Social Democracy

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Social Democracy, often clipped to SocDem (or SuccDem by ideologies that disagree or despise it), is an economically centre-left ideology. It is usually culturally left, albeit not exclusively. It advocates for strong welfare programs, unionization, with the addition of vast regulation to promote social justice. It is often confused with Democratic Socialism, or sometimes socialism in general (which is largley seen as a US phenomenon in the modern day). Despite often being called a "socialist" by right-wing ideologies, Social Democracy is often excluded from leftist circles as well due to their support for reforming capitalism rather than abolishing it. Social Democracy finds that a lot of welfare programs and business regulations, when achieved through reform rather than revolution, can lead to higher prosperity for the proletariat, rather than systems of unregulated capitalism or socialism


Left-Social Democracy

Left-Social Democracy is a variant of social democracy that shows support for trade protectionism (sometimes), left-wing populism (usually), a mixed market economy, and strong government intervention in the economy. These views are held by social democrats who adhere to Keynesian economics of post-WW2 social democrats. What differs left-social democrats from classical social democrats is that not all left-social democrats want to transition out of a capitalist framework, but all classical social democrats would be left-social democrats.

Right-Social Democracy

Right-Social Democracy, sometimes called Third Way Social Democracy, is the right variant of social democracy that supports a social market economy (mostly), globalism (usually), and trickle-down economics (sometimes). This version of social democracy can be seen in many centre-left parties in Europe since the rise of neoliberalism in the 1980's. However, it can simply mean social democrats who are more willing to compromise their ideals with right wing parties or just social democrats who arrive at the same conclusion as "normal" social democrats but via capitalist philosophers and economists and simply view social democracy as the best way to preserve capitalism.

Libertarian Social Democracy

Libertarian Social Democracy is a economically centre-left and civically libertarian ideology. It is considered a more moderate form of left-libertarianism. It supports basic social democratic principals and policies but with an added focus on civil liberties and is opposed to rampant statism outside of the economy. They also tend to support Direct Democracy and Non-Interventionist foreign policy. Notable examples of Libertarian Socdems include late former Alaska senator Mike Gravel, left-wing political commentator and youtuber Kyle Kulinski and former Democratic presidential candidate, author and activist Marianne Williamson.

Classical Social Democracy

Classical Social Democracy is a variant of social democracy that supports the eventual transition from a capitalist economy to a socialist economy, these views are held by reformist Marxists and other socialists who use social democracy as a realpolitik approach to achieving socialism in a liberal democracy.

Social Progressivism

Social progressivism, also called Literal social progressivism is a centre left, reformist ideology focused on helping minorities (racial, ethnic and sexual) escaping poverty while also protecting, what they see as, the rights of women (such as abortion). They plan to help these people escape poverty with Keynesian measures such as universal healthcare (with a focus on developing a cure for AIDS, transgender surgeries and making abortion easily accessible. They support affirmative action programs to help eradicate poverty in poor areas too.

Social Feminism

Social Feminism is a feminist movement that advocates for social rights and special accommodations for women. It was first used to describe members of the women's suffrage movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries who were concerned with social problems that affected women and children. They saw obtaining the vote mainly as a means to achieve their reform goals rather than a primary goal in itself. After women gained the right to vote, social feminism continued in the form of labor feminists who advocated for protectionist legislation and special benefits for women. Although the validity of the term "social feminism" is highly disputed between historians and its original usage.

