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I edit grammar and other little things on the wiki. I'm a Social Libertarian but I also really like Neo-Libertarianism, Technogaianism, and Third-way. I joined in December 2020 but didn't get involved in the wiki community until February 2021.

My ideology Neo Social Libertarianism


Pronouns page:

PSA: The USA is not a colonial power in modern times. If you think so please explain why. I don't want to hear "they are interventionist". I know I might be biased because of my support for foreign Intervention and if you have any good evidence I would be very open to hearing it.

Invalid user

Views on Issues


I abide by a philosophy of maximum liberty. You may be wondering why I am not an anarchist then. I have come to the conclusion that Anarchy is Anti Liberty because though it embraces Negative Liberty and in some cases (such as Anarcho-Communism) Positive Liberty, it utterly rejects the third principle of Liberty known as greater liberty. Greater liberty is essentially the freedom of security, the freedom to be safe. Only one ideology has successfully acknowledged this version and combined it Negative Liberty Neo-Libertarianism. I hope to expand on this model with the inclusion of Positive Liberty so that the most disadvantaged in society will not suffer.


Democracy has often been called the least worst system which is true but also a very complicated way of saying democracy is the best system. Democracy is the best way of getting stuff done. Violence is justified if it is against an anti-democratic government. If you want a "revolution" to undermine a democratic system but then restore democracy but only for ((enter group here)) then you are a Fascist with a very poor mask on. I believe the best system to be Semi-Direct Democracy. It emphasizes efficiency with control from the people. It prevents the "tyranny of the majority" that comes with Direct Democracy but also the oligarchic corruption that comes with Representative Democracy.


If we take a look at the world and History as a whole we can see what works at what does not. Communism did not work and Socialism also did not work. You may say "those countries that tried communism/socialism are not Communist/Socialist, they're state capitalist. That wasn't real communism." If that is indeed the case then does that not show the failure of communism. Maybe communism will ALWAYS devolve into state capitalism. Western Imperialism might also be blamed but I would think that rather shows a critical flaw in communist society's lasting power. The examples provided for successful Socialist and Communist societies are Rojava, Catalonia, Yugoslavia, and Chile. The Rojavan government has close connections to the PKK a terrorist group in southern turkey that employes child Labour. Admittedly having close connections to shady groups is nothing new for countries but the region has been a point of complaint among human rights groups for years. Anarchist Catalonia was only a paradise when compared to Franco's regime. It brutally punished deserters and burned down countless churches. Freedom of Religion is important to Society less we become like some of the most brutal regimes in history. Yugoslavia was very successful for many years...if you were Serbian. Yugoslavia's success came at the expense of the other ethnic groups, especially the Albanians. Everything collapsed once Tito died and I don't want to live in a society completely hinging on one dictator. Chile under Allende is often pointed out to be the best representation of Socialism and I could not agree more. It started out looking good but eventually saw the end of democracy and Fascists take control in a power vacuum led by foreign powers, the inevitable fate of all Socialist Societies. The final flaw in Socialism comes from its denial of liberty. Finally, In a socialist society if a workplace democratically decides that they want to be paid wages this is not allowed. The needs of the working class are therefore ignored. We have now successfully ruled out Socialism as an option, so what are we left with? Distrubitsm denies public property (a thing I personally like very much) while Georgism has the opposite problem. Why not Capitalism then. Capitalism has successfully not only survived the gauntlet of History but emerged victorious with the highest quality of life ever. The most successful countries in the world I would argue are those of the Nordic Region + Germany and Switzerland. What all these countries have in common is a Welfarist Capitalist economic system that we can further expand on. Universal Basic Income is not only feasible but prepares for an increasingly approaching problem of mass unemployment due to automation. We can't stop automation but we can work with and around it. Many American Socialists claim we are living in late-stage Capitalism. This is untrue, late-stage capitalism does not exist. Late-Stage Neoliberalism (or just normal neoliberalism) does however and I believe that to be our current problem. One which we can solve through compassionate forward-thinking Capitalism.

File:Progress.png Civil Rights

Progress is inevitable. Throughout history, we have continued to progress even if we had many challenges and "rough spots" we have nonetheless continued to progress civil rights. Civil Rights should not even be an issue anymore. We have made a clear distinction between gender and sex, I don't think it's so complicated that maybe people like people of different genders, and the idea that maybe Racism still exists is not that complicated. Sidenote: Affirmative Action should be taken on a case by case basis.

