User:Les Révoires: Difference between revisions

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(I added information about my political and social views.)
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(58 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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{{User-Infobox|title=[[File:Les Révoires.png]] Les Révoires [[File:Les_Révoires_4.png]]|name=[[File:Les Révoires.png]][[File:Les_Révoires_4.png]] Arda Kaan Uluç|sex=|birthday=|alignments={{Info|Left Unity|LeftUnity}}|ideology=[[File:Les Révoires.png]][[File:Les_Révoires_4.png]] '''Les Révoirianism'''
*[[File:Dsa.png]] Democratic socialism
*[[File:Socdem.png]] Social democracy
*[[File:Ecosoc.png]] Eco-socialism
*[[File:Indiv.png]] Social individualism
*[[File:Social Reformism.png]] Reformist socialism
*[[File:Directdem.png]] Direct democracy
*[[File:Marketsoc.png]] Market socialism
*[[File:Socjust.png]] Social justice
*[[File:NonRegTito.png]] Economic democracy
*[[File:Soccap.png]] Social market economy
*[[File:Lfreesoc.png]] Mixed economy
*[[File:Pragmat.png]] Economic pragmatism
*[[File:Eco-Cooperativism-small.PNG]] Eco-cooperativism
*[[File:Progconf.png]] Progressive conservatism
*[[File:ProgCultStandards.png]] Progressive traditionalism
*[[File:SocialConservative.png]] Social conservatism
*[[File:Cultcon.png]] Cultural conservatism
*[[File:Globnat.png]] Alter-globalism
*[[File:SocialistPatriot.png]] Social patriotism
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Marxism|nationality=[[File:Cball-Turkey.png]] Turkish|orientation=|language=|religion=|mbti=|enneagram=|likes='''Values:'''
*[[File:LibFoundation.png]] Freedom
*[[File:Equality.png]] Equality
*[[File:Consti.png]] Justice
*[[File:SyndieSam.png]] Solidarity
*[[File:Indiv.png]] Individual
*[[File:Trad.png]] Tradition
*[[File:Envi.png]] Nature
*[[File:Pac.png]] Peace
*[[File:Utopianism.png]] Utopia
*[[File:Guevara.png]] Che Guevara
*[[File:Neo-zapatismo.png]] Subcomandante Marcos
*[[File:Ataturk.png]] Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
*[[File:Allende.png]] Salvador Allende
*[[File:Rousseau.png]] Jean-Jacques Rousseau
*[[File:Utopianism2.png]] Thomas More
*[[File:Ormarxf.png]] Karl Marx
*[[File:Castro.png]] Fidel Castro
*[[File:Tito.png]] Josip Broz Tito
*[[File:MLKemal.png]] Deniz Gezmiş
*[[File:Leftpop-0.png]] Erkan Baş
*[[File:Sanders.png]] Bernie Sanders
*[[File:Arafat.png]] Yasser Arafat|dislikes=|interests=*[[File:Philosophy.png]] Philosophy
*[[File:AV-Politicised.png]] Political science
*[[File:World.png]] International relations
*[[File:Lit.png]] Literature
*[[File:Histval.png]] History|reddit=|discord=|twitter=|other=}}

== Political views ==
== Political views ==
'''Main ideology:'''

[[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Democratic socialism]]
=== [[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Democratic socialism]] ===
[[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Democratic socialism]] is a [[File:Leftunity.png]] left-wing [[File:AV-Politicised.png]] political philosophy that supports the use of [[File:Dem.png]] [[democracy]] and the adoption [[File:Reform.png]] [[Reformism|reformist]] methods of within [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[socialism]]. It provides a balance between [[File:Equality.png]] [[Socialism|equality]] and [[File:LibFoundation.png]] [[Liberalism|freedom]], also opposes to radical aspects of both values.

Although there are similarities between [[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]] and [[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|democratic socialism]] in the critism of [[File:Cap.png]] [[capitalism]], some of [[File:InfRevolutionaryism.png]] far-left practices such as the [[File:Socauth.png]] [[Social Authoritarianism|dictatorship of the proletariat]], [[File:RevSoc.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|revolutionary violence]] and [[File:Statesoc.png]] [[State Socialism|planned economy]] are opposed. There is more emphasis on [[File:Indiv.png]] individual rights such as [[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy|freedom of expression]] and [[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy|freedom of thought]]. Some [[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|democratic socialists]], such as [[File:Ecosoc.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|eco-socialists]], may include [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|nature]] while [[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism|libertarian socialists]], may include [[File:Auton.png]] [[Autonomism|autonomy]] in their views.
'''Former ideologies:'''

There are also many ways to implement a [[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|democratic socialist]] economy. While [[File:EconStat.png]] [[Socialism|social ownership]] and [[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism|expropriation policies]] are common, it's possible to adopt many economic systems such as [[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|market socialism]], [[File:FairTradeProtectionism.png]] [[Protectionism|fair-trade protectionism]], [[File:Grmsoc2.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|green economy]] and [[File:DemMut.png]] [[Mutualism|democratic mutualism]] in accordance with these foundations.
[[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Marxism-Leninism]]

'''[[File:Soc-h.png]] - [[File: Cap.png]]:'''
=== [[File:Ecosoc.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|Eco-socialism]] ===
[[File:Ecosoc.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|Eco-socialism]] is a synthesis between [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[socialism]] and [[File:Envi.png]] [[environmentalism]]. It aims to overcome the damages caused by [[File:Cap.png]] [[capitalism]] to [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|nature]], within a [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[socialism|socialist]] government. According to [[File:Ecosoc.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|eco-socialists]], solving problems such as [[File:Imp.png]] [[imperialism]] and [[File:Indust.png]] [[industrialism]], is possible by increasing the powers of [[File:Dem.png]] [[democracy|democratic]] [[File:Local.png]] [[Localism|local]] governments and using [[File:Indust.png]] means of production jointly.

== Economic views ==
[[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|Market socialism]]

'''[[File:Conservative.png]] - [[File:Prog-u.png]]:'''
=== [[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|Market socialism]] ===
[[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|Market socialism]] is an economic theory centered on principles such as [[File:LibFoundation.png]] [[Social Liberalism|individual freedom]], [[File:Equality.png]] [[Social Democracy|equality of opportunity]], [[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism|economic development]] and [[File:Welf.png]] [[Welfarism|welfare state]]. It's intended to be implemented in underdeveloped and developing countries. In developed countries, [[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism|social market economy]], a more [[File:Moder.png]] [[Moderatism|moderate]] version of [[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|market socialism]], can be implemented.

