List of movements/Political Parties/Canada
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House of Commons
- Liberal Party of Canada
- Blue Grits
- Trudeau Liberals (Modern)
- Historical Factions
- Reform Liberals (1817-1920s)
- Clear Grits (1850s-1900s)
- Rouge Liberals (1850s-1900s)
- National Liberals (1867-1920s)
- Laurier Liberals / United Opposition (1890s-1921)
- Liberal Unionist (1917-1921)
- Ginger Group of the Liberal Party (1924-1932)
- Trudeauists (Pierre Trudeau) (1960s-1990s)
- Moderates / Original Blue Grits (1920s-1990s)
- Conservative Party of Canada
- Bloc Québécois
- New Democratic Party
- Green Party of Canada
- People's Party of Canada
- Christian Heritage Party of Canada
- Libertarian Party of Canada
- Libertarian Party of Canada (Main Ideology: 1973-1997)
- Free Party of Canada
- Direct Democracy Party of Canada
- Animal Protection Party of Canada
- Communist Party of Canada
- Maverick Party
- Marxist–Leninist Party of Canada
- Lemon Party
- Parti Rhinocéros Party
- Revolutionary Communist Party
- Centrist Party of Canada
- True North Party of Canada
- Canada's Choice
- Parti Patriote (Patriot Party) (1806-1837)
- Reform Movement (1817-1849)
- Red Party (Parti Rouge) (1847-1867)
- Parti Bleu (Blue Party) (1854-1867)
- Conservative Party of Canada (1867-1942)
- Anti-Confederation (1867-1870)
- Patrons of Industry (1890-1900)
- McCarthyites (1896-1898)
- Unionist Party (1917-1922)
- United Farmers of Alberta (1919-1939)
- Progressive Party of Canada (1920-1930)
- Co-operative Commonwealth Federation (1932-1961)
- Social Credit Party of Canada (1935-1993)
- Progressive Conservative Party of Canada (1942-2003)
- Labor-Progressive Party (1943-1959)
- Reform Party of Canada (1987-2000)
- Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance (2000-2003)
- Democratic Representative Caucus (2001-2002)
- Nationalist(I) (1873-1910)
- Nationalist Conservatives (1878-1911)
- Protestant Protective Association (1892-1898)
- Socialist Party of Canada(I) (1904-1926)
- Independent Labour Party (1926)
- National Unity Party (1934-1940)
- Reconstruction Party of Canada (1935-1938)
- National Unity Party(II)/National Social Christian Party of Canada (1945-2016)
- National Credit Control (1957)
- Progressive Canadian Party (2004-2019)
- Western Block Party (2005-2014)
- People's Political Power Party (2006-2011)
- Alliance of the North (2013-2019)
- National Citizens Alliance (2016-2022)
- Canadian Nationalist Party (2017-2022)
- Stop Climate Change (2019-2021)
- Parti Patriote (Quebec only) (2019-2022)
- Parti pour l'Indépendance du Québec (2019-2022)
Legislative Assembly
- Alberta Party
- Wildrose Independence Party
- Alberta Liberal Party
- Alberta Advantage Party
- Independence Party of Alberta(II)
- Green Party of Alberta
- Pro Life Party
- Reform Party of Alberta(II)
- Wildrose Loyalty Coalition
- Buffalo Party of Alberta
- Solidarity Movement of Alberta
- Conservative Party of Alberta (1905-1942)
- Alberta Non-Partisan League (1916-1921)
- United Farmers of Alberta (1919-1937)
- Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (1932-1962)
- Social Credit Party of Alberta (1934-2017)
- Progressive Conservative Party of Alberta (1942-2017)
- Alberta Alliance (2002-2008)
- Wildrose Party (2008-2017)
- Alberta Labour Represenation League (1910s-1919)
- Dominion Labour (1919-1942)
- Independent Citizen's Association (1940-1948)
- Veterans and Active Force (1944-1948)
- Alberta Reform Movement (1981-1982)
- Representive Party of Alberta (1984-1988)
- Heritage Party of Alberta (1984-1987)
- Confederation of Regions Party (1986-1996)
- Alberta Greens (1986-2009)
- Alberta First Party (1999-2018)
- Independence Party of Alberta (2000-2001)
- Evergreen Party of Alberta (2011-2012)
- Freedom Conservative Party (2018-2020)
British Columbia
Legislative Assembly
- British Columbia New Democratic Party
- British Columbia United Party
- Green Party of British Columbia
- British Columbia Conservative Party
- British Columbia Social Credit Party
- British Columbia Christian Heritage Party
- British Columbia Libertarian Party
- Ecosocialist Party of British Columbia
- British Columbia Excalibur Party
- Rural British Columbia Party
- British Columbia Vision Party
- Your Political Power Party of British Columbia
- Communist Party of British Columbia
- Wexit British Columbia
- Cascadia Party
- British Columbia Liberal Party(1873-2023)
- Nationalist Party (1890s - 1900s)
- Nationalist Party (1903s - 1960s) (revived many times)
- Socialist Party of British Columbia (1901 - 1917)
- Social Democratic Party of Canada (BC) (1912 - 1916)
Legislative Assembly
Historical Parties
- Canada Party (1870)
- Dominion Labour Party of Manitoba (1918-1920)
- Grey Party of Manitoba (2002-2003)
- Manitoba First (2016-2022)
New Brunswick
Legislative Assembly
- Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick
- New Brunswick Liberal Association
