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{{MessageBox/Move|10th of August}}
|birthday=[[File:Leo.png]] 2nd August, 2005|discord=[[File:Discord.png]] Deyvid#8195|themecolor=ff3d00|textcolor=ffffff|bordercolor=#2b92f3|border= 3px|dislikes=[[File:ProtTheo.png]] Protestantoids [[File:ProtTheo.png]]<br>
|birthday=[[File:Leo.png]] 2nd August, 2005|discord=[[File:Discord.png]] Deyvid#8195|themecolor=ff3d00|textcolor=ffffff|bordercolor=#2b92f3|border= 3px|dislikes=[[File:ProtTheo.png]] Protestantoids [[File:ProtTheo.png]]<br>

Revision as of 11:28, 28 July 2023

We need to move
"Well this is going to be a bureaucratic nightmare" - Ordo-Liberalism
This page needs to be moved to a different namespace or otherwise it will be deleted by the 10th of August. Go to this page to request it be moved.

This user is Sr Deyvid

"Freedom to Spain!"

This user has been around since 2020.

"Only the beginning, my friend."

Hello everyone, my name is David or better known as Sr. Deyvid, I am from Spain, my birthday is on August 2, 2005, I am 17 years old, I usually spend time on the internet, either watching political things, or things other than this, I like meeting new people who are nice and similar to my points of view

Also I'm a dude that like pass the time here like the autist that I am and everyone in this website.

Well if you read of the above, I hope that you have a good day :)))

Comment here



Antonio 1555 - Quite based compatriot very similar to me and quite friendly

Ronzipot - For what I can see, your ideology look very based that's perfect!!! wait a moment, Are you Protestant?


Sneedivs - Catholic Based, Culturally Right, Religious, Monarchist and Anti-Protestant the only complaints I can see is about your authoritarianism and your reactionary view I mean I'm culturally trad but I don't like cultural extremism

Black Drone - Generally quite based you remind me of my past self, good old days, but authoritarianism and climate change denialism i just hate it

 Noel21231  - The nationalism is quite based together with social conservatism, your economy seems a bit strange to me but meanwhile in the civic axis you are somewhat statist, you should be more liberal but in general it is fine

 Applethesky2021  - Well, you are a guy who is quite moderate politically but being center-right socially and wanting to liberate China from Xi Jinping's dictatorship makes you quite based

 Uzarash  - In terms of government, good, in terms of the economy not my thing, in social terms you should be more conservative and in diplomacy I just don't like that you're somewhat interventionist and alter globalization, nice ideology in general


 Yoda8soup  - The truth is that civic liberalism/libertarianism, democracy and markets are quite based, socialism is meh, but the regulated market economy, internationalism and progressivism go down quite a bit

 AshleyHere  - Individualism, anti-authoritarianism and environmentalism are quite good but I don't like anti-theism, anti-humanism and nihilism at all

- Communism, authoritarianism with a state economy is not my thing, but conservatism, georgism and national

The Grand Anarch - The idea that people can live from entertainment as an important part of their lives is fine since it's natural for human beings to search for it, but I honestly think that you take it to an extreme of how to try to take away work and I don't like the idea of ​​abolishing capitalism although support the markets is quite good, in the sense of civil structure I support the decentralization of the state but neither when it comes to anarchy, culturally I see it too progressive for my taste but I hope to see you soon to know more about your thoughts :)))

Bman - I have to say that you are the authleft that I like the most on the wiki, I really like your social conservatism, religiosity and monarchism, it is a pity that you do not value property and freedom enough

 KaiserKlausMouse  - Social Conservatism, Euroscepticism, Catholicism, Ecologism, Nationalism, Anticommunism and Anti-Republicanism are pretty good to begin, although with conservatism it takes it too far for my taste and I'm not a fan of ethnic nationalism or religious, I don't like it your economic system and that you are anti-libertarian, anti-capitalist and militarist, so your ideology is neutral


Savvas1984 - Socialism and transhumanism are things that I don't like at all although I have to admit that nationalism is very based, btw the state liberalism is a fictitious ideology, so it would be best if you don't take it as a serious ideological influence

 Ukraiana  - You're like some kind of theocratic fascist, something I don't like at all. Capitalism is fine, but the regulationism? and very reactionary for my taste

 Matteel  - you're basically a common western social democrat just more nationalist than average, not much to add

 Glencoe13  - I don't like socialism, transhumanism, progressivism and separatism, at least you are civically liberal and an environmentalist, which is fine