In [[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|market socialism]], [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] and [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]] work together, they have approximately same role in the economy. While [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] stands out in the [[File:Schoolicon.png|link=]] education, [[File:Univhealth.png]] health and infrastructure, [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]] develop themselves in sectors such as [[File:Globcap.png]] trade. There is no competition between [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] and [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]], real competition is between [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]]. [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|State]] doesn't provide goods and services with values that would upset the balance of [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]].
[[File:Ecosoc.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|Eco-socialism]] • [[File:Progconf.png]] [[Progressive Conservatism|Progressive conservatism]] • [[File:Progconsoc.png]] [[Socialism|Progressive conservative socialism]] • [[File: Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism|Conservative socialism]] • [[File:Soc21.png]] [[Socialism of the 21st Century|Socialism of the 21st century]]

In order to prevent large [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]] from establishing [[File:Corp.png]] [[Corporatocracy|monopolies]] and facilitate the establishment of new [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]], [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] implements a [[File:Tax.png]] tax policy that gradually increases towards the upper segments.
'''[[File:Lib.png]] - [[File:Sec.png]]:'''

Exports are carried out independently by [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] and [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]], the important thing is that, it should be at maximum level. They are necessary for entering [[File:Globcap.png]] [[Globalism|foreign currency]] into the country and increasing [[File:FairTradeProtectionism.png]] [[Protectionism|domestic resources]]. [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|Markets]] pay the remaining part of the income obtained of exports from costs and profits as [[File:Tax.png]] taxes, and they are regularly [[File:Regulationism.png]] inspected by [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]]. Also, [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]] belonging to the country that are present in other countries can be supported to increase gross national product.
[[File:Raddem.png]] [[Radical Democracy|Radical democracy]] • [[File:Antifa.png]] [[Anti-Fascism|Anti-fascism]] • [[File:Leftpop-0.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|Left-wing populism]]

Through exports, [[File:Soccap.png]] [[Capitalism|economic development]] and [[File:Socjust.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|social justice]] progress in parallel. With areas such as exports and tourism, the purchasing power of money doesn't decrease and [[File:EconInflate.png]] inflation is kept constant. Moreover, thanks to [[File:Welf.png]] [[Welfarism|social policies]], unemployment is at the lowest level.
'''[[File:Nation.png]] - [[File:Internation.png]]:'''

Money printing isn't carried out without compensation, it's parallel to [[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism|economic development]].
[[File:Globnat.png]] [[Alter-Globalism|Alter-globalism]] • [[File:SocialistPatriot.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|Social patriotism]]

=== [[File:Socjust.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|Social justice]] ===
'''Liked theorists:'''
Incomes generated by [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] and [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]] from exports are divided into three categories: production cost, sectoral investments and net profit. Provision of [[File:Socjust.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|social justice]] and [[File:Welf.png]] [[Welfarism|welfare state]] is carried out through net profit. [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|Markets]] pay [[File:Tax.png]] taxes on the income they receive. [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|State]] combines them with the income it receives from exports and uses them to support people who need [[File:Welf.png]] [[Welfarism|social assistance]]. Values such as [[File:EconStat.png]] [[Welfarism|basic income]], [[File:Univhealth.png]] [[Social Democracy|universal healthcare]] and [[File:Schoolicon.png|link=]] [[Social Democracy|free education]], which are necessary for [[File:Humanismpix.png]] humanity, are provided.

With the exception of inheritance tax, the [[File:Morality.png]] moral legitimacy of which is disputed, [[File:Tax.png]] taxes are kept at low values.
[[File:Guevara.png]] [[Guevarism|Che Guevara]] • [[File:Ataturk.png]] [[Kemalism|Mustafa Kemal Atatürk]] • [[File:Tito.png]] [[Titoism|Josip Broz Tito]] • [[File:Chavismo.png]] [[Chavismo|Hugo Chavez]] • [[File:Allende.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Salvador Allende]] • [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Yasser Arafat]] • [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Erkan Baş]] • [[File:Sanders.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|Bernie Sanders]] • [[File:Cball-Mozambique-old.png]] [[African Socialism|Samora Machel]]

=== [[File:NonRegTito.png]] [[Democracy|Economic democracy]] ===
[[File:NonRegTito.png]] [[Democracy|Economic democracy]] and [[File:WPD.png|link=]] [[Democracy|workplace democracy]], should be practiced in an ideal economic theory. These views shouldn't be confused with [[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism]]'s principle that [[File:Indust.png]] means of production belong to the [[File:SyndieSam.png]] [[Syndicalism|workers who use them]]. [[File:Indust.png]] Means of production may be under [[File:EconStat.png]] [[Socialism|social ownership]] or [[File:Property.png]] [[Propertarianism|private ownership]].

According to [[File:NonRegTito.png]] [[Democracy|economic democracy]], the important thing is that [[File:SyndieSam.png]] [[Syndicalism|workers who use them]] are involved in decision-making mechanisms through [[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy|democratic]] processes. Many systems, especially [[File:Cooperative_Socialism.png]] [[Market Socialism|cooperative system]], can create the conditions necessary for implementation of [[File:Dem.png]] [[Democracy|democratic]] processes in economy.
'''Former liked theorists:'''

=== [[File:Eco-Cooperativism-small.PNG|link=]] [[Environmentalism|Eco-cooperativism]] ===
[[File:Ormarxf.png]] [[Marxism|Karl Marx]] • [[File:Orthlen.png]] [[Leninism|Vladimir Lenin]] • [[File:Castro.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Fidel Castro]] • [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Deniz Gezmiş]]
[[File:Eco-Cooperativism-small.PNG|link=]] [[Environmentalism|Eco-cooperativism]] is a [[File:AV-Politicised.png]] political philosophy that combines the principles of [[File:Grmsoc2.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|green economy]], [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|renewable resources]], [[File:EconStat.png]] [[Socialism|social ownership]] and [[File:Cooperative_Socialism.png]] [[Market Socialism|cooperative production]]. In this view, [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|state]] tries to establish a balance between [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|natural wealths]] and [[File:Indust.png]] [[Industrialism|industrial production]]. Although it considers the [[File:Indust.png]] [[Industrialism|industry]] as an important sector within the economy of country, it advocates preventing [[File:Industrial.png]] excessive production and avoiding damage it causes to [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|nature]].
== User views ==
'''Liked users:'''

[[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|Renewable sources]] are encouraged, so countries can have economically sustainable resources and generate income from their [[File:Envi.png]] [[Environmentalism|natural wealths]]. [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|State]] takes measures to support [[File:Grmsoc2.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|green economy]] policies and may impose [[File:GreenTax.png]] [[Environmentalism|green taxes]] where necessary.
[[File:ComIva.png]] [[User:Comrade Ivanoff]] - Despite some minor differences of political views, based.

