User:Black drone

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This user is Hoi4 player

"*proceeds to explain how the Nazis could've won WW2*"

A Pole who lives in U.K. . Religious, Likes Cats and Eagles, likes Countryballs, GTA San Andreas, HOI4 and lots of other stuff. I'm here because I love History, Geography, Politics and Countryballs. Discovered Polcompball in 2020. Active on wiki, since 2020.

Poles shall not be slaves!

Progressivism is the enemy of human triumph.

MLM, means Mark, Luke, Matthew.

Communism, Progressivism, Socialism, Globalism, call it what you like, there's very little difference, between the 4, it's the same kind of garbage, ain't I right?

My ideology is quite an unusual one, it combines Christian Conservatism, National Democracy, Right-Wing Populism and Authoritarian Capitalism.


I believe that abortion, should be only allowed when Mother's health and life are endangered, oppose LGBT ideology and support Traditional Family Roles.


Prostitution is an imoral act, where People only have a physical relation for money. Therefore it should be illegal because it also destroys People's lives. It should only be allowed when the Women or a Male Prostitute tries to earn for life.


I opposse uncontrolled migration and believe that Polish interests should be the most important for Poland. A Critic of interventionist policy. Formerly an Atlanticist (2017-2018). Even though not for exiting NATO, not an interventionist and a supporter of Orban and Erdogan like alliance methods. But Poland should leave the EU immediately with a fast Polexit, due to EU damaging Polish Culture, Patriotism and the Economy.


Free Market Capitalism is the Best system. Capitalism should be unregulated but the Poor should not be under Rich Elite's boot. We should help the Ill and Poor, not lazy. More decentralized-leanning, due to cin centralization being supportive of offices in power. Corporations should be fought privately by citizens rather than government regulating them. Socialism slows down the economy.


Economical War:

Economics as much as they are very important, they are on the bottom of The moral issues and diplomacy. The struggle between Capitalism and Socialism isn't the case anymore, due to The Cold War being a prove that Socialism has failed (In Europe, Russia, USA and The Commonwealth Nations (The Developed and Developing World, Socialsim MAYBE still has a future in Undeveloped Countries and The Third World)) and Capitalism is the lesser evil and the way. Things like Corporatism and Third Position don't work and don't have as much impact, they still breed new problems such as no economical freedom and markets failing. The Economical War is mostly just a struggle between Economical Liberalism and Welfare Capitalism (Also some rare variants such as State Capitalism), after the fall of U.S.S.R. a lot of most Socialist States have gone Capitalist, even China and Vietnam go towards more market direction, due to after The mentioned event in The Post-Soviet States nobody had been brave enough to call themselves Socialists, Socialism has shown incompetence and breed of laziness and idleness, same as Welfare Capitalism babying The Unemployed and The Poor and mixing the lazy with them, instead of giving them "vet" they give them "fish". The Economical war sometimes becames a usefull tool for The Left to ignore social, cultural and diplomatic issues. Neverless Economics are still important and Economical Liberalism (Not full Laisses-faire) is The best (So far) way for a Nation's prosparity.

Cancel Culture:


Democracy is a weak system but authoritarianism should go in hand with minarchism. People should not elected leaders and biased press should be banned but media censorship and manipulating facts should also not be present in a nation.

Political Journey:

Before 2017---> (2017-2018) (Before 2020) (2017-2018) (2017-2018) (2017-2018) ---> ---> (Briefly in 2020) (Briefly in 2020) (Briefly in 2020) (Briefly in 2020)---> .

First had proper political views, in 2017. I used to be a Conservative already but neither that moderate, Lib. Con. or Prog. Con. nor I was that ideological or a Rpop. I was in between. Came more to the Right, in mid. 2018. For a short time in 2020, I used to be a Paleolib. and a Korwinist but later the year, I started going more to moderate authoritarianism.


Right-Wing Populism


Moderate : Radical - Conservative

Socialist : Capitalist - Economic Liberalism

Authoritarian : Libertarian - Balanced (Leanning-Authoritarian)

Nationalist : Globalist - Nationalist

Conventionalist : Conspirationist - Distrustfull

Closest match: Right-Wing Populism


Conservative Klan:

  • KaiserKlaus - Good Ziom-Chum Corporatism, EVEN IF BETTER THAN SOCIALISM, is bad and You support Mandela? Just why man?
  • Sir Deyvid - Conservatism Chad, Libertarianism eh...
  • Typicalfan4 - Great ideology, great Man. Can't wait to learn even more about Mexican politics and history!
  • SomeCrusader1224 - Fellow Christian Conservative!
  • Patrick - An intelligent and good guy, told us a lot about USA and its culture and history. Based worldview, culture model and diplomacy, could have more engagement in economics as well. An always welcome Guest on The Polish Discord Server.

