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    Post Kentucky Socialism

    This is my new ideology I like Marx believe that history progresses in many different forms and communism in a similar way communism has progressed in different ways. A key aspect of post is the belief that communism has failed but communists must still try to achieve a revolution 

    The first era of communism and Marx

    Marx created communism no debate there, but marx did not put it into practice he laid a framework out that future communists were to follow in. my critique of orthodox marxists are that they don't understand it is a framework, they treat marx as a infallible god who is perfect in everyway. They have been corrupted by the actvist manifesto similar to the eponymous text in the book [King In Yellow] he who reads this blasphemous text is doomed to become a unbearable Orthodox Marxist

    The Second era of Lenin

    Lenin freed Russia creating the first communist state, I have no more hot takes on this era(except leftcoms suck). Many tried to stop Lenin from passing control to Joseph Stalin his rightful predecessor enemies from the liberal left and the bourgeois right

    and the thrid era of Stalin and Mao

    eventually comrade Stalin created Marxism-Leninism: the perfect ideology in every feasible way and purged traitors from the communist party. He liberated Europe and established more communist states. At this same time a parallel to Stalin emerged in the form of Mao Zedong. (obviously these parrelles don't take place at the same time) Mao Zedong also purged traitors in the glorious cultural revolution.

    The age of reformist devils

    obviously these great titans of communism both died, passung theyre roll onto mediocre successors with good intentions. These susccessors: (Hua Goufeng and Malenkov) tried to stop revisionism but failed Khurscehv and Deng corrupted theyre respective nations with reformism

    The Resurggence of socialism

    Brezhnev and Xi Jingping are alike both tried to restore socialism andgoing with this parrellel Xi probably will fail to. They both still partook in vicious reforms

    My Point here

    This liberal world doesn't deserve communism but we must still make an effort to reestablish it, my ideology is full of pessimism and choosing the lesser evils

    Why the feminist movement is counterrevolutionary

    Here me out before you say these wild things bout me you gotta listen. Ever since its inception the feminist movement has been anti revolutionary starting with the reactionary pro slavery movement led by the rascist bitch Susan B Anthony and her band of reactionaries who tried to drown out slavery with their false cries of oppression. Now the Marxist/Communist movement is inherently feminist as it tries to achieve rights for all there for Marxists are already femnist so Marxism is by default Marxist Feminism I support Marxist Femnism but “normal” feminism is bourgeoisie and tries to drown out more important issues like class,race and sexuality with their white women tears. White women have had rights from the beginning and if they truly believe in equality they would be marxist. Their fore Feminists (of the non Marxist mainstream variety) are kulaks and bourgeoisie, class collaborating, counterrevolutionary pigs

    My political journey

    // ///////

    • - i was just a dumb kid who lived in the liberal town of Louisville KY
    • - my politics started when trump was elected and I hated him, I had loved Obama and was sad when he left office I also hated Hillary tho and preferred trump over her. My dad also educated me on the evils of communism
    • - when i moved from Kentucky to North Dakota which is a hardcore red state.When 2020 hit and all the kids in my class were spewing fanatic rhetoric i started to hate trump, I even wished America lost the us revolution so we could still be british. i liked the idea of a lib monarchy but I wasnt really a monarchist
    • - i went to a new school made new friends and discovered this wiki. I didnt make posts at this time or have an account
    • these next phases happened around the same time
    • - I was fluctuating in my views always having a crisis I started to research anarcho monarchist thought and had a short Anarcho-Monarchist phase. This also marked my transition from reading WWII history to cold war history which would become timeliness to my present views.
    • - My views kept changing and that led to this phase where I was having bad grades and getting mad at everyone and hated all authority so i became an existential anarchist
    • - my views solidified into something coherent and I first made this account. I really wanted the left to get along (I also discovered the Cpusa)
    • - became more and more sympathetic to socialism but I wasn't an outed communist
    • - From my knowledge from cold war material and browsing the CPUSA website it became clear that a liberal democracy would never work as conservatives and plutocrats would just keep getting elected I embraced communism
    • - I realized I didn’t know much about communism and needed to go back to my roots, I am still researching and reading theory