Social Nationalism

Social Nationalism is in its most basic definition is a Nationalist state with a social economy range from left social democracy to Rhine capitalism and potentially more right-wing systems. The nationalist state by nature would be authoritarian but social nationalism acknowledges the problems with unchecked power and supports a constitution which would control the power the executive holds, its modern form is also a traditionalist ideology that is against gay marriage and believes that the three purposes of life are Nation, God and Love. However, the traditional version of social nationalism was much more progressive in its historical context. This ideology is not to be confused with National Socialism. It has seen a rise in support amongst national populist European groups and may present itself as a status quo in conservative countries like Poland and Hungary. Historical examples that are close to socnat include: Kemalist Turkey, Nationalist China under the KMT, and Mexican Institutional Revolutionary Party, and Poland under Józef Piłsudski. It believes:

  • We shouldn’t strive for laissez faire capitalism, because that will lead to a degenerate culture of materialism and consumerism and we should not strive for communism either as it is inefficient and would weaken the nation
  • Economics should be somewhat flexible so that the system that best suits the people is what gets implemented.
  • Most immigration to a country should be from culturally similar nations & people and limited to only the most skilled. Actual refugees should go to the nearest stable country that offers asylum and if no one is willing to house them then they must remain in their homeland.
  • Economic migrants should be highly restricted to the needs of the nation and from nations similar ethnically and culturally to us for easy assimilation. If they have broken the law they should either be deported or imprisoned (Depending on how serious the crime is)
  • Nationalism, Social collectivism and Traditionalism should be taught in every school, aligning with the virtues that would be important to teach to youth, while other values like discipline, high work ethic, honesty and unity would be encouraged
  • Intervention in foreign countries to spread nationalism further and for national gain is necessary, but a diplomatic option should always be tried first.

Militant Social Democracy

Militant Social Democracy (MilSocDem) is an economically centre-left, statist, strongly patriotic, culturally centrist and militaristic ideology which supports the combination of social democratic economic policies, such as a capitalist market economy heavily regulated in favour of the working class, an abundance of social programs and public ownership of businesses such as education and healthcare, with the belief that a strong military capability, "predominance of the armed forces in the administration of the state" and glorification of the military is needed in an ideal society and that the nation should be prepared to use military force in order to defend or promote its national interests.

Cosmopolitan Social Democracy

Cosmopolitan Social Democracy is a culturally progressive, Template:PCB, and economically Template:PCB ideology that seeks to establish a Template:PCB under social democratic principles, and the Template:PCB that supports globalization, but opposes economic globalization. He wants to protect civil rights and promote economic justice globally with these principles in mind.

Agrarian Social Democracy

Agrarian Social Democracy (also known as Social Agrarianism) is a center-left political ideology which combines Template:PCB with Template:PCB. He stresses widespread ownership of wealth-generating property, political decentralization, and a preference for small communities in the context of a Template:PCB with Template:PCB. Despite having similar goals to Template:PCB and Template:PCB, he tends to support Template:PCB and other File:Prog.png progressive causes. (The ideology itself is culturally variable, however.) He can also be seen as a moderate form of Template:PCB.

Core Tenants of Agrarian Social Democracy

Though not to the extent of File:Soc.png Template:PCB, Agrarian Social Democracy is more radical in his opposition to economic inequality than SocDem. Especially after the latter adopted a pro-growth neoliberal stances in the late 20th century. He believes excess inequality, monopoly, and monopsony is a threat to democratic institutions and human rights; through lobbying and bribery the wealthiest have the loudest voices, breeding avraice and corruption. AgSocDem prefers local-level production and consumption.

This contempt for inequality and preference for localism manifests in the form of suppressing wealth concentration in favor of widespread property ownership. He has various means of achieving this, although not universally accepted by his followers, including:

  • Policies designed to increase competition.
  • The breaking up of large industries and trusts (e.g., Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Banking, and Big Oil).
  • Limiting business size directly through other anti-trust legislation (e.g., outlawing vertical integration).
  • Decentralizing currency through community banks and credit unions, while also limiting or prohibiting interest or usury.
  • A tax on the unimproved value of land to deprive the landed elites of a tool to suppress unlanded commoners.
  • Wealth caps (like the maximum wage).
  • Subsidies and tax incentives for family-owned small businesses and farms (e.g., self-employment assistance, tax breaks, and generous loans for aspiring entrepreneurs and start-ups).
  • Removing or reforming unfair business privileges—like limited liability, patents, and ineffective regulations—to level the playing field.
  • And protection of local industries and farmers.

