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Hi, I am Carbyn Sobek (Alias), a Future Author and Polcompball Editor. Note: I'm not as active as I was before due to many reasons. I'm only going spend my free time here making Alternate History Scenarios, so don't try to interact with me.

Kalayaanismo Doctrine/Luis Taruc Thought/Socialism with Filipino Characteristics




People's Republic of the Philippines (Neo-Human Terra)

  • Capital: Manila
  • Motto: Inang Bayan o Kamatayan! (Motherland or Martyrdom!)
  • Anthem: Bayan Ko (My Country)
  • Government: Unitary Dominant-Party Socialist Republic
    • President of the People's Republic of the Philippines: Alexander Sumulong
    • Prime Minister of the People's Republic of the Philippines: Erasmo Magbanua
    • Legislature: National Assembly of the People's Republic of the Philippines (412 Seats):


-The People's Republic of the Philippines has been led by Luis Taruc (1956-1987), Bernabe Buscayno (1987-2012) and Alexander Sumulong (2012-2021). The Economy of the PRP is a State-Directed Economy. The President of the People's Republic of the Philippines is the executive head of state and the commander-in-chief of the Philippine Revolutionary Armed Forces while the Prime Minister of the People's Republic of the Philippines is the head of government. The Philippines is a one-party dominant state with the Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas in power.

Ministries of the People's Republic of the Philippines

  • Cabinet of Ministers and Secretaries
    • Ministry of National Defence/ Ministry of Home Affairs and Public Safety
      • Commission on National Security (KPS; Komiseg)
    • Ministry of Economic Strategy and Sustainable Employment
      • Commission for Economic Direction (KDE; Komidirek)
    • Ministry of Arts and Cultural Heritage
    • Ministry of Media and Communications
    • Ministry of Agriculture
      • Commission for Land Reform (KRL; Komilupa)
    • Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
    • Ministry of Foreign Affairs
    • Ministry of Health/ Ministry of Science and Technology
    • Ministry of Education

Politics of the People's Republic of the Philippines (Neo-Human Terra)

Economics: State-Directed Market Socialism

The Economy of the People's Republic of the Philippines is a State-Directed Economy. It has the 26th largest economy, totaling around $731 Billion ($10,859). The philippine state-directed economy is characterized by a combination of state guidance and worker participation; the main industries are agriculture, consumer goods, and light industry. The Commission for Economic Direction (KDE; Komidirek), is the government agency responsible for guiding the philippine national economy through the 7-year national economic initiatives, utilizing dirigisme, indicative planning, and national economic planning as the primary economic mechanisms, with computer-enhanced centralized planning and quality-based market mechanisms serving as secondary components. State-Subsidized Farmer Cooperatives under the National Farmer Assistance-Development Programme are the main producers of Agriculture; The commanding heights of the economy are nationalized by the philippine state apparatus while the allocation and production of non-strategic industries is predominantly handled by State-Sponsored Enterprises (Semi-Autonomous Public Enterprises managed by Autonomous Worker Committees) and Worker Cooperatives; While the private sector constitutes 30% of the economy, small businesses require a permit to coexist alongside state-owned firms and worker-owned businesses. Foreign Investment Sectors allow crucial foreign investment to supplement the philippine national economy; The Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines espouses a Fair Trade Economic Policy. The main trading partners of the Philippines are the Soviet Union, North China, Vietnam, Malaya, and Indonesia.

