The title of an ideology, as well as its icon before it, or alternatively icons either side.
|image = Just the file name and the file type of an image, no need for the brackets or "File:" part. Cannot be an icon.
|caption = A short joke, or something that the ideology would say.
|gallery = If the ball has multiple designs, then use this. Separate each image with a new line and a title, in the format "filename.png|Title"
|aliases = The different names for an ideology, Separated with a line break. The {{Alias}} template may be used.
|alignments = Contains the before-mentioned category links ({{Info|category name}}). Separated by line breaks.
|influences = List the ideologies that have influenced the ideology you are writing for in any way. You can use brackets if they have only influenced variants of the ideology. Separated by line breaks.
|influenced = List the ideologies that have been influenced by the ideology you are writing for in any way. You can use brackets if it has only influenced variants of another ideology. Separated by line breaks.
|theorists = The page where you put all the people who adhere/adhered to this ideology or were associated with it. Separated by region with collapsed sections for readability. Separated by line breaks.
|examples = Examples of where this ideology was implemented. IRL and only sometimes fictional. Separated by line breaks.
|sub = Sub-Ideologies of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. Separated by line breaks.
|school = Schools of Thought of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. Separated by line breaks.
|regional = Regional Tendencies of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. Separated by line breaks.
|personal = Personal Tendencies of an ideology, with it's relevant parts and influences collapsible. The difference between all fo these can be found in the [[List of Variants]]. Separated by line breaks.
|likes = What the ideology likes as a character. Can be people, events, objects, anything. Separated by line breaks.
|dislikes = What the ideology dislikes as a character. Can be people, events, objects, anything. Separated by line breaks.
|song = Links to Youtube songs that are associated with the ideology. Can be jokes. Separated by line breaks.
|themecolor = Hexadecimal code for how the boxes holding subtitles and the title look. For fancier designs, look at other pages. White/Blank when left blank.
|textcolor = Hexadecimal code for how the title and subheading text looks. For fancier designs, look at other pages. White when left blank.
|border = Border width. Leave blank on almost every page.
|bordercolor = Self-described. Leave blank on almost every page. Uses hexadecimal.

Now it is time to get into article structure itself.

Different Sections of a Page

Every single page on the wiki is broken up into sections, which this part of the guide will go through one by one.

Before the Infobox

Before the infobox of an article, there are mainly two things, those being Message Boxes and notices.

The Infobox

We have already covered this, however remember the infobox is a template and can still contain other templates.


Use the {{Quote}} template to put a quote at the top of a page right after the infobox like this:

|quote= What the actual quote is, surrounded by quotation marks.
|speaker= Icon, and the speaker linked to their page.

Make sure the quote is relevant to the ideology. The speaker does not have to adhere to the ideology, as long as the quote is relevant.

The Opening/Summary

The first paragraph should be a general summary of an ideology. It can be as long as the writer wants, however most definetly can't be made blank or be too long. I might as well use this section to mention how articles should be written.

  • Generally, writing on the wiki must not be biased to one side (such as Conservapedia) or be written in condescending tone (such as RationalWiki). Ideally, writing should use icons frequently to represent concepts and other ideologies, while frequently linking to them on the wiki. This also applies for variants, values and categories. Also, make sure to simplify your writing and not overcomplicate while including necessary detail.
  • Do not copy from other wikis, such as Wikipedia. Do not use generative AI such as ChatGPT, we will be able to tell and it will result in a temporary block.

Foundations and Beliefs

The beliefs section seeks to briefly describe the doctrines of an ideology, and general trends. If the ideology has many central pillars/themes, the section may be split with each one being a lower subheading.


This part of the page described the history of the ideology, physically. Commonly if the ideology focuses on one specific doctrine or movement (i.e. Rockefeller Republicanism) then the page should only mention the history of that movement. However if instead the page describes a general idea with many different interpretations and implementations (e.g. Georgism) then the history section should be split for each implementation.

  • If the ideology is fictional, fictional history may be included.

Personality and Behaviour

Ideally this section should represent a ball's character within comics and other media. It should be seperated by bullet points with general themes, while not being too specific.

How to Draw

This section should include a couple things:

  • A simple step-by-step guide to drawing the ball. Use hashtags at the beginnings of lines to make a numbered list.
  • An image of the flag of the ball in SVG format, using the {{Flag}} template.
  • A color guide for the flag and any props for the ball using the {{Flag-auto}} template.


Here would be the relationship of the ideology with other ideologies, as described from their point of view. Here the different way the ideology speaks can be shown off, the beliefs, history, and personality. It can also be relationships with specific variants.

Further Information

A very important part of a page. Ideally, Polcompball should act as a way for people to learn more about ideologies, and this is where this happens. Within this section, sources, internet communities, theory, books, articles and Wikipedia pages can all be shown off.
Free resources may be found on:


A place for where the community shines: the art. Here, every piece of art can be shown off, however do note that they should be shown off differently depending on what type of art it is.

If the artwork is a portrait of the ideology, use

file name.png|Short Description

There should be different seubheadings and galleries for regular portraits, alternate designs and variants. Do not put icons here.

As for comics and compasses however, instead use

<gallery mode="slideshow">
file name.png|Short Description


Navboxes are the little boxes at the very bottom of a page that redirect you to more ideologies. They commonly resemble categories. A full list can be found at the List of Templates. To insert one into a page simply write {{Navbox/(navbox name)}}.
For more info, go to {{Navbox}}


Finally, the categories of a page. In order for a page to be part of a category, simply list all the categories it is a part of at the bottom of the page such as [[Category:category name]]. Make sure not to include the colon at the start.

Now that we covered everything, the best way to learn MediaWiki stuff is too look at it yourself and learn. As such, you can look at any page you want, howevevr we made a very special example for you below. It doesn't use the Ideology template, as that one can only be used by actual ideologies, so it uses User-Ideology instead.


This page is not on Philosophyball, but let's pretend it is for the purpose of the block quote.

"i love this existence"


Exampleism, also called The Example, is an example within this page. Let's say that it is a center right-wing ideology, with socially progressive views.

Exampleism doesn't exist, but if it did, it probably started existing in the 90s in Switzerland.


Exampleism began existing in the 1990s in Switzerland by Carmen Ross. It quickly established many members such as Aryan Whitney and Ela Greene. In addition, it also spread to America with John Smith.




The left wing of Exampleism is much more accepting of culturally progressive views for the country of Switzerland, with their most notable theorist being Warren Gillespie.


The right wing of Exampleism mainly exists in America, supported by Jane Smith. They are much more protective of family values and really hate California.

Personality and Behaviour

  • Likes examples.
  • Works for the Polcompball Wiki to appear in this page.
  • Eager to try new things.
  • Has a mild distaste of California.

How to Draw

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with white
  3. Draw a black box
  4. Draw a red tick in the box, with both sides going outside the box's borders
  5. Erase the parts of the box sourrounding the tick.
  6. Add eyes and done.
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
Black #141414 20, 20, 20
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



Good Examples

  • Philosophy Ball - Some of the best pages of -ball wikis, but also rather underdeveloped. I should ask my boss to help them!
  • Polandball Wiki - Same here, altough you have many more pages and some of the best art out of all -ball wikis. Also the oldest.

Bad Examples

  • PCBA - Almost all your pages are bad examples of Polcompball. Also you don't pay me.

Further Information




