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"Geoism is a theory of economic justice and efficiency. Justice is implemented by having each person keep his whole earnings and getting a share of the benefits from nature. Efficiency is obtained by not imposing arbitrary costs and restrictions on human action. The market tends to provide community services the geoist way, while governments tend to restrict and impose costs on human action. Geoism is therefore in accord with liberty, and is the philosophy best suited to a society free of state oppression and tyranny."

Geolibertarianism, shortened to Geolib, is an economically center-right to right-wing, culturally variable, and anti-authoritarian political ideology that believes in an untampered free market with a singular land-value tax. Geolibertarians state that all land property and raw natural resources; assets that qualify as land by an economic definition are scarce and rivalrous goods considered as common (or unowned) property. It still takes a lot from georgism, however, supports many forms of Pigouvian taxes, severance taxes, and compensatory fees.

How To Draw

Flag of Geolibertarianism

Despite being libertarian, Geolibertarianism does not follow the common trend of having the Gadsden-flag.

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill a it with dark green
  3. Draw a 4-squared diamond in pure white
  4. Draw the eyes

and you are done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Dark Green #426A07 66, 106, 7
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255



  • Geoanarchism - My even more uncompromising brother. While I appreciate the sentiment I don't quite understand the logistics of how he would implement a system such as land value tax without any kind of government.
  • Georgism - Hi Dad! We pretty much agree on everything, but I think the government should mind its own damn business! With the exception of a land value tax of course.
  • Libertarianism - Hi other dad! We also pretty much agree on everything, but speculating land is not a useful service. Plus, LVT has no deadweight loss!
  • Minarchism - So you want a small state? Cool, LVT would be really helpful in funding it!
  • Green Libertarianism - Ok here's a thought, what if we like, taxed the land.
  • Environmentalism - The exploitation of natural resources should be taxed by the exploiter, for preventing others from having access to those materials. After all, It's not like anybody made the ground we stand on.
  • Anarcho-Frontierism - See you later, space cowboy.
  • Chicago School - Thanks for supporting me Friedman!
  • Eco-Anarchism - We both like environmentalism and freedom but you are slightly too extreme. If you took the LVT pill you would be based.


  • Social Georgism - I'm not keen on that whole "welfare" thing; the land value tax should be used to maintain the bare minimum government, any other taxes are pretty much theft.
  • Social Libertarianism - You're just like social georgism, but with less focus on the LVT. Still better than the statists.
  • Paleolibertarianism - My brother and I agree economically a lot. But we tend to diverge a bit culturally.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Land speculation is kind of cringe bro ngl. Plus, exploitation of land without compensation to others is a violation of the NAP
  • Libertarian Socialism - You are not too bad considering you like nationalizing land but socialism goes against libertarianism. If you stay clear you are okay with me.
  • Democratic Confederalism - We both like environmentalism and nationalizing land but we are very different with other issues.
  • Welfarism - I do not believe in funding welfare, but LVT is a good way of funding it.


  • Marxism - The only thing we share in common is our disdain for landlords.
  • Marxism–Leninism - I would rather live with a landlord than you!
  • Hoppeanism - If communists aren't people, then neither are landlords.
  • Timocracy - Horrible system!

Further Information


Videos and Misc. Sources

