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Totalitarianism is a hyper-authoritarian ideology that believes that believe opposition parties should be banned, the state should permeate all facets of society, and that society must be run for the state by the state. He despises Democracy and civil liberties and believes dissent should be harshly punished. He is a more extreme form of Authoritarianism, and is usually very nationalistic, although not always.


Systems similar to Totalitarianism has been around since antiquity. Examples include Sparta where the state controlled the way of life for the lower and upper classes.

  Adolf Hitler in Germany,   Joseph Stalin in the Soviet Union,   Benito Mussolini in Italy,   Mao Zedong in China,   Emperor Hirohito in Japan,   Pol Pot in Kampuchea, and   Kim-Il Sung in Korea are leaders that have commonly been regarded as being totalitarian.

The origins of modern Totalitarianism as an ideology are debated. Philosopher Karl Popper believed its roots lie in the Hegelian conception of the state, and even more so in the theories of   Karl Marx, while philosophers Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer of the   Frankfurt School argued it is rooted in the File:Monkeyzz-Enlightenment.png Enlightenment.

The term "totalitarianism"'s first recorded use was in the early 20th century.

  Soviet Union  

Main Article:   Stalinism



Main Articles:   Clerical Fascism and   National Communism





Main Article:   Hungarism





The state of Guatemala under the rule of General Jorge Ubico has been considered Totalitarian. John Gunther, an American journalist who visited the country in 1941 stated it was "a country 100 percent dominated by a single man". He added "He has spies and agents everywhere, and knows everyone's private business to an amazing degree. Not a pin drops in Guatemala without him knowing about it." Ubico himself is said to have compared himself (positively) to Adolf Hitler.

  Dominican Republic  



Duvalier, being a highly paranoid man, led a state generally considered to be totalitarian. His power led him to make some rather odd decisions usually under the guise of some kind of "VooDoo" knowledge. One instance was alledgely ordering the murder of every black dog in Haiti under suspicion that one of his political opponents transformed into one. Under his rule a secret police force known as the "TonTon Macoute" (Translated as Uncle Gunnysack), itself named after a Haitian Bogeyman character was to infiltrate just about any organization in the country and would often make people suspected of the smallest crime disappear, sometimes operating in broad daylight.




Main Article:   Jihadism








Post-Totalitarianism is an ideology that advocates for extreme totalitarianism without any connections to the left or right or for any large moral/ethical purposes in favour of having a totalitarian government simply because it is the only future humanity has. It also distances itself from ideologies such as   Ingsoc that exists purely to harm the human race.

Personality and Behavior

Totalitarianism is a dictator and loves the works of Hegel. He often goes on about his love for Hegel and is one of the few ideologies that can read Hegel and understand what he's saying.

Totalitarianism also loves surveillance people and Cleaning Political house, raids and support state power very much. His hand is covered with the rooting out of dissidents.

Totalitarianism hates when people call him a devil, especially when you are in LibUnity.

Totalitarianism takes parts of liberty and the media in return for unity, that will let Totalitarianism's power overtake.

How to Draw

Flag of Totalitarianism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw a yellow circle with a red circle inside of it
  3. Draw 5 arrows around the yellow circle
  4. Draw eyes and then you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Black #202020 32, 32, 32
Yellow #FFC912 255, 201, 18
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0




  •   Authoritarianism - My father who taught the importance of very strong governance. But still too moderate.
  •   Hobbesianism - I really like your work its only that you're a bit tame.
  •   Ingsoc - Son, that's a bit too far. Dad said the same thing to me.
  •   Fordism - Just Ingsoc on soma.
  •   Anarcho-Totalitarianism - What is this? You want to run a state without... have to enforcing it?
  •   National Communism - Really good work in Romania, in the Cuba for a while and North Korea, but in other places you were rather soft.
  • Most statist ideologies - At least you people have a state. Expand it though.


  •   Democracy - 'MOAR POWAR!!!111
  •   Libertarian Socialism &   Libertarianism - A life not for the state is a life without worth.
  •   Anti-Authoritarianism - There is a path to freedom. Its milestones are: obedience, diligence, honesty, orderliness, cleanliness, sobriety, truthfulness, readiness to make sacrifices and love of the fatherland.
  •   Anarchism - Fuck off, you bitch!
  •   Philosophical Anarchism - Even if you don't necessarily want to destroy the state, you refuse to follow it. Sad.
  • File:Ego.png Egoism - You seriously think you can just go around serving your own interest instead of the state? F*cking cringe... AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU READ HEGEL AND FOLLOW HIS TEACHINGS?! GGGAAAAAHHHH!!!
  •   Marxism - And you... STOP TELLING YOU UNDERSTAND HEGEL WHEN YOU CLEARLY DON'T. Well, at least you inspired a lot of my friends, even tho it wasn't your intent.
  •   Situationism - Another Hegel understander... I give up.

Further Information




Template:Authunity <comments />

  1. only during the early days