[[File:Cooperative_Socialism.png]] [[Market Socialism|Cooperative system]] is made widespread in some small sectors, especially [[File:Farm.png]] [[Agrarianism|agriculture]]. In this [[File:Auton.png]] [[Autonomism|autonomous]] [[File:Cooperative_Socialism.png]] [[Market Socialism|cooperatives]], everyone [[File:Mutalist.png]] [[Mutualism|produces jointly]] and shares the profit in return for what they produce. Thanks to their profit sharing, [[File:Synd.png]] [[Syndicalism|workers]] are encouraged for the continuity of production. [[File:Statist.png]] [[Socialism|State]] makes support purchases for these [[File:Cooperative_Socialism.png]] [[Market Socialism|cooperatives]] and uses the raw materials it obtains cheaply in [[File:World.png]] [[Globalism|international]] [[File:Markets.png]] [[Liberalism|markets]] or [[File:FairTradeProtectionism.png]] [[Protectionism|domestic resources]].
'''Neutral users:'''

== Social views ==
[[File:UserKhom.png]] [[User:Khomeinism]] - While I appreciate your opposition to [[File:Cball-US.png]] US [[imperialism]], I think it's better to finding a middle way between [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[progressivism]] and [[File:Conservative.png]] [[conservatism]], giving importance to [[File:Directdem.png]] [[democracy]] and not using [[File:Muslim 2.png]] religion for politics.

=== [[File:Progconf.png]] [[Progressive Conservatism|Progressive conservatism]] ===
My perspective can be described as [[File:Progconf.png]] [[Conservatism|progressive conservative]] or [[File:Cultcon.png]] [[Traditionalism|cultural conservative]], on issues such as [[File:Gay.png]] [[Queer Anarchism|LGBT rights]], [[File:Fem.png]] [[Radical Feminism|radical feminism]], [[File:VeganUtility.png]] [[Deep Ecology|vegetarianism]] and [[File:Abort.png]] [[Liberal Feminism|abortion]]. However, this point of view is more [[File:Indiv.png]] individual than [[File:AV-Politicised.png]] political. Although these people shouldn't be suppressed, [[File:AV-Politicised.png]] politicizing their thoughts could have bad consequences for society.

== User views ==
[[File:UserKhom.png]] [[User:Khomeinism|Khomeinism]] - While I appreciate your opposition to [[File:Cball-US.png]] US [[imperialism]], I think it's better to find a middle way between [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[progressivism]] and [[File:Conservative.png]] [[conservatism]], give importance to [[File:Directdem.png]] [[democracy]] and not use [[File:Muslim 2.png]] religion for politics.

[[File:Daniello.png]] [[User:Comrade Ivanoff|Comrade Ivanoff]] - I don't approve some of your political views because of their [[File:Cap.png]] [[Capitalism|capitalist]] nature.

[[File:Thugtholomew icon.png]] [[User:Thugtholomew|Thugtholomew]] - I think your political views, influenced by [[File:Scientocracy_Small.png]] [[Scientocracy|science]] and [[File:Dem.png]] [[democracy]], are not bad. But we are completely different in economic and social axes.

== International relations ==
== International relations ==
Line 46: Line 115:
Since the beginning of Syrian Civil War, [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran has been one of [[File:Cball-Syria.png]] Syria's main supporters. [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran-backed Afghan militants fought under the command of [[File:Khom.png]] Liwa Fatemiyoun and Pakistani militants fought under the command of [[File:Khom.png]] Liwa Zainebiyoun against the rebels.
Since the beginning of Syrian Civil War, [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran has been one of [[File:Cball-Syria.png]] Syria's main supporters. [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran-backed Afghan militants fought under the command of [[File:Khom.png]] Liwa Fatemiyoun and Pakistani militants fought under the command of [[File:Khom.png]] Liwa Zainebiyoun against the rebels.

[[File:Khom.png]] Hezbollah is one of [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran's main allies in the Middle East, and has received economic and military support from [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran since its founding.[[File:Shia.png]] Islamic Amal, which separated from the [[File:Amal.png]] Amal Movement due to its more [[File:Conservative.png]] religious views, was also supported by [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran between the years of 1980-1985.
[[File:Khom.png]] Hezbollah is one of [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran's main allies in the Middle East, and has received economic and military support from [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran since its founding. [[File:Shia.png]] Islamic Amal, which separated from the [[File:Amal.png]] Amal Movement due to its more [[File:Conservative.png]] religious views, was also supported by [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran between the years of 1980-1985.

[[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran supports [[File:Khom.png]] al-Ashtar Brigades, [[File:Khom.png]] al-Mukhtar Brigades and Waad Allah Brigades against [[File:Cball-Saudi.png]] Saudi Arabia-backed [[File:Cball-Bahrain.png]] Bahrain. IFLB ''(English: Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain)'' was among [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran's allies in [[File:Cball-Bahrain.png]] Bahrain between the years of 1980-1990.
[[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran supports [[File:Khom.png]] al-Ashtar Brigades, [[File:Khom.png]] al-Mukhtar Brigades and Waad Allah Brigades against [[File:Cball-Saudi.png]] Saudi Arabia-backed [[File:Cball-Bahrain.png]] Bahrain. IFLB ''(English: Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain)'' was among [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran's allies in [[File:Cball-Bahrain.png]] Bahrain between the years of 1980-1990.

In order to gain power in the Arabian Peninsula, [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran sided with [[File:Houthi.png]] Houthis after the start of Yemeni Civil War and opposed the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen.

[[File:Khom.png]] Sabireen Movement, which fights against [[File:Zio.png]] Israel, is in cooperation with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran and [[File:Khom.png]] Hezbollah.
[[File:Khom.png]] Sabireen Movement, which fights against [[File:Zio.png]] Israel, is in cooperation with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran and [[File:Khom.png]] Hezbollah.
Line 54: Line 125:
[[File:Khom.png]] Husayniyun in [[File:Cball-Azerbaijan.png]] Azerbaijan also have connections with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran.
[[File:Khom.png]] Husayniyun in [[File:Cball-Azerbaijan.png]] Azerbaijan also have connections with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran.

([[File:Khom.png]] [[Khomeinism]], 30 September 2023)
([[File:Khom.png]] [[Khomeinism]], 13 October 2023)

During the [[File:Cball-US.png]] US invasion of Grenada, [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya sent military advisors to [[File:Cball-Grenada.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Grenada]].

[[File:Cball-Mozambique-old.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|FRELIMO]] and [[File:Cball-Guinea-Bissau.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PAIGC]], which fought for independence during the Portuguese Colonial Wars, were armed by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. [[File:SWAPO.png]] [[African Socialism|SWAPO]] received similar support in the South African Border War, and [[File:Cball-Angola.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|MPLA]] is also known to have cooperated with [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, although at a lower level.
[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya began to invade [[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad in the year of 1978. Muammar Gaddafi's main goals were to annex the Aouzou Strip, turn [[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad into a satellite state of [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, and obtain a base for his Central African policies. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya has carried out many operations in the region, through the [[File:Islamic_Socialism.png]] Islamic Legion.

[[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad resisted [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya for a long time, with the foreign support it received from [[File:Cball-US.png]] US, [[File:Cball-France.png]] France and [[File:Zio.png]] Israel. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya had to withdraw, when many rebel groups opposing [[File:FROLINAT.png]] [[Islamic Socialism|FROLINAT]] cooperated with [[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad.
The similarity between the African policies of Muammar Gaddafi and [[Nationalism|Idi Amin]], enabled two leaders to establish many economic and military cooperations. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya supported [[File:Cball-Uganda.png]] Uganda by sending 400 soldiers to the 1972 invasion of Uganda and 4500 soldiers to the Uganda-Tanzania War. [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] [[Arab Socialism|PLO]], a close ally of [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, also took part in these wars by sending militants.

