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Maoism or Mao Zedong Thought is a type of File:Marxlen.png Marxism-Leninism associated with Mao Zedong, the chairman of the Communist Party of China. As an Ideology, Maoism's main ideological focus is instating a communist system in agrarian and pre- industrial societies (specifically China in the middle 20th century). Maoism can be identified as File:Soc.png economically far-left, totalitarian, and culturally far-left. It is important to note that Maoism proper was formulated by Chairman Gonzalo and the Peruvian Communist Party. During the times of Chairman Mao, his thought was known as Mao Zedong Thought.

Additions to File:Marxlen.png Marxism-Leninism

Maoism can be seen as both a continuity and rupture with classical File:Marxlen.png Marxism-Leninism. Mao, throughout his Marxist revolution in China, formulated 5 new major additions to File:Marxlen.png Marxism-Leninism, being the Mass Line, Protracted People's War, New Democracy, Cultural Revolution, and Three Worlds Theory.

Mass Line

The Mass Line is a theory that states that the Masses of Peasants and Workers must be in unison ideologically with the Communist Party. Therefore, Communist Party members must go unto the masses and consult their needs and gather information, which will be further relayed to the party. The party then interprets this information within a Socialist framework and applies this in a cultural or economic change.

Protracted People's War

Protracted People's War, or PPW, is a Guerilla Warfare theory developed by Chairman Mao during the Communist revolution against Nationalist China. It stresses the importance of a long and protracted struggle against Capitalism and Imperialism, rejecting the Insurrectionist theory mostly pushed by Anarchists. The Vanguard Party will engage in a civil war with the current government through guerilla/mobile warfare, attacking military bases, supply lines and important structures, all while base-building the masses in support of the Party.

New Democracy

The New Democratic society is a transitional form between the New Democratic Revolution and the File:Soc.pngSocialist Revolution. Different from the Socialist Society, the New Democracy's Fundamental task is not overthrow Capitalist Society, but overthrow Imperialist Society and Feudalist Society. It's also different with Capitalist Society, because its leadership is proletariat. Its goal is "establish a Democratic Republic under the joint dictatorship of all anti imperialist and anti feudal people under the leadership of the proletariat."

Cultural Revolution


Three Worlds Theory

The Three Worlds Theory, is a theory that Chairman Mao propose it in 1974. He thought, the US and USSR are the First World. The developed countries except for the US and the USSR are the Second World. the whole Asia(except for Japan), the whole Africa and the Latin America are the Third World. Mao thinks, Confrontation among the First World countries is the main cause of world unrest. He thinks the Third World countries should unite together to resistance the hegemonism of the US and the USSR.

Chinese Neo-Maoists


How to Draw

Flag of Maoism

The design for Maoism is based on early designs of the flag of the People's Republic of China that lacked the 4 smaller stars.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it with red.
  3. Draw a yellow star on the top left.
  4. Add the Asian eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #DF2408 223, 36, 8
Yellow #FFDF00 255, 223, 0




  • Georgists - Capitalist scums, but they also see landlords as parasites, which is based.
  • Mao-Spontex - Oh yes, I remember the time when I was an anarchist... dark times...
  • Nixonism - Cultural Revolution and 4 pests campaign go BRR, but you are still a good friend.
  • Neoconservatism - Thanks for helping me defeat the Japanese imperialists during WWII and turning your back on Chiang Kai-shek. But we had our disputes during the Cold War, especially regarding Tibet. Eventually Zhou Enlai reached out to Kissinger to set up our iconic meeting with Nixon so we could unite against the Soviets. I also helped you suppress reports on Yahya Khan's genocide in Bangladesh.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Sorry for betraying you earlier, comrade, but why did you support him?
  • Burmese Socialism - I'm glad you support the PRC but stop genociding Chinese in Myanmar! Stop saying I'm a hypocrite!
  • Posadism - Socialism? Absolutely. Turning the world into a nuclear hellfire and killing billions of innocent people for it? YES! No thanks.
  • Hoxhaism - Fellow anti-revisionist Marxist even though you hate me.
  • Left Communism - Same as the last guy even if you hate me even more.
  • Castroism - You're a bit too close to the USSR for my liking. But like your bananas.
  • Juche - I help you fight against imperialist RoK, but stop being so revisionist!
  • Anarcho-Communism - Kropotkin helped radicalize me, but anarchism is childish
  • National Communism - "Chinese Communists must therefore combine patriotism with internationalism."
  • Montagnard Nationalists - I support you but stop attacking him!


  • Right-Wing Tridemism - Lol, get rekt reactionary Western puppet! We have mutual love for Sun-Yat Sen.
  • Chinese Blueshirtism - KMT unmasked!
  • Khrushchevism - Fuck you, Khrushchev!
  • Conservative Socialism - I don't care if you're on my side or don't like gays. Prepare to get Cultural Revolutionized!
  • Reactionary Socialism - Same as above.
  • Dengism - Capitalist revisionist scum. Damn it Deng. Wait, he add me into the Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
  • Three Represents - Out of all modern Chinese politicians, you represent a whole new level of low. Enabled the rise of reactionary billionaires such as Jack Ma and Guo Wengui. Support massive exploitation by international corporations (e.g. Foxconn, Apple, McDonalds, etc.). Dismantled the welfare state. Privatized schools and hospitals. Persecuted my modern followers for wanting better living standards. The list goes on and on. The only good thing you did was expanding the laojiao system and your persecution of Falun Gong and Eastern Lightning.
  • Scientific Outlook on Development/Li Keqiang Thought - Yes, I denounced and tortured Hu Jintao's father for "capitalist transgressions". What you gonna do about it? Not much better than Deng or Jiang, otherwise. The way you dealt with Tibetan separatists was based
  • Xi Jinping Thought - The western bourgeois media like to think you're the next me for some reason yet you’re still a filthy c*pitalist who simp for Bill Gates. Slightly better than your predecessors, but that ain't saying much. Good job defeating Jiang and his oligarchs though. Also, I suspect you are similar to him.
  • Chen Duxiu Thought - Chen Duxiu is a revisionary Trotskyist idiot.
  • Showaism - Imperialist scum.
  • Liberalism - We must combat him!
  • Capitalism - Fuck you, bourgeois scum!
  • Eco-Capitalism - Great Leap Forward go brrrrrr!
  • Reactionarism - Haha cultural revolution go brr.
  • Patriarchy - "Marriage is a patriarchal social construct that should be phased out". Yes.
  • Thai Fascism - I may have had a hand in the Communist insurgency in Thailand 1960s-1970s.
  • Pink Capitalism - Degenerative kulak!
  • LGBT Conservatism - Degenerate reactionary.
  • Buddhist Theocracy & Buddhist Anarchism - Fuck religion. And fuck "Tibet".
  • Buddhist Socialism - Sorry, your fake "socialism" won't convince me. Your religious cringe is worthy enough for you to be invaded.
  • Feudalism/Timocracy - Kill all landlords and go unitary!
  • Confucianism - 头号大混蛋!(Number 1 scum!)
  • All the Islamic ideologies - You too Uyghurs! Prepared to be annexed!

Further Information

A propaganda poster depicting a Chinese worker with Mao's Little Red Book. (Translation: Let philosophy becomes the sharp weapon of the masses.)



Online Communities


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  1. He supported Realpolitik diplomacy, but was idealistic in internal affairs
  2. Referring the ‘campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries’ and ‘anti-rightist’ campaigns