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    Democratic Socialism (DemSoc), not to be confused with Social Democracy, is a left-wing ideology inhabiting around the top center of the libertarian left quadrant. It is one of the more moderate socialists.

    Democratic Socialism seeks to combine Democracy and File:Soc.png Socialism, viewing dominant socialist currents as undemocratic (and usually as not truly socialist, due to this). This is done typically by means of advocating for transition to socialism by Reformist and electoralist means, using Liberal democracy to acheive a socialist society, rather than using revolutionary, or otherwise violent or non-reformist means. Despite the former, sometimes dubbed "Evolutionary Democratic Socialism", or just "Evolutionary Socialism", being by far the most popular Democratic Socialist current, there also exists a form of Democratic Socialism that does support (violent) revolution. Revolutionary Democratic Socialism does not view electoralism as a legitimate or practical way of achieving socialism, but rather supports a revolution to establish a socialist society with democratic governance. In this way, this form of Democratic Socialism is democratic not in its means, like Evolutionary Socialism, but only in its ends.


      United Kingdom  

      Corbynism is based on the political positions of   British MP   Jeremy Corbyn, who was also a former leader of the opposition, former leader of the   Labour Party and former chairman of the   Stop the War Coalition, also responsible for a   left-wing political fandom called "Corbynmania". He has already stated in an interview that he read   Marx a lot, but not that much and some consider him "far left". Its ideals are based on protecting the environment in a "spiritual" way, with strong regulation of the environment and an economy against private investment, salary of 10 pounds an hour, nationalization and re-nationalization of private companies, increased public spending to £500bn, rising inflation, subsidizing regional development, recovering losses from tax evasion and reducing tax benefits by around £93bn.

      United States  

    In the   United States, Democratic Socialism exists in the form of   Sandersism. Sandersism first came around as an ideology in 1972 when Bernie Sanders ran for senator of Vermont under the Liberty Union Party, but lost the vote. He ran for Governor of Vermont as well in the same year but also lost. Bernie Sanders did later become senator of Vermont in 2006 and still has been the senator of Vermont to this day, but is now under the   Vermont Progressive Party (but somewhat independent) rather than the Liberty Union. Though he is still part of the   Senate Democrat Caucaus and runs for president as a   Democrat. His runs for president in 2016 and 2020 put the term 'democratic socialism' into mainstream American political discourse, although his economic policies which more resemble that of   Social Democracy, with him heavily citing the   Nordic Model as an inspiration, makes his classification as a democratic socialist debatable. Nonetheless, democratic socialist organizations like the DSA saw a huge boost in membership after his runs for president, with many of these members like AOC later being elected to congress.


    At the beginning of the 20th century in   Russia, two parties stood on the positions of democratic socialism: the   Mensheviks and the   Socialist-Revolutionaries.

    During the years of   Soviet power, democratic socialism was popular among the opposition.In his “Draft Constitution of the Union of Soviet Republics of Europe and Asia”, Academician A. D. Sakharov reflected the principles of a state with broad democratic rights and a mixed planned market economy, in which entrepreneurs are financially responsible for the social consequences of their activities.

    In 1985,   Mikhail Gorbachev came to power and tried to reform the   Soviet Union.

    Today, many provisions of democratic socialism have broad support in   Russia. According to the All-Russian Poll of VCIOM in February 2006, 46.7% of the population spoke in favor of recreating a strong and socially oriented, but at the same time democratic, state. However, this ideology is almost not associated with the existing socialist or social democratic parties, which were supported by only 4% of the respondents.


    As a result of the elections in   Chile in 1970, the   Popular Unity party, led by   Salvador Allende, came to power. Economic reforms were carried out, as a result of which the US share in the Chilean economy decreased, and workers' self-government was also introduced.

    However, in 1973 this government was overthrown by a military junta led by   Augusto Pinochet.


      Jawaharlal Nehru is an   Indian statesman, political and public figure. Under the mentorship of Mahatma Gandhi, he became Chairman of the Indian National Congress, and later, after the country gained independence on August 15, 1947, the first Prime Minister of India. He remained in this post until May 27, 1964, when he died of a heart attack. Nehru took a neutral position in foreign policy, implying India's independence from both the   Western and   Eastern blocs. In view of this, he, along with   Gamal Abdel Nasser and   Josip Broz Tito, took part in the tripartite consultations that preceded the creation of the Non-Aligned Movement, which unites countries with economies that differ significantly from   capitalism and   soviet central planning. However, he later admitted that the neutral position towards   communism, which pursued an aggressive expansionist policy, was ineffective.   China's attack on   India forced it to move closer to the   NATO countries and abandon its neutrality.

    In domestic politics,   Nehru was an active supporter of   Georgism, while recognizing private initiative as the main functional engine of harmonious economic and social development.


      Chen Duxiu Thought is an ideology based on the ideas of Chen Duxiu, the first general secretary of the   Chinese Communist Party. He believed that   China should not follow the ideas of   Stalin, but should follow the path of   trotskyism and   democratic socialism.

