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[[File:ArmchairML.png]] True Communism <br>
[[File:ArmchairML.png]] True Communism <br>
[[File:Red_Fascism.png]] [[National Bolshevism|Red Fascism]] (by AnCom [[File:Ancom.png]]) <br> [[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] (by LeftCom [[File:LeftCom.png]]) <br> [[File:Commie.png]] [[Communism]] (By nearly everyone in the western world)<br>
[[File:Red_Fascism.png]] [[National Bolshevism|Red Fascism]] (by AnCom [[File:Ancom.png]]) <br> [[File:Statecap.png]] [[State Capitalism]] (by LeftCom [[File:LeftCom.png]]) <br> [[File:Commie.png]] [[Communism]] (By nearly everyone in the western world)<br>
Judeo-Bolshevism (By [[File:Anti-Semitic.png]] anti-Semitic anti-communists)<br>
[[File: ML.png]] MLism <br>
[[File: ML.png]] MLism <br>
[[File: Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism|Red Reactionary]] (by [[File:Vaushism.png]] [[Liberal Socialism|Vaushism]]) <br> [[File: ML.png]] MarxLen <br> [[File:IMMORTALSCIENCEOFMARXISMLENINISM.png]]The Immortal Science (by himself) <br>
[[File: Reactsoc.png]] [[Reactionary Socialism|Red Reactionary]] (by [[File:Vaushism.png]] [[Liberal Socialism|Vaushism]]) <br> [[File: ML.png]] MarxLen <br> [[File:IMMORTALSCIENCEOFMARXISMLENINISM.png]]The Immortal Science (by himself) <br>

Revision as of 07:53, 26 November 2021

This page is about the ideology commonly referred to Communism. For other uses, see Communism.

Marxism–Leninism (alternatively known as State Marxism, State Communism, or just Leninism) is an authoritarian, economically far left ideology that can range from culturally left to culturally right (But usually culturally left). It is based on the Joseph Stalin's ideological synthesis of Orthodox Marxism and Leninism, although many self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist leaders were opposed to Joseph Stalin, such as Fidel Castro and Nikita Khrushchev. It usually represents Stalin's theoretical contributions, while Stalin's actions taken as leader of the Soviet Union are usually referred to as Stalinism.

He believes in the historical theory that social revolution by the working class is brought upon by a vanguard party of revolutionaries. This would then lead to a "dictatorship of the proletariat" through a communist political party which serves as the state’s government, which would reorganize society to bring the social revolution into action. He believes that Anarchism is a childish ideology, and that the Bourgeois Class will not give up its wealth. He is one of the main, largest, aggressive, hated and most known enemies against Libertarian Right quadrant. Many ideologies hate him, including Democracy, Capitalism, Anarcho-communism, Conservativism and Fascism.

History (W.I.P.)


Marxism-Leninism, despite what the name may suggest, was founded as an ideology by Joseph Stalin after the death of Vladimir Lenin.

Russian Revolution

The Earliest roots of Marxism-Leninism can be traced back to the Bolshevik party of the Russian Revolution.

Stylistic Notes

  • Speaks in a strong Russian accent and loves vodka and tanks.
  • Calls all anarchists "anarkiddies", even if they are older than him.
  • His favorite novel is Animal Farm, but only the first half.

How to Draw

Flag of Marxism–Leninism
  1. Draw a ball,
  2. Colour the ball red,
  3. Draw a yellow hammer and sickle (☭) in the centre,
  4. Draw the eyes, and you're done!
  5. (Optional) Add a ushanka and/or draw the hammer and sickle over one of the eyes as an eyepatch.
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #CC0000 204, 0, 0
Yellow #FFD700 255, 215, 0