- Green Party of New Brunswick
- Confederation Party (1860-1880)
- Anti Confederation Party (1867-1870)
- Labour Party of New Brunswick (1921-1925)
- United Farmers' Party of New Brunswick (1921-1925)
- Parti Acadien (1972-1982)
- Confederation of Regions Party of New Brunswick (1989-2002)
- Grey Party of New Brunswick (2002-2003)
- People's Alliance of New Brunswick (2010-2022)
Newfoundland and Labrador
Legislative Assembly
- Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Progressive Conservative Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
- New Democratic Party of Newfoundland and Labrador
- Labrador Party (1969-1975)
- Newfoundland and Labrador Alliance (2017, 2019-2023)
Parties before Confederation with Canada
Nova Scotia
Legislative Assembly
- Progressive Conservative Association of Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia Liberal Party
- Nova Scotia New Democratic Party
Legislative Assembly
- Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario
- Ontario New Democratic Party
- Ontario Liberal Party
- Green Party of Ontario
- New Blue Party of Ontario
- Ontario Party
- Canadians' Choice Party
- Freedom Party of Ontario
- Go Vegan
- Multicultural Party of Ontario
- None of the Above Direct Democracy Party
- Northern Ontario Party
- Ontario Alliance
- Ontario Libertarian Party
- Ontario Moderate Party
- Ontario Confederation Of Regions Party
- Party for People with Special Needs
- Pauper Party of Ontario
- Stop the Sex Ed Agenda Party
- Trillium Party of Ontario
- Ontario Populist Party
- Consensus Ontario
- Electoral Reform Party
- Communist Party of Ontario
- Ontario Centrist Party
- Stop Climate Change
- People's Progressive Common Front of Ontario
- Public Benefit Party of Ontario
- Upper Canada Tories (1830s-1860s)
- Liberal Conservative Party of Ontario (1867-1942)
- Soldier party/ Soldier Farmer Party (1919-1923)
- Ontario First Party (2021-2022)
Prince Edward Island
Legislative Assembly
- Progressive Conservative Party of Prince Edward Island
- Green Party of Prince Edward Island
- Prince Edward Island Liberal Party
National Assembly
- Coalition Avenir Québec
- Parti Libéral du Québec
- Historical
- Quiet Revolution Era (1960s-1970s)
- Historical
- Québec Solidaire
- Parti Québécois
- Parti Conservateur du Québec
- Parti 51(II)
- Bloc Pot
- Changement Intégrité Pour Notre Québec
- Citoyens Au Pouvoir du Québec
- Nouveau Parti Démocratique du Québec
- Parti Unité Nationale
- Parti culinaire du Québec
- Parti équitable
- Parti marxiste–léniniste du Québec
- Parti nul
- Parti vert du Québec
- Parti Patriote (Patriot Party) (1806-1837)
- Red Party (Parti Rouge) (1847-1867)
- Parti Bleu (1857-1867)
- Parti conservateur du Québec (1867-1936)
- Action libérale nationale (1934-1939)
- Ralliement créditiste (1930s-1980s)
- Union Nationale (1935-1989)
- Union des électeurs (1939-1949)
- Bloc populaire canadien (1942-1947)
- Ralliement créditiste du Québec (1970-1978)
- Parti progressiste conservateur du Québec (1982-1989)
- Equality Party/Parti Égalité (1989-2012)
- Action démocratique du Québec (1994-2012)
- Option nationale – Pour l'indépendance du Québec (2011-2018)
- Parti ouvrier (1890-1931)
- Parti communiste du Québec (1921-2005) (factions are still active)
- Parti social démocratique du Québec / Fédération du Commonwealth Coopératif (1939-1961)
- Parti ouvrier-progressiste (1944-1956)
- Democratic Alliance / Alliance démocratique (1960s-1976)
- Parti socialiste du Québec (1963-1968)
- Parti de la Democratie Socialiste (1963-2002)
- Parti crédit social uni(I) (1969-1971)
- Groupe socialiste des travailleurs du Québe (1973-1987)
- Regroupement des militants syndicaux (1974-1981)
- Libertarian Party of Quebec /Parti libertaire du Québec (1976-1981)
- Parti des travailleurs du Québec (1976-1990s)
- Parti démocrate créditiste (1978-1981)
- Parti de la Liberté de Choix (1979-1982)
- Parti crédit social uni(II) (1979-1994)
- Mouvement socialiste (1981-1989)
- Parti pour la république du Canada (Québec) (1983-1994)
- Parti indépendantiste(I) (1985-1989)
- Parti du socialisme chrétien (1985-1986)
- Parti humaniste du Québec (1985-1987)
- Parti 51(I) (1989-1990)
- Unity Party/Parti unité (1989-1990)
- CANADA! (1994-1998)
- Parti innovateur du Québec (1994-2003)
- Rassemblement pour l'alternative progressiste (2000-2002)
- Parti Unité Nationale (2000-2018)
- Union des forces progressistes (2002-2006)
- Option citoyenne (2004-2006)
- Parti indépendantiste(II) (2007-2014)
- Parti république du Québec (2007-2009)
- Parti durable du Québec (2008-2009)
- Union citoyenne du Québec (2012-2015)
- Parti équitable (2012-2017)
- Mon pays le Québec (2012-2014)
Legislative Assembly
- Saskatchewan Progressive Conservative Party
- Saskatchewan Liberal Party
- Saskatchewan Green Party
- Bullafo Party
Legislative Assembly
- Yukon Progressive Conservative Party (1978-1991)
- Independent Alliance Party (1991-1999)
