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    Pancasila, or Pancasilaism, is the official, foundational philosophical theory of Indonesia, based on the five principles created during the start of the Indonesian National Revolution. this ideology was at first discussed by the founding fathers of Indonesia, namely Ir. Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta, Mohammad Yamin, Dr. Soepomo, and the council of BPUPKI/Badan Penyelidik Usaha-usaha Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia (Investigating Committee for Preparatory Work for Independence) and PPKI/Panitia Persiapan Kemerdekaan Indonesia Preparatory Committee for Indonesian Independence).

    "We must all build national unity, build all revolutionary forces, into one powerful wave to sweep away our main enemy, political imperialism and economic imperialism."

    This ideology has been revised several times during the revolution and after the revolution, namely in the events of the Jakarta Charter, in which, the old first Sila was changed into a more "religiously universal" version. the old first Sila was "Ketuhanan dengan kewajiban menjalankan syariat Islam bagi pemeluk-pemeluknya" (Godhood by the obligations of Islamic Sharia for Muslims), which was regarded as fundamentally islamic, and therefore unfit for a rather diverse country in terms of religion.


      Sukarno's rule

    Flag of Marhaenism

      Marhaenism is a economically left political ideology developed by the First President of Indonesia Sukarno, as a form from   socio-Nationalism,   socio-Democracy, national unity, culture, collectivist economics, and is formally defined as "Marxism adapted to Indonesian conditions" or just "Marxism with Indonesian Characteristics".

    It was established as an   anti-Capitalist and anti-Imperialist ideology that promotes   Democratic rights in opposition to   Authoritarianism, while condemning   Liberalism and Individualism.

    The economic system of Marhaenism, goods that are not/have been needed will not be produced, because everyone in the household certainly ensures the profile and level of its own needs before making anything, sort of a more civilian approach to Autarky. The economy under the Sukarno era was heavily regulated, and poverty and malnutrition were rampant, leading to the rise of PKI insurgents.

    Although generally thought of as a more radical version of what is essentially   Agrarian Socialism, Marhaenism itself as said by Soekarno, is a third-position styled belief. it mixed Indonesian   Ultranationalism, American Rights of independence, and Marxist Ideals from the Communist Manifesto.

    It is common to mistake Marhaenism as something that isn't as wacky as national bolshevism, although it can be seen that it is inherently Ultranationalistic, as seen in Sukarno's policies on the acts of Konfrontasi and general policies of anti-western and anti-eastern influences. in 1960, as according to Soekarno's own words in the UN General Court, he specifically stated that his own personal ideology was a sublimation between both Russian-styled   Bolshevism and American-styled   Nationalism, added with a mix of   Pancasila.

      New Order

      Suharto was an Indonesian   army officer and politician, who served as the second and the longest serving president of   Indonesia through a repressive military dictatorship from 1967 until his own resignation in 1998.

    The future military dictator grew up under   the Dutch   Colonial Era and joined the Royal Netherlands East Indies Army (KNIL) in June 1940 at the age of 19. During the   Japanese occupation era, Suharto changed allegiance to serve in the Japanese-organized Indonesian security forces, PETA. After the Japanese surrender in the Pacific to the Allied, independence leaders   Sukarno and Hatta declared Indonesian independence and were appointed president and vice-president respectively of the new Republic. Under the new government, Suharto joined Indonesian Army to fight the Dutch forces who had returned to take back control over their former colony. Throughout the 1950s, as a colonel, Suharto would crack down hard on uprisings of Dutch collaborators and   Islamic extremists. Throughout the rule of socialist Sukarno, the Communist Party of Indonesia, PKI which was closely affiliated with Sukarno’s regime, increased massively in numbers and popularity upsetting both the Indonesian military and the US who would do anything to prevent a communist take-over in the country.

    Due to a combination of Sukarno’s extensive nationalizations, autarky, and foreign sabotage by   the CIA, the economy of Indonesia deteriorated rapidly, resulting in widespread poverty and hunger and foreign debt obligations became unmanageable, and infrastructure crumbled.

    On 30 September 1965, six generals were killed by a group calling themselves the 30 September Movement who alleged a right-wing plot to kill the President. General Suharto led the army in suppressing the abortive coup attempt which blamed the PKI for. After the events surrounding the 30 September Movement of 1965, General Suharto took control of the country in a Western-backed military overthrow of the Sukarno-led government in an event that came to be known as the Transition to the New Order. What followed was the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66, large-scale killings and civil unrest that occurred in Indonesia over several months, targeting PKI members, communist sympathizers, Gerwani women,   feminists, ethnic Javanese Abangan, and ethnic Chinese among other dissidents that were suspected to hold left-wing views. The Indonesian genocide was directly supported by the US,   British  , and   Australian intelligence services which provided weapons and logistical support for the Indonesian army and “kill lists” of suspected dissidents. According to the most widely published estimates, at least 500,000 to 1.2 million people were killed over the course of 2 years.¨

    From 1966 to 1967, to promote the assimilation of Chinese Indonesians, the Suharto government passed several laws as part of the so-called "Basic Policy for the Solution of Chinese Problem", which included banning all Chinese cultural and religious expressions from public space, prohibition of Chinese schools, and encouraging ethnic Chinese to take Indonesian-sounding names.

