Welfare Chauvinism

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Not to be confused with Left-Wing Nationalism or National Socialism.

Welfare Chauvinism or Welfare State Nationalism is an economically centre to centre-left, culturally right-wing to far-right and ultranationalist ideology. Welfare Chauvinism believes that welfare benefits should be restricted to certain groups, particularly to the natives of a country as opposed to immigrants. Welfare Chauvinism supports Right-Wing Populist, National Conservative and Paternalistic Conservative governments all around. Critics say that this ideology could lead to a "Global Apartheid", if it were to be established in every country, because of the ultranationalist ideas of the ideology.


Social Nationalism



Post-Sovietism is a variant of Welfare Chauvinism that is specific to Eastern Europe/Post-Soviet countries, most commonly in "Social Democratic" parties such as SMER in Slovakia. It is unique because of it's strong elements of Authoritarianism, Soviet Nostalgia, Social Conservatism, Corruption and in some cases Slavic Nationalism .


Welfare Chauvinism does a single founder or a clear founding date. While welfarist ultranationalist movements have existed throughout the 20th century, the term Welfare Chauvinism was first used in the 1990 paper "Structural changes and new cleavages: The progress parties in Denmark and Norway". Welfare Chauvinism is sometimes viewed as the "New Right", because it's a right-wing populist ideology that's getting a lot of influence recently. Nowadays, a lot of right-wing populist parties can be referred to as Welfare Chauvinist, because they support welfare policies, while wanting a lot of right-wing culturally conservative ideas too, parties like Party for Freedom (PVV) in the Netherlands, The National Rally (RN) in France, AfD in Germany and Finns Party in Finland have been gaining a lot of support in recent years.

In Western Europe


In Eastern Europe/Post-Soviet countries



Welfare Chauvinism often hangs out with Right-Wing Populism and National Conservatism, but his best friend is Paternalistic Conservatism. He sometimes hangs out with fascists and welfarists too.
Because Welfare Chauvinism is ultranationalist, he's often racist, ethnocentric and especially xenophobic. He's in denial though, and he gets insulted every time someone calls him racist/ethnocentric/xenophobic, and he gets really defensive. Because he's extremely patriotic, he dislikes almost every Regional Ideology.

How to Draw

Flag of Welfare Chauvinism
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color it with very dark grey.
  3. Draw a red flag.
  4. Draw a very dark grey rose on the middle of the flag.
  5. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Very Dark Grey #191919 25, 25, 25
Red #C80000 200, 0, 0




  • Social Democracy - I like most of your ideas, unfortunately you are way too progressive...
  • Social Libertarianism - Too culturally left, but welfare and social capitalism is economically based.
  • National Bolshevism - No, I won't become a socialist.
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - He's more economically and culturally left than me, but he's still pretty based.
  • Fascism - No, I won't become a third positionist. And why do MLs act like me being your social variant is a bad thing?
  • Christian Socialism - A bit to radical economically, but you're Christian, and you support welfare.
  • Social Liberalism - You're way too moderate, and you hate me for some reason.
  • Kemalism - I really want to like you but you're just a civic nationalist Social Democracy.
  • Tridemism - Same as above, but Chinese.
  • Longism - Patriotism is not enough! Embrace ultranationalism!
  • Conservative Socialism - Too moderate socially, too far economically.
  • Nasserism - I would like you more if you were a capitalist, but socialism isn't that bad, I guess.
  • Reactionary Liberalism - We have a lot in common in terms of social views, but economic liberalism only breeds more degeneracy. At least we both backup Alex Gauland.
  • Alt-Lite - Too moderate and economically right-wing sadly, but you have some decent ideas.
  • Alter-Globalization - The only type of Globalism I can tolerate.
  • File:Monkeyzz-Enlightenment.png Enlightenment - You gave us a lot of welfarist ideas, but a lot of progressive ideas too.
  • Volkism - Way too extreme, but at least you're a nationalist.
  • National Socialism - The Aryan only welfare programs were based, but you're still too darwinistic and prefer to kill disabled people rather than give them subsidies.
  • National Capitalism - Even more darwinistic and even less welfarist, but at least ultranationalist.
  • Nordic Model - Some good economically and civically policies, but the Scandinavian countries are way too progressive.
  • National Libertarianism - He's okay, I guess...
  • Reactionary Socialism - Has a lot of cool ideas but takes this "tradition" thing waaaaaaaaaay too far.
  • Conservatism - Not nationalist enough! Also quit it with the liberal economics.
  • Left-Wing Populism -I like your use of populist rhetoric and most of your economic proposals even if they're more radical than mine, but you're way too progressive for the most part and sometimes globalist.
  • Fiscal Conservatism - Austerity is cringe but we both hate welfare seekers immigrants and public debt.
  • National Liberalism - We have our difference but we have common enemies and friends like the EU and Geert Wilders respectively, also we hate a lot welfare seekers immigrants.
  • Trumpism - If only you kept your pro-M4A views and weren't cucked to the GOP establishment...


  • Civic Nationalism - You're not even a real nationalist.
  • Corporatocracy - Corporations not only damage our national values with their globalism, but also devalue the wages of our workers by inviting millions of immigrants to steal their jobs.
  • Anationalism - Imagine not being proud of your country.
  • Globalism - I won't join any global alliance, and I won't let anyone in.
  • Multiculturalism - NO ONE CAN COME IN!
  • Cosmopolitanism - Moderate Globalism, still a really bad idea.
  • Neoliberalism - A progressive globalist who wants to destroy my country.
  • Marxism - You want to destroy the West.
  • Marxism–Leninism - Tankies take it too far. Also, way too progressive. And yes, I AM a Social Fascist, so what?
  • Trotskyism - Communism is already really bad, but globalism is even worse.
  • Revolutionary Progressivism - Evil progressive who really hates me.
  • Queer Anarchism - Anarchism and Progressivism, two awful things combined.
  • Pink Capitalism - My polar opposite.
  • Bleeding-Heart Libertarianism - Also my opposite. Supports progressivism and open borders, and opposes welfare and protectionism.
  • Third Way - Clinton and Blair's neoliberal and progressive policies were a complete disaster.
  • Islamic Theocracy - You're taking up all the welfare, get out now before you taint the gene pool too!
  • Liberal Conservatism - Just another cringe neolib who pretends he's a conservative.

Further Information




Welfare, Populism and Welfare Chauvinism
The Radical Right in Western Europe: A Comparative Analysis
Democracies and the Populist Challenge


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