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[[File:Indiv.png]] Individualism<br>
[[File:Humanismpix.png]] Humanism<br>
[[File:Nietzsche.png]] Existentialism<br>
[[File:Community.png]] Communitarianism<br>
[[File:Caesar.png]] Roman Stoicism
| theorists = ThatDudeRightHere
| song = [ Hail Columbia]}}

Revision as of 10:30, 2 October 2021

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Hello, this is Trent, or ThatDudeRightHere or TDRH.

I am just some dude on this wiki (and possibly the only guy from Polynesia lmao).

RIP old Polandball and Polcompball wikis. Gone but not forgotten. FANDOM is literally 1984.

Info about me

I am a Hawaiian Libcon. Yes, I know I live in a blue state but my political views are slightly more leaning red (Republican, more specifically the Rockefeller type).

Despite me following Chicagoan economics, I do not refer to myself as a Neoliberal. In fact, I, myself am much more closer to Classical Liberals than Neoliberals. In fact, I consider myself a European-style Christian Democrat.

My interests are: video games, alternate history, politics, Youtube, comic books (somewhat), and to some extent, anime, as you can tell by the picture in my infobox.

Info about current ideology

See the next tab.

Ideological History

So, I started out as an apolitical. But, when I found out about Barack Obama, I became a Social liberal. And I remained that way until late 2017 to mid 2018, when I started to become a right-wing populist. However, when I found out that Mitt Romney was in the senate, I toned down a bit on my conservatism and became what I am now.

Or in short, -> -> ->

Relationships with other users


  • File:JoeyFloppa boo.png JoeyFloppa - Ideologically pretty bringe, but he's a nice guy who helped me out a lot on the original Anarchy Wiki.
  • Pirate Tails - You're a cool guy with a slightly based ideology except I'm less progressive also drop the kakistocracy part please.
  • Typicalfan1 - Also cool guy, and bringe-based ideology.
  • PoliticalFactMachine - Nice guy tbh.
  • LumiNyte - I actually remember you from the Polandball wiki. Awesome guy through and through.
  • GabrialDuffey - Cool guy I met on the Anarchy wiki. LGBT conservatives are pretty based.
  • Angrybirdstd - Talked with him a few times and he seems like a pretty nice guy. Paleolibertarianism is pretty damn based even though I don't advocate for that small of a government and I'm not that culturally right-wing.
  • BaconWobbufet - Nice guy. I like black conservatism.
  • Wdcipher5 - Pretty damn good guy with based ideology. (no seriously I'm a radcent, kinda)
  • Centrisman - Also a very nice centrist. We must stay moderate.
  • File:Rayz.png Rayz9989 - Kinda based ideology also nice guy from Bangladesh.


  • Sr Deyvid - Well, personality wise, you're a pretty nice guy. Ideologically, I have mixed feelings about you. Because while I appreciate the nationalism, conservatism and capitalism, you take the first two a bit too far. Also authoritarianism isn't good.
  • Nazor - Actually you're cool, but bringe ideology, capitalism and conservatism are cool but anarchy just ruins it.
  • File:Eyebrowsism.png EugeneTLT - Just accept the fact that nationalism is based. But still, we can get along even though we don't talk a lot.
  • Verone984 - Cringe tankie but you're a nice person and a fellow conservative and nationalist.
  • Chcknwngs-UA - We don't talk that much, but you seem like a based Ukrainian dude.
  • Spoon/Bingo/Carpfam - Do you really have to change your ideology every day or two? But, you're a nice person albeit a bit annoying at times.
  • Potato6132 - Pretty nice guy with great ideology. Me, you and him all are parts of the anti- no-pfp gang.
  • Kimiia6 - She just likes people because of their personality and not political beliefs. I dislike social anarchism but she's honestly just a wholesome person. One of the sweetest people I've ever met on this wiki.
  • YellingYowie - Personally, I don't know him that much, but he seems cool but just cool down all that warmongering please.
  • Quangduy.phamnguyen.9 - We don't really talk that much. But, ideologically, democratic socialism is kind of cringe, market socialism is meh, progressivism is kind of based (we do need some progress in our society) and interculturalism is f***ing based.
  • Yori7 - You're kind of like the Jewish equivalent of Duy.
  • Mily08 - We never really interacted a lot on the original wiki, but she did seem like a nice person.
  • T0quetto - Okay Brazilian dude.
  • ResponsibleCitizen - We don't talk very much, but cool dude I guess but get a pfp
  • Lolwasp641 - Don't talk with him, but he seems chill.
  • Þrrtzzh - Same as Wasp.
  • SamChrry - Cool guy I met from the anarchy wiki.
  • Based and Jedpilled - Pretty cool guy though I don't talk with him that much.
  • SussyNoah - Bringe ideology, okay person.
  • SomeCrusader1224 - Kinda based ideology, nice person.
  • Waffleofthefuture - Okay person, kinda based ideology.