Foreign Policy

I am a globalist. I believe that only through the world working together can we achieve the best possible future. That said some places are unfortunately not democratic and thus we have a problem. The solution is an alliance of democratic states working together to counterbalance the authoritarian states in the world. Ultatimley as long as Authoritarian countries exist, I will not support World Federalism for it could bring disastrous consequences. Now for my most controversial opinions. I think military foreign intervention is justified when used against an authoritarian regime. For my first example, I point to WW2. I would hope you would agree that the Axis powers were an evil force in the world who needed to be stopped as soon as possible. Yet for years we sat back and watched as Germany and Japan grabbed even more land. WW2 could have been ended earlier but instead, every country waited, hoping for a false peace that would not come. Many will say the problem with modern foreign intervention is ultimately boiled down to 3 problems which I will now address.

1: Foreign Intervention by Western Powers is only used to gain oil: The only country in which the US intervened because of oil is Iraq. Oil might have been an enticing factor to intervene in other countries but was not the overwhelming reason. The invasion of Iraq is still justified, (even if I think it was handled beyond awfully) because Saddam Hussein was a dictator, he killed up to 1/4th of the entire casualties of the Iraq war in only a week with the Al-Anfal campaign, and he was selling oil to China. We often forget that if we do not act on the world stage then other powers will. I admittedly wish that the US had eventually gone into Iraq based on his previous war crimes and not just oil but it is certainly justifiable. Conclusion: It's upsetting that the US government is so motivated by money but ultimately a dictator was overthrown. Intervention was not the problem in this situation but rather the people in charge.

2: Countries don't want to be democracies, they should be able to choose their own form of governance: Countries don't have feelings people do. People should choose their own form of governance and there is a word for that. It's democracy.

3: Foreign Intervention is purely motivated by racism: This statement is just blatantly false. We are not living in the 1800s. Wars these days (at least mostly) are about geopolitical manoeuvering.

I am not a "hawk". I believe we should get out of countries such as Pakistan. I don't support declaring war on just any country. I believe the Iraq war was handled poorly and The US should have not intervened directly in any more countries until it was sure Afghanistan was all wrapped up. I do not support the exchange of a socialist dictator for a Capitalist one. If a war crime happens of course I will condemn it. I actually quite like peace and I usually think violence is not the answer. That said I think it would not be wrong to keep our options open. If a terrorist runs a plane into a building you go find the terrorist and make sure that they are not a threat anymore. That is not an act of hate that is basic national security.

Views on International Disputes and Conflicts

Isreal and Palestine

If you simp for either side on this conflict you are officially kinda cringe in my book. A two-state solution seems like the best alternative for right now. My ultimate solution would to let the people of both countries decide what they want. If Isreal takes over then what happens to the Arabs? If Palestine takes over what happens to the jews?

China and Friends

I am siding against China in every single one of their international disputes. The one exception would be in their war with the Taliban-backed East Turkestan Islamic Movement. Still, FREE EAST TURKESTAN!!!

Russia and Ukraine

Crimea deserves independence. Other than that all occupied territory belongs to Ukraine.

Serbia and Kosovo

Kosovo is an independent country. This should be obvious to everyone.

Somalia and Somaliland

Somaliland is an independent country. I support the US being involved in the conflicts in Somalia but I would be neutral on a withdrawal from the region.

Syria and Iraq

The US should have a more active role in Syria. Trump (as usual) was an idiot when he removed troops from the Kurdish/Turkish border. Turkey has continued to commit horrendous atrocities in Rojava and that must be rectified. HOWEVER, NOT WITH GOING TO WAR WITH TURKEY! As for Iraq, I am fine with the withdrawal even though personally I would have not supported it.


Cuba is a hellhole dictatorship. Screw you if you think Cuba is some paradise you brainwashed anti-human rights puppet. The Cuban protests ARE about the Castro regime despite what some people , would tell you. I support the US embargo against Cuba.