Weak ideology, cool chums:

  • BeryAb - Another Based German but likes this liberal junk.
  • Tony567 - Weak ideology, normal fella.
  • Applethesky2021 - I mean you seem like a good and calm Person and even though not a fan of your views, they are bearable but I found stupid (Still sorry for my rage at that) but praising Germany and downplaying Japan about teaching about WW2 (In Germany WW2 is pretty much nothing). I'm sorry bruh but I don't see you as a conservative.
  • MedicsChaotics - One of The Best People I met on the wiki.
  • Pirate Tails - Even though a moderate progo, He is a Chad and a Fellow Patriot and Free-market defender but sometimes gets weird.
  • DualPlay1 - Smart Guy and funny at times but Communism?... And what do you mean by, "God supports Capitalism"?! 대한민국 만세
  • SuddenWriter - We haven't interacted yet, we both like Reagan and Churchill but saying that "Marx should burn in hell" was a bit spicy.


  • SamKibGuy - Bad cultural and economic views but Excellent Anti-Chinese sentiment, Anti-Neoconservatism and hates corrupt politicians. Seiously but having Stalin as more than "0/100" is for me, weird to say the least...

Good ideology but every other part about you...:

  • Konlord 44 - After Shizo and Maria16 entered the wiki, you didn't age well...

eVerYboDy wHo doEsn'T agrEe wiTh mWah iS a BaD peRsoN!:

  • Chinese Socialist - Just pretty much everything about this man makes me vomit. I like to refer to him as "A Typical Capitan America, G.I. Joe or Rambo villain". Shortly speaking, Leninsbased556 but makes idiotic conspiracy theories, his views take usually from: His typical such as "Thatcher and Reagan should burn in hell" to unironically supporting Stalin and Bierut. Say what you want about Pinochet or Franco but there's no bloody way they are Stalin and Bierut level. The guy also continues the usual battue on India, Japan and USA (As much as it turned, recently). #Free Taiwan! #Free Tibet! #Free Turkistan! #Free Hong Kong! # Free Macau! Rule Britania in Hong Kong!
  • TargetedIndividual - Keeps deleting edits, brat! Damn you, we'll put more kiddo memes and banal gaggs that give wiki a blue feeling.
  • DragonRed - This son of a gun, mocked me. Don't know if that idiot really likes Stalin, Hoxha, etc. or just a troll.
  • Yoda8soup - "You support corrupt politicians", says a guy who supports Mandela.
  • Matteel - Say what you want but I'm alright being friends with a Progressive, Globalist and a Socialist but this Man is a quite a unsual, don't you think? I heard some messed up stuff about You and your stupid remarks such as comparing Paleoconservatism to fash. Calling PIS "far-right" and liking the Anti-Christian Sanders. We both hate BoJo and The Democratic establishment and you don't seem as horrid as the people above You. I would recommend you to change your behavior. Even though your views are absolutely trash.
  • Ukraiana - Seriously, stop simping to me. As much as I love Conservatism and Nationalism and don't approve Sexual immorality, I won't be friends with a guy who literally has Nazism and Stalinism on neutral ideological relations and is rude. Go outside.

Just idiots:

  • TheGhostOfInky - Agendising the pages and the wiki, you'll do a "good" job on being a discord mod, wait you are one? Oh well.
  • File:FabiusBigGayHat.png Paleofabius - This guy is a one big walking meme. More like "Paleofappius".
  • Jao - fUnnY pOop!
  • Shizo - You give the word "mental" a new meaning. That's just Male Fluffy but Culturally Far-Right and Ultranationalist.
  • Ceret - More of a Polish Discord user but fuck knows... I wonder how you function irl.

Countries been:

Poland - Wielkopolskie (Born), Śląsk, Mazowieckie (Warsaw), Zachodniopomorskie, Małopolskie (Kraków), Zakopane and Kujawsko-Pomorskie (Toruń).

UK - Cornwall (Live), London, Devon and Greater Manchester.

Mexico - Yucatán

Philippines -

Ger**** - Schleswig-holstein and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Denmark -

Gambia -

Senegal -

Net******** -

Czechia -

Slovakia -

Austria - If it counts. (Before I was born).

Fra*** -

Spain - Catalonia and Gran Canaria

Bel**** -

Cuba -

Greece - Rhodes

Turkey - Cappadocia and Ephesus.

