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Democratic Confederalism is a libertarian-left, culturally progressive ideology and political system coined by Kurdish politician Abdullah Öcalan that currently exists in Rojava, a de facto autonomous region in northern Syria.

Democratic confederalism believes in a system of administrative councils elected by the people that allow local communities to exercise autonomous control over their assets while linking to other communities via a network of confederal councils. Private property is abolished, in favor of "property of use" which lets individuals use infrastructure and land, but restricts them from turning it into a private enterprise. They greatly value the principles of Direct Democracy, Environmentalism, Third-World Feminism , Multiculturalism, and voluntary self-defense. Another core part of the ideology is the critique of Nationalism and nation-states as a concept. It seeks to establish a "Democratic Nation" to destroy nation-statism which is multicultural, decentralized, and destroys capitalist profit accumulation.

They take heavy inspiration from Bookchin Communalism.



Jineology, also called the science of women/women's science, is a form of feminism advocated for by Abdullah Öcalan, the representative leader of the PKK. As according to Him, he believes that a country can't be free unless the women are free, and that the level of woman's freedom determines the level of freedom in society at a larger scale. Since the very beginning of the PKK, Öcalan has emphasized the ability of women to fight alongside their male comrades. Roughly 40% of the PKK's fighting force is made up of women and there is an all women's branch of the PKK known as the Free Women's Units (YJA-STAR). In the AANES, there is the female wing of the People's Defense Units (YPG) Women's Defense Units (YPJ) which is similar to YJA-STAR. In the AANES, they also attempt to make women on an equal status to men. Every elected council is required to have one male and one female representative, and the ideas of Jineology are taught in High School there.


Öcalan views capitalism as a destructive system that leads to authoritarianism, persecution of women, ecological destruction, and imperialist wars. His proposed solution is a system without profit accumulation or the profit motive. While Öcalan has stated he is not against markets, his proposed system is very different to that of Market Socialism. His system involves a mix of bartering and local democratic planning.

Democratic Nation

Another crucial part of Democratic Confederalism is Öcalan's idea of Democratic Nation, along with his critique of nation-states and Nationalism. Öcalan sees the modern nation-state as a manifestation of capitalism and state power. He compares Nationalism to a religion and sees the nation-state as the god of the religion. His solution to the issue of nation-states is to create a "Democratic Nation" with his other ideas that rather then promoting nationalism, it promotes ethic unity, Multiculturalism, and opposition to Imperialism

Social Ecology


In Turkey (Bakur region)

The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) was initially established in 1978 as a liberation movement that used Marxist–Leninist ideals. As the party became less radical over time, Abdullah Öcalan, one of its founders, drifted further from the organization and began looking for a form of File:Soc.png socialism that was more distant from the authoritarian characteristics of the Soviet Union. When he was captured and arrested by Turkey in 1999, he worked further on the Kurdish question using his access to numerous western philosophical texts. He eventually came across the works of Murray Bookchin, Friedrich Nietzsche, and many other philosophers, using them to create a new form of democratic socialism called democratic confederalism. In 2005, Öcalan published his first work, titled Declaration of Democratic Confederalism in Kurdistan, which laid out the foundations of his new ideology. Soon after, the PKK adopted his program and sought to put his concept into full effect. A new organization with the goals of spreading Democratic Confederalism was soon created after words known as the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK). The PKK has since fought with the Turkish military in the Qandil Mountains in Iraq and attacked Turkish police, military, civilians, and mosques inside the country as an internationally-designated terrorist organization[1]. There were multiple attempts at peace deals and in 2013 a ceasefire was declared. This however did not last long as in 2015 12 PKK members were killed trying to cross the Iraqi border by the Turkish military and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria did a bombing in Suruç, which the PKK accused the Turkish government of either helping or being complicit in. Since then the clashes have resumed and the fighting between the HPG (People's Defense Forces, PKK's armed wing) and the Turkish military in Northern Iraq and many on both sides have been killed.

In Syria (Rojava region)

Many political parties came together with the intention of bringing the ideals of democratic confederalism across Kurdistan. The Syrian Civil War brought an opportunity to the Democratic Union Party (PYD) to declare autonomy over Rojava, which soon became an autonomous region that implemented a democratic confederalist government, which is currently identified a libertarian socialist federated semi-direct democracy. The PYD's armed wing People's Protection Units (YPG), engaged in many battles with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) the most important of which being the siege of Kobanê and the battle of Raqqa. The PYD being linked to the PKK lead to Turkey invading into many areas they controlled, including Afrin. A new guerrilla group was then created there known as the Afrin Liberation Forces (HRE) which has carried out numerous attacks against the Turkish military

In Iran (Rojhilat region)