AgSocDem supports locally-owned businesses, worker-owned enterprises (which are usually small-scale), collective farms, and smallholdings. He sees small-scale producers as more innovative, accountable, greener, and a stepping stone towards autonomous local communities. Loans for entry-level farmers, tax incentives for agricultural co-ops, and discouraging land speculation also empowers rural areas.

However, in cases of natural monopoly and necessary economies of scale like electricity and aircraft manufacturing, AgSocDem usually supports state-owned enterprises (SOEs) or sovereign wealth funds (SWFs). Profits generated will go towards safety nets, infrastructure, education, and subsidies for local entrepreneurs. A great example of this is the Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO)—a for-profit state-owned enterprise which sells alcohol in shops. LCBO's profits, ranging in the billions, go towards Ontario's provincial programs and functions. As of 2019 they sell hard liquor, wine, and beer.

AgSocDem also supports decentralized welfare programs and regulatory agencies. Canada's Medicaid is a great example of the former—it is mandated and funded primarily by the federal government, but provincially and locally supplied. Most welfare programs in Denmark are coordinated and financed on the municipal level. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in the United States is a regulatory agency; though having a federal office which sets minimum standards, the rest is handled by regional, state, and local offices with autonomy.

AgSocDem is culturally variable. In the West he's usually a civil libertarian; others are File:Prog.png progressive, seeing urban inequality as holding back positive scientific, medical, and technological advances. Followers tends to like Template:PCB and a Template:PCB protecting human rights. Many AgSocDem followers may see a strong central government as necessary for creating their ideal system. Others may champion achieving their reforms on the local or provincial level instead.

Summary of the tenants of Agrarian Social Democracy
  • Agrarian Social Democracy supports widespread ownership of the means of production, seeking to promote small businesses, worker co-ops, collective farms, and smallholdings while suppressing big enterprises and wealth inequality.
  • He favors the municipalization and/or nationalization of key sectors and industries; especially areas prone to natural monopoly, requiring large-scale production, or related to military production.
  • He wants to achieve economic decentralization through wealth caps, anti-trust legislation, pro-competition policies, and (sometimes) protectionism; doing so lends itself to political decentralization.
  • He also favors decentralized or local-level welfare programs and regulatory agencies to (a) ensure a minimum standard of living for all citizens and (b) to protect workers from abusive, exploitative predicaments.
  • And his followers typically despise central or fractional reserving banking, preferring community banks, credit unions, and fiscal policy over monetary policy.

Distributist Social Democracy

Distributist Social Democracy, clipped to DistSocDem, is an economically centre-left and culturally variable ideology which seeks widespread ownership of the means of production and a strong welfare state—combining Social Democracy with Distributism. Such an economic model is in sharp contrast to Social Democracy's common present-day manifestation, which is more neoliberal in character. It can also be seen as Social Distributism without the influence of Fourth Theory.


Historically, Social Democracy was used interchangeably with Democratic Socialism, which is still rather common in the United States, especially since Bernie Sanders' rise in popularity. After World War 2, Social Democracy becomes its own identity and promoted a strong welfare state under a capitalist economy. Social Democracies have been established in Europe and other types of the world as follows: India since the establishment of the DPSP, the Republic of France during the 1930's before German Occupation, Australia ever since WWII, Sri Lanka since the early 1940's, the French Republic after the fall of Nazi France, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, and Iceland.




Main Article: Nordic Model



Main Article: Nordic Model



Main Article: Nordic Model



Main Article: Nordic Model



Main Article: Nordic Model









PSOE (Spanish Socialist Workers Party) was first formed in 1879 and had been in government longer than any Spanish political party. It is the ruling party of Spain and of course, is very popular.