- United Citizens Party (2010-2011)
- Yukon First Nations Party (2011-2016)
- Yukon Green Party (2011-2021)
Local Government
Note: Most Local Offices are non-partisan and do not have parties
Major Parties
- ABC Vancouver
- Vancouver Non-Partisan Association
- Green Party of Vancouver
- Coalition of Progressive Electors
- OneCity Vancouver
- Vision Vancouver
Minor Party
Historic Parties
- The Electors' Action Movement (1960s-1980s)
- Neighbourhoods for a Sustainable Vancouver (2007-2021)
- Vancouver 1st (2013-2018)
Major Party
Minor Party
- Vision Montreal (1994-2014)
- Vrai changement pour Montréal (2013-2021)
- Montréal Écologique (1990-1994)
- Parti civique de Montréal (1960-1994)
Movements on Quebec's Relationship with Canada
First-Nations Confederations/Movements/Protests/Blockades
- Haudenosaunee Confederacy Between 1450 and 1660 - 1867
- Red River Rebellion (1869–1870)
- Kanesatake Resistance/Oka Crisis (July 11 – September 26, 1990)
- 2020 Canadian pipeline and railway protests (2020 - Ongoing)
- Council of Three Fires
Social and Political Movements
- Canadian Prohibition Movement (1880s-1910s)
- Trudeaumania (1968-1971)
- Quebec Independence Movement (1980s-2000s) (Elements still active but mostly dead)
- Western Independence (I) (1980s)
- Ontario Common Sense Revolution (1995)
- Unite the Centre Right (1998-2003)
- Grey Party Movement (2002-2003)
- Quebec Student Protests (2012)
- Anything But Conservative Movement (2010s)
- Second Trudeaumania (2013-2016)
- Alberta Unite the Centre Right (2015-2017)
- Ford Nation Movement (2017-2019)
- Bernier Conservatives (2017-2018) (Became the foundation of the People's Party)
- People's Party-Libertarian Party Unity Campaign (2018-2019)
- Black Lives Matter Canada (2020, 3 weeks)
- Freedom Convoy / Convoy Protests (2022) (Called the Convoy Occupation by most Canadians)
- Rolling Thunder Convoy Protest (2022) (Also called Freedom Convoy 2)
- Quebec Sovereignty and regionalist movement (1950s-present)
- Canadian Monarchists (1950s-present)
- Canadian Republicans (1980s-present)
- Ontario Take Back our PC Party (2016-ongoing)
- Quebecois New Right (2014-ongoing)
- Western Independence(II) (2019-present)
Prime Ministers and Important Politicians
- John A. Macdonald ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1867-1873)
- Alexander Mackenzie ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1873-1878)
- John A. Macdonald ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1878-1891)
- John Abbott ( Liberal-Conservative Party of Canada, 1891-1892)
- John Thompson ( Liberal-Conservative Party of Canada, 1892-1894)
- Mackenzie Bowell ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1894-1896)
- Charles Tupper ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1896)
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1896-1911)
- Robert Borden ( Conservative Party of Canada, National Union Party Coalition, 1911-1920) (Two Different Ministries in one term, only time this happened)
- Arthur Meighen ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1920-1921)
- William Lyon Mackenzie King ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1921-1926)
- Arthur Meighen ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1926)
- William Lyon Mackenzie King ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1926-1930)
- R. B. Bennet ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1930-1935)
- William Lyon Mackenzie King ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1935-1948)
- Louis St. Laurent ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1948-1957)
- John Diefenbaker ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1957-1963)
- Lester B. Pearson ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1963-1968)
- Pierre Trudeau ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1968-1979)
- Joe Clark ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1979-1980)
- Pierre Trudeau ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1980-1984)
- John Turner ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1984)
- Brian Mulroney ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1984-1993)
- Kim Campbell ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1993)
- Jean Chrétien ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1993-2003)
- Paul Martin ( Liberal Party of Canada, 2003-2006)
- Stephen Harper ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2006-2015)
- Justin Trudeau ( Liberal Party of Canada, 2015-)
Government House Leader
Government Senate Representative
- Mackenzie Bowell ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1864-1873)
- Luc Letellier de Saint-Just ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1873-1876)
Leaders of Offical Opposition
(Office created in 1873)
- Alexander Mackenzie ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1873)
- John A. Macdonald ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1873-1878)