Government: Revolutionary Socialist Democracy

The Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines is a Unitary Dominant-Party Socialist Republic and is often regarded as a Revolutionary Socialist Democracy; The Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines operates under a strong executive presidency based on a semi-presidential system and a decentralized unitary state based on a moderately centralized government with a degree of regional autonomy. The President of the People's Republic of the Philippines is the executive head of state and the commander-in-chief of the Philippine Revolutionary Armed Forces; The President resides in the Presidential Citadel located in Romelo Marquez City (Aremsi), Manila Capital District. The President can appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister and the Cabinet of Ministers and Secretaries. The Vice President will serve as Acting President if the presidency is unavailable or vacant. The Prime Minister of the People's Republic of the Philippines is the head of government and is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the government. The National Assembly of the People's Republic of the Philippines is the unicameral legislature of the Philippines. Both the President and Delegates of the National Assembly are elected via a two-round system in the PRP's 412 single-member districts. The term of office for President and Delegate of the National Assembly is unlimited 8-year terms and unlimited 4-year terms respectively. The Philippines is a one-party dominant state with the Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas in power; Opposition parties exist but have no genuine chance of challenging the dominant-party system. The Philippines is classified as a Hybrid Regime under the Economist Intelligence Unit's Democracy Index, as elections are considered free and relatively fair. The Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines is notable for preserving high degrees of civil liberties and personal freedoms; albeit, the Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines is also notorious for its close monitoring of political dissent and extensive usage of defensive democracy, often being criticized as Soft Authoritarianism in practice. The Philippine Revolutionary Armed Forces (RSLP) is the national military force of the Philippines. It consists of 3 main service branches; the Philippine Revolutionary Army (RHP), Philippine Revolutionary Navy (RHDP), and Philippine Revolutionary Air Force (RHHP). The Commission on National Security (KPS; Komiseg), is the main security agency of the Philippines that specializes in counterintelligence and internal security.

Social Policy: Moderate Progressivism

The Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines has legalized abortion up to 12 weeks and strengthened civil unions (de facto same-sex marriage). Comrade President Sumulong prioritized the rehabilitation and rejuvenation of prisoners, albeit corporal punishment remains legal and the Death Penalty is used for the most serious crimes (War Crimes, High Treason, Rape, etc.). Soft Drugs are decriminalized and regulated while possession of Hard Drugs are illegal and drug dealers are given a prison sentence and even the death penalty. The Philippines is a secular state where religious freedom is respected.

Foreign Policy: Left-Wing Nationalism

The Government of the People's Republic of the Philippines espouses a national policy of international cooperation and national self-sufficiency; The People's Republic of the Philippines is a member of the Budapest League and the Union of Galactic States; The closest allies of the Philippines are the Soviet Union, Yugoslavia, Vietnam, Colombia, and Cuba; The Philippines maintains close relations with many non-aligned nations such as Sweden, Korea, Indonesia, Brazil, and Egypt. The Philippines combats the Liberationists with Anti-Liberationist Enforcer Jayson Ilagan Mangahas representing the Philippines in the Union of Galactic States' Anti-Liberationist Commission.

History of the Philippines (Neo-Human Terra)

Pre-Colonial Era - Philippine Republic

????-1565 | Pre-Colonial Era to Spanish Colonial Era

-A multitude of diverse polities, such as the Kingdom of Tondo (Lusong), Rajahnate of Sugbu (Cebu), Sulu Sultanate, Sultanate of Maguindanao, Confederation of Madya-as, Kingdom of Butuan, and other states, as well as smaller barangays, had already established prosperous societies prior to the Magellan Expedition. The Spanish arrived in 1521 and eventually colonized the majority of the islands by 1565, establishing the Spanish East Indies.

1565-1814 | Spanish Colonial Era to Tagalog War

-The British successfully took control of Manila following the Seven Years' War. This led to initial uprisings by Tagalog insurrectionists that were gradually defeated, but the chance of national self-determination triggered a more organized and well-equipped insurgency in June 12, 1810, when 8 provinces (Bataan, Batangas, Bulacan, Cavite, Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Pampanga, and Tayabas) declared full independence. This declaration marked the start of a united front, led by Romelo Marquez, against Spanish rule, leading with the signing of the Treaty of Manila on December 23, 1814 which ended the short yet brutal insurgency.

