National Radicalism

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National Radicalism (NaRa), also called Polish Falangism (PolFal), is a Polish ultranationalist ideology which is economically third-position,( civically authoritarian, culturally far-right and very anti-semitic. It was created in 20th century by "young" faction of National Democracy.


National Radical Camp (1934)

Polish Falangism was born out of the National-Radical Camp, a group of young National Party activists who opposed the domination of the old leaders.

After the May Coup by Piłsudski, National Democracy was slowly marginalized and then even repressed by the government. During this time, tensions within National Party started to increase - the so-called "old faction" was capitalist, supportive of democracy and preferring parliamentary means of fighting sanation, while the "young faction" was anti-capitalist, anti-democratic and preferred extra-parliamentary methods of fighting the government. Moreover, "young faction" was far more anti-communist and often engaged in street fights against communist and socialist paramilitaries. Another important difference between two generations were religious beliefs: older members were either agnostics or less religious than the younger members. Old leaders tried to unite the party - including, among other changes, shift in attitude towards role of religion - old leaders proclaimed Catholicism to be integral part of Polishness. Said ideological views didn't stop the younger faction from leaving SN. That's how National Radical Camp (ONR) was created.

The ONR ideological declaration was announced on April 14, 1934 and called for the creation of a Catholic and hierarchic state, it was anti-capitalist, anti-communist and anti-Semitic. It had from 2 000 to 5 000 members, mainly students and urban youth. Its leaders included: Jan Mosdrof, Tadeusz Gluziński and Henryk Rossman.

Due to ONR's partaking in street violence, boycott of Jewish businesses and attacks on left-wing groups, it was banned by the government. It took place only three months after declaration.

After Outlawing

Five days after ONR was banned, Bronisław Pieracki, Minister of Interior in sanation government, was assassinated. This event gave government justification for creation of Bereza Kartuska prison camp. ONR was blamed for assassination so its leaders were first prisoners of the camp. Soon it turned out that assassin was Hryhoriy Matseyko, member of Organisation of Ukrainian Nationalists. Nevertheless, ONR politicians remained imprisoned.

During that time, the movement splinted into two factions: National Radical Movement - Falanga (RNR-Falanga) and National Radical Camp - ABC (ONR-ABC). Factions were named after newspapers they gathered around - ABC daily and Falanga weekly.

National Radical Camp - ABC

Led by Henryk Rossman, ABC faction gathered mainly older members of ONR. Areas where ONR-ABC had the strongest presence were Warsaw and Poznań. Faction had from 200 to 500 members in whole country. At first, it was inspired by Italian Fascism and German Nazism, and wanted to create strongly hierarchical state. Yet, it soon abandoned these ideas and started to develop its own ideology, based on distributism and corporatism. State still was about to be a hierarchical one, but one ruled by kind of oligarchy. Said oligarchy was to be made of representatives of local and professional self-governments as well as Senate representing national elites. ONR-ABC put emphasis on strong role of Catholicism. It supported vision of international order built on Catholic principles, where different nation-states coexist peacefully.

In 1937, ABC faction initiated creation of Polish Confederation meant to gather all national-catholic organisations. After this project failed, ONR-ABC tried to cooperate with either Front Morges (party's representative took part in one meeting) or sanationist Camp of National Unity (ABC faction organized meeting between Rydz-Śmigły and nationalist youth). ONR-ABC also took part in self-government elections in years 1938-1939. In whole country they've got 1,2% of votes. The largest success was winning five seats in city council of Warsaw.

National Radical Movement - Falanga

RNR-Falanga was led by Bolesław Piasecki and described by him as fascist organisation. It supported creation of the totalitarian state and using acts of terrorism. Faction had around 5000 members.

Ideologically, Falanga was staunchly anti-communist, anti-democratic and anti-Semitic. It also supported the Chieftaincy Principle, with Piasecki being referred to as "Wódz" (the Chief). Economically, group supported autarkic and militarist form of corporatism. It also included support for countrywide nationalization, with no repayment for the owners. The group also had rather unusual views towards some of national minorities, namely - it saw Ukrainians, Belarusians and Lithuanians as part of Polish nation rather than distinct national groups. It could be seem as sort of Pan-Slavism as group viewed all of these ethnicities as Slavs. Falanga had also established contacts with Iron Guard.

It 1937 Piasecki made contacts with nationalist part of sanation. Soon, Jerzy Rutkowski, politician unofficially connected to RNR, became leader of Union of Young Poland. Union was youth organisation of Camp of National Unity (OZN). Thanks to this unofficial cooperation with the government, RNR was able to organize official rally in Warsaw. During this rally Piasecki spoke and greeted his supporters with Roman salute. Even was so controversial that Adam Koc, leader of OZN, was forced to leave his position. In 1938, contacts between Falanga and the government ended.