Similarity between the [[File:Cball-AfricanUnion.png]] African policies of Muammar Gaddafi and [[Nationalism|Idi Amin]], enabled two leaders to establish many economic and military cooperations. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya supported [[File:Cball-Uganda.png]] Uganda by sending 400 soldiers to the 1972 invasion of Uganda and 4500 soldiers to the Uganda-Tanzania War.
Ugandan Bush War was also among the wars in which [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya participated, by supporting [[File:NRM-Uganda.png]] NRM and West Nile rebel groups.

[[File:Cball-Azawad.png]] [[Pan-Nationalism|MNLA]], which fought to establish an independent Azawad, also received support from [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya for a short time.
[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya provided logistical support to [[File:Cball-Comoros.png]] Comoros during the 2008 invasion of Anjouan.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, which supported [[File:FROLINAT.png]] [[Islamic Socialism|FROLINAT]] and many rebel groups during the Chadian Civil War, began to invade [[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad in the year of 1978. Muammar Gaddafi's main goals were to annex the Aouzou Strip, turn [[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad into a satellite state of [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, and obtain a base for his Central African policies. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya has carried out many operations in the region, through the [[File:Islamic Socialism.png]] Islamic Legion.
[[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|Left-wing nationalist]] groups which fought for independence against [[File:Cball-Portugal.png]] Portugal, were supported by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. [[File:Cball-Guinea-Bissau.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|PAIGC]] in Guinea-Bissau War of Independence and [[File:SWAPO.png]] [[African Socialism|SWAPO]] in South African Border War, received weapons supply. [[File:Cball-Namibia.png]] Namibia issued a statement criticizing the [[File:Cball-US.png]] US intervention, at the beginning of Libyan Civil War. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya has been one of [[File:Cball-Mozambique-old.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|FRELIMO]]'s closest allies in Mozambican War of Independence.

[[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad resisted [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya for a long time, with the foreign support it received from [[File:Cball-US.png]] US, [[File:Cball-France.png]] France and [[File:Zio.png]] Israel. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya had to withdraw, when many rebel groups opposing [[File:FROLINAT.png]] [[Islamic Socialism|FROLINAT]] cooperated with [[File:Cball-Chad.png]] Chad.
[[File:ANC-icon.png]] [[Social Democracy|ANC]], which fought against the racist policies of [[File:Cball-South_Africa.png]] South Africa, received economic and military support from [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. Diplomatic relations improved after [[African Socialism|Nelson Mandela]] came to power in the first democratic election of country.

Despite criticism from the [[File:Cball-US.png]] US, the cooperation between [[File:ANC-icon.png]] [[Social Democracy|ANC]] leader [[African Socialism|Nelson Mandela]] and Muammar Gaddafi continued. During this period, many meetings were held between [[File:Cball-South_Africa.png]] South Africa and [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. [[File:Cball-South_Africa.png]] South Africa awarded Muammar Gaddafi the Order of Good Hope, in the year of 1997.
Muammar Gaddafi appreciated the [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestinian resistance against [[File:Zio.png]] Israel, which he saw as a [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|socialist]] and [[File:Modnat.png]] [[Patriotism|patriotic]]. Both sides were influenced by anti-imperialism and allied with [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Soviet Union]] in the Cold War.

[[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] [[Arab Socialism|PLO]] received intense economic and military support from the [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya and the groups within it separately established connections with Muammar Gaddafi. They fought alongside [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya in many parts of [[File:Cball-AfricanUnion.png]] Africa and supported Muammar Gaddafi during the Libyan Civil War.
[[File:Cball-Angola.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|MPLA]] is known to have cooperated with [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya during the Angolan War of Independence, but to a lesser extent than national liberation movements in countries such as [[File:Cball-Mozambique.png]] Mozambique and [[File:Cball-South_Africa_alt.png]] South Africa.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya saw [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Fatah]] as one of the main actors of conflict between [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestine and [[File:Zio.png]] Israel. Yasser Arafat and his [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Fatah]] cooperated with Muammar Gaddafi until the year of 1978.
[[File:PolisarioFront.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Polisario Front]] received weapons supply from [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya in Western Sahara War. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya also gave political support to [[File:PolisarioFront.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Polisario Front]] and independence of the Sahrawi people.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya appreciated the [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestinian resistance against [[File:Zio.png]] Israel, which they saw as [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|socialist]] and [[File:Modnat.png]] [[Patriotism|patriotic]]. Both sides were influenced by anti-imperialism and allied with [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Soviet Union]] in the Cold War.
As a result of the continuation of Lebanese Civil War, [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya's provide turned to [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Marxist-Leninist]] [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestinian groups.

[[File:Habash.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PFLP]] has long been supported by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, in their actions in [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestine and [[File:Cball-Lebanon.png]] Lebanon. However, in later periods, the cooperation ended as a result of ideological differences between them. [[File:MLM.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism–Maoism|DFLP]] also had some contacts with [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, although less than other groups.
[[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] [[Arab Socialism|PLO]] received intense economic and military support from the [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya and the groups within it separately established connections with country. They fought alongside [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya in many parts of [[File:Cball-AfricanUnion.png]] Africa and supported Muammar Gaddafi during the Libyan Civil War.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya saw [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Fatah]] as one of the main actors of conflict between [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestine and [[File:Zio.png]] Israel. [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Fatah]] and its leader Yasser Arafat cooperated with country until the year of 1978. As a result of the continuation of Lebanese Civil War, [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya's provide turned to [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Marxist-Leninist]] [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestinian groups.
The external support needed by the [[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|PPSF]], which was established after the split of [[File:Habash.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PFLP]] due to ideological differences, was provided by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. As a result, the group increasingly came under [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya's direction.

[[File:Absoc.png]] [[Arab Socialism|As-Sa'iqa]], the Palestinian branch of [[File:Neo-Baath.png]] [[Ba'athism|Syrian-led Ba'ath Party]], cooperated with [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. Muammar Gaddafi also provided military support to [[File:Hamas.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|Hamas]], which was outside [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] [[Arab Socialism|PLO]].
[[File:Habash.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PFLP]] has long been supported by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, in their actions in [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestine and [[File:Cball-Lebanon.png]] Lebanon. However, in later periods the cooperation ended as a result of political conflict between them. [[File:MLM.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism–Maoism|DFLP]] also had some contacts with [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, although less than other groups.