An armed Kurdish rebel group in Iran known as PJAK lead by Abdul Rahman Haji Ahmadi first attacked the Iranian military in 2004. They were originally a student movement that was inspired by Iraqi Kurdistan and the PKK, but soon became a more militant movement after Iran began cracking down on them more. They are based in the Qandil mountains, just like the PKK. Iranian funded media has long accused PJAK of being funded by the US and Israel, but they have always denied the allegations, and in an interview with Today's Zaman, a PJAK spokesperson said they will attack American interests as well as Turkish and Iranian ones. In 2009, PJAK was designated as terrorist by the US. The conflict has been relatively calm since 2015 but recently some clashes between the Iranian forces and PJAK have broken out leaving some dead on both sides. PJAK holds the same Democratic Confederalist beliefs as the PKK does and hopes to create a federal and democratic Iran



Dawronoye (Syriac: ܕܘܪܢܝܐ, meaning something along the lines of "progressive" or "revolutionary") is an Assyrian Nationalist, Libertarian Socialist ideology. It originates from the Beth-Nahrin National Council or MUB (Syriac: ܡܘܬܒܐ ܐܘܡܬܝܐ ܕܒܝܬܢܗܪܝܢ) (formerly Beth-Nahrin Freedom Party or GHB (Syriac: ܓܒܐ ܕܚܐܪܘܬܐ ܕܒܝܬܢܗܪܝܢ) which has always had close ties to the Kurdistan Workers' Party. It is nowadays linked to the Syriac Union Party (SUP) (Syriac: ܓܒܐ ܕܚܘܝܕܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ) in Rojava and its armed wing, the Syriac Military Council (MFS) (Syriac: ܡܘܬܒܐ ܦܘܠܚܝܐ ܣܘܪܝܝܐ)

It remains controversial among Assyrians with some seeing them as puppets of the PYD who they see as not actually caring about them, and other seeing them as brave fighters for the Assyrian homeland

They are against the Assyrian/Syriac/Aramean/Chaldean name divide among their people and use both the Assyrian and Syriac/Aramean flags and they view the divide among the names their people use is only a way to further divide them

Regarding Syrian Civil War politics, The Dawronoye Syriac Union Party, has been known to be Pro-Syrian-Federalism, and was apart of the National Coordination Committee for Democratic Change alongside the PYD, which is a broadly left-wing, moderate opposition group to Assad, who claim to promote "peacefully resolving the crisis through dialogue, to achieve a safe and peaceful transition from despotism to democracy" Because of this, they are typically seen by more radical opposition groups as a front for Assad rather than as a legitimate rebel group despite their open support to the FSA.

How to Draw

Flag of Democratic Confederalism

Here's how to draw Democratic Confederalism:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a green background and make it the same color as the KCK flag
  3. Draw a yellow sun with 21 rays going around it and draw 21 smaller rays in between the larger 21 rays
  4. Draw a red star in the center of that sun
  5. Draw the eyes.

and you're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Yellow #FEF300 254, 243, 0
Red #F1121F 241, 18, 31
Green #008642 0, 134, 66




  • Ba'athism - Filthy authoritarian and I still hate him, but saved me from that invader.
  • Mainstream FSA/Opposition - I never wanted to side with Him but why did you rebels have to ally with ? We have worked together with some of you in the past though and some of you even helped form the SDF with us. But I still won't forgive your Turkish-allied factions for taking Afrin from us though with Neo-Ottomanism.
  • Kurdish Nationalism - Based Kurdish comrade. But even while useful for promoting the liberty of Kurds, Öcalan isn't the biggest fan of the nationalist ideology and us identifying ourselves with such beliefs.
  • Marxism–Leninism - We're supposed to be on the same side, why do you support Assad over me? Why won't you accept me?
  • Arab Socialism - I like your socialist ideology and you dedication to anti-imperialism in the Middle East, but why did you try to Arabize Kurds when you controlled Rojava?
  • Marxism - It is now sufficiently clear that even the socialism—or sociology—of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, which emerged as the opposing worldview, is a very vulgar interpretation of society. In spite of all claims of opposing it, they could not escape serving capitalism—even more so than its official ideology, liberalism. This is sufficiently clear from the trends, movements, and state systems of real socialism, Social Democracy, and national liberation. Despite their highly noble traditions of struggle, if the abovementioned trends and movements, while acting in the name of oppressed classes and nations, have found themselves in this situation, this is closely related to their knowledge structures. The knowledge structures that they rely on—both in their positive and negative aspects—have produced overall results that have contradicted their intentions. These outcomes would not have emerged so easily if there were not a chain of serious flaws and mistakes in their fundamental paradigm and structures.
  • Separatism - In the solution to the Kurdish question, too, the path that is meaningful and consistent is the one that does not rely on separatism and violence and that accepts democratic autonomy. All other paths will either lead to a postponement of problems, and therefore to a deepening of the impasse, or to violent conflict and separation. But I used to support you and a lot of my supporters still do.


Further Information




Interviews and news



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