 Pantheon  - Tbh the socialism, corporatism, globalism and paganism is cringe but the monarchism and environmentalism is very cool


File:FabiusNewicon.png PaleoFabius - But what the hell happened to you? I'm going to be the most honest with you, the fact that you're now a Nazi just seems gross to me and believe me that be fascist it's stupid, but also the fact that you call people like BeryAb and  Glencoe13  "racially inferior" makes it just worse and if that wasn't enough the icing on the cake is that from what I can see you hate Iberians and Hispanics I warn you in advance that I am not a friend and I don't like people who hate Spanish and Hispanics, so please leave this wiki a time and better spend your life trying to socialize with real life people, believe me it's very nice and reassuring to be with people that share the same tastes as yours and try to get a girlfriend, because you urgently need suck a one pussy

 Leninisbased556  - Tbh your ideology is very awful to me, I mean that you want establish a Marxist-Leninist Republic with Progressive Social-Cultural Views, that's very disgusting although things like the euroscepticism and the guns rights are based, there are few good things about your ideology

CynicalLibra - Look, i don't know how are you personally, but your ideology for me is just a distopia, your idea of implement a "Revolutionary Democracy" and "Democratic Centralism" with vanguardists forms and social-cultural progressive it's not the mine, basically you and me we have very different views, except the freedom of expresion, secularism and legalization of most drugs

 Marsvner  - Your ideology that mix communism, internationalism, progressivism, satanism, atheism is very cringe tbh at least you're not so authoritarian that other guys or that i think

Nekoqing - This political ideology is very cringe, at least culturally speaking you are better than the others above.


Nice People

Idk/I need get to know them better

Not Nice People


  • Logical Grey - For the love of god, pls stfu you're not funny and your jokes are so stupid that only a one stupid kid would like

My self-insert

My self-insert:

Countries Opinion

Based in politics, not other thing

(3) (2.5) (2) (1.5) (1) (0.5) (0)

(Political Structure/Economic Structure/Social Structure/Foreign Policy)

Based countries, little to no changes necessary (12-10)


Good, in need of a few reforms (9.5-7.5)

Canada (///) 8.5/12

Japan (///) 8.5/12

Australia (///) 8/12

Italy (///) 7.5/12

United Kingdom (///) 7.5/12

Meh, need a reform (7-6)

Poland (///) 6/12

Bad, the reform is necessary (5.5-3.5)

USA (///) 5.5/12

France (///) 5/12

Germany (///) 4.5/12

Spain (///) 4.5/12

Terrible, the entire system should change

China (/// 2/12

Russia (///) 2/12

Ideological Evolution

Hello everyone, here I am going to tell you the story of my political evolution from the beginning to the present and the changes that I have had since I became interested in politics

The time that I was really interested in politics was thanks for COVID-19 since by March 2020 I was getting bored of playing minecraft all day in quarantine times because he no longer had so much fun and he wanted to go back with his friends to go out on the streets again, so he began to investigate what measures the government of Spain, With which he met the main politicians and the main political parties in Spain that are Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE), People's Party (PP), Vox, United We Can and Citizens and over time discover more political parties

After his investigation, he left it in April 2020, it seemed that he was not going to return, but in July 2020 he became interested in a Discord Server and that's when the first epoch begins

Socialiberal Epoch

The whole epoch started when I made the original political compass with this Result, over time I learned mainly about political ideologies investigating the most important ones and the one I most identified with was the Social Liberalism and the truth is, this epoch lasted about 3 months, because over time I investigated more and stopped being Social Liberal

Neoconservative Liberal Epoch

At this time I delved into social and economic issues with which little by little I have become a Liberal Conservative but also supported Diplomatic Interventionism, at that time it was culturally from the center-right and economically center-right to the right

Falangist Epoch

At this time it was where I was most interested in reading and theory, I read a lot about people with different political ideologies, but the one that convinced me the most was the Falangism, The people they admired the most were José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Ramiro Ledesma Ramos and Onesimo Redondo, by the way, at this time an Instagram account was created promoting Falangism, but it no longer publishes anything although it uses it from time to time

National Conservative Epoch

In this time I knowed more about politics and I am learning more debating with people and reading, seeing the things that happen around me and many other things, I have to say that at this stage I radicalized quite the same I do not think I would become an extremist as such

LibUnity Epoch

Over time when I decided to listen other people's opinions and debate more deeply, I began to leave my authoritarian-statist thinking, becoming an libertarian traditionalist nationalist from economically center to center-right more to.