  • The-statist-anarchist - Never really knew you tbh.
  • LogicalGrey - Ideology is a huge no (c*mm*n*sm 🤢🤢🤮🤮), but honestly, you're kind of a mixed bag, sometimes okay but sometimes very annoying.
  • HistoryIsPog - To be honest, your ideology is uber-soy, but you're chill honestly.
  • Alesjif - I never really knew you to be honest, but you seem cool.
  • Hydro567 - Don't know you that much, but anarchism is cringe and soy while Georgism is pretty good.
  • Sykar Socialist - Don't really talk with you that much, but I like tridemism.
  • YugoslavPartisan - Cringe ideology, you kind of remind me of every Twitter leftie that I've ever seen. Nice person and epic gamer tho.
  • Metbol - To be honest, you kind of remind me back in my right-wing populist era. Other than that, I don't talk with you.
  • ComradeShrek - Holy sh** very cringe ideology but fellow gamer and sh**poster. Fellow nationalist as well.
  • RadicalPower - Cool guy, plus social democracy is okay, but I prefer Paternalistic Conservatism.
  • Neoconfemboy - Why would you have that username when you are far from being a neocon yourself? Other than that, ideologically you're very similar to him.
  • Pidestroyer - Not a bad dude, also social libertarian market socialsm? Okay, I guess...
  • SchizoACC - WTF HOW LONG HAVE YOU GONE WITHOUT A SHOWER?! Cringe ideology, but doesn't seem like a bad person.


  • ThisIsMyUsernameAAA - I don't even know you personally, but anarcho-communism...very cringe.
  • NazBolGANG12 - VERY CRINGE IDEOLOGY. But cool person.
  • TheImmorxy - ALSO VERY CRINGE IDEOLOGY. But you're pretty nice.
  • Poland is great - YET ANOTHER VERY CRINGE IDEOLOGY (except for the social capitalist part). But we do have civil conversations.
  • Heinrich Cheung - Personality-wise, you're nice, but ideologically, well, capitalism and technology are both great but fascism is a huge no.
  • File:SocSynd.png RightistWrangler - Why are you an anti-nationalist syndicalist? But fellow welfare fan.
  • BlartyBoy - Cringe syndie and marxist, cool guy.
  • File:Soc.png Samthekingofdoom - Personally I don't really know who you are.
  • YankeeDoodle71 - Some things are based, other things are cringe. End of story, other than the NSFW.
  • BasedRussianMikuru - I don't even know who the hell are you, but capitalism is based, monarchism depends, reactionarism goes WAY to far, and libertarianism I am cool with.
  • Bsaheed527 - Cringe St*rn*roid post-leftie, cool person otherwise.
  • Only Death May Die - HOLY SH**, PLEASE TAKE A SHOWER AND TOUCH GRASS! And I thought he was a typical leftist in a bad way...but somehow you are even worse than him...but at least we like the idea of immortality. (Also Soulism more like Soyism.)
  • Stalin2929 - Just a typical slavaboo. Ideology is megacringe though.


