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*[[File:Mao.png]] [[Maoism|Japanese Red Army]] (1971-2001), [[File:Cball-Japan.png]] Japan
*[[File:Antijap.png]] [[Anti-Japaneseism|East Asia Anti-Japan Armed Front]] (1972-1975), [[File:Cball-Japan.png]] Japan
*[[File:RedGuard.png]] [[Maoism|Red Guards]] (1966-1976)
===Online Communities===

Revision as of 10:23, 31 May 2022

Revolutionary Progressivism also called Ultraprogressivism, Neo-Jacobinism, and Neo-Progressivism is a culturally and (most of the time) economically far-left ideology that believes in the radical restructuring of existing society through violent means in the vision of modern progressive ideals. The ideology ultimately sees that strict conservative cultural norms are inherently fascistic and should be treated as such.



Foundations and Beliefs

Revolutionary Progressivism believes that conservative thought is inherently wrong in every way, and that it should be removed from the world via any means necessary. This can be through censorship, removing conservatives from national politics, forcing conservatives to progressive beliefs and so on.

He believes that all progressives should be trained to be "tough" on conservatism, with war tactics and so on to kill conservatives that are still vocal about being a conservative. He thinks that after conservatives are forced to keep quiet, conservative belief will slowly die out. Which after, monitoring new conservative ideas would be left to the government.

He is unlike most progressives, against safe-spaces. The reason for that is because he believes that instead of keeping his fellow progressives in chambers like this, we should train them instead.

Personality and Behavior

Revolutionary Progressivism is portrayed as an experienced fighter and tough criminal, who likes to teach other progressives to be stronger. He has very little fear, and usually has a calm personality with him putting little thought into what he is saying. He will only lose his cool when he hears or sees a conservative, in which case he will get angry and sometimes will not be able to hold himself back and beat them up in front of people.

His tactics are frequently employed by anarcho-communists and other leftists. Due to his affinity for killing conservatives and violence in general, Revolutionary Progressivism believes that pacifists and/or upholders of the NAP are weak and refers to them as "pussies". Reactionarism is his biggest rival as they both like to use violent tactics to further their respective ideologies and are on the opposite sides of the cultural spectrum.

Stylistic Notes

Revolutionary Progressivism can be drawn with any kind of handheld weapon.

How to Draw

Flag of Revolutionary Progressivism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill it in with neon green.
  3. Draw a green stripe going through the ball, starting from the top right and ending on the bottom left.
  4. Draw a dark green arrow in the middle.
  5. Draw the eyes.
  6. Give the left eye a pink scar going behind it.

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Neon green #42FF20 66, 255, 32
Green #289313 40, 147, 19
Dark green #103A07 16, 58, 7
Pink #FF9191 255, 145, 145



  • Anti-Fascism - Let's go hunt some racists.
  • Radicalism - Let's go stalk some racists.
  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - You've got the right ideas, dad. But stop being such a wuss and start killing cons! Also why do you hate me so much?
  • Insurrectionary Anarchism - This unfair society is in need of some insurrection.
  • Mao-Spontex - ...speaking of which.
  • Jacobinism - My biggest source of inspiration for my methods. Party like it's 1793!
  • Anarcho-Communism - I've taught you everything you need to know, now go and beat up those cons!
  • Queer Anarchism - Be gay, do crime.
  • Illegalism - Do crime, achieve progressive.
  • Maoism - Ok, we will do a Cultural Revolution 2.0, this time with LGBT rights.
  • State Atheism - Religions are reactionary and need to be erased.
  • Anarkata and Indigenism - Ethnic minorities must rise up against the racist establishment!
  • Leninism - Destroyed most of traditional Russian Tsarist society, legalized LGBT, and condemned racism. Based.


  • Neoliberalism - Depending on how extreme I feel, I may or may not like you.
  • Social Democracy - Same with you
  • Laicism - You're being weak, just murder the conservatives already!
  • Reformism - You too! How will we achieve progress without violently restricting conservatism?
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - You're weak. Peaceful protest will never solve our problems!
  • State Liberalism - Yeah send those bootlickers to death camps-WAIT, not me too!
  • Marxism–Leninism - The way you deal with reactionaries and other conservatives is based, but so many of your states being conservative now is cringe! Love your channel but the way xoxo.
  • Pink Capitalism - That stupid NAP is holding you back. I like your marketing, though.
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - I like your flare, gramps! Smash those regressives and bust those trusts! But why do you keep telling me to read the strenuous life?
  • Futurism - Good rejecter of the past and enjoyer of anti-conservative violence, but you are too fashy.
  • Maoism–Third Worldism - Standing up against neocons, based! Defending right wing nations just because America doesn't like them, cringe!
  • Progressive Conservatism - Cringe! (The only exceptions to this are with my Progressive Traditionalist friends.)


  • Stalinism - Call me a radlib once more and you'll see what's good for you.
  • Horseshoe Centrism - No!!!! Stop saying Evola and Conservative Revolution are the same thing as us!!! I'm MELTING!!!!!
  • Apoliticism - If you really want things to be right, you must be politically involved, whether you like it or not. If you remain apolitical, then I will stalk you.
  • Moderatism - You are actually right-wing. You are on my hit list.
  • Trumpism - I can't wait till you get assassinated.
  • Bidenism - Just because you are not Tr*mp, does not spare you because you are a moderate boomer who worked with wignats in the past.
  • Shapiroism - Facts don't matter when there's fucking justice to be had.
  • Conservatism - My hands were built for disemboweling you. (Do I even have hands?)
  • Traditionalism - Fuck you, your """traditions""" and your "back in my day" shit, ya son of a bitch. It's 2024 now and you should not behave like this.
  • Reactionarism - My worst nightmare...
  • Anarcho-Primitivism - Past-worshiping savage who cannot even be a worthy opponent due to his outdated weaponry.
  • Primal Primitivism - [Comment removed by moderator]
  • Jihadism - Fuck ISIS.
  • Conservative Socialism - As much as I hate to agree with Korwinism about anything, you are NOT a socialist, just a right-winger who likes welfare.
  • Neoconservatism - Your stupid wars have led to so many people getting killed for oil and you could at least allow more women, LGBT people, POC, and disabled people in the military.
  • Welfare Chauvinism -Social Fascism??? Really??
  • Religion - I've had enough of your superstitions and brainwashing enabling cons. Ready to meet your god, asshole?!
  • Alt-Right & Alt-Lite - They're both worthy competitors, I'll give them that, doesn't change the fact that both of them are rightoid chuds.
  • Paleolibertarianism - You are just like them. Just because you believe government should stay out of the way of social issues doesn't save you.
  • Racial Nationalism - You won't be needing your racial state once I'm done with you, chud.
  • Capitalism - Capitalism is inherently racist.
  • National Capitalism - As if capitalism wasn't racist enough already.
  • National Bolshevism - That's not what I meant by "alt-"left!
  • Police Statism - I just love burning your stations :-)
  • Stratocracy - Wait wait wait wait bro it was just a prank look the camera is over there-
  • Manosphere - Stop oppressing women by saying that men are victims of feminism.
  • Eco-Conservatism - *spitefully sets his garden on fire*
  • LGBT Conservatism - Just because you support LGBT rights doesn't mean I will spare you.
  • Libertarianism - You are basically a conservative. You better run, you're next.

Further Information






Online Communities


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  1. The Young Patriots, despite using confederate flags, were not racist or neo-confederate sympathisers.