1814-1904 | Tagalog Republic

-The Tagalogs gained their full independence and form the Tagalog Republic, commonly known as Katagalugan or the Philippines (unofficially). Katagalugan was led by the Supremo or Supreme President as the executive head of state and head of government. The Supreme Council is the unicameral legislature of Katagalugan. The Tagalogs took the Spanish East Indies (Philippine Islands, Northern Sulawesi (Sangihe, Sitaro, Talaud Archipelagos), Palau, Marianas and Caroline Islands) after the Tagalog War and purchased Manila and Sabah for $20 Million. While Katagalugan was free from foreign influence, it was not free from obstacles and was actually in turmoil for most of the 19th century. By the late 1890s, Katagalugan experienced a significant surge in civil unrest due to discrimination of minorities, enforcing segregation and viewing non-Tagalog Filipinos as second-class citizens resulting in ethnic conflict and ongoing insurgencies; The severe corruption and inefficiency in the Katagalugan government did not help in dealing with the concerning matters in question. As a response to the imperative problems plaguing the nation, the emergence of Intellectuals like José Rizal led to the Tagalog Intellectual Revolution, which not only addressed urgent issues, but also fostered critical thinking and national unity. In 1901, a constituent assembly was created to replace the Tagalog Republic; A new constitution was drafted in 1904, where the Tagalog Republic was officially renamed the Philippine Republic, commonly known as the Philippines. Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Assembly, etc. were amplified, expanded, and protected by the new constitution. The Supremo was replaced by a figurehead presidency and an executive premiership; Supremo Antonio Silayan became the 1st Prime Minister of the Philippines. The Parliament replaced the Supreme Council as the bicameral legislature of the Philippines, consisting of the Senate and the National Assembly, etc.

1904-1956 | Philippine Republic

-In 1907, a policy of Filipinization was introduced to establish a national identity where minority cultures adopted the social norms of Filipino Culture and Christian Values while retaining their original cultures. The Philippine Republic adopted an isolationist foreign policy and did not participate in World War I. After Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Japan declared war on the Philippines and occupied Northern Luzon. When WW2 ended in 1948 after Operation Downfall, the majority of collaborators were executed for high treason. The Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas (English: Socialist Party of the Philippines, PSP) was formed in June 12, 1926. After the assassination of Speaker of the National Assembly Nicanor Gallentes, the PSP staged a soft coup known as the Bloodless March of 1952 that resulted in a failed counter-coup which sparked the Philippine Civil War (1952 to 1956) between those loyal to "Prime Minister" Emong Damayo and the PSP's armed wing, the Hukbong Mapagpalaya ng Bayan (English: People's Liberation Army, HMB), formerly the Hukbong Bayan Laban sa Hapon, or Hukbalahap during World War II. Although the UGS Civilian-Military Commission of the Philippines remained neutral, National Director Kan'qi assisted the PSP-HMB and lambasted Damayo for human rights abuses. The Philippine Civil War ended in the 1956 Treaty of Manila. From 1952-1956, the PSP's dominance effectively made the Philippine Republic a de facto one-party state.

1956-2021 | People's Republic of the Philippines

Luis Taruc (1956-1987)

