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Fascism is a totalitarian, culturally far-right, palingenetic ultranationalist, and "third-positionist" ideology. Fascism originates from the teachings of Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini, originally outlined in The Doctrine of Fascism written by Benito Mussolini (however left-wing conspiracy theorists claim that Gentile ghost-wrote most of the text). Academically, we call the version of Fascism outlined in The Doctrine of Fascism, and further refer to it's iron-fisted doctrine as, 'Italian Fascism'. Though Italian Fascism was the first Fascist ideology to truly take form, later adaptations have appeared on the backs of various other groups, most notably Julius Evola and his Evolaite Fascists. Another example of later adaptations of Fascism are the 'Neos', that being the Neo-Fascists, Neo-Reactionaries, and Neo-Nazis (Who mind you have cast of the left-wing leanings of the original National Socialists).

The name "fascism" comes from the Etruscan symbol by the name of "fasces", which is a bound bundle of wooden rods, sometimes including an axe with its blade emerging. This iconography meant to symbolize the common fascistic belief pervading their doctrine, that, in their belief, the citizenry of the nation, as vermin-like and unworthy as they are, are weak divided, but strong united under the banner, whether that banner be of state, nation, army, or really anything of the like, much like the tight-bound sticks of a fasces".

Distinct forms of Fascism

Italian Fascism

Italian Fascism is the original fascist ideology, born from the writings and practices of Giovanni Gentile and Benito Mussolini. We see it's historical practice by Benito Mussolini's parties: the National Fascist Party (PNF), which ruled the Kingdom of Italy from 1922 until 1943, and the Republican Fascist Party that lorded over the Italian Social Republic from 1943 to 1945. Italian Fascism is also seen with-in the post-war Italian Social Movement.

Though hautely debated by leftists, it is hard to deny left-wing leanings in Italian Fascism, with their draw to Syndicalism and “revolutionary socialism,”. Otherwise, looking back, we can find them to certainly be traditionalist, and definitely conservative.


Neo-Fascism originates from the aftermath of World War II and the defeat of the Axis Powers. Neo-Fascism tends to believe that it's own nation is supieor to all others but is usually less associative with Totalitarianism but still holds the concepts of Authoritarian Democracy. Neo-Fascism is usually right to far-right politically, but still somewhat Corporatist economically. Neo-Fascism caries many ideals from National Socialism as it took concepts from the Italian Social Republic (1944-1945). The first major Neo-Fascist movement was the Italian Social Movement, which was dissolved in 1995. Some people associate Neo-Fascism with Francoism as the Fascist ideology continued to rule Spain up until 1975, which is decades after World War II ended. A more well known variation of Neo-Fascism is Neo-Nazism which is the National Socialist version of Neo-Fascism. Neo-Nazism tends to be more racist than generic Neo-Fascism is, but not as much as National Socialism is. Neo-Fascism has gained recent popularity in Greece following the Great Recession and recent economic hardships in the country leading to creation of the political party Golden Dawn. In the United States, Neo-Nazism has seen a resurgence in power following the 2016 election of Donald Trump . A notable Neo-Fascist and Neo-Nazi movement is the third version of the Ku Klux Klan , which evolved into Neo-Fascism and Neo-Nazism after 1950 despite intially being Neo-Confederate. Neo-Fascism also has it's roots in Alt-Right.

Red Fascism

Main article: Stalinism

The term 'Red Fascism' refers to the traits of Stalinism that could be considered Totalitarian and Fascist. One major trait of Red Fascism that it carries from Fascism is Anti-Capitalism. Red Fascism, being an offshoot of File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism, is considered a communistic ideology and doesn't carry over Corporatism or Anti-Communism. Though, Red Fascism does carry over Anti-Liberalism and, to an extent, National Conservatism.

This term can sometimes (erroneously) refer to third positionist movements which emphasize more left-wing economics, such as Strasserism, National Bolshevism, and National Communism

Liberal Fascism

Liberal Fascism was the ideology of Alberto de' Stefani a liberal economist which was influenced by Classical Liberalism when he was appointed by  Benito Mussolini as the Minister of Finance.

