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"There is no question of ever accepting Nazi representatives in the Austrian cabinet. An absolute abyss separates Austria from Nazism. We do not like arbitrary power, we want law to rule our freedom. We reject uniformity and centralization. . . . Christendom is anchored in our very soil, and we know but one God: and that is not the State, or the Nation, or that elusive thing, Race."

Austrofascism is an Authoritarian Unity ideology that believes in a form of fascism that had uniquely Austrian characteristics such as Austrian nationalism, Catholicism, Corporatism, and it opposed Pan-Germanism. He is very clumsy, germanophobic, and very religious.


It all started on May 1933. The "Fatherland Front" was founded by Chancellor Dollfuss as a m erger of his Christian Social Party, the Heimwehr forces and other right-wing groups, and was intended to collect all "loyal Austrians" under one banner. In 1934 the Social Democratic parties paramilitary was disbanded by the government and shortly after the Communist and Nazi parties were banned. On 12 February 1934 the remaining paramilitary rebelled against their disbanding which started a 5 day civil war which resulted in a Fatherland Front victory. After that the Social Democratic Party was banned and its members in government replaced with VF members.

Corporate state

On 1 May the Federal State of Austria was declared a one-party state under the authoritarian leadership of the VF. Thereafter the VF were the only real party that stood a chance of doing anything in Austria. Dollfuss remained its undisputed leader until his assassination during the Nazi July Putsch on 25 July 1934. Ernst Rüdiger Starhemberg succeeded him, while his VF fellow Justice Minister Kurt Schuschnigg became chancellor. In 1936, Schuschnigg also took over the leadership of the VF. He declared the VF the only legal party. This is when they started using the crutch cross as its symbol and the party flag became the second official flag for Austria.


Schuschnigg acknowledged that Austrians were Germans and that Austria was a "German state" but he strongly opposed an Anschluss and passionately wished for Austria to remain independent from Germany. The fate was sealed for Austria when Mussolini teamed up with Germany. To ease tensions, Schuschnigg pardoned several conspirators of the 1934 July Putsch and let some into government positions. After a meeting between Hitler and Schuschnigg the situation was clear, Germany was going to annex Austria. Schuschnigg tried to prevent this with a referendum and unbanning the Social Democrats but it was too late. Schuschnigg resigned and Germany annexed Austria. The VF were the immediately banned, ending VF rule in Austria.


Austrofascism believes in in a form of fascism that had uniquely Austrian characteristics such as Austrian nationalism, Catholicism, Corporatism Authoritarian Conservatism, Clerical Fascism, National Agrarianism, along with opposition to Liberalism, Communism, Capitalism, and Pan-Germanism. They also say they implemented the form of government and society the social teaching of Pope Pius XI's 1931 encyclical Quadragesimo anno.


While in power, Engelbert Dolfuss sought to modernize Austria in a way that respected the traditions and unique character of Austrian life. Dolfuss implemented a careful economic regime which sought to balance the budget, ensure a just distribution of economic power, and promote Judeo-Christian values. A key feature of Austrofascism was its implementation of austerity measures. Dollfuss aimed to reduce unnecessary spending and foster a society that embraced a more straightforward way of living, aligning with his Catholic belief in living modestly for God and family. This approach was a response to the encroachment of consumerism in neighboring countries like Czechoslovakia, which threatened traditional values. Dollfuss saw it as a method to trim excess, combat superficial consumerism, and promote a devout and ascetic lifestyle in service of God. Dollfuss advocated for a blend of Christian corporatism inspired by Seipel, a proponent of Catholic social teachings. This ideology called for a "corporated" state to supersede the existing parliamentary system, drawing on encyclicals like Rerum Novarum by Pope Leo XIII and the corporate state concept from fascism. The aim was to establish the Austrian state as the foundation of society, with Catholicism as a guiding principle for political culture and the economy. Under this system, every member of a specific economic sector must join an officially sanctioned interest group. These groups, categorized by industry or occupation, would then hold public status and participate in national policymaking. Consequently, the state would exert significant influence over these corporate groups while the groups would regulate their members. Despite having Ludwig von Mises as an economic advisor, there is no convincing evidence that his Laisse policy was implemented in Austria.[1]

Personality and Behavior

Austrofascism is very clumsy. He usually seen dropping things like his food, drinks, grenades and overall just being very clumsy. He is also very germanophobic. He is usually seen going on long rants on why the Germans (specifically Nazis) suck and just being rude to any German ideology he sees. He is also very religious. Usually seen in a catholic church praying and overall acting very catholic.

How to Draw

Flag of Austrofascism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Draw the top and bottom of the ball carmine
  3. Draw the middle of the ball white and have a white circle that goes into the carmine
  4. Draw a carmine crutch cross in the circle
  5. Draw a shamrock-colored greater-than sign on the left side of the ball
  6. Draw the inside of the greater-than sign white
  7. Draw eyes and then you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Carmine #ED2939 237, 41, 57
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Shamrock #009258 0, 146, 88


Freunde des Vaterlandes (Friends of the Fatherland)

  • Christian Nationalism - "Christendom is anchored in our very soil, and we know but one God: and that is not the State, or the Nation, or that elusive thing, Race."
  • Catholic Theocracy - I am loyal to the Vicar of Christ in Rome, Krampus pagan celebration will be banned!
  • Habsburgism - Dollfuss did not have a high opinion of you for your bad management of WW1 but apart from that I would say that we have excellent relations: Schuschnigg put an end to your exile in 1935 and did not rule out your restoration, furthermore many legitimist sympathizers joined the Fatherland Front because they were conservative anti-anschluss Catholic patriots, all things I like.
  • Clerical Fascism - Austria is a Catholic Land, those dirty Prussian Protestants will not prevail and I would only support a united Germany if it followed the true faith.
  • Corporatism - Neither capitalism nor communism!
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - I agree that totalitarianism is overrated, but we still need a strong state to uphold our glorious conservative values.
  • Necrocracy - Long live Dollfuß!
  • Austrian School - My fellow Austrian commerce chamber's chairman.
  • Ultranationalism - Österreich über alles!
  • Salazarism - My Portuguese brother! Portugal é ótimo!
  • Brazilian Integralism - Another traditionalist friend from Brazil.
  • Metaxism and National Radicalism - Similar to the above. You both care about preserving your traditions and culture, and were also invaded by him.
  • Reactionaryism - We must preserve the traditional values and culture of Austria!
  • Tisoism - Another Catholic friend from Slovakia.
  • Distributism - Chesterton mourned Dolfuss' death. Thank you!

Feinde des Vaterlandes (Frenemies of the Fatherland)

Feinde Österreichs (Enemies of Austria)

  • Volkism - No different than the above. You just want to invade my land.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Damn heretical communists! I banned you for a reason! Unbanned later because you hated Anschluss
  • Liberalism - Another heretical degenerate who wants to destroy our culture.
  • Social Democracy - Filthy Socialist! Same with you
  • National Liberalism and Pan-Germanism - The Third Camp is a bunch of nazi traitors! Though I admit Kurz is kinda based.
  • Austromarxism - NO YOU’RE ADOPTED!
  • Anti-Fascism - BASH HIM, NOT ME!
    • I'll take advantage of fascist infighting to bash you both.

Further Information






Comics and Artwork


  1. [The Dollfuss/Schuschnigg Era in Austria: A Reassessment (Contemporary Austrian Studies)]pg 76