- Alexander Mackenzie ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1878-1880)
- Edward Blake ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1880-1887)
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1887-1896)
- Charles Tupper ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1896-1901)
- Robert Borden ( Liberal-Conservative Party, 1901-1911)
- Sir Wilfrid Laurier ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1911-1919) (Second opposition)
- Daniel Duncan Mackenzie ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1919)
- William Lyon Mackenzie King ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1919-1921)
- Arthur Meighen ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1921-1926) (Not the leader with most opposition but the progressives chose not to form opposition)
- Thomas Crerar ( Progressive Party of Canada, 1921-1926) (The leader with most opposition but chose not to form opposition, became supply and confidence for liberals in 1926)
- William Lyon Mackenzie King ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1926)
- Hugh Guthrie ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1926-1927)
- R. B. Bennet ( Conservative Party of Canada, 1927-1930)
- William Lyon Mackenzie King ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1930-1935)
- R. B. Bennet ( Conservative Party of Canada, National Conservative Party, 1935-1938)
- Robert Manion (National Conservative Party, 1938-1940)
- Richard Hanson (National Conservative Party, Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1940-1943)
- Gordon Graydon ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1943-1945)
- John Bracken ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1945-1948)
- George A. Drew ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1948-1954)
- William Earl Rowe ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1954-1955)
- George A. Drew ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1955-1956)
- William Earl Rowe ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1956)
- John Diefenbaker ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1956-1957)
- Louis St. Laurent ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1957-1958)
- Lester B. Pearson ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1958-1963)
- John Diefenbaker ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1963-1967)
- Michael Starr ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1967)
- Robert Stanfield ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1967-1976)
- Joe Clark ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1976-1979)
- Pierre Trudeau ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1979-1980)
- Joe Clark ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1980-1983)
- Erik Nielsen ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1983)
- Brian Mulroney ( Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, 1983-1984)
- John Turner ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1984-1990)
- Herb Gray ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1990)
- Jean Chretien ( Liberal Party of Canada, 1990-1993)
- Lucien Bouchard ( Bloc Quebecois, 1993-1996)
- Gilles Duceppe ( Bloc Quebecois, 1996)
- Michel Gauthier ( Bloc Quebecois, 1996-1997)
- Gilles Duceppe ( Bloc Quebecois, 1997)
- Preston Manning ( Reform Party of Canada, 1997-2000)
- Deborah Grey ( Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, 2000)
- Stockwell Day ( Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, 2000-2001)
- John Reynolds ( Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, 2001-2002)
- Stephen Harper ( Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, 2002-2004)
- Grant Hill ( Canadian Reform Conservative Alliance, Conservative Party of Canada, 2004)
- Stephen Harper ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2004-2006)
- Bill Graham ( Liberal Party of Canada, 2006)
- Stephane Dion ( Liberal Party of Canada, 2006-2008)
- Michael Ignatieff ( Liberal Party of Canada, 2008-2011)
- Jack Layton ( New Democratic Party, 2011)
- Nycole Turmel ( New Democratic Party, 2011-2012)
- Tom Mulcair ( New Democratic Party, 2012-2015)
- Rona Ambrose ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2015-2017)
- Andrew Scheer ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2017-2020)
- Erin O'Toole ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2020-2022)
- Candice Bergen ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2022)
- Pierre Poilievre ( Conservative Party of Canada, 2022-)
Leader of the Opposition in the Senate
Leader of the Opposition in the House
List of Privy Council Members
Highly Influential from 1867 until the Acts of Westminster and basically just a suggest panel after the 1982 Constitution Act. Currently has the power to advise the PM and Cabinet, and formerly held law making executive powers as an extended cabinet.