  • SumisuAirisu - Honestly, she's just damn annoying.
  • Eyzko/Fxreez - Look, I do not care if you are economically or socially right. Nobody wants you here. And when I mean nobody, absolutely NOBODY.
  • Comrade345 - Ideologically, you're not only cringe, but VERY cringe and personality-wise, you're just annoying so yeah...where did you expect me to place you but here? (Also, you're not a Libleft, so stop larping as one)
  • KaiserKlausMouse - Now honestly, I don't even know who the hell are you, but irredentist conservative (yes I'm conservative but still) monarcho-socialism...what a massive cope. Also no, I do not hate most people who aren't American-style conservatives, stop making false accusations about me, diet Mladorossist.
  • Euan0411 - Good thing that kakistocrat is now banned. Dude wasn't even funny at all, before and after blanking out all those pages.
  • MapOfFish - Never interacted much with you, but your ideology...I need to bleach my eyes after seeing it, sounds like every Antifatard.
  • MaoistVanguard - Oh look, another Maoist dumba** and...oh wait, he's a neocon now? Huh...never expected that...wait, now he's a demsoc and was just LARPing? Jeez, be consistent with your ideology for at least once!
  • People with no profile picture - Well alright, just go to the forums and spam your political beliefs everywhere...🙄
  • Comradeka - Annoying af.

Please f*** off

Incorrect Namespace
This infobox is exclusively for usage in the main namespace, use {{User-Ideology}} for non-canon ideologies.

Anarchy Wiki

TDRHism is a economically center-to-right, nationalist (with some elements of internationalism), civically moderate (while more statist), and culturally center-to- right ideology and the ideology of ThatDudeRightHere.

Philosophical Views

Philosophically, I am somewhat conservative. I believe humans are tribalistic in nature, and all utopian ideologies have failed when put in practice. However, I am also open to File:Progress.png progressivism, believing that some change is needed for a society to truly prosper. However, I utterly despise modern-day woke culture, as I see it as disgusting identity politics. I am also an adherent of Petersonism, as I believe that humans have free will and should focus more on improving themselves before they blame others.

I am also an adherent of the File:Enlightnenment.png enlightenment and individualism, with humanism and existentialism.

Economic Views


Overall, I am a free-market capitalist, as I follow the Chicago School of economics. However, I also believe that some regulations are necessary in order to avoid people doing bad stuff in the economy, and to ensure that the workers and bosses are equal.


I believe in a kind of strong welfare state. Welfare provided in my system includes:

  • A "baby bonus" program (similar to Poland's 500+ program)
  • A temporary unemployment benefit, similar to the Danish A-Kasse system
  • Disability benefits
  • Workplace pensions where the employer contribution is removed.

Fiscal Policy

Since I believe in slightly regulated capitalism, my tax system will be comprised of the following:

  • Income tax (set at a mix of flat and progressive rate, meaning while the tax rates do go up, there will be 5 wealth levels, each person on that wealth level will be taxed the same amount)
  • Corporate income tax (exemptions for green innovation companies)
  • Capital gains tax
  • Sales tax (abolished for necessities like food, but kept for everything else, with luxury goods being charged at a higher rate)
  • Value added tax
  • Import duties
  • Financial services tax (a small 0.1-0.5%)
  • Currency transaction tax
  • Land value tax (not a high emphasis on it)
  • Land use tax (again, not a high emphasis on it)
  • Carbon tax
  • Recreational substances tax (for alcohol, marijuana, cannabis and other recreational drugs)
  • Digital services tax (for big tech companies)

Banking and Finance

TDRHism believes that the central bank serves a very important role, but still he wants it to be independent from the state and wants inflation to be lower than 5%. He rejects creating money just for funding of financial expenditure, however during times of recession and chronic deflation, supports quantitative easing.

His regulations on banks are:

  • Mortgage-backed securities and merging investment and private banks should be banned (commercial and investment banks should be kept seperate).
  • Trades of financial securities will be subject to the financial services tax.
  • Banks having high reserve ratios to lower the risk of destructive bubbles.
  • Short-term currency exchanges will be subject to the currency transaction tax.

He wants the government to own a development bank along with a sovereign wealth fund for government accounts.

He also supports phasing out physical fiat money and switching to a purely digital currency, or cryptocurrency. This is because he sees digital transactions as easier to track compared to physical ones, and they allow the authorities to catch tax evaders, speculators, drug dealers and other criminals.

Ownership: Public or Private?

TDRHism supports a mixed capitalist economy.