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I’m a self-described liberal (crucify me) and probably one of the oldest users on this wiki. I used to be someone else but I thought my username was shit and I couldn’t change it, so I made a new account.

Political Views

My political views mostly fall in line with Social Liberalism. That is, a fairly regulated market economy with a welfare state and individual rights. Pretty much as “unbased” as you can get. I am also culturally progressive on most issues like racism, sexism, etc. I don’t take kindly to fascists, communists (especially MLs), or confederate sympathizers.

Ideological Relations



  • Capitalism - You’re a fine system but you could use some regulations.
  • Neoliberalism - Same as above. Not a huge fan of the whole austerity thing.
  • Libertarianism - Yeah freedom’s cool and all but can we at least have a little gun control?
  • Classical Liberalism - Can we also raise taxes just a tiny bit?
  • Socialism - I like some of your ideas but you’re way too extreme and I don’t think you’re gonna work, at least not in the West.
  • Democratic Socialism - Ehh, I guess it’s an improvement.
  • Market Socialism - You’re onto something.
  • Liberal Socialism - Probably my favorite socialist.
  • Marxism - You sound fantastic on paper but when actually put in practice you’re just godawful.
  • Titoism - Definitely the best commie besides Gorby, which isn’t saying much.
  • Monarchism - I don’t really know how to feel about you. You’re fine in some cases, but most of the time you’re too statist and autocratic.
  • Caesarism - Your empire was really fucking cool but you’re a little too old and conservative for my tastes.
  • Neoconservatism - A lot of your interventionist policies suck ass but please do aid Ukraine.
  • Conservatism - I like family values too but cool it with the bigotry. Still don’t get why everyone calls you fascist.
  • Liberal Conservatism - The only good Republicans.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - You have the right ideas but I wish you were a little more progressive.
  • Anti-Fascism - Look, I hate fascism as much as the next guy and you’re fine in theory, but could you please stop rioting and beating up innocent people? That’s not gonna help anyone.
  • Apoliticism - I like your moderate way of thinking but you’re too apathetic.
  • Feminism - You’re awesome but a lot of your followers nowadays make you look bad.
  • Black Nationalism - I completely understand why you’re angry, but fighting racism while advocating for a black ethnostate is contradictory.
  • Syndicalism - I’m cool with unions and more workers’ rights but unions shouldn’t run the country.
  • Satirism - I like memes but a lot of you aren’t that funny. Looking at you, Schumer and SNL!
  • Anti-SJW - I liked you back when I was 15, not so much anymore. I still hate identity politics though.
  • Bidenism - Oh well, I guess you’re not as bad as Trump.
  • Sandersism - Call me a corporate bootlicker, but I like Warren better.


  • Paleoconservatism - What have you done to the Republican Party?! You’re the real RINO. Also fuck you for overturning Roe v. Wade!
  • Marxism-Leninism - Yes, commie, I am a liberal. Cry about it. Why do so many teenagers like you anyway? I fuckin’ love your anthem though.
  • Stalinism - Go away, tankie. Literally the only good thing you did was defeating the Nazis.
  • Fascism - Get off 4chan and get a life, fashie.
  • Nazism - Fuck off, Hitler.
  • National Bolshevism - No. Just, no.
  • Juche - Aren’t you just Nazbol again? Put your nukes away, fatass.
  • Anarchism - We need a state and some authority for society to function in this day and age. To think otherwise is just naive idealism.
  • Anarcho-Communism - Even more of a fairy tale than the last one. Also stop rioting and calling everyone a Nazi!
  • Post-Leftism - Get a job.
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - HUrR dUrR mUh mCNuKe aNd eN Ay pEE
  • Corporatocracy - You’d do anything for money, would you?
  • Manosphere - Shut up, incel.
  • Radical Feminism - You’re just Manosphere again but with no dick!
  • Kakistocracy - Grow up already!
  • White Nationalism - Racist scumbag!
  • Alt-Right - I’m not falling down that rabbit hole again!
  • Jihadism - Terrorist scum. You single-handedly ruined everyone’s perception of Muslims.
  • Wilsonianism - WILLLSOOOON!!!
  • Twatter - Shut the fuck up. Please shut the fuck up.
  • Showa Statism - Your people didn’t deserve those nukes, but you as an ideology sure as hell did!
  • Dengism - Stop genociding the Uyghurs, Pooh Bear!
  • Pol Potism - Please die in a fire.
  • Esoteric Fascism - NO.
  • Fourth Theory - What are you even supposed to be?
  • Posadism - Okay what the actual fuck is your problem, man?
  • Ingsoc - LITERALLY 1984!


Glencoe13- hello fellow lib! if you are going to make a user relations section plz add me link to ideology:

 Yoda8soup  - Yo fellow based welfare liberal! Add me if you do relations.

Omega1065 - Hello bro, you seem pretty cool

 ChronicLuna  - Ok, this is epic.