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*[[File:Fem.png]] [[Feminism|Nadezhda Tolokonnikova]] (1989-) [[File:Cball-Russia.png]] Russia
*[[File:UKLab.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Zarah Sultana]] (1993-) [[File:Cball-UK.png]] UK
*[[File:Sternenko.png]] [[National Liberalism|Serhii Sternenko]] (1995-), [[File:Cball-Ukraine.png]] Ukraine}}
[[File:PanAsian.png]] '''Asia/[[File:Cball-Australia.png]] Oceania ''' {{Collapse|
*[[File:ChenDuxiu.png]] [[Democratic Socialism|Chen]] [[Trotskyism|Duxiu]] (1879-1942) [[File:Cball-Taiwan.png]] China

Revision as of 04:42, 12 August 2022

Template:Stub{{Ideology |image = anti auth.png |title = Anti-Authoritarianism |caption = ‘‘Hands off my liberty!’’ |aliases = Anti-Auth
Anti-Authoritarian Aktion (AAA)
Anti-Dengism (In China and many pan-Chinese communities such as Taiwanese and Hong Kongese communities)
Anti-Putinism (In Russia and many pan-Slavic communities)
Democracy Defender
Iron Front (in Germany)
Original Anti-Fascism
Sam-Kib (In Thailand, especially by Salims and Thai ultra-royalists)
🪳Cockroach (gat zat, 曱甴) (In Hong Kong especially Pro-Beijing factions)
The "Milk Tea Alliance" (In Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand and Myanmar)
Russian Opposition/Liberalism (raised in popularity since 2021/22)
The "Nation Alliance" (In Turkey)
Bobalib (By Tankies and Dengism)
Zmagar (In Belarus, perjoratively)
Color Revolution (In most authoritarian regimes such as Russia and China)
The Assassin Brotherhood (Assassin's Creed)
G**ksano (By some Asian leftists)
CIA-backed Vagino-Anal Hunger Games revolution (By Andrew Anglin)
The American Resistance (The Man in the High Castle)
Anonymous |alignments = LibUnity
Syncretic |themecolor = 000000 |textcolor = #FFFFFF |influences = Civil Libertarianism
Horseshoe Centrism

|influenced = Anti-Fascism
Aung San Suu Kyi Thought
Authentic Radical Liberalism
Chen Duxiu Thought
File:Djilas2.png Đilasism
Kubitschekism (some)
File:Kraut.png Krautism
Libertarian Socialism
Manosphere (Some)
Roh Moo-hyun Thought
Portuguese Social Democracy
Serious Soulism
Social Libertarianism
Vaclav Havel Thought
Yingluckism |theorists =


Asia/ Oceania

Anti-Authoritarianism, sometimes known as Anti-Auth for short, is a civically liberal to libertarian ideology whose sole defining characteristic is fervent, uncompromising opposition to Authoritarianism and strong state power.

Anti-Auth's passion for policies and direct action against authoritarian ideologies, as well as their ability to work with anyone on the economic and cultural spectrum if they share his libertarian values, makes him an ideology that unites both libertarian quadrants, "the epitome of LibUnity", as one might say.

In the Polcompball canon, Anti-Auth is represented by the "three arrows", a symbol used by the Iron Front and the German Social Democratic Party in the 1930s as a symbol of resistance to National Socialism, Monarchism, and Stalinism and used in present-day contexts as a symbol of anti-fascism[2].


Opposition to authoritarianism does not have a specific date or era, but some signs of rebellion against authorities can be seen in ancient empires and against some chiefs. An ancient example would be in Greek mythology, in which the titan Prometheus, rebelled against Zeus, stealing fire and giving it to mortals, also taking knowledge, making Zeus chain him and torture him for eternity. Another example in Greece could be the philosopher Diogenes, who was against slavery and even mocked Alexander the Great in front of himself. The Sophists (original concept) were philosophers who charged to teach philosophy and contradicted Plato and Aristotle, their elitisms and the aristocracy. In Egypt, an act of rebellion could be the escape of Israeli slaves led by Moses, even though it was somewhat selective and theocratic. In the Roman empire, several persecuted and opposing Christians were killed and tortured, as in the Brazen bull tortures, in addition to several internal riots.