During World War II

During World War II both Falanga and ABC took part in resistance movement. The first one created Confederation of the Nation (KN), while the second transformed into Grupa Szańca (Rampart Group). Armed wing of Grupa Szańca was Military Organization Lizard Union (OW ZJ). In 1942, OW ZJ merged with National Party's National Military Organization and created National Armed Forces (NSZ).

Some of NSZ units took part in Warsaw Uprising in 1944. One year later, in 1945, NSZ's Holy Cross Mountain Brigade[1] liberated concentration camp in Holýšov. The camp was to be burned as the American army approached it - yet, the order wasn't executed thanks to arrival of Polish soldiers. The Brigade was retreating to West and was the only unit of NSZ which managed to reach the American occupation zone.

Part of KN was Secret Polish Army (TAP). One of TAP's leaders was Witold Pilecki. TAP joined Home Army in 1941, KN did so in 1943. Former soldiers of KN, then soldiers of Home Army, fought in Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Then, KN units took part in fights around Wilno. Then, Falanga's leader, Bolesław Piasecki, was captured by Soviets. He was imprisoned in Lublin Castle. He was "persuaded" by Ivan Serov to cooperate with newly-created communist authorities. Piasecki then led PAX Association.

Some of NSZ merged into Home Army, while few decided not to do so. NSZ soldiers made large part of anti-communist resistance in Poland after 1945.

Modern Day

In 90s many RAC bands started to emerge in Poland. These RAC bands were divided into two categories describing their views - ones were national-socialist rock bands (including most famous like Honor or Konkwista 88), while other ones were national-radical. On the contrary to Nazi bands, which were primary pagan, national-radical ones were strongly Catholic. Most famous, even legendary, among national-radicl bands was Legion. It was founded in 1990 and recorded three albums. Other rock band with similar views include Szwadron 97 and Deportacja 68.

The heirs of the ONR are considered to be the National Rebirth of Poland established in 1981 and the National Radical Camp established in 1993. Together with All-Polish Youth (MW), ONR was among organizers of first Independence March in 2011. Two years later, in 2013, both organisations created National Movement party. In 2015 National Movement's members (among them many from ONR) took part in parliamentary elections, mainly from Kukiz'15 list. However, National Movement ended its cooperation with Kukiz'15 and since 2019, the party is part of Confederation coalition.

National Rebirth of Poland (NOP) is a party, claiming to be successor of interwar ONR. Existing since 90s, NOP is often seem as neo-fascist - on its website, the party publishes writings of some fascist philosophers, most notably Julius Evola. It also cooperates with foreign far-right movements, such as the Golden Dawn. The party was also member of International Third Position.

However, NOP exists legally with its symbols officially registered by courts.


In the past, National Radicalism advocated for a "Catholic totalitarianism" (RNR-Falanga) or oligarchic authoritarianism (ONR-ABC). Now, it have definitely denounced totalitarianism,, yet its still anti-democratic. Since its creation, Polish Falangism opposed both Capitalism and communism. However, its alternatives for both economic systems vary: from distributism (ONR-ABC) to corporatism (NOP and others). All of them voice their opposition to influence of mega-corporations as well as international banks.

National Radicalism was extremely anti-semitic, advocating for removing citizenship rights from Polish Jews, and called for the nationalization of Jewish owned companies. Nowadays, its radically anti-zionist. NOP party, for example, supports ending existence of Israel and returning Jerusalem under Pope's authority.

In terms of foreign policy, National Radicals are anti-American, hardly Eurosceptic and anti-NATO. Although pan-Slavism can be found among Polish Falangists, their views towards Russia and Ukraine may differ depending on the group they represents - NOP is anti-Russian and aligned with Ukrainian nationalists, while Falanga is anti-Ukrainian, pro-Russian and supported forces of Syrian government.

Socially, National Radicals are: pro-life, anti-LGBT, anti-feminist and generally conservative. Many of them display Polish ultranationalist and even irredentist views, wanting to take back Kresy. The movement itself is strongly anti-immigrant, with their model of nationalism being the Christian one.

Personality and Behavior

National Radicalism is a Polish version of Falangism. He is seen marching with the Polish flag and ONR flag. He is angry about Poland's history of being invaded and occupied, which is the reason why he opposes generally every kind of Russian or German imperialism, including even far-right ones, like Nazism or Black Hundredism.

He enjoys company of Catholic Theocracy and Endecja, but they rather avoid him. Polish Falangism often cooperates with foreign nationalist movements, especially; Hungarian, Greek and French. He can be shown listening to Polish RAC bands, taking part in anti-immigration marches or twitting about retaking Kresy. National Radicalism can also be a Traditionalist Catholic.

