National Conservatism

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National Conservatism (NatCon) is a statist, culturally right-wing, civically and economically variable ,but usually authoritarian right, and nationalist ideology who intends to preserve traditions and national and cultural identity as well as emphasising the protection of national interests, mixing elements of conservatism with nationalism. He carries a strict sense of law and order, is usually nationalistic, in favor of regulating immigration and values both the nation and the traditional family.

In Europe NatCon holds eurosceptic ideas.

Personality and Behavior

NatCon usually looks down upon moderate nationalists as he thinks they're all fake and that he is the only "true nationalist".

It's important to not confuse NatCon and AuthCon. Despite both ideologies holding the same stances on social and cultural issues, NatCon is concerned about the nation, while AuthCon is more about state power.

NatCon also despises nazis, fascists and the alt-right as he thinks they ruined nationalism for decades to come.

He usually hangs out with NatLib and ConLib, but they aren't very comfortable to be around him, especially NatLib, but nevertheless they still consider him an ally. The only liberal ideology that has good relations him is ReactLib, his other best friends are PatCon and SocNat,he's also in good terms with Natbert.

NatCon is an avid fan of Poland, Hungary and Singapore.

How to Draw

Flag of National Conservatism

The design of National Conservatism is a recolor of Nationalism, using blue as the base instead of orange to represent conservatism.

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it in with sky-blue
  3. Draw a black flag in the middle
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!




  • Authoritarian Conservatism - You did what you had to do to fight back the uprisings of Nazism in the 20th century, but you care too much about the state instead of the nation itself.
  • Anarcho-Conservatism - Anarchy? Good luck with that, I guess...
  • National Anarchism - Same as above.
  • Francoism - Franco was a dictator for sure, but he's alright.
  • Pinochetism - Same as above. Death flights were based though.
  • Ultranationalism - We share many similarities, but you're REALLY creeping me out.
  • Neoconservatism - Based conservatism, cringe foreign policy due to sometimes fighting other nationalists and conservatives.
  • Conservative Socialism - He's based when it comes to everything but economics. Stop hanging around with the leftists all the time!
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - I like how you value the importance of the nation, but leftism, really? I guess you and ConSoc have the most common sense out of all the other leftards though.
  • Civic Nationalism - Libtard, but you're a nationalist so you're alright.
  • Liberal Conservatism - Libtard, but you're kinda conservative so you're okay in that regard.
  • Christian Socialism - I like your Christian values, but leftism? Really?
  • LGBT Conservatism - How exactly do you combine traditional family values with all this gay stuff? Ugh, I admit that you're a great ally in our battle against Islamism if I'm not Islamic too, that is. For now...
  • Homonationalism -'s complicated.
  • Progressive Conservatism - I don't get it. Seriously, what are you?!
  • Classical Liberalism - You have generally good ideas on economics and limited government but you're neither nationalist or conservative.


  • Globalism - I hate you so much.
  • Pan-Nationalism - Look, even if they're our brothers, they want to get rid of our unique culture. I'm fine with having my own nation!
  • National Socialism - You are a disgrace to nationalism everywhere. Stay away from me, Nazi!
  • White Nationalism - And the same goes to you, neo-Nazi degenerate! He's still my biggest supporter, so thanks for that.
  • Alt-Right - WhiteNat but dumber. Thanks for the votes.
  • LGBT - Sodomy ruined our glorious western civilization!
  • Queer Anarchism - Sodomite and an anarchist. I think I'm gonna puke...
  • File:Progress.png Progressivism - Cultural Marxist degenerate!
  • Left-Wing Populism - An ideology that supposed to rally all the poor instead rallies all the spoiled rich... Goddamn commies, how do they do that?!
  • Marxism–Leninism - Another commie and globalist!
  • National Bolshevism - Still a commie.
  • National Communism - Aren't you just Nazbol again?
  • Social Democracy - Try all you want. As long as I'm in power, you will never dominate Singaporean politics. But keep on continuing my uncompleted Malaysian-Malaysia agenda, my son.
  • Liberalism - They are the only good liberals! (And maybe them, I guess.)
  • Neoliberalism - Cringe progressive globalist!
  • File:Soc.png Socialism - Communism, socialism... call it what you like, there's very little difference in the two.
  • Islamic Theocracy - You will never conquer the world! Unless I'm Islamic.
  • Eugenicism - We both like Lee Kuan Yew but I'm not fan of abortion, euthanasia and Gattaca and you're not what we need.
  • Pink Capitalism - Stop corrupting my nation with your gay merchandise!!!

Further Information



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