    However, in 1927 he left the post of General Secretary of the CCP, and founded his own faction in 1929. In 1932 he was arrested by the Nationalist government, and in 1942 he died.


      Mélenchonism is an ideology based on the views of the French politician Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He was a member of the   French National Assembly and a member of the   European Parliament. In the 2022 elections, he came close to making it to the second round of the presidential election, with 22%.


      Jonas Sjöstedt is a Swedish politician who was Chairman of the   Left Party from 2012 to 2020, and is a former metal worker. He has also been a member of the   Swedish Parliament since 2010.

    Sjöstedt became politically active in the trade union movement at Volvo's Umeå plant in the early 1990s. Despite the fact that he was elected MEP in 1995 from the Left Party in the united left - the   Northern Green Left. He held this position until his retirement in September 2006. In 2010 he was elected a member of the   Swedish Parliament for Västerbotten. In the election, he came first on the ticket of the   Left Party (which usually receives one representative in that district) and was elected by a personal majority in one part of all the elected electoral votes (for a sufficient sample of more than 8%).

    In January 2020, Sjöstedt announced his intention to step down as leader of the Left Party at the May convention, stating that he wanted to spend more time with his family, who currently lives in   Vietnam. However, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the convention was postponed and Sjöstedt was the group's headquarters until the convention took place on October 31, 2020, when Nushi Dadgostar was elected as his successor.

    Based in New York from 2006 to 2010, Sjöstedt is also a member of the   US Socialist Party. He writes for   Swedish publications, articles for radio and newspapers, as well as history and fiction. Married to a   Swedish diplomat. Ann Mawe, who was a member of the   Swedish delegation to the   UN.

    Beliefs and Views

    Democratic socialism is a   left-wing   democratic and usually   reformist ideology. Its fundamental principles are the same as those of   Social Democracy - freedom, justice and solidarity.


    The economy under democratic socialism ranges from mixed economy and   market-socialist economy to   participatory economy.



    Democratic Socialism acts like one of your typical political teenagers with leftist views you see online. She always talks about how everything should be free and calls everyone she disagrees with a racist or a homophobe.

    How to Draw

    Flag of Democratic Socialism (DSA design)

    USA style

    Drawing Democratic Socialism in this design takes a few steps:

    1. Draw a ball
    2. Fill it with red
    3. Draw a white hand outline coming from the left
    4. Draw a black hand outline coming from the right, that holds onto the white hand
    5. Draw a white rose with 2 white leaves
    6. Draw the eyes and you're done!
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Red #FF1D10 255, 29, 16
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Black #211C1C 33, 28, 28

    Star style

    Flag of Democratic Socialism (Star design)

    Drawing Democratic Socialism in the star style also takes a few steps:

    1. Draw a ball
    2. Fill it with red
    3. Draw a white circle in the center
    4. Draw a smaller blue circle inside the white circle.
    5. Draw a white star over the circle, being careful to leave the points of the star outside of the white circle but the indentations well inside the blue one so this one is still visible
    6. Draw a smaller red star inside the white star
    7. Add the eyes and you're done!
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Red #D60F18 214, 15, 24
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Blue #1E3F7A 30, 63, 122




    •   Conservative Socialism - I like your economic takes, but you a cuckservative!!
    •   Tridemism - Sun Yat-sen's Three Principles of the People are based but you went down the drain quickly with Chiang Kai-shek's oppressive right-wing dictatorship and now I don't know what you are anymore.
    •   Left-Wing Nationalism - You've got great economic takes but I'm not so sure with the nationalism, Allende and Evo were based however.
    •   World Federalism - We actually have quite a bit of history together. Some of my most famous proponents also supported you, but I hate how you can often be imperialistic.
    •   Khrushchevism - Authoritarian, but did manage to De-Stalinize the USSR.
    •   Social Libertarianism - I like your decentralization but when are you going to seize the means of production?
    •   Marxism - You’re way too extreme. Also why do you keep saying I am a Marxist Communist?! And why do you hate   Mom?
    •   Chavismo - A little too authoritarian but I still support him against American imperialism. America should lift the sanctions on Venezuela even though Maduro is kinda cringe and much worse than his predecessor Chavez.
    •   Nordic Model - You're ok I guess. Just wish everyone in the US would stop thinking you're me.
    •   Trotskyism - You're the part of us in the past, Then you betrayed us by join   him, But Chen Duxiu is based.
    •   Ba'athism - As much as I despise both Saddam and Assad (the latter isn't even a socialist), the Iraq War and foreign intervention in the Syrian civil war made things much worse and led to the rise of ISIS.
    •   Ho Chi Minh Thought   - Same as above. The US had no place in the Vietnam War but Vietnam is a repressive and now authoritarian capitalist one-party dictatorship like China.


    Further Information



    Political Parties




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    Template:Leftunity Template:Socs

    1. Clement Attlee believed "a conscientious constitutional Monarch is a strong element of stability and continuity in our constitution.”
    2. https://quotefancy.com/quote/1341913/Jawaharlal-Nehru-I-have-long-believed-that-the-only-way-peace-can-be-achieved-is-through
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