How to Draw

Flag of National Radicalism
  1. Draw a ball and color the inside dark green.
  2. Using white, draw a minimalist hand holding a sword, known the as the Falanga or Phalanx, in the center of the ball. Optionally, draw it upside-down as a reference to Polandball.
  3. Draw the eyes.

You're done!

Color Name HEX RGB
Dark Green #006E4E 0, 110, 78
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255


Przyjaciele (Friends)

  • Falangism - My great inspiration! Shame Poland allowed formation of pro-communist volunteer corps instead of letting me help you in civil war.
  • Catholic Theocracy - Protect our churches! Could you please be more traditionalist?
  • Khomeinism - Muslims I love.
  • Authoritarianism - Catholic authoritarianism is based.
  • Alt-Right & Alt-Lite - Budds from The West.
  • Right-Wing Populism & National Conservatism - Władza dla Narodu, Polska dla Polaków! (Power to the Nation, Poland for Poles!) I even support foreign rightists. But why are you so pro-Israel?
  • Francoism - Friend from Spain, sucks that Polish forces didn't fight on his side, like it was in The Republican's case.
  • Ultranationalism - Polska jest najlepsza! (Poland is the best). All-Polish Youth is based.
  • Irredentism - We must take back Kresy. We are power of the Great Poland!
  • Stratocracy - Poland needs strong army as well as strong leaders. Polish people need gun rights, now!
  • Authoritarian Conservatism & Oligarchy - You are absolutely perfect forms of government! Please, ignore Piasecki's support for him
  • Crusadism - We shall take Jerusalem back!
  • Eco-Nationalism - Keep Poland green! We will never allow them to destroy our beautiful, Polish nature! Why are you looking at me so weirdly?
  • Rexism - We will always remember what've given to Europe! Unshackled ideas, your own goals, Christus Rex - they gave you immortality, while to us they gave the goal!
  • Ba'athism - Americans should leave you alone! Falanga will gladly continue to help you!
  • Saadehism - Another great ally from Syria!


  • Korwinism - Fellow Polish patriot that hates commies, but please stop simping for him.
  • National Democracy - At first I left your party, viewing you as too weak. During World War II however, we created NSZ together. After fall of communism we created our party. So, I guess we can cooperate very well. But why, Bosak, why? Why did you betray you ideas? To get position of vice-marshal, really?
  • Braunism - I think I like you. Even though you are capitalist, you are right about them! You should use fire extinguisher far more often!
  • Zadruga - Anti-Catholic Pagan and futurist, but you fought for Poland during WWII and many of your modern followers joined National Movement. Niklot Association is based!
  • Lepperism - I miss you a lot, my friend. Many of us, Polish nationalists, took part in creation of your movement! I wish modern left started to be more like you.
  • Pan-Slavism - Few of us support you, but others do not. Anyway, we are Polish nationalists first.

Wrogowie (Enemies)

  • Luxemburgism - Anti-capitalist? Okay. Yet, you are just another anti-Polish socialist bolshevik! Even Piłsudski is better!
  • Democratic Socialism - We both agree neoliberalism is bad, but socialism isn't better! Be more like Lepper, please.
  • Zionism - Zionists to Israel!
  • Labour Zionism - Really? Jewish imperialism AND socialism? You are even worse than guy above!
  • Bundism - Jewish commie wanting to stay in Poland BUT NOT polonizing himself? You are even worse than that last one!
  • Capitalism - You don't care about nation's interest. But you don't like commies, what is your plus. For some reason parts of him, like you.
  • Marxism-Leninism - Russian imperialism? Communism? Genocides against Poles? You are pure evil! I will never forget 1920, and forgive 1944!
  • Nazism - Invader! You occupied the great Polish nation and killed my people! I don't understand why some stupid lefties call me Polish version of you! Honor was based rock band!
  • Sanationism - Why did have to ban me, socialist scum?! Couldn't we cooperate?
  • Black Hundredism - "Come on, lets beat the Moskals!"
  • PiSism - Again, I AM NOT A RUSSOPHILE! I just don't want any American occupation here! And, you are just as pro-European as PO is - there's no difference. Thank you for money were giving to my organisation during your rule.
  • American Imperialism - Get out Poland! Leave us alone. And do the same with Syria, Libya, as well as other lands you've invaded. But, above all else, stop supporting him!
  • Neoconservatism - Fifth Column and army of American imperialists!
  • Neoliberalism - When the time of Privatisation came and Mass Expels...
  • European Federalism - We love Europe, not the EU.

Further Information


Wczoraj i jutro, Akademik i polityka by Jan Mosdorf

Sztuka i naród by Andrzej Trzebiński



Note: all of them are in Polish

Okiem Narodowca





  1. The Brigade is often accused of collaboration with Germans. Indeed, it signed agreement with Germans allowing its soldiers to retreat to West. Yet, its important to notice that Brigade retreated together with many civilians.