External support needed by the [[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|PPSF]], which was established after the split of [[File:Habash.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PFLP]] due to political conflicts, was provided by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya. As a result, the group increasingly came under [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya's direction.
([[File:Gaddafi.png]] [[Gaddafism]], 4 October 2023)

[[File:Absoc.png]] [[Arab Socialism|As-Sa'iqa]], the Palestinian branch of [[File:Neo-Baath.png]] [[Ba'athism|Syrian-led Ba'ath Party]] and dissidents within [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Arab Socialism|Fatah]], such as [[File:Arafat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|Abu Nidal Organization]] cooperated with [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya.

[[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism|MNLF]] received arms from country, which aimed to establish an independent state in the Moro Region. [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya also cooperated with [[File:MLM.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism–Maoism|NPA]], the armed wing of [[File:MLM.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism–Maoism|CPP]].

During the [[File:Cball-US.png]] US invasion of Grenada, [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya sent military advisors to [[File:New_Jewel.png]] [[African Socialism|NJM]] in [[File:Cball-Grenada.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Grenada]]. Like many countries in Oceania, they have supported the [[File:Sep.png]] [[separatism]] of [[File:Cball-WestPapua.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|FPM]] in West Papua.

[[File:Cball-Eritrea.png]] Eritrean rebel groups were supported by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya in Ethiopian Civil War, which started as a result of the violent power struggle and [[File:Cball-Eritrea.png]] Eritrea's efforts to declare independence.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, which cooperated with the [[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism|ELF]] before the year of 1977, has supplied weapons to [[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|EPLF]] since then, with the influence of the [[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism|ELF]]'s move away from [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Marxism-Leninism]] and the emergence of new alternatives.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya cooperated with the government led by [[File:Mengistu_Mariam.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|WPE]], towards the end of the Ethiopian Civil War. However, this alliance didn't last long and was dissolved in the year of 1991, when opposition groups entered Addis Ababa and won the war.

[[File:FROLINAT.png]] [[Islamic Socialism|FROLINAT]] and many rebel groups received weapons from country, during the Chadian Civil War.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya provided military support to some of [[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism|conservative]] and [[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism|nationalist]] groups in [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] Palestine. [[File:Hamas.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|Hamas]] and [[File:Neo-Baath.png]] [[Nationalism|PFLP-GC]], which were outside [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] [[Arab Socialism|PLO]], received support from country. [[File:Nation.png]] [[Nationalism|BSO]] also carried out some of its attacks under the sponsorship of [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya.

[[File:FULRO.png]] [[Separatism|FULRO]], which was a [[File:Sep.png]] [[Separatism|separatist]] group fought against [[File:Cball-Vietnam.png]] Vietnam, was supported by [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya until the year of 1987.

[[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya followed an active policy in the south of [[File:Cball-Philippines.png]] Philippines. [[File:Muslim_2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|MILF]] and some of [[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism|conservative]] Moro nationalist groups received arms from country.

[[File:Cball-Azawad.png]] [[Pan-Nationalism|MNLA]], which was a [[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism|conservative]] group fought against [[File:Cball-Mali.png]] Mali, received support from [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya for a short time.

[[File:Cball-Aceh.png]] [[Nationalism|GAM]] militants received military training in [[File:Gaddafi.png]] Libya, during the rebellion against [[File:Cball-Indonesia.png]] Indonesia that started in Aceh.

([[File:Gaddafi.png]] [[Gaddafism]], 2 December 2023)

Line 92: Line 187:
Many [[File:RelNat.png]] religious nationalist groups in the Middle East are supported by [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran, in order to prevent [[File:Zio.png]] Israel from establishing a strong dominance in the region.
Many [[File:RelNat.png]] religious nationalist groups in the Middle East are supported by [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran, in order to prevent [[File:Zio.png]] Israel from establishing a strong dominance in the region.

[[File:Hamas.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|Hamas]] and [[File:Muslim 2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|PIJ]] are among the leading [[File:RelNat.png]] religious nationalist groups in cooperation with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran. Although they have clashed in the past during Syrian Civil War and Yemeni Civil War, [[File:Hamas.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|Hamas]] is now a strong ally of [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran against [[File:Zio.png]] Israel.
[[File:Hamas.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|Hamas]] and [[File:Muslim 2.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|PIJ]] are among the leading [[File:RelNat.png]] religious nationalist groups in cooperation with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran. Although they have clashed in the past during Syrian Civil War and Yemeni Civil War, [[File:Hamas.png]] [[Islamic Theocracy|Hamas]] is now a strong ally of [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran against [[File:Zio.png]] Israel. [[File:Cball-Saudi.png]] Saudi Arabia has supported some alternative groups like [[File:Cball-FSA.png]] [[Islamic Democracy|FSA]], as part of its proxy war with [[File:Cball-Iran.png]] Iran.

([[File:RelNat.png]] [[Religious Nationalism|Religious nationalism]], 2 October 2023)
([[File:RelNat.png]] [[Religious Nationalism|Religious nationalism]], 19 February 2024)

Line 103: Line 198:

== Political science ==
== Political science ==
Lëvizja Bashkë or Organizata Politike, a democratic socialist organization in Albania, was founded during the 2011 Albanian opposition demonstrations. They opposed both [[File:Libconserv3.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism|Democratic Party of Albania]] and [[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy|Socialist Party of Albania]].
Lëvizja Bashkë or Organizata Politike, a [[File:Dsa.png]] democratic socialist organization in [[File:Cball-Albania.png]] Albania, was founded during the 2011 Albanian opposition demonstrations. They opposed both [[File:DPAlbania.png]] [[Liberal Conservatism|DPA]] and [[File:AlbaniaSocDem.png]] [[Social Democracy|SPA]].

In addition to having close views on some issues with [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism]], Lëvizja Bashkë criticized the [[File:Socauth.png]] [[Social Authoritarianism|authoritarian policies]] of [[File:Stalin.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Stalinism]] and defended [[Democracy|direct democracy]] against the [[Authoritarianism|dictatorship of the proletariat]].
In addition to having close views on some issues with [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism]], Lëvizja Bashkë criticized the [[File:Sec.png]] [[Authoritarianism|authoritarian]] policies of [[File:Stalin.png]] [[Marxism-Leninism|Stalinism]] and defended [[File:Directdem.png]] [[Democracy|direct democracy]] against the [[File:Socauth.png]] [[Social Authoritarianism|dictatorship of the proletariat]].

Lëvizja Bashkë's views are based on ideologies such as [[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy|social democracy]], [[File:Dsa.png]] democratic socialism, [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[progressivism]] and [[File:Leftpop-0.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|left-wing populism]]. They carry out activities like [[File:SyndieSam.png]] solidarity with proletarians and making ideological publications.
Lëvizja Bashkë's views are based on ideologies such as [[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy|social democracy]], [[File:Dsa.png]] democratic socialism, [[File:Prog-u.png]] [[progressivism]] and [[File:Leftpop-0.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|left-wing populism]]. They carry out activities like [[File:SyndieSam.png]] solidarity with proletarians and making ideological publications.

