National Democracy

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"To be a Pole does not mean just to speak Polish or to feel close to other Poles, but to value the Polish nation above all else … [A Pole] must accept everything Polish, both good and bad, and must accept every period of the nation's history, both strong and weak."

National Democracy also called Endecja (clipping of Narodowa Demokracja) is a Polish democratic nationalist political movement.


Piast Concept

Piast Concept, or Piast Idea, is named after the Piast Dynasty - one founded by first ruler of united Poland, Mieszko the First. The idea sees medieval kingdom, populated by Polish majority, as great example of Westernization.

This concept was developed by Popławski and adopted by National Democratic movement. Endecja's vision of Poland saw its place on the West, stated Polish state should include mainly lands with Polish majority and wanted Pomerania, Silesia and East Prussia to become parts of Poland.

Race and ethnicity

Although "Endecja" was inspired by Social Darwinist tendencies (popular in Europe at the time), it has never displayed racist views. National Democrats defined accepting national duties as main trait of a Pole. Many examples of this idea can be found in one of most famous books by Dmowski "Myśli nowoczesnego Polaka" (Thoughts of a Modern Pole). One of such quotes is:

"I am a Pole - in deeper understanding, this declaration means a lot. I am so not only because I speak Polish, not only because others speaking the same language are spiritually closer to me and much easier to understand, not only because some of my private affairs make me closer to them than to the strangers, but also because apart sphere of my personal, individual life, I also know the collective life of Nation (...)"

Thus, Endecja can be characterized as cultural nationalist movement. Ignorance of national duties, as well as acting against interests of Poland was the reason why National Democrats criticized noblemen of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. "Endecja" also saw polonizing peasants as one of most important goals during the partitions era. Protecting polish culture was one of reasons why "Endecja" opposed uprising and revolutions against partitioners, especially Russia. National Democrats saw November uprising as well as January one as disastrous, due to both of them causing Russian repressions against polish cultural institutions.


The concept of All-Polishness was created by Jan Ludwik Popławski. It emphasized need of unity between all Polish lands, then occupied by Germany, Austria and Russia. One of means to create such unity was developing a movement which will be equality active and influential in all three parts of former Poland. This concept differed Endecja from other movements - Polish Socialist Party was strongest in Russian partition, peasant movement was mainly active in Austrian partition while Christian Democracy's stronghold was Silesia.

Important part of All-Polishness was individual's connection to whole nation and duties towards it. In Popławski's vision all members of the Nation were to have equal status, regardless of their social class.


In 1887, group of Polish emigrants gathered in Switzerland and created the Polish League. At first, organisation was liberal-democratic and supportive of uprisings as method to fight partitioners. However, in 1893 league was taken over by young members - among them Roman Dmowski, Jan Ludwik Popławski and Zygmunt Balicki. Then, it was transformed into National League (LN), thus becoming first organisation of new political movement - National Democracy.

Partitions period

Three years later, in 1897, members of LN decided to create a party - National-Democratic Party, or SND. The party opposed other Polish movements, like Polish Socialist Party (PPS), as it preferred negotiation over revolution as path to, first, autonomy and then independence. Endecja gained seats in parliaments of all three partitioning powers - in Russian State Duma it created Polish Club (dominated by National Democrats); the same was Endecja's situtation in Germany. In 1904, SND was founded in Galicia (Austrian partition) as Democratic-National Party.

During Russian revolution of 1905, Endecja didn't support revolutionaries - on contrary to PPS, seeing cooperation with Russian authorities as more beneficial for Polish nation than revolting. Dmowski himself was deputy to State Duma.

World War I

During the Great War, national democrats created Polish National Committee (KNP), with headquarters in Warsaw and then Petrograd. KNP supported creation of Puławy Legion - Polish military formation. Legion was dissolved in 1915, while the Committee ceased to exist two years later. Then, Dmowski moved to Paris and recreated the Committee. New KNP supported creation of Blue Army, led by General Józef Haller.

Committee was recognized by Entente as legitimate representation of Polish nation. Thus, KNP's leaders, Roman Dmowski and Ignacy Jan Paderewski, represented Poland during Paris Peace Conference. Then, Committee recognized authority of Polish government. In 1919, SND party was transformed into Popular-National Union (ZLN).

Interwar Poland

In 1920, ZLN supported government of Wincenty Witos. In 1921, ZLN opposed Chief of State Józef Piłsudski. One year later, party was part of Christian Union of National Unity (ChZJN or Chjena) coalition of christian-democratic, national-democratic and conservative parties.

The same year, Sejm was about to elect President. Due to no one being elected at first time, only two candidates remained - Maurycy Zamoyski, supported by national democrats; and Gabriel Narutowicz, supported by liberal, leftist and minority parties. Narutowicz have won and was assassinated few days later by Eligiusz Niewiadomski, a (former) supporter of National Democracy.

In 1923, Chjena signed Lanckorona Pact, creating an alliance with Witos' Polish People's Party "Piast" and Christian-National Workers' Party. Coalition, commonly known as "Chjeno-Piast", managed to form the government. It was led by Witos and ceased to exist in December due to few deputies seceding from 'Piast'.

However, 'Chjeno-Piast" coalition was recreated in 1926. This time it managed to form stable government, once again led by Witos. But soon Piłsudski gathered his supporters and couped the government.