Libertarian Epoch

Now, after a while of thinking and questioning things more, now my views on economics have changed and I am now more capitalist than I was at one point and now I support the idea of ​​a limited government that respects traditions of the country, who care about the country and support a free market capitalist economic system.

Current Epoch

I think that i don't need explain so much, is basically me but more moderate in all aspects because you know the extremism is very stupid and eventually going to fail so yeah i'm a a National Liberal and Conservative Liberal now.

Who I’d Vote For in Spanish General Elections

Eye, The fact that I am going to vote for this candidate does not mean that I am 100% in favor of everything he says and I'll only count from the transition

1977 - Adolfo Suárez ( Union of the Democratic Centre)

1979 - Manuel Fraga ( Democratic Coalition)

1982 - Manuel Fraga ( People's Coalition)

1986 - Manuel Fraga ( People's Coalition)

1989 - José María Aznar (I clarify here that I only like its economic and social measures because in diplomacy it is a disaster) ( People's Party)

1993 - José María Aznar ( People's Party)

1996 - José María Aznar ( People's Party)

2000 - José María Aznar ( People's Party)

2004 - Mariano Rajoy ( People's Party)

2008 - Mariano Rajoy ( People's Party)

2011 - Mariano Rajoy ( People's Party)

2015 - Albert Rivera ( Ciudadanos (Cs))

2016 - Albert Rivera ( Ciudadanos (Cs))

2019 (Apr) - Santiago Abascal ( Vox)

2019 (Nov) - Santiago Abascal ( Vox)

2023 (maybe) - Santiago Abascal ( Vox)

User relationship quiz

This quiz it's about knowing how based it seems to me through about 10 statements, if you agree with a statement you earn 1 point if you slightly agree you will have 0.5 points and if you disagree then you receive 0 points, take the quiz and post your result in the comments (btw i updated the question 5 and 6, so if you did this quiz before, do the 5 and 6 again and actualize your result)

1-I strongly oppose authoritarianism

2-I support the idea of ​​reducing the current size of the state

3-I support the idea of ​​a semi-direct democracy

4-I support an economy based primarily on free markets and free trade

5-I think that the price of the products should be based primarily in the subjective theory of value

6-I support that the capitalism is the most successful economic system, but it's not perfect

7-I'm culturally conservative

8-I'm a Christian specifically catholic

9-I support the environmentalism

10-I'm a nationalist who supports the spaniard nation


Ideological Journey

-----------> / -----------> -----------> /// -----------> /// -----------> ///-------> ///

Literally Me

Literally me

Political parties and political movements that I like

Political Parties





Places around the world

Places I've Been

  • Spain (Native)
    • Andalusia
    • Aragon
    • Asturias
    • Balearics Islands
    • Basque Country
    • Canary Islands
    • Castilla–La Mancha
    • Catalonia
    • Madrid
    • Galicia
    • Navarre
    • Murcia
    • Valencia
  • United Kingdom
    • Gibraltar ( SPANISH GIBRALTAR BITCHES!!! )

Want to Live in (sorted by preference)

  • Community of Madrid
    • Madrid
  • Region of Murcia
    • Cartagena
  • My actual residence

Want to Visit (sorted by preference)

  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Portugal
  • Ireland
  • Canada
  • Egypt
  • Romania
  • Poland
  • Tunisia
  • United States
  • Australia
  • Russia
  • Germany

Music bands I that listen

Pages I have added

Icons I have added

  • Kranoterism
  • Falangism
  • Aristocracy
  • Authoritarian Conservatism
  • Mansphere
  • Cultural Nationalism
  • Democratic Reactionarism
  • Polish Libertarianism
  • Dark Enlightenment
  • White Anarchism
  • Sr Deyvid Thought
  • Music
  • Tradwife
  • File:Vomit.png Vomit
  • Aaron Burr
  • Female Vox
  • Adolfo Suárez
  • Leopoldo Calvo-Sotelo
  • Felipe González
  • José María Aznar
  • José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero
  • Mariano Rajoy
  • Pedro Sánchez
  • Murcia
  • Madrid
  • Frente Obrero



  • Salvador de Madariaga (98/100) - A man who was quite ahead of his time, without a doubt a great wise critic of communism and francoism and a great admiration for Spain and all its cultural legacy, without a doubt you are my hero.
  • Carl Menger (95/100) - You are the man who has contributed the most interesting and effective laws in the economic field, in addition to the fact that you are the person who created the theory based on subjective value, quite interesting.
  • George Washington (92/100) - I have to admit that your concept of revolution mixing classical liberalism, nationalism and capitalism is just epic, I love how you freed your country from a great imperial potential of that time, quite brave!
  • Vicki Echevarría/Una Alienada (96/100) - You are basically my favorite Spanish youtuber who talks about politics, I really like your videos of how you explain that the woke culture and the SJW are doing everything possible to censor our freedoms of expression in a very obvious and very shameless way to the citizens and the fact that you are a libertarian makes you more epic and based
  • Isaac Parejo/InfoVlogger (93/100) - Yeah you also you are one of my favorite youtubers politically I like your classic liberal views mixing them with LGBT conservatism.