Afghanistan and Pakistan

The US should have not left Afghanistan. Many call the US intervention in Afghanistan a failure and though is mostly true, I think it was worth it for all the Afghan women who could actually go to school, have a life, and not hide their faces constantly for at least a few years. The US should GTFO of Pakistan tho. Not because of anything the US did but rather because Pakistan actively funds the people it is fighting.


I wholeheartedly support US intervention in Libya. Suck it Kleptocratic, jihadist, and Communist puppets.


The US should have never been in Yemen (unless it was to support South Yemen).

Georgia and The Caucuses

I support Artsakh. I think a referendum should be held in the areas succeeding in Northern Georgia.

That should cover all the main ones if you have any questions ask me on my user talk page.

Test Results




8Values:Social Libertarianism

EconValues: Modern Liberalism

RightValues: Technocracy

8dreams: Social Kakistocracy

AmericanValues: Socialism

IdeoSorter: Social Libertarianism,

CapValues: Social Meritocracy

LeftValues: Democratic Socialism

ConservaValues: Third Way

6Foundations: Social Libertarianism

DozenValues: Liberaltarianism, Liberalism

NewValues: Social Democracy

EconomyValues: Centrism

KiwiValues-Ideolgy: Progressive Liberalism

Kiwi Values-Parties: The Opprotunities Party

IdeoShapes: Neo Classical Liberalism, Neoliberalism, Libertarianism, Social Liberalism

What is Your Political Ideology: Liberalism

Political Spectrum Self-Test: Liberal Democrat, Socialism

Political Persona: Social Libertarianism

Quiz: Monarchist?: Classical Liberalism

MyPolitics-Ideolgy: Social Liberalism

MyPolitics-Parties: Liberal Democrats, Polska 2050

Quiz: Economic Compass: Longism, Regulationism

Isidewith: Democratic Party, Transhumanist Party

CapacValues: Classical Liberalism

CenterValues: Modern day politician

PolitiCube: Centrist-Individualism

Which government most closely matches your political views?: Uruguay, Czech Republic

Murderous Villan Test: Osama bin Laden

How populist are you? (Leader): Barrack Obamaba

Prefered Political Parties

Note: I include political parties based on
1. Where I live or spend significant time in (US and France)
2. Places where my Familly used to live or spent significant time in (Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Mexico, South Africa, and Kenya)
3. Places where I still have signifcant familly (Norway and Italy)

California National Party
Forward Party
Transhumanist Party
Democratic Party
La République En Marche!
Alliance 90/The Greens
Radikale Venstre
Partido Socialista Obrero Español (PSOE)
Movimiento Regeneración Nacional
Patriotic Alliance
Congress of the People (COPE)
Demokratiese Alliansie (Democratic Alliance)
Amani National Congress
Orange Democratic Movement
Italia Viva

Political (or semi-political) Youtube Recommendations

File:JJ.png J.J.McCullough
Arken the Amerikan
Three Arrows
Lucas Bender
Knowing Better

Political Journey

+-->-->-->--> (++)


(Notes: My ranking of you will be almost purely off ideology. I may make references to your personality, but it will not affect which tier I put you in)

Based Gang:
Jokie- Though I'm not nearly as into Transhumanism still very based Social Libertarians!!! (10/10)
Kirbly- Same as above (probably the most based user on social policies.) (10/10)
Potato6132- Helped me create my page on the old anarchy wiki and fellow Social Libertarian. (11/10)
BeryAB- Based! Liberalism is much better than most people give it credit for. (9/10)
ThatDudeRightHere- A very based individual. (9/10)
Enayslikey- Based Social Libertarian but liberal Eugenicism scares me. I guess it's not too bad when you explain it. (10/10)
Mebrouk- Islamic Democracy mixed with progressivism sounds uber-based. (10/10)
Ninjack-Aus- Based fellow Social Libertarian! If you have time go read his user page, it's a good read. (12/10)
ANewDude- Not great economics but irrelevant considering your cultural stance and your foreign policy. The only other interventionist on here. (8/10)
Matteel- Social Democracy and progressivism are both uber based. (9/10)

Positive-Leaning Gang:
AveliCus- Overall based but hates globalism. (7/10)
PirateTails- Based Economics but hates globalism.
Rojo346- Based Social Libertarianism but conservatism is cringe. (7/10)
File:Quarkism.png Quark- Though I like the Bull Moose Progressivism, Isolationism is Uber Cringe. (7/10)