Alberto de' Stefani reformed the taxation system of Italy which was judged a success at the time, although it has been noted that the taxation reform was originally proposed by Filippo Meda , but Filippo Meda had not enacted the taxation reform. Liberal Fascism also took advantage of Mussolini's regime in order to enact many his reforms, which previously had been blocked by parliament.

In the modern age, the term 'Liberal Fascism' was coined 2008 by Jonah Goldberg who explained Fascism as a Left-Wing ideology to make Liberals look bad. It only gained attention on the PCB Wiki after MapOfFish LARPed as a Liberal Fascist and explained it as an ideology where Liberalism and File:Progress.png Progressivism are enforced through Totalitarianism. Liberal Fascism is often mistaken with State Liberalism and Reactionary Liberalism.

Common Traits shared amongst the Fascist element


Ultranationalism is one of the tenets Fascist elements tend to agree on. They emphasize the importance of extreme devotion to one's own nation, state, or otherwise, without care to the individual. As such, Fascism could be easily argued to be a rather anti Individualist ideology, in fact extremely so, at least in vein of the greater society.

Economic Third Positionism

Fascism, especially when taken through the lens of the more traditional sort, tend to despise both traditional markets & File:Marxlen.png Communism seeing both of them as degenerate, failures and denigrations to humanity. Thais corrupted ideal leads them to conclude that the only sound economic system s is Corporatism seeing as it as the only non-degenerate with no failures. Mind you, some more modern Fascistic elements have begun to lean toward Marxist or Capitalist (Sometimes mixes of both ), however, generally Fascism is Corporatist economically.


It is common, though it not a rule, that Fascist ideals and nations tend to be imperialist in nature. For examples of this, we can look back the the Second World War, with the Right-Wing Fascist Italy taking over Ethiopia and Albania, and the Left-Wing Fascist Nazi Germany taking over most of Europe and parts of northern Africa. These goals were bought on either by a concept of irredentism, commonly defined as reclaiming lost land to reach your nation's greatest extent, or expansionism, which is the the desire to gain more land, as Fascists oft have rather Globalist ambitions of one-world-government. Sometimes both can be used as justification, like in Germany, where the idea of Lebensraum ran rampant.


Fascism favors having a totalitarian dictator that has complete control over the country, subjecting all people who oppose the dictator to prison time or execution.


Fascist states like to build a large military, for national pride, 'honor', and a show of strength. They usually use the army to pursuit expansionist or irredentist goals as spurred by imperialism.

Views on Race & Ethnicity

Many forms of Fascism, such as National Socialism, are heavily based around race and/or ethnicity, however, Classical or Italian Fascism (the original form of Fascism based solely on the ideas of Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile) is not primarily focused on race or ethnicity, and instead is based more so around Cultural Nationalism.

Views on LGBT

More Classical varients of Fascism have very similar views on gays & most of LGBT+ Community to that of National Socialism, meaning that they often hold rather critical views of such people publicly as a way to attack progressve opponents, while allowing such relations secretly to loyalists.


Fascism is often seen as contradictory by both Leftists & Rightists because it hates both Liberalism & File:Marxlen.png Marxism-Leninism so most leftist claim that Fascism is a Capitalist ideology & many rightist claim that Fascism is Leftist ideology, but neither of these are correct.[1]

Realistically, Fascism has had Left-Wing and Right-Wing variants. We find that the true allegiance of Fascism is plainly authoritarian, in the most iron-fisted fashion.

Stylistic Notes

  • Italian

How to Draw

Flag of Fascism

The flag of Fascism is just the flag of the National Fascist Party of Italy, a black flag with a fasces on it.

  1. Draw a ball with eyes
  2. Make it black/very dark gray
  3. Draw a bunch of brown lines and another brown line underneath
  4. Draw a grey axe head next to the lines
  5. On the sticks draw a rope holding the bundle together
  6. (Optional) Draw Mussolini's Fez
    1. Draw a black trapezoid with rounded edges
    2. On the fez draw a red blob
    3. On the blob draw a golden eagle standing on fasces
    4. On top of the fez put a red line

You're finished!

