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National Socialism, sometimes known as its clippings Nazsoc, Natsoc and Nazi, but more commonly called Nazism, is a culturally far-right, totalitarian and usually economically third-positionist ideology. However, their Strasserist factions, which the mainstream Nazis eventually purged, were more radical in their socialist views.

Arguably the most (in)famous ideology, his economic policies are as varied as his war-goals, and are subject to change based on the needs of the nation. He supports an authoritarian dictatorship with the goal of removing all non-Aryans from his country by any means necessary. Seeking to create living space for the "Aryan Race" by that end, even if that involves the mass execution of all "Untermensch" living in that space, like he did in the Holocaust (though he denies this).

He hates many ideologies, mainly Zionism, Marxism, and Democracy.


National Socialism was inspired off of Benito Mussolini's ideals in Italy. National Socialism was created and spread by Adolf Hitler, and later he would become the dictator of Germany in 1933. After Germany's defeat in the first world war, they had to demilitarize the Rhineland, but it was remilitarized the land in 1936. Adolf Hitler would continue his influence in Europe by annexing Austria, called "Anschluss", although it was not an act by force, since the citizens voted on being annexed (Whether or not the vote was sabotaged is still unknown). Later again in 1938 Adolf Hitler demanded the annexation of Sudetenland, although Adolf Hitler took all of Czechoslovakia, but this did not lead the French and British to declare war on Germany. But then, it was the last straw, Germany invaded Poland on the 1st of September, 1939, leading to the second world war, Germany would later invade the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, France, and many more. But Germany would make a fatal mistake, in invading the Soviet Union in 1941 without packing proper clothes or gear. Soon the Americans would join the war, and start a two front war with Germany, and in 1945, the Soviets rushed berlin, and Adolf Hitler committed suicide on capture. Two days later after suicide, Germany surrendered, and that was the end of Germany's National Socialism. Because Nazi Germany was a dystopia, many more left wing ideologies consider Nazism a dystopian ideology as it wants to make some people more supreme.

He also has a thick German accent when speaking English. He would prefer to speak German over other languages.



Neo-Nazism is the degenerate little cousin of National Socialism. Filled with violent and criminal hatred towards Slavs, Homosexuals, Cripples and Juden, National Socialism wishes that you know that he is not related to Neo-Nazism in any way as he emphasizes on order and efficiency.

White Supremacy/Race

National Socialism believes in the power of the white race. Anything non-white is considered cringe and degenerate by National Socialism. He also believes in a very unique form of white nationalism based on the fact that there is a master race to rule everything else. National Socialism calls his brainchildren Aryans. Essentially, to be classified as an Aryan, you have to be white, straight, mentally and physically able, non-Slavic and non-Jewish. Blonde hair and blue eyes are also preferred (if not required) traits. Ironically, he greatly admires the Japanese and Chinese people, viewing them as honorary Aryans.


It is widely known that National Socialism prefers to solve its problems by gassing and burning them. Human beings are no exception. Anyone considered an “untermensch” (subhuman in German) will be thrown into a concentration/death camp by National Socialism if he sees them. One way to tell if someone you know is considered an untermensch is if National Socialism puts three sets of parenthesis "((()))" around his/her name or pronouns. National Socialism also uses the triple parenthesis to refer to entire groups he doesn’t like, mainly ((( Jews))). In practice, National Socialists sees genocide as a last resort, hence the term "Final Solution", and prefer to "humanely" deport untermensch or use them as slave labor.

Social Darwinism

The argument that Nazi ideology was strongly influenced by Social Darwinist ideas is often found in historical and social science literature. For example, the philosopher and historian Hannah Arendt analyzed the historical development from a politically indifferent scientific Darwinism via social Darwinist ethics to racist ideology. National Socialism views Darwinian evolution as justification for the belief in the supposed superiority of the Aryan race.

Nationalism and Dictatorship

National Socialism is very, well, nationalist; the Fatherland comes first. Always. In National Socialism, the individual is nothing but a servant to the Nation state. Current leaders of National Socialism, notably Adolf Hitler, are referred to as the “Fuhrer”. This Fuhrer has nearly unlimited power over their subordinates, although they do tend to have ruling councils and bureaucracy based on WWII-era observations. Using this extreme nationalism, citizens under National Socialism will often fight to the death to protect their land and leader.