    Suharto proceeded with social engineering projects designed to transform Indonesian society into a de-politicized "floating mass" supportive of the national mission of "development", a concept reminiscent of   corporatism, but in practice was crony capitalism. The New Order regime created and required all civil servants and employees of the state- and local government-owned enterprises. and those of Bank Indonesia to join KORPRI (the Employees' Corps of the Republic of Indonesia) to ensure their loyalty.

    Suharto enlisted a group of mostly US-educated Indonesian economists, dubbed the "Berkeley Mafia", to formulate government economic policy to solve the economic crisis left by the Sukarno era. By cutting subsidies and government debt, and reforming the exchange rate mechanism, inflation dropped from 660% in 1966 to 19% in 1969. Sukarno's economic autarky policies were reversed by opening selected economic sectors of the country to foreign investment under the new Foreign Investment Law of January 1967 and foreign companies that had previously nationalized were re-privatized and returned to their original owners. The government began a series of large-scale intensive investments in infrastructure under a series of five-year plans. Indonesia experienced massive economic growth during the New Order coincided with rapid expansion in   corruption, collusion, and nepotism as Suharto used his dictatorial rule to enrich himself and his family and cronies, Suharto embezzled 15 to 35 billion dollars which makes him the most corrupt politician in the history of the world.

    In 1974, the neighboring colony of Portuguese Timor descended into civil war after the withdrawal of   Portuguese colonial authority following the Carnation Revolution, whereby the leftist-leaning Fretilin emerged triumphant. Western governments persuaded Suharto to intervene in East Timor to prevent socialism from prevailing in the former Portuguese colony. Suharto authorized a full-scale invasion of the colony on 7 December 1975 followed by its official annexation as Indonesia's 27th province of East Timor in July 1976. The United States under   Gerald Ford and   Jimmy Carter furnished over $250,000,000 of military assistance to Indonesia between 1975 and 1979. An estimated minimum of 90,800 and maximum of 213,600 conflict-related deaths occurred in East Timor during the Indonesian occupation that lasted until 1999.

    Suharto ruthlessly suppressed elements that he perceived to be a threat to the New Order society. From 1983 to 1985, army death squads murdered up to 10,000 suspected   criminals in response to a spike in crime rate. Attacks on police by the resurgent   Gaddafi-aided   Free Aceh Movement in 1989 led to a brutal military operation that killed up to 12,000 people, mostly civilians.

    By the 1980s Western concern over Communism waned with the end of the Cold War, leading Suharto's human-rights record to come under greater international scrutiny and the New Order regime lost much of its support from the western governments that helped its rise to power in the first place. By the 1990s, elements of the growing Indonesian middle class, created by Suharto's economic development, were becoming restless with his autocracy and his family's brazen corruption, fueling demands for   reform of the 30-year-old New Order system.

    By 1996,   Megawati Sukarnoputri, the daughter of Sukarno and chairwoman of   PDI, became the rallying point for this growing discontent. In response, Suharto backed a co-opted faction of the PDI led by Suryadi, which removed Megawati from the chair. On 27 July 1996, an attack by soldiers and hired thugs led by Lieutenant-General Sutiyoso on demonstrating Megawati supporters in Jakarta resulted in fatal riots and looting. Suharto's grip on power weakened following severe economic and political crises that stemmed from the 1997 Asian financial crisis. The economy suffered a flight of foreign capital, leading to a drastic drop in the value of the Indonesian rupiah, which severely impacted the economy and people's livelihoods. Persuaded by US President   Bill Clinton, Suharto turned to   IMF and accepted their structural adjustment programs to bring Indonesia out of the economic crisis. However, things did not get better and in May 1998 massive riots broke out triggered by corruption, and economic problems, including food shortages and mass unemployment. Many within the Military government actively supported the riots as they had too lost faith in Suharto’s reign.

    On 21 May, Suharto resigned and was replaced by former Vice-President B.J Habibie, and the New Order Military Regime finally came to an end with a period of political reform ("Reformasi") followed that would lead to the transition to   democracy.

      Modern Day

      Megawati Sukarnoputri - WIP

      Joko Widodo - WIP


    Garuda Pancasila principles

      Belief in God (Ketuhanan yang Maha Esa)

    1. Believe and be takwa (i.e. god-fearing) to the One True God according to their respective religions and beliefs according to the basis of a just and civilized humanity.
    2. Respect and cooperation between religious people and adherents of different faiths so that harmony is built, as said in the national motto.
    3. Mutual respect for the freedom to worship according to their religion and beliefs.
    4. Forced conversions are deemed inhumane and uncivilized.
    5. Atheism and agnosticism is regarded as the lowest tier in society (as according to national law).