Color Name HEX RGB
Dark Grey #141414 20, 20, 20
Brown #cbab72 203, 171, 114
Light Grey #c4c4c4 196, 196, 196



  • Imperialism - Friend from the Roman times.
  • Totalitarianism - My father who taught me how to govern the state.
  • Corporatism - My beloved economic model.
  • Clerical Fascism - My religious son.
  • National Syndicalism - Syndicates matter too (as long as I'm upon them).
  • Falangism - My Spanish friend, you're welcome as ever.
  • Austrofascism - My Austrian friend, I think you should ally with Nazis although you both had different ideas, in the end Austrians are ethnically and culturally Germans too.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Pretty based, but be less reactionary and accept an alternate modernity.
  • Catholic Theocracy - I thank you a lot for supporting me and acknowledged me as il Duce d'Italia. But you can leave now.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Exalting my nation and my culture is essential for the strengthening of the country.
  • National Socialism - A bit skeptical about this pure races stuff, and you kinda ruin my name, but I cannot deny our shared ideal and alliance. You kinda scared me sometimes.
  • Showaism - Based but poor Chinese and Koreans, they belong to important cultures too, respect them.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - Ensuring the people's welfare by means of unitary nationalism is one of my goals.
  • Futurism - I love your art, also thanks for help me take Italy! But why are you an atheist?
  • Social Authoritarianism - Redpilled Sucdem.


  • Esoteric Fascism - Why are you pagan? Also wtf is this Jewish soul business? Please take off those pagan practices ok?
  • Islamic Theocracy - I would support you if you promise your people doesn't massively come to my country.
  • Social Democracy - Good economic take, everything else is cringe.
  • Nordic Model - You are not fascist but you are not socialist either.
  • State Socialism - I'd support Bismarck's State Socialism but you are different from that previous one.
  • Anarcho-Fascism - How can you have everything within the state without a state?
  • National Bolshevism - His c*mmie son. At least he has good social and cultural views.
  • National Capitalism - His c*ppie son. At least he has good social and cultural views.
  • Racial Nationalism - "Race! It is a feeling, not a reality; ninety-five percent, at least, is a feeling. Nothing can make me believe that biologically pure races currently exist."
  • Reactionary Liberalism - Obsolete conservative bourgeoisie but at least is better than the rest of his family.
  • Stratocracy - You advice me to enter a war I couldn't win, then switched side, asshole! But then I wouldn't exist without you.


  • Liberalism - Degenerates.
  • Democracy - Weak and degenerate system.
  • Kleptocracy - I wish I was successful in getting rid of you.
  • Marxism File:Marxlen.png - My main enemy.
  • Anarchism - All her children are degenerates, except for Anarcho-Fascism.
  • Constitutional Monarchism - You're a traitor for surrendered to the Allies!
  • Anarcho-Communism - Pure degeneracy! Be grateful I translated Kropotkin's degenerate works into my glorious language!
  • Neoliberalism - Degenerate like the last one but a lot smarter ngl managerialism is cool.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - Blood alone moves the wheel of history.
  • Classical Liberalism - Obsolete and tend to be degenerate but we were temporarily allies to fight File:Soc.png File:Marxlen.png them.
  • Titoism - You maybe killed the majority of our supporters, but even though the Poglavnik could escape.
  • Supercapitalism - "At this stage, supercapitalism finds its inspiration and its justification in a utopia: the utopia of unlimited consumption. Supercapitalism's ideal is the standardization of the human race from the cradle to the grave. Supercapitalism wants all babies to be born exactly the same length so that the cradles can be standardized and all children persuaded to like the same toys. It wants all men to don the very same uniform, to read the same book, to have the same tastes in films, and to desire the same so-called labor-saving devices. This is not the result of caprice. It inheres in the logic of events, for only thus can supercapitalism make its plans."
  • Stalinism - Mean Russian who keep calling everything he disagree with a moderate left-wing of me!

Further Information


Notable Fascists


Understanding Fascism


Online Communities



  1. Fun fact: Fascist Italy didn't outlaw homosexuality since Mussolini believed that Italians were too manly to be gay anyways.


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