Jumping back in time, there was a lot of resistance against the Mongol Empire, which after several revolts and the death of the emperors, ended up causing the Mongol empire to fall and being divided into several kingdoms, so much so that in 1335 Persia fell into anarchy. In the Middle Ages, many people who disobeyed or opposed the Catholic Church were tortured and killed, as in the Inquisition, many being called "witches". It is worth mentioning that Cospaia, (IRL Ancapitan) was also an opposition to the church, which had a tobacco trade and a refuge for Jews. A notable case of opposition was against the physicist Galileo Galilei. During the great navigations, there was slavery of natives and the slave trade, with slave revolts throughout the colonies, both British, Spanish, Dutch, French and Portuguese, some being encouraged by some Jesuits. Initially, the Protestant Reformation, led by Martin Luther, went against the authority of the Pope and the church by translating the Bible from Latin into German, but Luther took a more authoritarian and anti-Semitic stance, inspiring future authoritarian movements and governments. There was also resistance from the Irish against the British imperialists, being suppressed by Oliver Cromwell. As for the Renaissance artists, there were also rejections and criticisms from the church against, but not as much as the other examples mentioned.

Both in the American War of Independence and in the French Revolution, several people wanted to overthrow the oligarchic and authoritarian system, but unintentionally brought to power either a slave-holding government (American case) or more brutal than its predecessor (France). There was also an increase in Enlightenment ideals around the world, such as "Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité", being an affront to absolutist monarchies. With the arrival of the industrial revolution and the transition to modern capitalism, there was an increase in both anarchist and Marxist writing, as well as an explosion of trade unions and the media (thanks to the rise of technology). After the First World War, there was an increase in rebellions against governments, as in the case of the Irish and the Weimar Republic (especially the Iron Front), in addition to the American government having reduced authoritarianism and having adopted a more isolationist policy in the Harding and Coolidge. After the crisis of 29, there was an increase in the appreciation of authoritarianism and aversion to liberal ideals, visible in the increase in the popularity of the Nazi Party, with little resistance.

During World War II and the rise of global fascism, there were rebellions and sabotages in Nazi Germany's concentration camps or rebellions by governments in exile, as in the case of the Czechoslovak government that killed Reinhard Heydrich. There was also sabotage on the part of some German officers and businessmen to prevent genocide, as in the case of John Rabe who avoided a genocide in Nanking and Oskar Schindler who saved Jews from the camps and put them in his factories, in addition to the German economy minister Hjalmar Schacht having unsuccessfully trying to kill Hitler. In Showa Japan, several who rebelled against Japan in its colonies were persecuted, killed and tortured, leaving masques in the countries until today, some were avoided, as already said in the case of Rabe, having several anti-Japanese rebellions. In Mussolini's Italy, there was also resistance from anarchists, liberals and anti-fascists, in which after the second invasion, along with Brazil (Smoking Cobras), UK and anti-fascists, Mussolini was executed in public. After the horrors caused by Nazism were exposed to the public, anti-authoritarianism gained significant strength, which would sometimes be reflected in the Cold War.

In the cold war, with the rise of authoritarianism and imperialism (in fact) on both the right and the left. There were protests, revolts, movements, guerrillas, among others, in the puppet dictatorships of both the United States and the USSR, in the former African colonies, in Latin America (Operation Condor), Eastern Europe and Southeast Asia. After the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of Neoliberalism and the internet, anti-authoritarianism gained strength as never before, in which opposition to authoritarian governments such as Russia and China is evident, as well as criticism of government actions considered authoritarian, such as American surveillance. and measures in the pandemic (accusations).

A 1932 Social Democratic Party of Germany poster with Three Arrows representing resistance against Monarchism, Nazism and Communism, with the slogan "Against Papen, Hitler, Thälmann"

Iron Front

Iron Front (German: Eiserne Front) was a German paramilitary group affiliated with the SPD formed in 1931 in the Weimar Republic against the rise of authoritarianism, in which it opposed authoritarian ideologies of the time, such as the Monarchy (Franz von Papen), Nazism (Adolf Hitler) and Communism (Ernst Thälmann), in which Thälmann accused them of being "terrorist" and "social fascist". The group was opposed to the NSDAP and the KDP, (whose last was seen as the main enemy) intended to bring together trade unionists, democratic socialists, liberals and social liberals as a form of defense against the "anti-republics". They used the "three arrows", a symbol against the aforementioned enemies of democracy. The group dissolved in 1933, with the crushing of the unions, currently the symbols are used as a symbol of the "fight against authoritarianism and totalitarianism".

