Christian Democracy

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Christian Democracy is an economically centre-left to centre-right (largely depending on his opposition), moderately authoritarian and culturally centre-left to right-wing ideology, born out of an affair between Christian Theocracy and Liberal Democracy.

Christian Democracy's beliefs largely vary from country to country, and unlike his father he isn't necessarily Catholic. What usually stays consistent is the belief that the state that works within a democratic framework should enforce traditional values of the church.


Christian Democracy can be traced back to the philosophical views of Thomas Aquinas and his thoughts on Christian tradition. According to Aquinas, human rights are based on natural law and are defined as things that humans would need to survive. For example, food is a natural right because without it a human cannot function.

Christian Democracy began to gain more prominence after the French Revolution where French Republicanism and the Catholic Church were hostile towards one another. The Catholic Church was initially against liberalism, capitalism, and democracy, as they saw them as destructive towards the traditional family lifestyle, promoting selfishness, and allowing permissive and self-indulgent behavior to thrive.

During the latter half of the 19th century, there were many Catholic political movements which encouraged the Catholic Church to become more involved in modern politics. Many of these movements were united in their opposition to liberal secularism, civil marriage, public education, and separation of church and state. These groups were not entirely against democracy however as they saw democracy as being a politically expedient tool rather than being the best political system. Similar movements were being founded in Protestant countries by more conservative Protestants in reaction to secularization.

After World War II, many Protestant and Catholic political activists helped rebuild Western Europe and established democracy in the war-torn continent. Christian Democracy was favored by many because it was seen as a politically neutral and unifying movement separate from destructive Fascism or chaotic Communism. Christian Democracy was particularly successful in West Germany, where many had come to detest Adolf Hitler's regime for its authoritarianism and promotion of paganism (by numerous factions).

Christian Democracy has been embraced by many Catholics in Europe and Latin America as well as by some Protestant and Orthodox Christians. While some Christian Democrat parties have become more secular in recent years, many still support intermediary organizations that can operate between the state and the individual. It is common for Christian Democrat parties to support church-operated schools, hospitals, charities and social insurance funds, usually having payroll taxes or social welfare funding these institutions. They may also support their own labor unions that are organized in their own Christian trade unions separate from their own socialist counterparts.


  Kanye West Thought

Kanye West Thought is based on the political beliefs of rapper, producer, and 2020 Presidential candidate, Kanye West. West initially announced he would run for President at the 2015 VMAs. In November 2016, West announced he was a supporter of the new President-Elect   Donald Trump and met him a month later. In 2018 West had befriended pro-Trump, Alt-Lite political commentator   Candace Owens. West also stated his presidential run would be a mix of "the Trump campaign and maybe the   Bernie Sanders principles".

West ran on a   Progressive Conservative platform advocating   Eco-Conservatism,   Fiscal Conservatism, supporting the arts and faith-based organizations, prison reform, and ending police brutality. In June 2020 West participated in the George Floyd protests and donated $2 million to victims of the rioting. West cited the fictional country of Wakanda as a model on which he wanted to base his government, which meant that he wanted to be advised by   Technocratic experts on scientific issues. West was staunchly   anti-abortion going as far as proposing to offer $1 million to mothers who would choose not to abort their children.

In 2022 West made multiple   Anti-Semitic statements saying he was "going death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE". These statements caused West to lose many sponsors, most notably Adidas. West also faced backlash for appearing at a dinner with   Donald Trump and   Nick Fuentes at Mar-a-Lago where he apparently asked Trump to be his running mate in 2024. Later on   The Alex Jones Show, West stated how he loved   Adolf Hitler.

  Christian Social Democracy  

Christian Social Democracy, also known as Social Christianity, is a form of Christian democracy that is center-left in its economics, culturally variable (depending on the theology), and civically variable. It differs itself from center-right neoliberalism that is often practiced by this ideology with its support for economic distributionism (depends, not always), a mixed/social market economy, and a welfare state justified under the teachings of Christian theology.

  American Solidarianism

American Solidarianism, formerly known as the Christian Democratic Party, is an economically center-left to left-wing, culturally center-right political party in the United States. It's motto is "Common Good, Common Ground, Common Sense".

The American Solidarity Party has been characterized as socially conservative while supporting fiscally progressive economic policies. The ASP encourages social development along the lines of subsidiarity and sphere sovereignty, with a stated emphasis on "the importance of strong families, local communities, and voluntary associations". It favors fiscally progressive policies and a social market economy with a distributist character and providing a social safety net program.