    Communism the christian way

    I used to think christianity is reactionary and atheism was the way but I like the idea of going to heaven and honestly communism is a good Christian beleif and jesus even preached socialism. I will never want to force my religion on people dispute my renewal of faith and politicaly im pretty much the same. Atheism is fine but it shouldnt be forced on people islam is also like catholicism fundamentally socialist same with buddhism. My main problem is with Protestantism, Prots are far more reactionary in america than catholics and in a catholic church you will find more progressive views. Prots are far more conservative and likely to be extremist like the klan unlike catholics who are more social oriented. No matter what religion however anyone can become a communist

    Views on currrent conlficts

    Russo-Ukrainian war

    Death to UKKKraine Z


    Ideological Realtions

    *  Socialism- extremely based

    *  Caudillismo - depends like  Castro is based but Franco...

  •   Stratocracy also depends on the context
  •   Posadism - Actually kinda based 💀,Environmentalist futuristic ideology just please dont end the world (but... only if the world ends can a true communist state be established) if only you weren’t a trot
  •   Pacifist Feminism - Someone more based than default feminism

  • *  Anarchism - uh i get along with some more leftist anarchists just generic anarchists are fine ig and tolerable (see argument above why i dont really care about them) just please research before you call yourself one

    *  Capitalism - Worst. ideology. Ever

  •   Liberal Democracy- Fools! idiots! they want to be progressive but are anti socialist these bourgeoisie must face the wall
  •   Imperialism - Death to western imperialism
  •   Social Darwinism- Nazi and Neonazi ideology. A fine idelogy for animals or cavemen but not people!
  •   Avaritionism - Cringe Greedyism Just generic capitalism
  •   Nazism   - death to the Nazi Scum
  •   Neo-Nazism- I want to personally kill you all. Somehow less hated in Amerikkka than communism
  •   National Bolshevism - you scumbags infuriate me by pretending Lenin would have approved of you all. IDGAF about which way you lean   right or   left bigotry is terrible and must be destroyed. You chuds must die
  •   Volkism - just proto nazism
  •   Corporatism and othe 3rd position ideologies   - Class collaborationism as an ideology is cringe. Is pretty much the dark side of Syndicalism
  •   National Primitivism - as if primitivism could get stupider
  •   Eco-Fascism - mabye we should stop telling them to touch grass
  •   Homofascism - no matter what a nazi is a nazi
  •   Absolute Monarchism - Holds people in serfdom must be overthrown
  •   “Anarchism”- average teenager who wants to rebel and has never read theory lord i hate my peers
  •   Green Anarchists - biggest anarkiddies round so fucking cringe im a green anarchist like they are just dumb bitches that have never read theory. Epitome of teenage “punk” girls ideology who pretend to be emo and cut themselves
  •   National Anarchism - Bro what
  •   Anarcha-Feminism - wow feminists trying to be edgy your soooooo special fucking reactionary
  •   Religious Feminism - still reactionary no matter which religion yall are
  •   CyberFeminism - fucking weird
  •   Ecofeminism - stop trying to mask your reactionarism
  •   Conservative Feminism - dumb tradbitch
  •   Liberal Feminism - Liberalism is bourgeoisie and so are you. again trying to mask your feminist beliefs
  •   Libertarian Feminism - super bourgeoisie feminism
  • burn in hell
  •   Radical Feminism - literal man hating feminists somehow more sexist than manosphere
  •   TWERFs avergae feminist moment
  •  S*ffruagettes - worst of the worst
  •   White Feminism racist feminism wow totally surprised
  •   National Feminism - just fascists who were also feminists
  •   Nordick Model - despite being loved by succ dems across the US it still practices western imperialism and lets big companies run wild

  • IRL People Relations

    *  Jesus Christ - the most based human ever forgave our sins and gave us eternal salvation

    *  Lázaro Cárdenas   - complicated guy on one hand did some based things on the otherhand was a   Trot sympathizer

  •   Emmerson Mnangagwa - R*former and responsible for many of the promblems Zimbabwe has (and gave land to Rh*desians) but anti western ZANU geurilla chad. Also being anti white nationalist does not make you a chauvinist