([[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Democratic socialism]], 17 September 2023)
([[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Democratic socialism]], 30 January 2024)

[[File:Leftpop-0.png]] Left-wing populism is used as a strategy in some cases, by growning [[File:Soc-h.png]] socialist political parties. In order to bring together members from all [[File:Leftunity.png]] left-wing views, common values of them are emphasized and [[File:Pop.png]] pro-people discourses are adopted. [[File:Dsa.png]] DSA in the [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA and [[File:SYRIZA.png]] Syriza in [[File:Cball-Greece.png]] Greece are [[File:Leftpop-0.png]] left-wing populist political parties with like a [[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] left-tent structure. Some political parties, although they have [[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] left-tent characteristics, are closer to one of the ideologies they adopt. [[File:Cball-Palestine.png]] [[Arab Socialism|PLO]] is closer to [[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|left-wing nationalism]] and [[File:LINKE.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Die Linke]] is closer to [[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|democratic socialism]] in their main lines.

Many [[File:Leftunity.png]] left-wing individuals or groups from [[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy|social democracy]], [[File:Dsa.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|democratic socialism]], [[File:Ecosoc.png]] [[Eco-Socialism|eco-socialism]], [[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|left-wing nationalism]], [[File:Libsoc.png]] [[Libertarian Socialism|libertarian socialism]], [[File:ML.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|Marxism-Leninism]] and [[File:Ancom.png]] [[Anarcho-Communism|anarcho-communism]], unite under these political parties.

([[File:Leftpop-0.png]] [[Left-Wing Populism|Left-wing populism]], 19 February 2024)

[[File:Soccap.png]] Social capitalism has an economic theory which is located [[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] centre and [[File:CLeft.png]] centre-left. It shares similar views with ideologies such as [[File:Socdem.png]] [[Social Democracy|social democracy]], [[File:Soclib.png]] [[Social Liberalism|social liberalism]], [[File:Glib.png]] [[Green Liberalism|green liberalism]] and [[File:Socjust.png]] [[Welfarism|social justice]].

Main values of [[File:Cap.png]] [[capitalism]] such as [[File:Globcap.png]] [[Globalism|free trade]] and [[File:Markets.png]] [[Capitalism|free market]], are also dominant within the [[File:Soccap.png]] social capitalism. However, they want to [[File:Humanismpix.png]] [[Enlightenment Thought|humanize]] [[File:Cap.png]] [[capitalism]], through limited [[File:Regulationism.png]] [[Regulationism|state control]] and [[File:Left_Reformism.png]] [[Reformism|social reforms]]. In order to establish a [[File:Welf.png]] [[Welfarism|welfare state]], [[File:Leftunity.png]] left-wing forms of [[File:Soccap.png]] social capitalism emphasizes [[File:Equality.png]] [[Social Democracy|equality]] and [[File:SyndieSam.png]] [[Syndicalism|solidarity]].

They are usually opposed to alternative [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|socialist]] views, such as [[File:Marketsoc.png]] [[Market Socialism|market socialism]] and [[File:DemMut.png]] [[Mutualism|democratic mutualism]].

([[File:Soccap.png]] [[Social Capitalism|Social capitalism]], 26 February 2024)

[[File:Rpop.png]] Right-wing populism is used as a strategy in some cases, by growning [[File:Conservative.png]] [[Conservatism|conservative]] political parties. In order to bring together members from all [[File:Rightunity-yellow.png]] right-wing views, common values of them are emphasized and [[File:Pop.png]] pro-people discourses are adopted. [[File:RepubUS.png]] [[Conservatism|Republican Party]] in the [[File:Cball-US.png]] USA, [[File:United_Russia.png]] [[Authoritarian Conservatism|United Russia]] in [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia and [[File:Erdoğanism.png]] [[Neo-Ottomanism|AK Party]] in [[File:Cball-Turkey.png]] Turkey are [[File:Rpop.png]] right-wing populist political parties with like a [[File:Centrist-yellow.png]] right-tent structure.

Many [[File:Rightunity-yellow.png]] right-wing individuals or groups from [[File:Clib.png]] [[Classical Liberalism|classical liberalism]], [[File:SocialConservative.png]] [[Traditionalism|social conservatism]], [[File:Nalib.png]] [[National Liberalism|national liberalism]], [[File:Libertarian.png]] [[libertarianism]], [[File:Natcon.png]] [[National Conservatism|national conservatism]], [[File:Relcon.png]] [[Conservatism|religious conservatism]] and [[File:Ultranat.png]] [[ultranationalism]] unite under these political parties.

([[File:Rpop.png]] [[Right-Wing Populism|Right-wing populism]], 2 March 2024)

Many [[File:Soc-h.png]] [[Socialism|socialist]] political parties in Eastern Europe, embracing the legacy of [[File:Cball-USSR.png]] Soviet Union and acting with [[File:OldLeft.png]] Old Left policies, support [[File:SocialConservative.png]] [[Conservatism|social conservatism]]. [[File:PSRM.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|PSRM]] and [[File:PCRM.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PCRM]] in [[File:Cball-Moldova.png]] Moldova are [[File:Trad.png]] [[Traditionalism|culturally right]] political parties. [[File:Zyu.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|CPRF]] in [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia, and to a lesser degree [[File:KKE.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|KKE]] in [[File:Cball-Greece.png]] Greece, approves laws [[File:Anti-LGBT.png]] criticizing LGBT. [[File:BulgariaBSP.png]] [[Social Democracy|BSP]] has some [[File:Consocf.png]] conservative socialist factions and [[File:Symonenko.png]] [[Marxism|KPU]] supports [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russophilia as a formal policy. [[File:Smer.png]] [[Welfare Chauvinism|Smer]], a [[File:Leftnat.png]] [[Left-Wing Nationalism|left-wing nationalist]] political party in [[File:Cball-Slovakia.png]] Slovakia, is also close to [[File:OldLeft.png]] Old Left.

[[File:BlueLabour.png|link=]] Blue Labor group adopted an ideology named [[File:Guildsoc.png]] [[Guild Socialism|guild socialism]]. [[File:PCF.png]] [[Eurocommunism|PCF]] leaders were proponents of [[File:Progconf.png]] [[Progressive Conservatism|progressive conservatism]], between the years of 1930 and 1960.

There are also some [[File:Consocf.png]] conservative socialist political parties, have governed the countries in which they are located. [[File:Castillo.png]] [[Mariateguism|Free Peru]] is one of the best-known examples of them. [[File:Nyerere.png]] [[African Socialism|CCM]] is ruling party of [[File:Cball-Tanzania.png]] Tanzania, since the independence of country. [[File:Castro.png]] [[National Communism|Fidel Castro]], the head of [[File:Castro-M-26-7.png]] [[Marxism–Leninism|PCC]], also supported [[File:Cultcon.png]] [[Traditionalism|cultural conservatism]] in the early periods when he came to power.