The American Solidarity Party largely adheres to the ideology of Christian democracy, which has been influenced by Catholic social teaching, Neo-Calvinist theology and the social teachings espoused by other traditions of Christianity in various parts of the world. As such, the ASP looks to the Christian democratic movements in Europe and the Americas.

Socially, the party opposes pornography and prostitution, euthanasia, abortion, capital punishment, same-sex marriage, and other things that are deemed to be detrimental to the basis of the sanctity of human life. It views family as being central to society. On foreign matters, it is non-interventionist, favoring peaceful diplomacy as a guiding principle. It supports fair-trade, foreign aid, and opposing violent military action. Economically, the ASP supports a universal healthcare system, as well as an economy containing widespread distribution of productive property, in particular increased worker ownership and management of their production.

  Christian Democratic Unionism

Christian Democratic Unionism, clipped with the CDU, is a Christian-democratic and liberal-conservative political party in Germany. It is the major catch-all party of the center-right in the German politics. It is culturally and economically center-right, statist, and diplomatically globalist.



Gremialismo, or Guildism, is a religious, conservative, and social ideology based on the social doctrine of the Church,   neoconservatism,   anti-communism and   Catholic nationalism that calls for the   depoliticization of intermediate bodies, being against which political parties or political ideas enter civil society.

In Chile, guildism was the doctrinal support of the conservative movement, born in the second half of the 1960s, which led the opposition to the university reform promoted by the centrist groups like DCU and JCU.


Christian Democracy, like his   father, is a devout Christian, though he is also heavily in favor of liberal democracy. While he is Catholic in his original German and Italian forms, his sect of Christianity depends heavily on which party he is representing. He tends to have liberal to moderately conservative social views, and while he is heavily opposed to all forms of   communism, he is usually opposed to uninhibited capitalism, often favoring a more moderate form of   distributism.

How to Draw

Flag of Christian Democracy

Drawing Christian Democracy is very easy:

  1. Draw a ball
  2. Fill it with Yellowish-Orange (#FCC52b)
  3. Draw an Orange (#FC8922) Cross on it
  4. Draw the eyes and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Yellowish-Orange #FCC52B 252, 197, 43
Orange #FC8922 252, 137, 34


The Crew


  •   Neoliberalism - Vote stealer. We often agree on economics, but you should accept a robust welfare state.
  •   Liberalism - While your underlying government system is generally the right one, your social system favors the individual at the expense of the community, and we can't have that in place.
  •   Social Democracy - While your underlying government system is generally in the right place, your social system favors the community at the expense of the individual and we can't have that, either.
  •   Welfare Chauvinism - He's a Conservative too, but a bit too Nationalistic, and honestly kind of racist. Go ask   that weirdo instead.
  •   Christian Socialism - We must help the poor in our policy, although I'm not sure if abolishing wage labor is necessarily the right way to do it.
  •   Christian Theocracy,   Catholic Theocracy,   Orthodox Theocracy,   State Oriental Orthodoxy &   Protestant Theocracy - I understand that it is normal to have one's religion influence policy, yet I am quite wary of imposing one's religion onto the population. Does Jesus not have the sole authority?
  •   LGBT Conservatism - What the... just don't be too flamboyant about it and we've got a deal.
  •   Falangism - I admire your devotion to Christ, but you should get along with the times.
  •   Liberation Theology - I like your drive, but stop that revolution thing is ridiculous.
  •   Neoconservatism - We often overlap as we both hate Communism and Islamism, believing that they should be fought at all costs. But what you do in other countries is not what Jesus wants...
  •   Paleoconservatism - Let's just say you are more culturally defined than neocon, but Fuentes is a degenerate clerofascist.
  •   Trumpism - A blend of the two above, I'm glad you started to move more to The Christian Right when you started running but your methods are still a bit too far, if something, I prefer Pence myself . Also, why didn't you handshake Merkel???
  •   Islamic Democracy - We shall coexist in the belief of God, and Democracy! But, come on, Jesus is totally God's son.

Find God

Further Information

For overlapping political theory see:   Catholic Theocracy,   Christian Theocracy,  Distributism,   Longism,   Ordo-Liberalism





  • W.I.P.

Online Communities

External Links


  1. After 1999
  3. In 1934, in his book Service Public, François de La Rocque wrote that “The United States of Europe can only be the enlargement of a preliminary economic agreement. This will constitute both the touchstone and the first constructive stage of the great secular enterprise34. This anticipates the creation of the European Union from the European Community and previously the European Coal and Steel Community. In 1939 and 1940, François de La Rocque envisioned, "after Hitler's defeat and collapse", "a sort of federation of States belonging to the same civilization dominated by great common interests35". Note
