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    Revision as of 21:06, 24 January 2023 by Polcompbot (talk | contribs) (Replaced Ego.png with Anego.png)
    Fictional Ideology
    "The party would like to remind you this ideology has never existed" - Ingsoc
    This article is about a fictional ideology and has no foundation in real life political movements.

    Avaritionism, formerly known as Ego-Darwinism, is an off-the-compass Libertarian right-wing ideology that believes that an individual should be able to do anything they desire (i.e, live according to their avaritions), resulting in the stronger individuals rising to the top, and killing off those that are weaker.

    The abolition of the state in tandem with individuals acting however they want will allow those that he considers "strong" will act in their best interest to take the property of others, and will allow maximum competition of both markets and people.

    In an Avaritionist society, the individual would put their avaritions first and reject morality, leading to inconsequential murder, robbery, and rape in order to satisfy the needs of the ego.

    In contrast to an Egoist, an unironic Avaritionist would acknowledge that these would be the results of an Egoist society, embracing what they would describe as a system which enables natural selection and survival of the fittest.

    An Avaritionist society would have a free market, similar to an Anarcho-Capitalist one, however it would be against the principles of Pacifism and the NAP, believing that they would prevent the avaritions of the ego.



    "Avaritionism" originated as "Ego-Darwinism", which was coined by Discord user Denestaire#0148 on 26 February 2020. The current name, "Avaritionism" was coined by Discord user Dragonguard999#6231 on 7 March 2020 in the original Polcompball discord while users were trying to fill off-compass balls. A page (this one) about Avaritionism was added to the Polcompball wiki by User:DatUdderCow on 21 March 2020 to the Polcompball wiki. /r/avaritionism was created on 15 April 2020, likely also by DatUdderCow (DUC).

    Online following

    On the internet, self-described Avaritionist communities have formed on Reddit and Discord, and on the Polcompball subreddit many have flaired themselves as Avaritionist. It appears that most of these "Avaritionists" use Avaritionism as a niche/joke ideology, and do not sincerely reject empathy or morality in the way sociopaths do.

    The discord for Avaritionism appears to contain sincere defenses of Avaritionism, with arguments in defense of pedophilia or murder relying on moral nihilism.

    Others defend avaritionism based on breaking the monopoly of laws, in which and anarcho-capitalist society would have this monopoly because of the NAP.

    Real world analogues

    Many notable PMCs and assassins share characteristics of Avaritionism (being both capitalist and lacking NAP), but cannot be classified as purely Avaritionist considering that many of them follow hierarchical orders.

    Psychopaths/Sociopaths could be described as Avaritionist, due to having impaired empathy and remorse. They may, like in Avaritionism, sincerely fail to see a problem with murder, theft or rape, and act entirely in their own interests, rejecting empathy or morality. And it is argued many sociopaths are likely within our own government However, due to their own mental illness, pragmatic nature alongside their uncooperative capabilities to organize with others like them usually prevents them from politically organizing or campaigning for a society free of morality or empathy, and throughout history, many societies have recognized the need to separate socially dysfunctional individuals from society by putting them in prisons, mental asylums or psychiatric hospitals. Such a society could potentially be arguably possible in theory if such a society was to exist where only psychopaths were to exist, though this might also just simply lead to less extreme sociopaths simply forming a state government for some semblance of safety and protection albeit highly inefficient, corrupt, authoritarian, and extremely unstable.

    A true Avaritionist society would consist solely of sociopaths - no such society is known to have ever existed, and it is unclear whether it would be sustainable.

    Analogues in Popular Culture

    A good example of an Avaritionist society represented in popular culture could be seen in Nevada from the Madness Combat universe, which depicts the region as a barren wasteland in a constant ever-present state of brutality, violence, lawlessness and chaos, with the only form of leadership and hierarchy is by either giant military contractors ruled by psychopathic megalomaniacs who view their workers as simple grunts to be used as mere cannon-fodder without basic rights to be endlessly mowed-down in attempt to eliminate those who try to get in their way and whose disposability allows them to be immediately slaughtered en masse on the simple whims of their leaders if they so choose, alongside using eugenics and cloning to create stronger disposable grunts, such as to engineer zombified grunts to further their goals for domination, or alternatively as disorderly pissant warlords, psychopaths, mass-murderers, fundamentalists, and cannibals who would casually butcher any survivors they come across as well as try to do the same to each other in attempts to try be the one to rule the wastes.

    Alternate Philosophy

    Some who unironically go by the title of "Avaritionist" see it as 'Egoism took to its conclusion,' ie egoistic unions with apathy towards hierarchy, and with the 'free market' increased to an extreme amount.


      Guardiões do Estado

    In real life, something very close to avaritionism would be the Brazilian criminal faction Guardiões do Estado (Acronym: G.D.E), in which it has no leader and is decentralized, but still commits drug trafficking, commits massacres (such as the Cajazeiras Massacre) and murders of people from other criminal or innocent groups with armed robbery or bus burning. Most of the members of the faction are minors and became known for bombings/bus burnings and wars between other criminal groups, leaving the state of Ceará (where the group is located) a relatively violent place.