Milk Tea Alliance

Milk Tea Alliance is a decentralized online democracy and human rights movement in Hong Kong, Republic of China (Taiwan) (Boba), Myanmar (Burmese lahpet), Thailand (Thai Tea) and occasionally India. It initially started as an internet meme dedicated to purely opposing Dengism before moving on to opposing all authoritarian leaders and ideologies in the aforementioned areas, which later included countries that share a similar national drink (tea), such as Philippines, Malaysia (Teh Tarik), Indonesia, Belarus (Ryazhenka) and Iran (Chai), although they are not considered as canon countries or their movements are not significant in these regions. The Diplomat describes the Milk Tea Alliance, despite it not being institutionalized, as a pro-democracy alternative to ASEAN. However, unlike Iron Front, the Milk Tea Alliance wants to merely reform the Thai monarchy instead of (although a fringe faction of them do advocate) abolishing it, taking inspiration from the Khana Ratsadon's proclamation during the 1932 Siamese Revolution.


Anonymous is a decentralized international activist and hacktivist collective and movement primarily known for its various cyberattacks against several governments, government institutions and government agencies, corporations and the Church of Scientology. The main purpose of the movement is Anti-cyber-surveillance, Anti-cyber-censorship, Internet activism, and internet vigilantism. Targets of Anonymous hacktivism included government agencies of the United States, Israel, Tunisia, Uganda, and the Islamic State. While there is no uniform ideology or goal, with infighting being noted at times such as with the 2016 US election. They have had a profound impact on political activism especially on social media. However, in more recent years due to improved cybersecurity across the web, especially for major corporations and governments, various affiliates utilization of internet hacking as a means to spread social change anonymously have increasingly led to less success as methods became entirely unsophisticated or just outdated. With the collective largely being in near hibernation state between the years of 2015 to 2020. The movement made a massive resurgence in light of the murder of George Floyd where the collective had been responsible for hacking numerous police agencies leading to the #BlueLeaks hashtag trending. And bringing to light the increasing amounts of internet surveillance done by law enforcement against ordinary people. Currently the collective is still active, albeit with less power than prior years.

Russian Opposition



EndSARS is a decentralized movement and a Nigerian hashtag calling for an end to the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS), generating protests that were brutally repressed by the Nigerian police. The reason for the end of SARS would be the countless accusations of torture, extortion, disappearances, imprisonment of children, organ harvesting, rape, assaults and robberies (ironically), among countless other crimes. There were protests around Nigeria and some parts of the world, in which the Nigerian government froze the activists' bank accounts and carried out some executions, causing various artists, corporations and tech startups to support the idea, along with the BLM and the Feminist Coalition.

In 2020, SARS was dissolved, being replaced by the Special Weapon and Tactics Team (SWAT), but it was also accused of brutality, causing the protests to continue.


Is obviously not too fond of Authoritarian ideologies from the left, right, or centre and will oppose them whenever possible.

The three white arrows represent anti-Monarchism, anti-Stalinism, and anti-Fascism.

How to Draw

Flag of Anti-Authoritarianism
  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with a near-black colour
  3. Draw the "three arrows" symbol in white
  4. Add the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
Black #141414 20, 20, 20




  • Left Unity & Right Unity - At least they try...
  • Anti-Radicalism - We agree on our opposition to the authoritarian quadrants, but radicalism is good if it's in favor of liberty for the people and you can support moderate authoritarians.
  • Anti-Fascism - A pleasant acquaintance, but you're way too lenient with the authoritarian leftists like Stalin or Mao. Also, Why don't You support Freedom of Speech?
  • Libertarian Monarchism & Anarcho-Monarchism - Yes, you're libertarian, but you are both disgusting monarchists. Shouldn't you guys oppose monarchism?
  • Nation Alliance - Based Turkish ally……wait, why do you admire the man who had "Statism" as a built-in doctrine?
  • Liberal Tridemism - Similar to the above. We could be buddies but you have to defend Chiang Kai-shek the 228 demon.
  • Manosphere - While I can understand that you are against feminism due to claiming that they have a "totalitarian inclination", but why do you support authoritarian regimes when it comes to anti-feminists and Women's rights abuse, such as the Taliban?
  • Zhao Ziyang Thought - Based. But why did you call for restraint when I fought against his dictatorship?


Further Information



List of pro-democracy protests, and other movements against authoritarianism


Online communities




  1. Several artists like Cardi B, Beyonce, Rihanna, among others and corporations like Google (Africa) and Twitter showed support for the protests.


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