As a secular ideology, religion is a touchy subject for National Socialism. The religion he hates the most is, of course, Judaism. National Socialism believes that Jews and other untermensch are responsible for most if not all of the current issues of the time. He is strangely tolerant of Islam, much like Fascism, and has a love-hate relationship with Christianity. Besides, he also suggested Shintoism for regarding sacrifice for the fatherland as the highest good. For starters, he hates Catholics, because most of their followers are Poles and Slavs and their anti-eugenics stance, and will purge them by any means, but is friendly towards certain sects of Protestantism. However, some of his comrades are willing to abolish Christianity and replace it with wacky esoteric Nazism, Positive Christianity or pantheistic deism.

Women’s Rights

A core element of society under National Socialism is the basic family structure, with fathers producing and mothers providing. Although this issue isn’t as important to him as is Religion or Race, anyone who might openly resist these norms are in danger of being considered one of (((them))).


Homosexuality is considered degenerate in the eyes of National Socialism. When they are present, gays and lesbians are considered to be untermensch and will be sent to prison or directly to concentration camps. Under these conditions, it is still unknown how Homonationalism came to be. Ernst Rohm, one of the few homosexual Nazis who were eventually purged, was a fervent advocate of this ideology.

File:Envi.png Environmentalism

Animal Welfare was wildly supported throughout Nazi Germany. Many National Socialists were environmentalist and supported animal welfare, and Hitler and his top officials ensured no animal abusing throughout Germany.

Disability Rights

To National Socialism, cripples are considered to be “useless eaters” and will be killed/sent to camps on sight. Mental disabilities fare mildly better than physical disabilites depending on the severity of the disorder, but it usually ends up the same way even in minor cases.


National Socialism detests Slavs and Commies, who are conveniently branded “political dissidents”. He also doesn’t like Gypsies, but let’s be serious; who likes Gypsies anyways? National Socialism also has issues with freemasons, liberals, anarchists and capitalists.



Stylistic Notes

National Socialism can be depicted as a talented and compelling villain, antagonist of the year, 80 years running. However, he could also be depicted just as easily as a raving, incoherent, opportunistic maniac. His weapon of choice is the stylish Luger Pistole Parabellum or occasionally a "flammenwerfer".

  • He may be depicted with a strong German accent.

How to Draw

Flag of Nazism

The flag is based on the flag of Nazi Germany, used between 1936 to 1945.

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Fill the ball in with red.
  3. Add a white circle in the middle.
  4. Draw a black Hakenkreuz inside the white circle.
  5. Draw the eyes and you're finished.
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #DE0000 222, 0, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Black #202020 32, 32, 32


As his actions and beliefs are almost universally regarded as gravely immoral or downright evil, he's generally hated. National Socialism however does find some support occasionally from his less talented understudies.


  • National Syndicalism - MANDATORY UNIONS ARE BASED!
  • Corporatism - Best Economics.
  • Technocracy - Assign people based on skill alone!
  • Cameralism - State-owned economy gang.
  • Irredentism - We must reclaim Deutschland's lost area.
  • Falangism- My Spanish friend.
  • Protectionism - It only makes sense to protect ze industries of ze Fatherland.
  • Nordic Model- Regulated welfare capitalism? Pragmatically based. Nordic? Even more based. But why are most of your followers cucks? And why do you hate me?
  • Esoteric Fascism - If you ignore all the larping, he's pretty epic.
  • Environmentalism - I Love The Environment! And I'm proud to be vegetarian!
  • Fascism - You're the building blocks of my system! But why do you keep switching sides? Admit it, you think Im one of the most based ideologies out there.
  • Cultural Nationalism - Our culture must be protected.
  • Orthodox Theocracy - I allowed him to worship his faith in the brief time I occupied Russia.
  • Volkism - We must restore the glory of our Völk by all means necessary! Also, can you calm down with the paganism around The Church? Without them we can't really get into power... Yes, we can do pagan rituals in secret later.
  • Ethnonationalism - Deutschland über allen!
  • Racial Nationalism - The Aryan Race is best, and we must show the truth of that shall be heard all around the Lebensraum!
  • Eugenicism - The survival of the fittest is the natural order of things, as shown by the struggle between the races. We Aryans are the most evolved humans in the world!
  • Strasserism - Based, but no appreciation of Realpolitik. Got a little too friendly with filthy French industrialists. I think I regret what I did to him, Rest in peace.
  • Machiavellianism - The best way to obtain power.
  • Totalitarianism - It's obvious.
  • National Agrarianism - Blut und Boden!
  • Reactionary Modernism - GERMAN SCIENCE IS THE WORLD'S FINEST! Science and technology are essential to preserve our traditional Aryan values. That’s why we invented stuff like the radio, Volkswagen, V2 rockets and jet engines.