      A Fair and Civilized Humanity (Kemanusiaan yang Adil dan Beradab)

    1. Recognizing the equality of rights and equality of duty between fellow human beings.
    2. Love each other.
    3. Develop a tolerant attitude.
    4. Uphold the values of humanity.
    5. Encouragement of humanitarian activities and aids.

      Unity in Indonesia (Persatuan Indonesia)

    1. Placing unity, interests, and the safety of nation and country above personal or factional interests.
    2. Willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the nation and the country.
    3. Love the homeland and the nation, with the promotion of patriotism and nationalism.
    4. The feelings of pride as an Indonesian, recognizing our cultural heritage as seafarers.
    5. Advancing association for the unity and unity of the nation with the motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity).

      Democracy (Kerakyatan yang Dipimpin oleh Hikmat Kebijaksanaan dalam Permusyawaratan/Perwakilan)

    1. Put the interests of the country and society first.
    2. The deliberations to reach consensus are covered by the spirit of kinship.
    3. With good faith and a sense of responsibility to accept and carry out the results of deliberations.
    4. Deliberation is done with common sense and in accordance with a noble conscience.
    5. Decisions taken must be morally accountable to the One True God, upholding human dignity and dignity and the values of truth and justice.

      Social Justice (Keadilan Sosial bagi Seluruh Rakyat Indonesia)

    1. Develop sublime deeds that reflect the attitude and atmosphere of kinship and gotong-royong (communal shared work).
    2. Maintaining a balance between rights and obligations.
    3. Respect for the rights of others.
    4. Do not commit acts that harm the public interest.
    5. Tolerance and hard work for the betterment of a society as a whole regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, and backgrounds.


    Pancasila is portrayed as having the personality of Sukarno; radiant, charismatic, and confident. Just like Sukarno in real life, the ideology itself despised Western colonialism and Eastern Imperialism, although funny enough, Sukarno has a soft spot for Japanese Imperialism

    How to Draw

    Flag of Pancasila

    The symbol used to represent Pancasila within Polcompball is based on the Garuda Pancasila, the national coat of arms of Indonesia. The five sections within the coat of arms of indonesia represent the five principles of the ideology.

    The blazon of Garuda Pancasila is such:

    A shield representing the national ideology Pancasila ("The Five Principles"). Blazon: Quarterly Gules and Argent (national colours), parted per fess by a thick line Sable (symbolising the Equator); in the 1st quarter a banteng (Javanese wild bull) cabossed proper (for the 4th Principle), in the 2nd quarter a banyan tree proper (for the 3rd Principle), in the 3rd quarter a sprig each of paddy and cotton both proper (for the 5th Principle), in the 4th quarter a ring of chains Or (for the 2nd Principle); on an inescutcheon, Sable a mullet Or (for the 1st Principle).

    The ball is drawn as follows:

    1. Draw a ball.
    2. Color in a sideways version of the Indonesian flag with a white star on the red part
    3. Draw a shield and a smaller shield inside
    4. Divide the larger shield into four parts
    5. Colour the top left and bottom right of the larger shield with red, bottom left and top right with white
    6. Draw the symbols
    7. Give it a black Songkok.
    Color Name HEX RGB
    Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
    White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255
    Burly Wood Brown #DEB887 222, 184, 135
    Cyber Yellow #FFD300 255, 211, 0
    Black #141414 20, 20, 20
    Chartreuse Green #7FFF00 127, 255, 0




    •   Authoritarianism (  Left-Pancasila) - Even though you're good at stabilizing the country, you're just going to make more suffering. Still necessary though.
    •   Kemalism - Your nationalism and democracy are based, but why secularism? Thanks for your anti-imperialist, modernist, and nationalist inspirations for me though.
    •   Tridemism - You're quite similar to the above, but with half the principles. Your principles, especially nationalism, socialism, and welfarism, also greatly inspired me like the above.
    •   Marhaenism (  Right-Pancaslia) - My founding father, I once admired you, but you have become so weak towards the communists, and my time has come……


    Further Information







    1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nasakom
    2. Sukarno’s Weltanschauung, a phrase that he borrowed from Hitler(one of his main Influences). How do we know he got this from Hitler and not just Germany in general? Sukarno himself said that he read Mein Kampf when he was young. And there is no substantive evidence for any other German statesmen during that time to be as influential to the world other than Adolf Hitler and the nazis. https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/3023444.pdf?refreqid=fastly-default%3A3b22913a7b7e21fee8bfdd24a6d0b63c&ab_segments=&origin=&initiator=&acceptTC=1
    3. Sukarno,an Autobiography pg 21
    4. The Nasakom ideology was an attempt by Sukarno to create an Indonesian form of socialism which would mix socialist and nationalist ideas and adapt them to the unique Indonesian situation of a nation of thousands of islands, many ethnic groups, and diverse religions.
    5. https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/indonesias-parliament-passes-controversial-new-criminal-code-2022-12-06/
    6. The CIA and KGB Both Tried to Blackmail This World Leader With Sex Tapes
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