The National Party

Two years after the coup, ZLN was transformed into Camp of Great Poland (OWP). Said organisation later became part of National Party (SN). Newly founded party was the largest party opposing sanation regime - it had 200 000 members. The party was national-conservative one, supportive of parliamentarism and emphasizing strong role of Catholic Church. The OWP was more radical than SN - supporting authoritarianism, corporatism and National Catholicism.

There was strong division between old and young nationalists which soon caused the movement to split. In 1933, government banned OWP. This caused some of young nationalists to create their own organisation - National Radical Camp (See: National Radicalism). Five years later, in 1938, following the death of the original founder Roman Dmowski, the party underwent a, albeit informal and the party retained its unity, split. One faction, the more radical, led by Jędrzej Giertych, supported active military support to Czechoslovakia against Germany following the Munich Agreement, and a more moderate one, headed by party leader Tadeusz Bielecki. However, the whole party opposed the Annexation of Zaolzie region and proposed military assistance to Czechoslovakia.

WW2 and Communism

Following the invasion of Poland and the collapse of the Second Polish Republic, the National Party created its own resistance movement, the National Armed Forces. It was created in cooperation with the National-Radical Camp "ABC". Eventually, some of NSZ's soldiers joined the Home Army.

During the war, Party's headquarters was London. It was opposed to Communism and partook in the Polish Republic government-in-exile.


Following the collapse of the Polish People's Republic, the National Party relocated back to Poland properly. However, its popularity dropped, and although it still exists, it barely has over 0.5% support. The main National Democratic Party in Poland was the League of Polish families, under Roman Giertych, the grandson of Jedrzej. It was strongly eurosceptic and very nationalist. However, Giertych distanced himself from Endencja's heritage, and left politics in 2007, while the League eventually softened and became a National Liberal and pro-european party. The last remaining party (there are still active organisations, although they are usually Far-right, most notably the All-Polish Youth), is the National Movement, led by Krzysztof Bosak. It is part of the Confederation coalition.

Stylistic Notes

If you are drawing in WWI, he will be strongly pro-Russian, but still nationalist. If you are drawing in the interwar period, add a banner or armband with the Polish flag If you are drawing a member of the NSZ, he may be seen shooting everyone.

How to Draw

Flag of National Democracy
  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill the left half white and the right half red.
  3. Draw a black letter N on the white side.
  4. Draw a white letter D on the red side.
  5. Add the eyes.
  6. (Optional) Draw it upside-down (as a reference to Polandball)

Personality and Behaviour

Natdem is very nationalist. He memorised all of Dmowski's books and likes to be a member of marches. His favourite food is Kielbasa. He was a member of the NSZ, but was captured and sent to POW camps and tried to escape 33 times (a reference to Jedrzej Giertych, who did do so). He is hated by everyone except for PSL to his hate of Pilsudzki, but that does not bother him. He is very religious, and if under arrest he may be seen lying down in a position on a cross for the whole night. If not, he will go to church every day and sing Polish religious songs like "Boże, coś Polskę".


True Poles


  • National Capitalism - Great economic policy, but too authoritarian, undemocratic and racist. But you have a lot of advantages!
  • Korwinism - Polish right-winger compatriot and coalition partner... But you should be more nationalist and less..... well, less cringe.
  • Braunism - O Grzegorz Braun! O Grzegorz Braun! Kto zgasić świece tak będzie umiał..... Calm down, please - antisemitism is bad for PR!
  • Austrian School - Heydel was great. Yet, you're too liberal.
  • National Agrarianism & Industrialism - "A balance should be sought between agricultural and industrial production." - Roman Rybarski.
  • Japan LDPism & Ilminism - Friends from the Far East but War interventionism isn't a smart idea... Btw, why are you American puppets!
  • Liberalism - Listen "friend", love free-speech, don't have anything against liberalism and I am friends with some but opening borders for masses won't make any ones lives in Poland better. Be more like them rather than them . Ignore my disdain for liberal democracy.
  • National Radicalism - I denounce your support for dictatorship, political radicalism and many other things, but.... you are great friend. Thank you for helping me during WWII, attending Independence March and creating National Movement
  • Putinism - You may be a scum and a Katyń praiser but you did stomp on degeneracy and we need gas to prosper.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - I like to say I'm not keen on you but many some of my followers supported expanded welfare state.
  • Gaullism - Bielecki supported you after WWII, but nowadays.... your followers are just fake conservatives supporting IV Reich!

Honorless Scums

Further Information


(Note: Most texts about the national democratic movement aren't translated)

Roman Dmowski

Other authors

Works from outside perspective









  1. Kościoł, naród i państwo (Church, Nation and State)
  2. Gospodarka narodowa (The National Economy), Adam Doboszyński
  3. Upadek myśli konserwatywnej w Polsce (The Fall of Conservative Thought in Poland), Roman Dmowski
  4. Polityka i gospodarstwo (Politics and Economics), Roman Rybarski)
  5. Roman Rybarski, Damian Koniarek]
  6. Adam Heydel – polski „austriak” w metodologicznym boju, Wojciech Paryna
  7. He once said: "We [young faction] rather grew up as a reaction against the spirit of the 19th century, whose most classic effects were socialism, liberalism, parliamentarism."
  8. Although Giertych was member of "young faction" he did not join ONR and instead stayed in SN.
  9. "Kumpel" in Polish means "Buddy". Kumpel=Buddy, Kumple=Buddies.
  10. "Beat Bolshevik in his every form, 'cause this is your greatest enemy today." - A fragment of a Polish anti-Bolshevik song;
  11. Krzysztof Bosak Quote.