Ehrenarier (Honorary Aryans)

  • Showaism - Fellow axis member. Cool it with China though. He's still my old friend.
  • State Shinto - Why didn't we have the religion of the Japanese, who regard sacrifice for ze Fatherland as the highest good? The most based religion.
  • Chinese Theocracy - The Chinese, along with the Japanese, belong to ancient civilizations, and I admit freely that their past history is superior to our own.
  • Hungarism - Hungarians are honorary.
  • Francoism - Nice job winning that Civil war.


  • National Bolshevism - My.. shameful child.. I still dont know how he came into existence, me and ML hate eachother. Perhaps he was a growth of him? Whatever, at least we share most views that arent economics.
  • Islamic Theocracy - Despite being a twin brother of the filthy J*ws, Islam too would have been much more compatible for us than Christianity. Even if it also asserts that (((they))) are equal to us..
  • National Capitalism - My economically far right, laissez faire son. He became like that when This whoever and his students thought him economics. I still don't get why he calls me and other third positionists (((far left commies))).
  • Christian Democracy - He helped me get in power.
  • Tridemism - We were friends once, too bad he and mein Asian friend are sworn enemies.
  • Chinese Blueshirtism - Compared to Tridemism, you're tolerant towards mein other Asian friend.
  • Black Islamism - You're all a bunch of n*ggers but also Farrakhan praises Hitler and hates (((them))) so that's based.
  • Reactionary Socialism - Your love of tradition and volkish attitude will always be admirable, but you take it too far with the medievalism and all. Never thought I'd say that.
  • Jewish-Nazism - Filthy Jude! Wait, you agree with me?
  • Fourth Theory - My grandson that hates me for some reason despite being a near ideological identical twin to his dad, my weird commie son, who loves and adores me.
  • Positive Christianity - Look mein Kind, you're no good to me if you can't even prove that Jesus wasn't a Jew.
  • Capitalism - I hate (((Bankers))), but you did help me quite a bit so thank you. Maybe DONT let the (((Juden))) control you though?
  • Pagan Theocracy - Heinrich likes you but I don't see the appeal.
  • Kemalism - I admired you, why don't you like me anymore?
  • Christian Theocracy - Eh, as long as you work with me, you're ok.
  • Stalinism - I totally will not invade you some time in the future. I promise.
  • Black Nationalism - Wanting to free yourself from the influence of other races and cultures is based but your race is inferior.


  • Mediacracy - If the Jewish press still thinks it can intimidate the National Socialist movement with veiled threats, and if they think they can get around our defensive measures, they’d better watch out!
  • Zionism - Filthy Jude!
  • Neoconservatism - Imperialism is based but your wars are to "spread democracy" for Israel. Go fuck yourself, Juden!
  • Kahanism - Comment removed by moderator. We can compromise with the Haavara agreement though.
  • Jewish Feminism - Feminism is a Jewish conspiracy, thank you for admitting it, filthy Jude!
  • Neoliberalism - Arbeit Macht Frei, in die Lager mit Ihnen!
  • Pink Capitalism -Und das gilt doppelt für Sie!
  • Jewish Anarchism - Und das gilt verdreifachen für Sie!
  • Queer Anarchism - Und das gilt VERVIERFACHEN für Sie!
  • Democracy - Quite possibly one of the worst systems. Thinks that common citizens can choose a leader themselves. Bullshit!
  • File:Soc.png Socialism - National socialism is the only true form of socialism all others are degenerate Jews!
  • World Federalism - It seems the Zionists are now openly admitting to their plans for world domination, pathetic. You will die like the rest of the worthless untermensch.
  • Illuminatism - Guess what I did to Freemasons?
  • LGBT - TO THE GAS CHAMBERS YOU FILTHY DEGENERATES!!! And I've burned your books.
  • Anti-Environmentalism - To the concentration camps you nature and animal haters!
  • Marxism–Leninism - YOU DESERVED IT THALMANN!
  • File:Prog.png Progressivism - Was ist this Weimar garbage?

Further Information


NSDAP Party Publications (English translations).

US National Socialism


NSDAP Speeches

NSDAP Articles




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