    Post-Right Anarchism

    Post-Right Anarchism is an ideology that is economically opposed to Post-Left Anarchism but has a number of similar social issues. Unlike Post-Left Anarchism, it is not taken seriously by the academy, due to the fact that it is very recent (possibly not even 5 years old) and has appeared on reddit and facebook, in addition to a website on Wordpress, whose the only theorist in fact is Max Wasson, most being associated. The ideology gained more notoriety with the Polcompball Anarchy page and Mega Compass.

      Autarcho-Monarchism/Classical Post-Right Anarchism  

    Originally, Post-Right Anarchism emerged as a form of autarchy, which, described by Max Wasson, would be the valorization of individual sovereignty and the combination of: "ideas of anarcho-capitalism, anarcho-monarchism and individualist anarchism", also believing that this would be possible by agorism and by Austrian Laissez-Faire.

    • Individualism: He believes in a high degree of individualism, in which each individual would be a king of himself, without the interference of any state, rejecting collectivism, even being pro-nihilism.
    • Markets: Another belief would be the defense of private property, of the free market as the main way to achieve individualism, opposing erquedismo and economic "rightism".


    One of the main criticisms of anarcho-capitalism coincides with the fictitious ideology of PCBA Aggressivism. According to the fictitious ideology of the PCBA, Aggressivism consists of 3 principles, namely: the Duelist Principle, in which any pair of consenting individuals could duel each other; Stalwartism without the state, a natural hierarchy of the strongest over the weakest (Anarcho-Kraterocracy) and finally; the Aggressive Society, which is total freedom for the strongest and subjugation of the weakest. Already the criticism of anarcho-capitalism claims that in an AnCap society the richest and most adaptable would be privileged with countless opportunities, while the poorest, least adaptable and more simplistic would be exploited. or even killed, as a way of benefiting a small portion, which would happen due to the lack of regulation, taxation and labor rights. Anarcho-capitalist people counter by saying that it wouldn't happen because of secession and a few unions, but critics claim that the rich would create a monopoly of force with private police. The debate continues, but the difference between Anarcho-capitalism and Aggressivism is evident, being the NAP and secessionism. Another criticism would be the lack of regulation in martial arts, being more "lite" than avaritionism.

      Agression Principle

    The Aggression Principle (P) emerged as a joke/satire on the Non-Aggression Principle (NAP) released on reddit by youtuber JrEg in the video "The Aggression Principle". The "P" is the opposite of the NAP, in which it preaches a society in which any aggression is justified and the best way to solve problems would be with formal duels, solving problems by expressing their worst feelings in an "honest and open way". In general, a society that adopted the "P" duels would be common and encouraged without a mediating state, which is a kind of anarcho-combatocracy.



    Ego-Capitalism or Egoistic Capitalism is an ideology whose theorist is the satirist youtuber Jim Jesus Vegas, based on facebook pages on the subject. Ego-Capitalism mixes Stiner's ideals with Laissez-Faire free market ideals, so it is based that the accumulation of capital is the best way to increase an individual's ego and that the state and social constructions would be holding back capitalism. The main differences of anarcho-capitalism would be the rejection of the NAP, its appreciation for Accelerationism, greater appreciation of satire and opposition to some ideals of Walter Block (such as voluntary slavery), in addition to being more fierce towards leftist ideologies.

      Insurrectionary Capitalism

    A portion of more Hoppean Ancaps believe that the best way to achieve an anarcho-capitalist society would be with armed insurrections as a way to achieve an anarcho-capitalist society, even if this is contradictory because it hurts the NAP. One of the main propagators is the troll Lars Kragh Andersen, who was arrested several times for violating the penal code on purpose to prove his ideals. Most who preach AnCap Insurrection are Pinochet sympathizers, in which they make bland memes related to the topic, some being Alt-Right sympathizers.

      Violent Anarcho-Capitalism

    Many associate anarcho-capitalism with violent places (both current and historical), the most used being: Somalia, the Congo Free State and the First Industrial Revolution. Other associations (usually memes) are with criminals who had companies or with pedophiles, some even associating necrophilia and zoophilia. Most or all of the comparisons are erroneous, due to disrespect for property, association with the state, and most obvious, injury to the NAP.


    Ego-Fascism, or Egoistic Fascism, emerged from the interpretation of The Anarchist Library about the reactionary philosopher Julius Evola. According to the interpretation, Evola would promote an aristocracy, a Holy Roman Empire and a strong government (all within the state, nothing outside the state) of the individual over his soul with a strong ego, in addition to racial hierarchies being only spiritual. Other ideas would be detachment from material possessions, mysticism about individual souls, and a strong attachment to destiny. Ego-Fascism may also mean fictional ideology created on Polcompball Anarchy that uses "everything in the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state" about egoist and union of egoists.

