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    “When the forces of oppression come to maintain themselves in power against established law, peace is already considered broken.”

    Ernesto "Che" Guevara, *Guerrilla Warfare*

    Guevarism, Cheism or Focoism is a revolutionary leftist, communist, culturally left, ball that promotes exporting a Socialist revolution to countries whose leaders are supported by an empire with a particular, although not exclusive emphasis on guerrilla warfare outside urban areas.



    Cheism is an original political philosophy movement, a view of society based on an interpretation of dialectical materialism, a Cheism an analysis of capitalism, a theory of social change, a system of thought about human liberation derived from the work of Ernesto Che Guevara and Fidel Castro.

    Cheism as a doctrine includes a political, social and philosophical unity. Cheism is defined as a type of thought based on Marxism, which puts forward the theory of class struggle as an ideological basis and predicts that the dictatorship of the proletariat and then communism, the world of social equality and freedom, will be the necessary result of this struggle.

    The idea is that vanguardism by cadres of small, fast-moving paramilitary groups can provide a focus (in Spanish 'foco') for popular discontent against a sitting regime and thereby lead a general insurrection. Although originally meant to mobilize and launch attacks from rural areas, it is not exclusively rural.

    Guevarism advocated for a global peoples war and many Vietnams to bring down US Imperialism and global capitalism, these bedtime stories inspired his other son   Maoism–Third Worldism to take up the mantel of people's global war.


    • Asthmatic village doctor/revolutionary

    How to Draw

    Flag of Guevarism
    1. Draw a ball
    2. Draw dark blue diagonal stripes along it
    3. Add a hammer and sicke in gold to the middle
    4. Add a black beret with a 5 point star on it
    5. (optional) Add a cigar.
    Color Name HEX RGB
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Dark Blue #002590 0, 37, 144
    Yellow #FFD800 255, 216, 0


    Amigos (Friends)

    •   Peronism - Good friend, "Mexico’s Bishops seemed satisfied by Peron’s fall, and all of the right-wing and Catholic people I have met here in this country seemed happy about it; my friends and I didn’t, we all follow the fate of the Peronist government and the threats of bombing Buenos Aires with anguish and sorrow."
    •   Marxism–Leninism - One of my biggest idols. You taught me much!
    •   Trotskyism - You're the enemy of my comrade, but exporting the revolution is a very nice idea! (I love your books, and read your books in bolivia secretly)
    •   Maoism - Most loyal ally in Asia! You taught me everything I know about revolution!
    •   Neozapatismo &   Democratic Confederalism - We might not agree on the correct path to communism, but you're still two great children.
    •   Ho Chi Minh Thought - The Viet Cong were based, because of their guerrilla warfare tactics!
    •   Maoism–Third Worldism - People's global war. can liberate the oppressed third world from imperialism!
    •   Socialist Kemalism - Me but in Turkey.[1]
    •   Sankarism   - Me but from Africa!
    •   Allendism - "To Salvador Allende, whom by other means seeks the same goal - Yours truly, Che"[2]
    •   Sandinista Thought - True socialists!
    •   Black Nationalism - Those in America that have been enslaved, oppressed, and butchered because of reactionary thought shall be liberated!!!

    Amienemigos (Frenemies)

    •   Castroism - Old friend, you and I liberated Cuba from corruption! Then, you allied yourself with that revisionist, who made the Cold War even worse, by controlling your nation with imperialism!
    •   Posadism - Wacky! Is this even a real ideology? Plus, don't fight with   Castro!
    •   Anarcho-Capitalism - We don't agree on literally anything, but apparently he admires me? Thanks I guess.
    •   Anarcho-Communism - Thank you for telling America about the atrocities of Batista's regime, but this is too anarchist for my liking.
    •   Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - Some of you like me, but our Peruvian variants hate each other, even though sometimes (if not rarely)... we cooperated against the bourgeois capitalist Peruvian government.
    •   Titoism - Kinda revisionist, who divided the world socialist movement, but I do appreciate your support of the Cuban Revolution and the third world, and your leadership in the NAM. I also sent people to study Yugoslavia’s agrarian reform and socialist education.

    Enemigos (Enemies)

    •   Neoconservatism - Fuck off imperialist pig.
    •   Neoliberalism - SAME GOES FOR YOU! Massive corporate exploitation is what got Cuba into its mess!
    •   Reactionaryism - We will not go back to your corrupt bourgeois society, read Marx!
    •   Catholic Theocracy - A group with a bad, little boy touching habit.
    •   Khrushchevism - You used Cuba for your own gain, you disgusting revisionist scum!
    •   Pink Capitalism - You gotta be f*cking kidding me. The struggles of the oppressed is not something to exploit. Thanks for selling my face on shirts though, that'll encourage people to take the leftpill.
    •   Pinochetism - You overthrew   camarada Allende, I will take revenge!
    •   Liberal Feminism - Just   Pinochetism with a pink paint.
    •   Reactionary Liberalism - Enjoy seeing how we occupy your embassy!
    •   Fujimorism - You destroyed MRTA!
    •   White Nationalism - "Those who kill their own children and discriminate daily against them because of the color of their skin; those who let the murderers of blacks remain free, protecting them, and furthermore punishing the black population because they demand their legitimate rights as free men — how can those who do this consider themselves guardians of freedom?”
    •   Reactionary Libertarianism - Fuck you, and fuck everything about your disgusting ideology.
    •   Batista Thought - LOL! I destroyed you and your corrupt, tyrannical leadership of Cuba!!! SO GET ANNIHILATED!

    Further Information


    By Che Guevara

    Other Authors





    1. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deniz_Gezmi%C5%9F
    2. https://es.wikisource.org/wiki/Discurso_de_Salvador_Allende_en_La_Habana
    3. Due to the historical circumstances of the time and who Che chose to associate himself with such as (Peron, Castro, And Allende)it is clear that he was not pro LGBT. The argument that empanada gives is that he was not a fanatic lgbt killer which is not the point being given. The point is that he was not a major vocal advocate for gay rights like Huey Newton was. Che guevara is set at a higher standard for homophobia in this video than other people which makes it a bad argument
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