([[File:Consocf.png]] [[Conservative Socialism|Conservative socialism]], 1 April 2024)


Latest revision as of 13:59, 9 June 2024

Political views

Democratic socialism

Democratic socialism is a left-wing political philosophy that supports the use of democracy and the adoption reformist methods of within socialism. It provides a balance between equality and freedom, also opposes to radical aspects of both values.

Although there are similarities between Marxism and democratic socialism in the critism of capitalism, some of far-left practices such as the dictatorship of the proletariat, revolutionary violence and planned economy are opposed. There is more emphasis on individual rights such as freedom of expression and freedom of thought. Some democratic socialists, such as eco-socialists, may include nature while libertarian socialists, may include autonomy in their views.

There are also many ways to implement a democratic socialist economy. While social ownership and expropriation policies are common, it's possible to adopt many economic systems such as market socialism, fair-trade protectionism, green economy and democratic mutualism in accordance with these foundations.


Eco-socialism is a synthesis between socialism and environmentalism. It aims to overcome the damages caused by capitalism to nature, within a socialist government. According to eco-socialists, solving problems such as imperialism and industrialism, is possible by increasing the powers of democratic local governments and using means of production jointly.

Economic views

Market socialism

Market socialism is an economic theory centered on principles such as individual freedom, equality of opportunity, economic development and welfare state. It's intended to be implemented in underdeveloped and developing countries. In developed countries, social market economy, a more moderate version of market socialism, can be implemented.

In market socialism, state and markets work together, they have approximately same role in the economy. While state stands out in the education, health and infrastructure, markets develop themselves in sectors such as trade. There is no competition between state and markets, real competition is between markets. State doesn't provide goods and services with values that would upset the balance of markets.

In order to prevent large markets from establishing monopolies and facilitate the establishment of new markets, state implements a tax policy that gradually increases towards the upper segments.

Exports are carried out independently by state and markets, the important thing is that, it should be at maximum level. They are necessary for entering foreign currency into the country and increasing domestic resources. Markets pay the remaining part of the income obtained of exports from costs and profits as taxes, and they are regularly inspected by state. Also, markets belonging to the country that are present in other countries can be supported to increase gross national product.

Through exports, economic development and social justice progress in parallel. With areas such as exports and tourism, the purchasing power of money doesn't decrease and inflation is kept constant. Moreover, thanks to social policies, unemployment is at the lowest level.

Money printing isn't carried out without compensation, it's parallel to economic development.

Social justice

Incomes generated by state and markets from exports are divided into three categories: production cost, sectoral investments and net profit. Provision of social justice and welfare state is carried out through net profit. Markets pay taxes on the income they receive. State combines them with the income it receives from exports and uses them to support people who need social assistance. Values such as basic income, universal healthcare and free education, which are necessary for humanity, are provided.

With the exception of inheritance tax, the moral legitimacy of which is disputed, taxes are kept at low values.

Economic democracy

Economic democracy and workplace democracy, should be practiced in an ideal economic theory. These views shouldn't be confused with Marxism's principle that means of production belong to the workers who use them. Means of production may be under social ownership or private ownership.

According to economic democracy, the important thing is that workers who use them are involved in decision-making mechanisms through democratic processes. Many systems, especially cooperative system, can create the conditions necessary for implementation of democratic processes in economy.


Eco-cooperativism is a political philosophy that combines the principles of green economy, renewable resources, social ownership and cooperative production. In this view, state tries to establish a balance between natural wealths and industrial production. Although it considers the industry as an important sector within the economy of country, it advocates preventing excessive production and avoiding damage it causes to nature.

Renewable sources are encouraged, so countries can have economically sustainable resources and generate income from their natural wealths. State takes measures to support green economy policies and may impose green taxes where necessary.

Cooperative system is made widespread in some small sectors, especially agriculture. In this autonomous cooperatives, everyone produces jointly and shares the profit in return for what they produce. Thanks to their profit sharing, workers are encouraged for the continuity of production. State makes support purchases for these cooperatives and uses the raw materials it obtains cheaply in international markets or domestic resources.

Social views

Progressive conservatism

My perspective can be described as progressive conservative or cultural conservative, on issues such as LGBT rights, radical feminism, vegetarianism and abortion. However, this point of view is more individual than political. Although these people shouldn't be suppressed, politicizing their thoughts could have bad consequences for society.

User views

Khomeinism - While I appreciate your opposition to US imperialism, I think it's better to find a middle way between progressivism and conservatism, give importance to democracy and not use religion for politics.

Comrade Ivanoff - I don't approve some of your political views because of their capitalist nature.

Thugtholomew - I think your political views, influenced by science and democracy, are not bad. But we are completely different in economic and social axes.

International relations

Due to its proxy conflict with Saudi Arabia, Iran supported OIRAP (English: Organization for the Islamic Revolution in the Arabian Peninsula) and Hezbollah Al-Hejaz throughout the Qatif conflict.

Since the beginning of Syrian Civil War, Iran has been one of Syria's main supporters. Iran-backed Afghan militants fought under the command of Liwa Fatemiyoun and Pakistani militants fought under the command of Liwa Zainebiyoun against the rebels.

Hezbollah is one of Iran's main allies in the Middle East, and has received economic and military support from Iran since its founding. Islamic Amal, which separated from the Amal Movement due to its more religious views, was also supported by Iran between the years of 1980-1985.

Iran supports al-Ashtar Brigades, al-Mukhtar Brigades and Waad Allah Brigades against Saudi Arabia-backed Bahrain. IFLB (English: Islamic Front for the Liberation of Bahrain) was among Iran's allies in Bahrain between the years of 1980-1990.

In order to gain power in the Arabian Peninsula, Iran sided with Houthis after the start of Yemeni Civil War and opposed the Saudi-led intervention in Yemen.

Sabireen Movement, which fights against Israel, is in cooperation with Iran and Hezbollah.

Husayniyun in Azerbaijan also have connections with Iran.

( Khomeinism, 13 October 2023)

Libya began to invade Chad in the year of 1978. Muammar Gaddafi's main goals were to annex the Aouzou Strip, turn Chad into a satellite state of Libya, and obtain a base for his Central African policies. Libya has carried out many operations in the region, through the Islamic Legion.

Chad resisted Libya for a long time, with the foreign support it received from US, France and Israel. Libya had to withdraw, when many rebel groups opposing FROLINAT cooperated with Chad.

Similarity between the African policies of Muammar Gaddafi and Idi Amin, enabled two leaders to establish many economic and military cooperations. Libya supported Uganda by sending 400 soldiers to the 1972 invasion of Uganda and 4500 soldiers to the Uganda-Tanzania War.

Libya provided logistical support to Comoros during the 2008 invasion of Anjouan.

Left-wing nationalist groups which fought for independence against Portugal, were supported by Libya. PAIGC in Guinea-Bissau War of Independence and SWAPO in South African Border War, received weapons supply. Namibia issued a statement criticizing the US intervention, at the beginning of Libyan Civil War. Libya has been one of FRELIMO's closest allies in Mozambican War of Independence.

ANC, which fought against the racist policies of South Africa, received economic and military support from Libya. Diplomatic relations improved after Nelson Mandela came to power in the first democratic election of country.