Social Democracy's birth in UK

The UK Labour Party was first formed on the 27th of February 1900 by the Labour Representation Committee (a pressure group that focused on workers' rights) and was initially File:Soc.png socialist and the abolition of private property was included in the party's platform but by the 1940s, in accordance with many other File:Soc.png "socialist" political parties in Europe, the abolishment of private property was dropped from their party platform and they swiftly won elections after this. Clement Atlee was elected prime minister in 1945, just three years later his party created the NHS and oversaw mass nationalizations and the formation of a comprehensive welfare state.


Despite a social democratic party never being elected federally as the largest party and only once elected to federal official, social democracy has had a large influence on Canadian politics and is the main ideology of the New Democratic Party, and has played a massive role in provincial and local politics.

The United States

The Congressional Progressive Caucus is the most left-leaning faction in the Democratic Party. The founding CPC members were concerned about the economic hardship imposed by the deepening recession and the growing inequality brought about by the timidity of the Democratic Party response in the early 1990s. On January 3, 1995, at a standing room only news conference on Capitol Hill, they were the first group inside Congress to chart a comprehensive legislative alternative to U.S. Speaker Newt Gingrich and the Republican Contract with America. The CPC's ambitious agenda was framed as "The Progressive Promise: Fairness".












Main Article: Peronism



Main Article: Centre-Left Kemalism



Main Article: Labour Zionism




South Korea









The Australian Labor Party was historically a social democratic party, and claims to still be. However, since 1983 and the election of Bob Hawke, they have been largely more Third Way. Despite this, they still have some social democratic individuals. There was also a Social Democratic party founded in 1980 that lasted 3 years and didn't get any seats.

New Zealand


Beliefs and Views

Social Democracy is a center-left ideology that believes in a mixed economy with a welfare state funded by progressive taxation. They believe in re-distributing wealth via taxes to make capitalism more humane.

They subscribe to the Liberal interpretation of human rights. That being the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Social Democrats alter the Liberal interpretation of 'human rights' to include equality, justice, and solidarity.

To make it simpler, here are the 3 principles of Social Democracy.


Social Democracy believes in a liberal democratic framework, Liberal democracy is a form of system operating under the civic principles of classical liberalism. But however, Social Democratic economics are somewhat different from classical liberalism.

In order to preserve Liberalism, negative rights and positive rights must be balanced. Positive rights such as right to health and right to an adequate standard of living are respected. Negative rights like freedom of speech and property rights are strengthened.


This is mainly connects to Social Democracy's beliefs and views in Social Justice, Social Equality, taxation, and welfare.

Social Democracies tend to support a universalist welfare. Instead of only subsidizing private services or giving them to the needy, the provisions are available for everyone. The supported policies are universal childcare, care for the elderly, education, healthcare and workers' compensation.


Mainly connects to File:Monkeyzz-Enlightenment.png Enlightenment File:Enlightnenment.png ideals of equality under the law and human rights.


Social Democracy is generally portrayed as being quite care-taking of other people, even if they may not like it. They are occasionally mistaken for Democratic Socialism, which they usually don't like, but they'll often proudly call themself a democratic socialist in The United States. He will get very mad at Left Communism and File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism whenever they call him a "Social Fascist".

How to Draw

Flag of Social Democracy

Drawing Social Democracy requires a few steps:

  1. Draw a ball.
  2. Color the ball with red.
  3. Draw a white rose on the bottom of the ball.
  4. Add the eyes, and you're done!
Color Name HEX RGB
Red #FF0000 255, 0, 0
White #FFFFFF 255, 255, 255