Mixed Gang:
DuyQuangNguyenPham- Market Socialism is better than normal Socialism but I still think it will lead to rampant corruption. Other than that your ideology is based. (6/10)
Sweatingcup- Pretty based albeit a little conservative. I have to put you in this tier tho because of how cringe Law and Justice and Authoritarian Democracy is. (6/10)
Tony567- Liberalism is good but a country can not be liberal truly liberal with Corporatocracy. (6/10)
Dumnorix - War CAN be justified. That does not excuse the horrific actions committed if they are committed. At some point, you are no longer pacifist and just become fascist. Other than that your ideology is fine. (4/10)
ChiroPro- Socialism is dumb but at least ur still democratic. (5/10)

Not Gang:
NazBolGANG- Ur a nice guy but your ideology is one of the worst out there. (0/10)
KaiserKlausMouse- Environmentalism does not make up for the (borderline) Fascism. (0/10)
SchizoACC- GO OUTSIDE!!! (0/10)
YugoslavPartisan- "NeO lIbErAlIsM iS wOrSe ThAn FaScIsM!!!" Honestly you're an embaressement to the progressivism (nice guy tho). (2/10)
Typical Fan 1- Right-wing Nationalism is uber Cringe. (Also wasn't one of your positions Irredentism? Good to see you changed your mind on that at least) (1/10)
Ukraiana- Fascist CRINGE!!! (-1/10)
SussyNuoh- Titoism is cringe also not everything is a capitalist conspiracy 🙄. (2/10)
HeinrichCheung- Dystopian (probablly a larp)(0/10)
DoomerCrusader- Facsist CRINGE!!! (-1/10)
Davilanda13- Anarcho-Capitalism is cringe. Now, you're just admitting to being a feudalist! (-1/10)
ComradeShrek- Cringe, Gaddafi deserved it (Shrek is based tho). (-1/10)
TheImmorxy- Conservative Commie Cringe! (-1/10)
Carpenter Family - Authoritarian CRINGE!!! (3/10)
Bsaheed527- Ur ideology is super cringe and frankly a little dystopian (that said you are one of the nicest people on this wiki). (1/10)
File:Councilguy2.png Councilguy- Dystopian also...nihilism? Are you okay? (0/10)
Smelegem- Well at least liberalism is a workable system. (1/10)
Affiliated- Just...why? I can't wait till everyone on here gains at least one more brain cell. (-1/10)
DragonRed - Cringe Authoritarianism and awful immigration policy. (1/10)
Nyteulo- Trotskyism is bad also deep into the conspiracy theories. (1/10)

"Artwork" I have made

OG Neo Social Libertarianism ball.

Bolshevismball created for the ideologyball wiki (old version of Polcompball).

My avatar for the month of June 2021.

Christmas-themed avatar.

Centrist Marxism

Artwork I am featured in

User Compass by Deyvid (ignore file name. I was an idiot while uploading. My apologies.)

Self Insert Compass by Sykar Socialist

Self Insert Compass by Ukraiana

LibsOnly by BeryAB

Yeetingyowie by BeryAB

SocBerts bombing the Middle East by Rojo346

Anti Imperialism by Ukraiana[1]

Group Cuddle by BeryAB

New Left VS Inclusive Right by BeryAB

National/Cultural Compass by Pirate Tails


PCB in North America by Tony567


Template:Userbox/2020Template:Userbox/MaleTemplate:Userbox/EnvironmentalistTemplate:Userbox/BasedTemplate:Userbox/SimpTemplate:Userbox/Bad ArtistTemplate:Userbox/DvInclusivityTemplate:Userbox/OptimisticTemplate:Userbox/ChristianTemplate:Userbox/SocialDemocrat


Credits and Refrences

Credit to Potato6132 for creating my icon the first time (I lost the original file tho) and EugeneTLT for creating my current icon. Both are very based.

Template:Caps Template:Eco Template:Fem Template:Libertarian Template:Libunity Template:PCB Community Template:Religious Template:Welfare Template:Anti-Colonial


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  1. Irronically the so-called Anti-Imperial artist is a literal Nazi.