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I'm just a silly little ideolog.

My Tolerance To Other Ideologies

Based Incarnate:

Pacifist Feminism - Best feminist, no diff.
Democratic Confederalism - What did you expect?
Socialism “To insist on Socialism is to insist on being human.” Democratic Confed, 2005 - …
Anationalism - You are sacred, unlike that Nattard.
Fully Automated Luxury Gay Space Communism - A utopiary. His ideals are based.
Hibernocracy - I diagnose the Irish with a classic case of clinical basedism.
Eco-Socialism - Two of the best positions on 2 axes. Based.
Democratic Socialism - Literally me pre- April 21st!
Bookchin Communalism - You gave Him his name, you heavily influenced my ideology, and you’re also very cool.
Archeofuturism - One of my IRL friends is this! What can i say except based! Oh and the ideology is cool too I guess.
“I’m gonna turn the frogs gay”ism - Unity is based.
Apoliticism - Jealous…
Feminism - I prefer the good witch over you considering you’re still skeptical of men’s right’s movements, but you’re still far more tolerable than most.
Utopian Socialism - Another utopiary, but slightly more realistic. Still based ideals though.
Secularism - Let folk believe what they want! You’re a massive W
Ergatocracy - Rule of the proletariat! my end goal.
Welfarism - Not socialism, but just as much of a W.
Anarcho-Communism - Between you and me, you’re my favorite extremist.
Socialist Transhumanism - Let me speak your language. *clearing throat*. Friend Unit, Similar Economic Axis, Progressive, albeit in different ways, [logic-systems-output: based.]

You’re ok:

Communism - Too authoritarian!
Satirical Politics - You’re funny, but I’m a believer that politics should stay serious, otherwise nobody will be able to tell the difference between you and Him.
Hydrarchy - Plundering booty from capitalist naval forces is based, just please cool it with the violence.
Mother Anarchy - Too anarchist! Although your founders were explicitly anti-cappie so I might rethink your placement.
Capitalism with a heart - Caring for the poor? Based! Capitalism? Not so much.
Toothbrush sharers - There is no such thing as a too extreme leftist, although that might have to be rethought due to your existence.
Deep Ecology - Little extreme, but if it’s for the greater good. Also ecology is anti-cappie due to being anti-industrialism so.
Libertarian Feminism - I myself don’t even know what to think about your line of work, but you respect us, so I have some respect for you. Just please for the love of god be more socialistic and we can be good friends.
Libertarianism - Someone really needs to tread on you. Stop hating on socialists! He’s who you hate!!!
Seperatist Anarchism - Glory to Catalonia! Wait you’re actually a nationalist?
Maoism - You killed millions, but you’re a leftist. I’ll let it slide.
Monarcho-Socialism - Also too authoritarian, but even more based views than commie.
Market Socialism - I guess the free market is ok… maybe in a few years time I’ll like you more.

I mean I guess we can still chill?

Liberalism - Not extreme enough.
Conservatism - Too rightist, but I do have a conservative friend and he’s pretty chill so.. maybe I’ll rethink this?
Reactionary Socialism - Stop trying to burn my friend at the stake! Also, can you stop being so goddamn Reactionary?
Anarcho-Primitivism - NO! I WON’T STOP PLAYING ROBLOX! REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! very based ecological views tho.
Anarcho-Totalitarianism - Too much of everything! I’ll kill Big Brother, no matter how little he interferes!
Eco-Fascism - Your opinion does not matter. Please shut up.


Tribalism - If we go this far back, life expectancy will follow suit, and that’s not very good.
Leninism - You hate my brother! I’ll throw you to the goddamn LibLefts!
Capitalism , Plutocracy , - You both are detrimental to the proletariat! Burn in the worst depths of hell!
Liberal Feminism - Better than above because you more often forget men exist than actively hate on them, but that’s canceled out by the fact you’re a dirty cappie. Friends with her or not, you’re just dumb, also you’re still sexist a lot of the time, so you can just go fu-
Nazism - Must I explain myself? Nein, töte Hitler!
National Capitalism - I hope you suffer for the rest of all eternity. May communalism forever torture you in the endless voids where they‘re a prominent ideology.
Objectivism - “Eat the poor” how about we eat you, dirty cappie.
Kakistocracy - Look, kid. You can’t rule until you get a proper education.
Monarcho-Capitalism - Aren’t you just that kid again? Take off that Trenchcoat!

  • - Alright, you got us!
  • - Yeah, we‘ll go…
  • - Damnit you two! You foiled us!

Paleoconservatism - You are all the evil that corrupts the western world. Me and Her can agree on one thing, and that is hating you.
Nationalism - I despise you and everything you stand for.
Irredentism - If you want your ancient lands back, your ancestors should’ve been better at defending said land. Now fuck off.
Fascism (at its base of a people coming together to form a strong state) - Every fascist leader was insane, but at its base, it’s basically Italian patriotism. Bad news: I still hate patriotism.
Neoconservatism - Let’s count everything wrong with you.

  • Capitalist
  • Imperialist
  • Traditionalist
  • War-mongerer

And the list goes on.

Climate Skepticism - Maybe you should stick around in those fires you make. Oh, you’re hot? It’s just a side effect, keep watching those trees burn… *Clim-Skep turns to ashes*
The Military - Misandrist, literally the definition of warmongering, misogynistic, statist, rightist, you’re just the worst.
Avaritionism - *Starts foaming at the mouth out of pure anger*
Kraterocracy - You’re worse than above… you…
Juche - no.
Trumpism - No but like actually go fuck yourself. My actual opposite.
Senatorialism - P-please have mercy…