-Huk Supremo Luis Mangalus Taruc (June 21, 1913-January 9, 1987/San Luis, Pampanga) was the protégé of First Secretary Pedro Abad Santos y Basco. Taruc took the pragmatic measures necessary to advance and improve the Philippines, from parliamentary reforms to serving in the Second World War and the Philippine Civil War as Supremo of the Hukbalahap and HMB respectively. Taruc was often condemned by hardliners as a "Right Deviationist" for his moderately reformist, nationalist-oriented variant of Marxism-Leninism adapted to the material conditions of the Philippines, the Kalayaanismo Doctrine. When First Secretary Crisanto Abaño Evangelista died of pneumonia in 1953, a power struggle occurred during the 8th Party Assembly[2] between the hardliners represented by Second Secretary José Baltazar Lava and the moderates represented by Huk Supremo Luis Mangalus Taruc; Luis Mangalus Taruc eventually emerged victorious and was elected First Secretary of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas. The Constitution of the People's Republic of the Philippines, also called the 1956 Constitution, was drafted and ratified where Taruc proclaimed the formation of the People's Republic of the Philippines (Filipino: Republikang Sambayanan ng Pilipinas, PRP) on July 1, 1956. Although the multi-party system was preserved, the PRP remained a one-party dominant state under the PSP's plurality. As the PRP established a strong executive presidency based on a semi-presidential system, the President became the executive head of state with Luis Mangalus Taruc being inaugurated as the 1st President of the People's Republic of the Philippines with Casto Jurado Alejandrino as the 1st Vice President of the People's Republic of the Philippines; Taruc won the 1964, 1972, and 1980 presidential elections, defeating Sergio Osmeña Jr. and Ezequiel Comendador Suarez in the 1972 and 1980 runoffs respectively. The Prime Minister remained as the head of government with Guillermo Capadocia being appointed as the 1st Prime Minister of the People's Republic of the Philippines. The Philippine Revolutionary Armed Forces (RSLP) integrated the HMB and the Philippine Army. Luis Taruc enacted moderate socialist reforms, such as industrial democracy, land reform, voluntary collectivization, etc; Taruc reorganized the PRP's national economy towards a state-directed economy based on national economic planning through the introduction of 7-Year National Economic Initiatives; In 1965, The 1st National Economic Initiative accelerated the economic growth and technological development of the Philippines through cautious industrialization and strategic investment in key sectors. The PRP implemented tremendous anti-corruption legislations that demolished the padrino system and the political families of the Philippines, yet corruption lingers and persists to this day; Taruc encouraged self-determination for national minorities, albeit the PRP retained the policy of Filipinization, which promotes national unity among different cultures and ethnicities in the Philippines. Under Taruc's presidency, the Philippines joined the Budapest League and supplied arms to socialist revolutions, while fostering cooperation and relations with non-aligned nations. By the 1980s, The People's Republic of the Philippines became a regional power with a prosperous economy and robust living standards thanks to the Kalayaanismo Doctrine[3]; Before he finished his final presidential term, Taruc died on January 9, 1987, leaving the positions of First Secretary and President vacant until Second Secretary Luis Gamboa Jalandoni and Vice President and Minister of National Defence Bernabe Galang Buscayno replaced Taruc as First Secretary and Acting President respectively. The People's Republic of the Philippines under Father of the People's Republic Luis Mangalus Taruc is best known as the Golden Presidency or Era of National Rejuvenation, but his presidency was also notorious for tremendous issues that continue to subvert the Philippines of today.

Bernabe Buscayno (1987-2012)

-Vice President and Minister of National Defence Bernabe Galang Buscayno (June 11, 1943/Capas, Pampanga) became Acting President after Taruc's death and was reelected president after winning the 1988, 1996, and 2004 presidential elections; Buscayno narrowly defeated Ulysses Jagger Woods in the controversial 2004 election. Buscayno invested in nuclear energy during the 5th National Economic Initiative and subsidizing agricultural cooperatives, collective farms, and smallholders under the National Farmer Assistance-Development Programme. Buscayno remained president of the Philippines until 2012. Buscayno's presidency is called the Static Presidency or Era of Moderation because Buscayno's administration was a de facto continuation, that made decent progress yet changed little from the status quo, of Taruc's turbulent yet golden presidency; this claim became blatantly apparent when it was evident that Comrade President Buscayno heavily relied on Taruc's soft cult of personality and the nostalgia of the Taruc Era for public approval. As of 2021, Buscayno has retired from politics, living the remainder of his life in his hometown of Capas, Pampanga.

Alexander Sumulong (2012-2021)

-PSP First Secretary and Minister of Home Affairs and Public Safety Alexander Rommel Latimer Sumulong (April 28, 1956/Nasugbu, Batangas) became president after his victory and landslide victory in the 2012 and 2020 presidential elections against Samuel Geraldo Martinez and Julius Arevalo respectively. Sumulong served as a Lieutenant General in the Philippine Revolutionary Air Force (RHHP) before entering politics as Chairman of Makabayan Batangueño, the Batangueño-Branch of the PSP; After being elected First Secretary, Sumulong was appointed Minister of Home Affairs and Public Safety, dealing with the Liberationists through efficient and ruthless means. Sumulong fought hard in the 2012 presidential primaries of the Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas, defeating other potential candidates like Buscayno's protégé Erasmo Villaseñor Magbanua, Second Secretary Leandro Legara Alejandro, and Rosendo Clemente Baquiran. Sumulong promoted progressive policies such as decriminalizing marijuana, reorganized the Commission on National Security (Komiseg) as a branch of the Ministry of Home Affairs and Public Safety, introduced computers and information technology during the 8th National Economic Initiative, and strengthened anti-corruption legislations but tolerated petty bribery for political endorsements. As of 2021, Alexander Sumulong remains president of the People's Republic of the Philippines, a regional power with a stable economy and decent living standards.