      Post-Apocalypse Anarcho-Capitalism

    The version most associated with avaritionism, Post-Apocalypse Anarcho-capitalism or Falloutism / Mad Max Model is a fictitious ideology, present in movies, series and cartoons, among other media. This type of Anarchism arises after the complete destruction/annihilation of society (apocalypse), usually with a lack of resources, in which several gangs fight each other, in a violent way. Another way would also be just a gang, which would look for resources and hunt for survivors. Most of the time they appear as bikers and (predominantly) with a jacket (to prevent further external injuries) and, jeans and a helmet with spikes.

      Anarcho-Capitalist Primitivism

    Some critics of anarcho-capitalism claim that anarcho-capitalism is compatible with anarcho-primitivism because social inequality and poverty would be so astronomical that humanity would regress to the stone age. Criticism in relation to this, states that it does not make much sense, because one of the principles of anarcho-primitivism is to return to the stone age to end hierarchies, whereas anarcho-capitalism preaches the end only of the state hierarchy, leaving other types of hierarchies.

    Personality and Behaviour

    Avaritionism tends to call everything, especially morality a spook and is close to his parent,   Anarcho-Egoism. He is never seen with his other parent,   Social Darwinism, preferring to hang out with the other anarchists instead. May also act and talk like Senator Armstong from Metal Gear Rising.

    How to Draw

    Flag of Avaritionism
    1. Draw a ball.
    2. Fill the ball in with a lighter shade of black (#141414),
    3. Draw the Avaritionism symbol (two crossed claws) in yellow (#FFFF00) and fill it in with the same color.
    4. Add the eyes and you're done!
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Black #141414 20, 20, 20
    Yellow #FFFF00 255, 255, 0


    The Gang

    Possible Targets

    •   Soulism - He believes that the ego is supreme, but I cannot defend myself if he violates mine.
    •   Kraterocracy - You want to just subjugate the weak and not eliminate them? Cringe, bro.
    •   Anarcho-Capitalism - Pacifism and the NAP are cringe, be more like   him you bitch.
    •   Ego-Communism - Thinks morality is a spook like me, but why does he want to implement this Communism?
    •   Anti-Environmentalism - Arson is based, but I'm not sure about the rest.
    •   Agorism - He sells me guns but also hates violence.
    •   Hoppeanism - I see nothing wrong in throwing Commies from a helicopter, but your natural order and social structure are stupid.
    •   Posadism - We both want to live in a post-apocalyptic wasteland but your communism is deplorable.
    •   Propertarianism - Hates the poor but also believes in property "rights".
    •   Jihadism - I couldn't care less about this whole Islam thing but he likes my weapons, bombs and missiles. Ngl, we are both really insane
    •   Kleptocracy - Crime is pretty based but you are still a statist cuck

    Hit List

    •   Hive-Mind Collectivism - Ah you ! @#%^ a flamethrower to exterminate these collectivist pests.
    •   Marxism–Leninism - All government and no competition. No thank you.
    •           Theocracies - You all support weakness.
    •   Ingsoc - This system kills off the strong and spares the weak.
    •   Pol Potism - Knowledge is power, you kill the smart. Cringe!!!!!!!!!!!!
    •   Anarcho-Communism - Collectivist cringe!
    •   Post-Left Anarchism - Your disregard for capitalism is disgusting. Also, you seem to be butthurt that I stole the "Post" from your name to seem cooler... Well sorry, not sorry.
    •   Mediacracy - F*ck this 24-hour Internet spew of trivia and celebrity bullsh*t!
    •   Christian Socialism - Commie and Christcuck, disgustingly weak.
    •   Buddhist Socialism- Same, but Buddhist.
    •   Communalism - I will steal all your toothbrushes and not share!
    •   Conservatism   - Moralism and tradition are cringe.
    •   Corporatocracy - Kill him and steal money!
    •   Veganarchism - You believe in equality, but in an animal society, the stronger will always be free and alive. You are just a fool likening herbivores.
    •   Humanism - Stupid ball who thinks that "human rights" are real.
    •   Left-Rothbardianism - Peaceful AnCap but even dumber because they believe in equality.
    •   Anarcho-Pacifism - Another pathetic weakling! Yuck!
    •   Apoliticism - Hey, normaltard! Time to pay a debt for mafia your weekly life rent! Or else, I shoot your dog, rape and beat your wife to death, skin your kids alive, rob your house and finally burn you alive for fun and profit!

    Further Information




    Online Communities


    Movies/Fiction Examples

    • The Purge Series (The Forever Purgers from the fifth movie want it forever)
    • Shin Megami Tensei (The "Chaos" faction believes in a lawless and social darwinist society)
    • Senator Armstrong (Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance) (Believes in an anarchic, social darwinist America. In which the weak are purged so that the strong may thrive)
    • Milo Morbius from the hit 2022 film Morbius. (Milo is a man with a rare blood disease who finally cures it, but he becomes a vampire, therefore he asserts his power on people that oppose him, using his vampire self to kill anyone that gets in his way.)





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