  • Karl Marx (8/100) - Ýou... you were the one who, along with your other crazy friend, began to write a manifesto to create an economic system where would "destroy" capitalism, but in the end it was just a few simple words and I have to admit that reading your book I got tremendous laughs.
  • Francisco Franco (18/100) - tbh, you are quite horrible, you literally oppressed the population of your own country and still consider yourself a nationalist? the only two things that you did was prevent Spain from being a Marxist-Leninist dystopia and improve the country's economy but your absurd totalitarianism and besides the fact that you are the main cause of why separatism is in force in Spain (a problem that must be overthrown, but because of you It got worse) I hope you're rotting in your grave.
  • Pablo Iglesias (2/100) - You do not know all the hatred that I have for you in my whole body and being, if already your ideology seems like bullshit to me, you are a complete hypocrite and you contradict yourself with your same ideals that you say, you say you are in favor of the workers, that you are in favor of the people and you hate the rich, but it is good that you buy a luxury villa and when there are people who protest against you, it is good that you hire the police, when you said that you had to put an end to the "faggots of work" to apply proletarian justice, I really don't know how there are people like Nekoqing, TargetedIndividual and Skyrum536 support this guy watch this video they need to watch it
  • Pedro Sánchez (4/100) - Yes, I also hate you with all my heart, you are just a fucking clown, liar, kakistocrat and a traitor of the motherland, your decisions when the pandemic arrived were a complete disaster and that is how you made Spain one of the countries that had more cases of covid, your economic decisions the only thing that you have done is raise prices and inflation in most things in the national economy, your diplomatic decisions instead of putting national defense above, you decised put the "dialogue "As a way to solve these things, when with people like the Moroccan monarch that doesn't work, leaving the Saharawi people abandoned without even providing any type of support, in addition to having as partners and allies some fucking communists, terrorists, coup plotters and anti-constitutionalists, who don't give a [censored] about the country, if you want to do the country a favor and resign once and for all and let the gigachad of Santiago Abascal rule the country

Test Results





Ownership Axis: Individual
Equality 29.2% / 70.8% Property

Market Axis: Permissive
Coordination 30.6% / 69.4% Commerce

Power Axis: Dispersed
Dominion 36.8% / 63.2% Anarchy

Autonomy Axis: Lenient
Permisison 72.9% / 27.1% Restriction

Identity Axis: Prejudicial
Inclusivity 41.0% / 59.0% Supremacy

Progress Axis: Traditional
Heritage 76.4% / 23.6% Novelty

Ideology: Distributist Libertarianism (idk)

Next matches


1. Distributist Libertarianism 100.0%

2. Small-Government Conservatism 98.73%

3. Libertarian Conservatism 98.17%

4. Conservative Liberalism 97.76%

5. Reactionary Liberalism 95.87% (Why?)

6. Helvetic Model 91.86%

7. Paleolibertarianism 91.68%

8. Fiscal Conservatism 91.38%

9. Neo-Libertarianism 90.66% (why?)

10. Agrarianism 89.52%


1. Neo-Trotskyism 0.03%

2. Autonomism 0.07%

3. Totalitarianism 0.03%

4. Socialist Transhumanism 0.03%

5. Fordism 0.00%

6. De Francism 0.00%

7. Juche0.00%

8. Cybercommunism 0.00%

9. Pol Potism 0.00%

10. Fully Automated Luxury Communism 0.00%

Political Parties of Countries invented by me

Kingdom of Quelaria

Liberal Party (In government)

Radical Party (In government)

Conservative Party (In Opposition)

Justice Now! (In Opposition)

El Alto Mando (Isn't a fictional country, is a server political of discord but I put here)

Nation Action

National Democrats

Conservative Party (My Political Party)

New Road

Kingdom of Slatia

Homeland First! (In government)

Democrats Orthodoxs (In government)

Liberal Party (In government)

The Revolutionaries (In Opposition)

The Commons (In Opposition)

Drawings made by me and that have dedicated to me