Despite criticism from the US, the cooperation between ANC leader Nelson Mandela and Muammar Gaddafi continued. During this period, many meetings were held between South Africa and Libya. South Africa awarded Muammar Gaddafi the Order of Good Hope, in the year of 1997.

MPLA is known to have cooperated with Libya during the Angolan War of Independence, but to a lesser extent than national liberation movements in countries such as Mozambique and South Africa.

Polisario Front received weapons supply from Libya in Western Sahara War. Libya also gave political support to Polisario Front and independence of the Sahrawi people.

Libya appreciated the Palestinian resistance against Israel, which they saw as socialist and patriotic. Both sides were influenced by anti-imperialism and allied with Soviet Union in the Cold War.

PLO received intense economic and military support from the Libya and the groups within it separately established connections with country. They fought alongside Libya in many parts of Africa and supported Muammar Gaddafi during the Libyan Civil War.

Libya saw Fatah as one of the main actors of conflict between Palestine and Israel. Fatah and its leader Yasser Arafat cooperated with country until the year of 1978. As a result of the continuation of Lebanese Civil War, Libya's provide turned to Marxist-Leninist Palestinian groups.

PFLP has long been supported by Libya, in their actions in Palestine and Lebanon. However, in later periods the cooperation ended as a result of political conflict between them. DFLP also had some contacts with Libya, although less than other groups.

External support needed by the PPSF, which was established after the split of PFLP due to political conflicts, was provided by Libya. As a result, the group increasingly came under Libya's direction.

As-Sa'iqa, the Palestinian branch of Syrian-led Ba'ath Party and dissidents within Fatah, such as Abu Nidal Organization cooperated with Libya.

MNLF received arms from country, which aimed to establish an independent state in the Moro Region. Libya also cooperated with NPA, the armed wing of CPP.

During the US invasion of Grenada, Libya sent military advisors to NJM in Grenada. Like many countries in Oceania, they have supported the separatism of FPM in West Papua.

Eritrean rebel groups were supported by Libya in Ethiopian Civil War, which started as a result of the violent power struggle and Eritrea's efforts to declare independence.

Libya, which cooperated with the ELF before the year of 1977, has supplied weapons to EPLF since then, with the influence of the ELF's move away from Marxism-Leninism and the emergence of new alternatives.

Libya cooperated with the government led by WPE, towards the end of the Ethiopian Civil War. However, this alliance didn't last long and was dissolved in the year of 1991, when opposition groups entered Addis Ababa and won the war.

FROLINAT and many rebel groups received weapons from country, during the Chadian Civil War.

Libya provided military support to some of conservative and nationalist groups in Palestine. Hamas and PFLP-GC, which were outside PLO, received support from country. BSO also carried out some of its attacks under the sponsorship of Libya.

FULRO, which was a separatist group fought against Vietnam, was supported by Libya until the year of 1987.

Libya followed an active policy in the south of Philippines. MILF and some of conservative Moro nationalist groups received arms from country.

MNLA, which was a conservative group fought against Mali, received support from Libya for a short time.

GAM militants received military training in Libya, during the rebellion against Indonesia that started in Aceh.

( Gaddafism, 2 December 2023)

Many religious nationalist groups in the Middle East are supported by Iran, in order to prevent Israel from establishing a strong dominance in the region.

Hamas and PIJ are among the leading religious nationalist groups in cooperation with Iran. Although they have clashed in the past during Syrian Civil War and Yemeni Civil War, Hamas is now a strong ally of Iran against Israel. Saudi Arabia has supported some alternative groups like FSA, as part of its proxy war with Iran.

( Religious nationalism, 19 February 2024)

Deniz Gezmiş and his comrades cooperated with Marxist-Leninists in Turkey and also with Arab socialists in Palestine. They received military training from Fatah and DFLP.

( Kemalism, 2 October 2023)

Political science

Lëvizja Bashkë or Organizata Politike, a democratic socialist organization in Albania, was founded during the 2011 Albanian opposition demonstrations. They opposed both DPA and SPA.

In addition to having close views on some issues with Marxism-Leninism, Lëvizja Bashkë criticized the authoritarian policies of Stalinism and defended direct democracy against the dictatorship of the proletariat.

Lëvizja Bashkë's views are based on ideologies such as social democracy, democratic socialism, progressivism and left-wing populism. They carry out activities like solidarity with proletarians and making ideological publications.

( Democratic socialism, 30 January 2024)

Left-wing populism is used as a strategy in some cases, by growning socialist political parties. In order to bring together members from all left-wing views, common values of them are emphasized and pro-people discourses are adopted. DSA in the USA and Syriza in Greece are left-wing populist political parties with like a left-tent structure. Some political parties, although they have left-tent characteristics, are closer to one of the ideologies they adopt. PLO is closer to left-wing nationalism and Die Linke is closer to democratic socialism in their main lines.

Many left-wing individuals or groups from social democracy, democratic socialism, eco-socialism, left-wing nationalism, libertarian socialism, Marxism-Leninism and anarcho-communism, unite under these political parties.

( Left-wing populism, 19 February 2024)

Social capitalism has an economic theory which is located centre and centre-left. It shares similar views with ideologies such as social democracy, social liberalism, green liberalism and social justice.

Main values of capitalism such as free trade and free market, are also dominant within the social capitalism. However, they want to humanize capitalism, through limited state control and social reforms. In order to establish a welfare state, left-wing forms of social capitalism emphasizes equality and solidarity.

They are usually opposed to alternative socialist views, such as market socialism and democratic mutualism.

( Social capitalism, 26 February 2024)

Right-wing populism is used as a strategy in some cases, by growning conservative political parties. In order to bring together members from all right-wing views, common values of them are emphasized and pro-people discourses are adopted. Republican Party in the USA, United Russia in Russia and AK Party in Turkey are right-wing populist political parties with like a right-tent structure.

Many right-wing individuals or groups from classical liberalism, social conservatism, national liberalism, libertarianism, national conservatism, religious conservatism and ultranationalism unite under these political parties.

( Right-wing populism, 2 March 2024)

Many socialist political parties in Eastern Europe, embracing the legacy of Soviet Union and acting with Old Left policies, support social conservatism. PSRM and PCRM in Moldova are culturally right political parties. CPRF in Russia, and to a lesser degree KKE in Greece, approves laws criticizing LGBT. BSP has some conservative socialist factions and KPU supports Russophilia as a formal policy. Smer, a left-wing nationalist political party in Slovakia, is also close to Old Left.

Blue Labor group adopted an ideology named guild socialism. PCF leaders were proponents of progressive conservatism, between the years of 1930 and 1960.

There are also some conservative socialist political parties, have governed the countries in which they are located. Free Peru is one of the best-known examples of them. CCM is ruling party of Tanzania, since the independence of country. Fidel Castro, the head of PCC, also supported cultural conservatism in the early periods when he came to power.

( Conservative socialism, 1 April 2024)