First Phases
After Westminster
Modern Day
List of Premiers
- John Edward Brownlee (United Farmers of Alberta, 1925-1934)
- William Aberhart (Alberta Social Credit, 1935-1943)
- Ernest Manning (Alberta Social Credit, 1943-1968)
- Peter Lougheed (Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, 1971-1985)
- Alison Redford (Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, 2011-2014)
- Dave Hancock (Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, 2014-2014)
- Jim Prentice (Progressive Conservative Association of Alberta, 2014-2015)
- Rachel Notley (New Democratic Party, 2015-2019)
- Jason Kenney (United Conservative Party, 2019-2022)
- Danielle Smith (United Conservative Party, 2022-)
British Columbia
- John Horgan (New Democratic Party, 2017-2022)
- David Eby (New Democratic Party, 2022-)
- Brian Pallister (Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba, 2016-2021)
- Kelvin Goertzen (Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba, 2021)
- Heather Stefanson (Progressive Conservative Party of Manitoba, 2021-)
New Brunswick
- Blaine Higgs (Progressive Conservative Party of New Brunswick, 2018-)
Newfoundland and Labrador
- Andrew Furey (Liberal Party of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2020-)
Northwest Terrorities
- Caroline Cochrane (2019-)
Nova Scotia
- Tim Houston (Progressive Conservative Party of Nova Scotia, 2021-)
- P.J. Akeeagok (Nunavut Territory, 2021-)
- Bob Rae (New Democratic Party, 1990-1995)
- Mike Harris (Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, 1995-2002)
- Doug Ford (Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario, 2018-)
Prince Edward Island
- Dennis King (Progressive Conservative Party of Prince Edward Island, 2019-)
- René Lévesque (Parti Québecois, 1976-1985)
- Pauline Marois (Parti Québecois, 2012-2014)
- Jean Charest (Quebec Liberal Party, 2003-2013)
- François Legault (Coalition Avenir Québec, 2018-)
- Scott Moe (Saskatchewan Party, 2018-)
- Sandy Silver (Liberal Party of Yukon, 2016-)
Other Political Figures
- Jagmeet Singh (NDP Party Leader, 2017-)
- Yves-François Blanchet (Bloc Quebecois Party Leader, 2019-)
- Elizabeth May (Green Party Interim Leader 2022, 2006-2019, 2022-)
- Amita Kuttner (Green Party Interim Leader, 2021-2022)
- Annamie Paul (Green Party Leader, 2020-2021)
- Jo-Ann Roberts (Green Party Interim Leader, 2019-2020)
- Barry Morishita (Alberta Party Leader, 2021-)
- Derek Filderbrandt (Freedom Conservative Party of Alberta Leader, 2018-2019)
- Larry Heather Independent (Perennial candidate)
- Derek Sloan (Ontario Party Leader, 2022-)
- Jim Karahalios (New Blue Party of Ontario Leader, 2020-)
- Andrea Horwath (Ontario NDP Party Leader, 2009-2022)
- Mike Schreiner (Ontario Green Party Leader, 2009-)
- Steven Del Duca (Ontario Liberal Party Leader, 2020-2022)
- Gregory "JrEg" Guevara
Minor and Third Party Political Figures
- Lauren Southern (Libertarian Party of Canada)
Think Tanks, Political Organizations, and Public campaigns
- LGBTory
- Campaign Life Coalition
- Pierre Poilerve Conservative Leadership Campaign
- Citizens for a Canadian Republic
- Monarchist League of Canada
- Pilgrims of Saint Michael
- NATO Association of Canada
- Fraser Institute