Neo-Human Terra (2021)

Official Ideologies of the Nations of Neo-Human Terra

Budapest League

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Marxist-Leninist-Bukharinist Thought
Finnish Socialist Republic: Suomen Kommunistinen Puolue Model
Socialist Republic of the Netherlands: Robert Göschen Thought
French Socialist Republic: Mélenchonism
Italian Socialist Republic: Italian Road to Socialism
Socialist Republic of Germany: Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands Model
Socialist Republic of Hungary: Kommunisták Magyarországi Pártja Model
People's Republic of Romania: Post-Ceaușism
Yugoslav Socialist Federation: Marxism-Leninism-Titoism
Democratic Republic of East Turkestan: East Turkestan People's Revolutionary Party Model
Mongolian People's Republic: Mongolian People's Revolutionary Party Model
Chinese People's Republic: Chen Yun Thought
Lao People's Democratic Republic: Kaysone Phomvihane Thought
Khmer Socialist Republic: United Front of the Khmer Revolution Model
Democratic Republic of Vietnam: Ho Chi Minh Thought
People's Republic of the Philippines: Kalayaanismo Doctrine
Peruvian Republic: Peruanismo
Colombian Socialist Republic: Gregorio Montejano Ordóñez Thought
Democratic Republic of Panama: Mañuecismo
Socialist Federation of Central America: Frente Democrático Unido de Luchas Centroamericanas Model
Republic of Cuba: Partido Comunista de Cuba Model
West African Union: Nkrumaism
State of Katanga: Partido Popular Katangês Model
People's Republic of Angola: Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola Model
People's Republic of Zambezia: Aliança Revolucionária de Libertação de Zambézia Model
People's Republic of Mozambique: Frente de Libertação de Moçambique Model
Ethiopian People's Republic: Revolutionary Democracy
Democratic Republic of Madagascar: Antoko'ny Kongresi'ny Fahaleovantenan'i Madagasikara Model

Manchester Treaty Organization (MTO)

United States of America: Montgomeryite Progressionism
Republic of Canada: Canadian Liberalism
British Federation: Starmerism
French Republic: Ligue des Citoyens Indépendants Model
Portuguese Republic: Portuguese Social Democracy
Kingdom of Norway: Stoltenberg Doctrine
Kingdom of Italy: Movimento di Salvezza Nazionale d'Italia Model
Kingdom of Greece: Greek Conservatism
Hashemite Kingdom of Arabia: Islamic Democrats of Arabia Model
Imperial State of Iran: House of Pahlavi Model
State of Japan: Japanese Conservatism
Republic of China: Chinese Nationalist Party Model
Kingdom of Thailand: Thai Conservatism
Australian Republic: Australian Liberalism
Kingdom of Hawaii: Liberal Democratic Union of Hawaii Model
West Indies Federation: United West Indies Labour Party Model
United Republic of Cameroon: Union Nationale Camérounaise Model
Gabonese Republic: Parti Démocratique Gabonais Model
East African Federation: East African National Union Model