  • *  Jimmy Carter- Cringe N*olib but personality wise you were great and you did lots of charity you will be missed

  •   Dwight Eisenhower - cringe Neocuck who fought the glorious soviet union but you kicked Hitlers ass

  • *  Ol Mitch McConnell   - Mitch, Mitch, Mitch what to say about you, I was raised in your state and you were Senator as long as I can remember your just so old honestly average cringe Republican

  •   Videla  - mass murdering psychopath and anticommunist idiot, he killed communists to preserve his wealth and the status of the 1 percent
  •   Banzer  - repressing unions and minorities and chilling with  him GO TO HELL
  •   Stroessner   - makes   him look chill
  •   Goering   - absolutly evil (tno fatman funny lol)
  •   Amadeo Bordingus  - Left communism is retarded and you are the father of the retards
  •   Mussolini  - what do you think i going to say about him, father of fascism nuff said
  •   Leopold II   - literally capitalism and imperialism in its true finest form
  •   Muhammad Idris bin Muhammad al-Mahdi as-Senussi (Idris of Libya)   - Glad Gaddafi got rid of your regime
  •   Saloth Sar (Pol Pot)  - Slaughtered so many innocent people with his idocy. He was even worse because he claimed to be a communist despite his reactionarism and racism. BURN IN HELL
  •   George Wallace   - Racist asshole
  •   Niki Haley   - This Bitch!
  •   Francisco Franco  - FUCK YOU for beating the reds!

  • User Relations

    *  UserWiki:Charles de Guell - fairly based but too revsionist

    *  Applethesky2021 - Sorta cringe but has some based takes and is nice anti communism is stupid and what do you mean Mao is a demon he is the opposite

  •   Glencoe- Moderate... Has some based takes ig

  • *honestly unless your an ass to me or are a fascist you shouldnt be one here unless I hate you

  •   UserWiki:CromwellStalinFan1918 - lotta cringe socialists need to read theory this guy needs to read a history book the confederates are NOT socialist and never were. Would almost be based execpt for the CSA has some cringe as fuck takes. He is focused on the past before communism was even existant like Caesar was not at all like lenin man

  • Political Parties/Movements I support (& those i dont)

    *note that these are ones i have reasearched

    *almost every party i have not researched

    *  NRM- Fuck you, you dumbass edgy teens these idiots probably cant even name 7 Nordic gods they are a sad excuse for a terrorist organization

  •   Aryan nations - Dam yall talk a big game but lets see how you do outside of prison, Id worry less about race and more about getting a job (no intelligent person will hire you with those tattoos)
  •   Azov Regiment   - I would join the Russian army just to shoot these bastards, They are the darlings of the west and Ukraines special forces
  •   CasaPound Italia (CasaPound Italy)  - these fools are winning elections and getting even stronger where are the   red brigades when you need em
  •   Atomwaffen Division    - Stupid seigetard terrorists and not the good   leftist kind
  •   Falun Gong   - dangerous reactionary death cult who fetishize trump must be eradicated quick

  • Other stuff

    Which figure do i remind you of

    •   Apple -   Ho Chih Minh +   Hua Guofeng +   Malcolm X (but Christian) - Noice

    Best Countries

    9.   Nasserist Egypt  

    8.   Laos  

    7.  Czechoslovak Socialist Republic     

    6.   Vietnam  

    5.  People’s Socialist Republic of Albania   

    4.   Cuba   

    3.   German Democratic Republic       

    3.  Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya   [5]

    2..   - PRC  

    1.   The Soviet Union was and is the best country of all time



    Comment here I cleaned up my comments but i love any feedback or political discussions


    1. I am conflicted relegion wise while I understand and deeply appreciate Islam and have considered converting im proud of my Catholic heritage and traditions. On top of all that other religions are also so based 😭. I would mostly say my syncretism applies to Abrahamic faiths though as I believe and pray to the God of Abraham (though incorporating and collaborating with other religions is important to me
    2. Im just that special
    3. and yes I do mean “holodomor”
    4. had a dream where his ghost was my friend he were pretty chill
    5. I rate them both on the same level
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