  • Jacobinism - Based!
  • Marxism - Grandpa!
  • Leninism - Dad!
  • Stalinism - Dad?
  • Maoism - Best Comrade in the entire world!
  • Sankarism - One of the best revolutionaries in the African continent!
  • Marxism–Leninism–Maoism - Despite our differing views on peasants, you're still cool..
  • Castroism - The closest to my original vision still remaining.
  • Marxist Feminism - A revolution without women's emancipation isn't a revolution. Ignore the fact I banned abortion and divorce.
  • Hoxhaism - Albanian comrade and bunkerman.
  • National Communism - What I looked like in the 20th century when I was more culturally moderate and nationalist, but he insists that he was the true ideology of Cold War Communism when I insist that ML becoming progressive in the 21st century was a natural progression.
  • Ho Chi Minh Thought - Vietnamese comrade!
  • Luxemburgism - Rest in power, Rosa! We had our differences but you'll always be a comrade to me.
  • State Atheism - Religion is what keeps the poor from killing the rich.
  • Ba'athism - Assad is a great anti-imperialist ally.
  • Chavismo - Latin American anti-imperialist ally!
  • Gift Economy - A fellow ideology of generosity and caring for all. I sure hope I'm on the nice list.
  • State Socialism - He is pretty much like me but doesn't have Communism as his end goal. Still cool though.
  • Left National Bolshevism - Me but nationalist and conservative, but at least not reactionary.
  • Honeckerism - East Germany best Germany!

Lumpenproletariat (frenemies)

  • Christian Socialism and Christian Communism - Both of you are based... for being a reactionary.
  • Juche - Juche gang! The Kim dynasty is based! Wait, what do you mean Marxism-Leninism is unfit for the Democratic People's Republic of Korea?! How DARE you favor Tito's economic policies!
  • Khomeinism - Iran stands up against Israeli and American imperialism, but you’re too religious. I also heard that if you wouldn’t have took American citizens hostage, then you would’ve took Soviet citizens hostage!
  • Anarcho-Communism - Silly anarkiddy thinks Communism can be achieved without state first. Helps me beat up capitalist and fascist pigs though.
  • Anarcho-Pacifism - And I thought anarkiddy couldn't become even more utopian...
  • Anarcho-Syndicalism - Are you not that stupid anarkiddy I was talking about?
  • Capitalist Communism - 50% of the time he is right...The other 50% of the time he’s a kulak.
  • Longism - Bite the socialism bullet already cyka!
  • Mutualism - You don't go far enough in promoting worker-centric collectivism. Plus you are anarkiddy too.
  • Left Communism - You have some good ideas, but I am not Social Democracy. And please stop calling me a liberal or a capitalist or a fake leftist. We're supposed to be comrades.
  • Titoism - Adoptive son. We agree on some things but we also argue about markets. Also the non aligned movement was fucking cringe.
  • Pol Potism - Maoism's more anti-intellectual son who hates me for supporting the Vietnamese.
  • Social Authoritarianism - Just get an appreciation for Marx, and you'll be based.
  • Democratic Socialism - You can't just vote in socialism and expect the bourgeoisie to go away on their own, just ask Allende (who was pretty based).
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Same as above. Why do you not like me though?
  • Dengism - We have a lot of internal conflicts over you. I will always defend you against western imperialists though.
  • Eco-Authoritarianism - Good overall direction, climate change is a serious issue, but you need to go further left economically and not be so anti-productivity. And population control is cringe, it reeks of Eco-Fascism.
  • Trotskyism - You have some good ideas, but focus your attention on opposing Capitalism and Fascism instead of us, we're supposed to be comrades.
  • Khrushchevism - Revisionist scum who introduced capitalism to the Soviet Union. Crushing the 1956 Hungarian uprising was based, though, and so was your "we will bury you" speech to the west.
  • Conservative Socialism - We were good friends back in the day and even many of today's MLs in the global South and Eastern Europe are similar to you. However, you're a boomer who really needs to get with the times and also stop sympathizing with right-wing ideologies.
  • Bonapartism - Napoleon was a dick but was necessary to finally bring us into the modern age.
  • Hive-Mind Collectivism - Sharing minds is WAY too much.
  • Burmese Socialism - Had the potential to be great but Ne Win was an incompetent idiot.
  • Antifa - Thalmann was based but you are kinda anarkiddy now.
  • Democratic Confederalism - Many ML parties in the region support you and send soldiers to help you but most of us from the west dislike you
  • Ingsoc, Neo-Bolshevism and Death Worship - The Party would like to inform you that these three are nothing but pathetic mockery made by a traitor And we are certainly nothing like them. Damnit I wish I have that level of control over my society...
  • Police Statism - Only based when he works for me, otherwise a tool of the bourgeois state.