Spanish State: Post-Francoism
Republic of Ireland: Sinn Féin Model
Danish Republic: Dansk Socialistisk Bevægelse "En Grønnere Verden" Model
Kingdom of Sweden: Swedish Social Democracy
Swiss Confederation: Helvetic Model
United Turkish Republic: Classical Kemalism
Republic of Kurdistan: Kurdish People's Democratic Party Model
Kingdom of Afghanistan: Afghan Social Democratic Party Model
Indian Federation: Nehruvian Socialism
Union of Burma: Aung San Thought
People's Republic of Korea: People's Party of Korea Model
Republic of Singapore: People's Action Party Model
Union of Malaya: Parti Kebangsaan Melayu Malaya Model
Republic of Indonesia: Marhaenism
North Borneo Federation: Parti Rakyat Kalimantan Utara Model
Union of Aotearoa-Melanesia: United Solidarity Movement of Aotearoa-Melanesia Model
United Mexican States: Partido de la Revolución Mexicana Model
Republic of Guatemala: Unidad Revolucionaria Nacional Guatemalteca Model
Republic of Honduras: Partido Nacional de Honduras Model
Republic of El Salvador: Bukelismo
Republic of Ecuador: Movimiento Revolución Ciudadana Model
Republic of Chile: Unidad Popular Model
Republic of Bolivia: Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario Model
Republic of Paraguay: Asociación Nacional Republicana - Partido Colorado Model
Argentine Republic: Kirchnerismo
Oriental Republic of Uruguay: Frente Amplio Model
Republic of the United States of Brazil: Brizolismo
Republic of Venezuela: Betancourt Doctrine
Republic of Haiti: Big Tent Liberalism
Dominican Republic: Partido de la Liberación Dominicana Model
Islamic Republic of Mauritania: Mauritanian People's Party Model
People's Democratic Republic of Algeria: Front de Libération Nationale Model
Republic of Tunisia: Bourguibism
Libyan Arab Republic: Third International Theory
Arab Republic of Egypt: Nasserism
Democratic Republic of Sudan: Sudanese Socialist Union Model
Republic of Chad: National Liberation Front of Chad Model
Republic of Niger: Nigerien Party for Democracy and Socialism Model
Federal Republic of Nigeria: Buharism
Congolese Federation: Mouvement National Congolais Model
Republic of Botswana: Seretse Khama Thought
Republic of Namibia: Socialism with Namibian Characteristics
Republic of South Africa: Mandelaism
Somali Republic: Islamic Populism

Budapest League

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

  • Capital: Moscow
  • Motto: Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! (Workers of the world, unite!)
  • Anthem: Интернационал (The Internationale)
  • Government: Federal One-Party Socialist Republic
    • Chairman of the Central Executive Committee: Alyaksandr Lukashenka
    • Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars: Gennady Zyuganov
    • Legislature: All-Union Congress of Soviets (2126 Seats):

-The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has been led by Vladimir Lenin (1925-1929), Rykov-Stalin-Sverdlov Troika ( Premier Alexei Rykov, Chairman Joseph Stalin, President Yakov Sverdlov) (1929-1946), Nikolai Bukharin (1946-1952), Georgy Zhukov (1952-1958), Alyosha Gerasimov (1958-1976), Yegor Ligachyov (1976-1994), Maciuś Wróbel (1994-2009) and Gennady Zyuganov (2009-2021). The Economy of the USSR is a Semi-Planned Economy. The Chairman of the All-Union Central Executive Committee of the All-Union Congress of Soviets is the head of state while the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars is the executive head of government. The All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) is the sole ruling party within the USSR, although each Soviet Republic have their own communist parties. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was primarily formed from the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic from 1917 to 1925. The Soviet Armed Forces are the 2nd strongest military behind the United States. In Neo-Human Terra, the USSR was established in 1925.

Manchester Treaty Organization (MTO)

United States of America

  • Capital: Washington, D.C.
  • Motto: In God We Trust
  • Anthem: The Star-Spangled Banner
  • Government: Federal Two-Party Presidential Republic
    • President of the United States of America: Alexander B. Johnson
    • Legislature: United States Congress (510 Seats):