Thailand -

Opinions and a word on Modern-Day Countries

Note: This isn't reflacted by which country I may like or not, it is about The Goverment, The System, Wealth etc.

Marvelous, to take example of


  • Hungary -
  • Switzerland -

Neutral, some steps and good

Weak in a need of reforms

  • UK -

Horrendous in a need of massive improvements

Just raze the entire f***** system and re-start

  • Sweden -
  • Poland -
  • USA -
  • The Netherlands -
  • Germany -
  • Russia -
  • Ukraine -
  • Belgium -

Need a coup, fast

  • Afghanistan -
  • North Korea -
  • China -
  • Eritrea -
  • Venezuela -


Team Based:

Fine Gangs:



  • Liberal Conservatism - Obviously, can't take those dudes seriously.
  • Social Democracy - Capitalism is about the right of private property, whether you agree with it or not. Too much Progressive supporters.
  • Neoliberalism - This used to put anti-monopoly and free-market in priority, it's ok it has always been free-tradist but now it's crony capitalism and forced globalism.
  • Regulationism - The markets should be free, cope.
  • Liberal Feminism - Literally most of The Girls in my middle school.
  • Globalism - Nationality is part of our identity.
  • Keynesian School - Central Banks should not have a say.
  • Neoconservatism - I used to be more open to you not so long ago but I realized you're more than I thought you are, definetly preferable to communism and jihadism but that doesn't mean much. Just worse than Lib. Con. You pretend to defend Christianity, Western Values, Capitalism, Free speech, etc. but this is a pretext for your real goal, arming Saudi Arabia and Israel. E.G. When USA and UK invaded Iraq and our Dummy President Acid (Kwas) went on board with it, millions of innocent lives were lost and it also caused a chain reaction, where Christians and other minorities in that region were suppressed or captured, etc. And The creation of ISIS (Unintentionally but still), *&%$ CIA, FBI and MI6, literally KGBT, NKWD, SS and Alcalaida, Iran and Cuba aren't terrorists. You didn't collapse communism, The People did. The only good actions by this katastrophy were the 1973 Chile coup d'etat and RONALD REAGAN.


Terminally Ill Abominations

  • Stalinism - Why People don't learn about him as much in school, as they do about Hitler?...
  • Nazism - Shame for Nationalism and Traditionalism everywhere...
  • Ingsoc - LITERALLY 2020!
  • Kleptocracy - "Thanks" for ruining Poland, Idiots!
  • ANTIFA - Cut-throat Comm! No, you're not "Anti-Fascism".
  • Corporatocracy - This is NOT a Laisses-Faire ideology, maybe not even capitalist. Corporations regulate smaller business which are more important in Capitalism. Rather than government regulating corporations, a better solution would be people fight them privately. Capitalism in it's first stages, used to oppose lobbying and monopoly, so there's that. I won't drink your corn syrup!
  • Anarchism - A naughty 7-year old's, "perfect world". No, we're not nazis.
  • Alt-Right - I didn't know that the right has SJW's too.
  • Totalitarianism - As Bad as Anarchism.
  • Kakistocracy - The World, Poland, homosapiens and just... Screw it! This is just literal stupidity as an ideology, what can I say? Incompetent, Looney, Control freak, Narcisist, clumsy, choleric and just Bad leaders should not be able to have positions.
  • Financialism - Bailouts should stop, if the Bank bankorupts, they should solve problems on their own.
  • State Atheism - Sit in your basemnet with your computer and rage seeying Religious Children's shows. Idiot.
  • Social Darwinism - Die
  • Fourth Theory - Get thrown out of ISS, Quasi-Commie.

Favourite quotes:

"If you keep going through hell, keep going" - Winston Churchill.

Based points thing




GTA San Andreas

Countryballs Platform games

Old PC games from magazines

How would I have voted in Polish elections:

1922 - Stanisław Wojciechowski PSL "Piast" faction

1922 (II) - Kazimierz Morawski Peope's National Union

1926 - Adolf Bniński N/A, supported by National Democracy

1926 (II) - Adolf Bniński N/A, supported by National Democracy

1933 - Neither

1947 - Neither

1990 - Janusz Korwin-Mikke Union of Real Politics

1995 - Andrzej Lepper Self-Defense

2000 - Andrzej Lepper Self-Defense

2005 - Andrzej Lepper Self-Defense

2010 - Andrzej Lepper Self-Defense

2015 - Grzegorz Braun Konfederacja Korony Polskiej

2020 - Krzysztof Bosak National Movement

2020 (II) - Andrzej Duda Law And Justice


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