  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Capcom was cool, But remember Pinochet before you talk about failures of communism, The free market ideology fell so hard!
  • Apoliticism - Apoliticism benefits the status quo!
  • Imperialism - Imperialism is horrible except when I do it.
  • Capitalism - You are the greatest evil of our time, kulak. You keep saying I'm a failure of an ideology but look at yourself and don't even try resorting to free markers or else you will too fall like Chile and I haven't failed yet! My grandson is currently kicking your ass. I'll ignore the fact that he's revisionist for now.
  • Christian Democracy - Cringe reactionary that banned me from West Germany. East Germany best Germany!
  • Corporatocracy - You perfectly describe everything that's wrong with capitalism. Thank you.
  • Eco-Conservatism - Ecology without class struggle is just gardening.
  • Eco-Fascism - Eco-friendly fascism is still fascism. Drop the "blood and soil" crap, Fascist.
  • Fascism - Reactionary pig and a filthy f*shie, Tito might be a revisionist but he showed you the PITS.
  • Jihadism - I fought him in Afghanistan.
  • Socialism with a Human Face - *Tank engines*
  • Korwinism - You're like American "libertarian" conservatism on steroids (Liberty Hangout anyone?). At least you agree that China is better than the EU, which is based.
  • Liberalism - Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Fuck you, Yeltsin!
  • Monarchism - Fuck the Romanovs! They got what they deserved for holding the commoners in serfdom!
  • National Socialism - This Chud incel is still mad that I beat him in war. XAXAXAXAXAXA! How does it feel to be a fashie loser? I still wish you let me in the axis.
  • Strasserism - Same as above, but with less cringe economic takes.
  • Right National Bolshevism - Same as Strasserism but with even better economics.
  • Neoconservatism - He always has wars with me. He was winning but I'm starting to get under his skin.
  • Neoliberalism - 👏 More 👏 female 👏 CEOs👏!!
  • Liberal Feminism - No, I was making fun of you. More diverse oppressors will not end oppression.
  • Pink Capitalism - Are you not just Neoliberalism again? And no, I won't buy your rainbow water bottles unless you give us most of your money.
  • Pinochetism - You're just another American puppet fascist regime, Plus your free market plans fell harder!
  • National Capitalism - Fuck off, Batista. Running away in 1959 was the best thing you ever did.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Now that capitalism replaced feudalism, you're trying to rebrand as socialists? LMAO!
  • Social Democracy - Opportunist liberal. You’re basically the moderate wing of Fascism. Plus, you killed Rosa!
  • Welfare Chauvinism - See? I told you, Social Democracy is just the moderate wing of Fascism!
  • Gaullism & Venizelism - A bunch of social fascists.
  • Neosocialism - Are you not just succdem again?
  • Social Liberalism - Another opportunist liberal! Focus on class! Nonetheless, I appreciate your efforts to support disadvantaged groups who suffer under capitalism, which is clearly a VERY racist institution.
  • Libertarianism - Laissez-faire? Capitalism? Sounds like you just hate the working class.
    • Libertarianism: Did you forget "the freer the market the freer the workers" after getting drunk on vodka? (Honestly I forgot what welfare is after havin' too much moonshine)
  • Social Libertarianism - Aren't you just Libertarianism again?!
  • Hayekism - Yes, I'm a communist. What gave it away?
  • Horseshoe Centrism - This guy says that me and National Socialism are both equally bad. Personally, I'd say that Horseshoe Centrism and National Socialism are secretly collaborating with each other.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - "Reactionary Liberalism"? Well isn't that completely redundant?
  • Liberal Socialism - Va*sh. Also, you are a racist western chauvinist pig! Mandela, on the other hand was based though.
  • Trumpism - Shut the fuck up, LIBERAL.
  • Post-Left Anarchism - What happened to that stupid anarkiddy?!
  • White Nationalism - Death to white supremacist AmeriKKKa! Also, you hate Israel for the wrong reasons, I oppose them because they support apartheid, like you.
  • Paleoconservatism - Same as above and a fake anti-interventionist. Also, its the West that's controlling Israel, not the other way around as what chuds like you believe.
  • Libertarian Conservatism - Muh freedumbs.
  • Reactionarism - The reason why I am called a tankie.
  • National Liberalism - A Tool of native bourgeoisie to conquer new markets with fire and sword for national industry.[1]
  • Libertarian Feminism - Capitalism make women get less pay!
  • Anarcho-Fascism - This is just what all imperialist CIA anarKKKiddies are.

Further Information





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