-The United States of America has been led by Abraham Lincoln (1861-1869)[4], Ulysses S. Grant (1869-1877), Samuel J. Tilden (1877-1881), James A. Garfield (1881-1889)[5], Grover Cleveland (1889-1897), William McKinley (1897-1905)[6], Alton B. Parker (1905-1909), Theodore Roosevelt (1909-1917)[7], Robert M. La Follette (1917-1921), Gabriel C. Hawthorne (1921-1929)[8], Herbert Hoover (1929-1933), Franklin D. Roosevelt (1933-1945)[9], Henry A. Wallace (1945-1949), Thomas E. Dewey (1949-1957), Orpheus Fairweather (1957-1965), Nelson Rockefeller (1965-1973), George Romney (1973-1981), John B. Anderson (1981-1989), Jesse Jackson (1989-1990)[10], Dick Gephardt (1990-1997), Nickolas Montgomery (1997-2005)[11], Bill Weld (2005-2009), Lionel Vickers III (2009-2017) and Alexander B. Johnson (2017-2021)[12]. The Economy of the USA is a Regulated Market Economy. The President of the United States of America is the executive head of state, head of government, and commander-in-chief of the United States Armed Forces. In Neo-Human Terra, the USA gains several new states such as Columbia and Sonora, but loses Alaska to Canada and Hawaii as an Independent Kingdom.

Liberationist Movement

-The Liberationist Movement is a global terrorist organization that advocates for Neo-Human Supremacy. They are responsible for organizing tremendous incidents which resulted in the deaths of millions, such as the 1952 Kremlin Bombings and the 2009 Iceland Massacre. The Liberationists are collectively led by a council consisting of the strongest Liberationists. The goal of the Liberationist Movement is to create a world where the Neo-Humans reign supreme over the rest of humanity. Ironically, the majority of members are Human and most Neo-Humans side with the Union of Galactic States' Anti-Liberationist Commission as Anti-Liberationist Enforcers.

Union of Galactic States

-The Union of Galactic States is a multi-galactic confederation that oversees the entire Universe, including both the Observable Universe and the Expanding Universe (Unobservable Universe), and aids Earth against the Liberationists. The UGS is led by the High Commissaries of the High Assembly of the Union of Galactic States, a collective whose members are elected by the Low Assemblies. Earth (Terra, Gaia, Sol-3, etc.) is a member of the UGS; The UGS' jurisdiction on Earth is made up of regions led by a Regional Advisor or individual nations led by a National Director of the UGS Civilian-Military Commission.

  1. Soft Opposition; The PSP and PAS-Solidaridad are allied parties and both members of the Alyansang Makabansa ng Inang Bayan.
  2. Party Assemblies of the Partido Sosyalista ng Pilipinas were held during the following years: 1926, 1929, 1933, 1937, 1941, 1945, 1949, 1953, 1957, 1961, 1965, 1969, 1973, 1977, 1981, 1985, 1987, 1991, 1995, 1999, 2003, 2007, 2011, 2015 and 2019.
  3. Luis Taruc's branch of socialism, also commonly known as Luis Taruc Thought or Socialism with Filipino Characteristics. The Kalayaanismo Doctrine became the ideological foundation of the PSP since the 8th Party Assembly.
  4. In Neo-Human Terra, the 1865 Assassination was attempted, but successfully thwarted by American Patriot Albrecht Nickolaus Montgomery Sr.
  5. In Neo-Human Terra, Garfield is never assassinated as Charles J. Guiteau died aboard the SS Stonington.
  6. In Neo-Human Terra, McKinley survives his assassination thanks to direct medical assistance by Non-Terran Surgeons.
  7. Inaugurated as President under the Republican Party in his 1st Term, Inaugurated as President under the Progressive Party in his 2nd Term.
  8. Last President from the Democratic Party, which dissolved in 1927.
  9. In Neo-Human Terra, Roosevelt does not run for a 4th Term as his health worsens throughout his 3rd Term. Thanks to remedial intervention from the UGS, FDR lives slightly longer, remaining in his home until his death on November 3, 1947.
  10. Jackson was assassinated by retired soldier Roddy V. Wilbourn, along with several members of the Sword of the Chosen Movement.
  11. Nickolas Montgomery is the 3rd President whose election faced no major opposition ( George Washington and James Monroe were the 1st and 2nd respectively). He is the only president of the 20th and 21st Century to accomplish this feat. Montgomery ran under the Progressive-Republican Coalition, although he was a Republican in essence.
  12. In Neo-Human Terra, Boris Johnson and his family stayed in New York, serving as a Moderate Republican Congressman (1999-2003) and Governor (2007-2015). He ran an unsuccessful presidential campaign in 2012 before becoming the Republican Nominee in 2016.