  • Bernsteinism - I love you dad but private property and markets are cool, also you are just too extreme to ever be elected.
  • Market Socialism - Good friend who likes worker co-ops, but a bit too socialist, which is pretty meh.
  • Globalism - Look I am all for helping the consumer and developing countries, but you have led to massive inequality and virtual slave labour.
  • Paternalistic Conservatism - We often fight in elections, but he's still my child. (And a worthy opponent!)
  • Ceremonial Monarchism - Meh, you go against my belief that every man is equal and I would abolish you if I could but I just don't care about you.
  • One-Nation_Conservatism - Best (right)opposition party I could ask for Brexit and Johnson were pretty cringe though.
  • Agrarian Socialism - I love La Follete too but you can often simp for authoritarian regimes, also the industrial revolution was a good thing dammit!
  • Laicism - I agree that seperation of church and state are nessecry but you are a tad too auth and racist for me
  • Socialism of the 21st Century - Depends on the mood he's in.
  • Welfare Chauvinism - My racist son, on the rise. WHY! Also, being an unironic "Social Fascist" gives tankies propaganda material.
  • Libertarian Socialism - Calm down! Socialism isn't a good way to follow! But you are pretty cool nontheless.
  • Libertarian Marxism - Stop Spamming that Marx quote against me! I don't have a "Servile belief in the state". But besides that annoyance, you are just like the guy above
  • Left-Wing Nationalism - Sometimes works with me, sometimes against me.
  • Libertarian Paternalism - I like you depending on how you define yourself
  • Distributism and Social Distributism - Maybe?
  • Social Corporatism - Sure, capitalism is flawed, but that does not mean we need to go full 3rd position. You seem fine though, and I do like Norway and sectoral bargaining
  • Social Authoritarianism - You have good ideas, but please calm down with your methods. Thaksin was quite based but Lukashenko must go!
  • Longism - Same as above. Please come back to us Huey.
  • Titoism - Too authoritarian for my liking, but at least you don't call me a "Social Fascist" unlike your brothers.
  • Third Way - I'll still vote for you son, but I wish you would stop trying to compromise with him.
  • Syndicalism - I'm pro-union and all, but I'm not a fan of this whole socialism thing.
  • Capitalism - Good system, just needs some more regulation.
  • File:Soc.png Socialism - You're my father and we have a lot in common, but I don’t think your ideology can work. Nonetheless, I’m sympathetic with most of your views.
  • Marxism - FINE! Who needs that family anyways! But we agree on many of the same issues with capitalism, but I do not necessarily agree with your solutions. Also electoralism is good. Some of my members like you while others think you were wrong and outdates. Really mixed mag overall.
  • Bismarckism - While I appreciate you a lot for installing the first welfare state, I'm still pretty pissed with how much you tried to suppress my movement.
  • Democratic Confederalism - Some of my parties in the past were somewhat sympathetic to you, but why do you call us a failed attempt to reform capitalism? We both like the HDP at least.
  • Neoconservatism - You're very controversial among my followers. You always try coup me in the third world but my followers in the west have become more accepting of you in recent years. At least we both hate Russia and China.
  • Ordo-Liberalism - You still like social welfare, but you're a tad too conservative when it comes to regulation for my liking. Far from horrible though.
  • Anti-Fascism - The Iron Front was ultra based, but what's up with the whole "Social Fascism" bullshit?!
  • Civic Nationalism - Best nationalist by far, though that doesn't say much. Some of my followers are more globalist.
  • Nationalist Progressivism - Honestly mostly based. Though I prefer more internationalism and you need to own up to your imperialism in Cuba but you are still great.
  • Libertarian Market Socialism - Somewhat based. Little extreme at times and the government does need to collect taxes and regulate industries.
  • Anarcho-Communism - STOP CALLING ME A SUCCDEM! But we can fight tankies, fascists and reactionaries together
  • Neoliberalism - I like to say I hate but you've infiltrated most of my parties in the west nowdays
  • Bull Moose Progressivism - I would like to say I hate you but your economic reforms and your 14 points were pretty based.
  • Dengism - Everything I hate in one. Wish that conservatives stop accusing me of being a Chinese puppet FFS!! However, what prevents me from putting you in the enemy section is that many of my Latin American and non-western followers support you over the US.Also Hu Jintao is pretty chill.


  • Putinism - God awful authoritarian capitalist dictator and imperialist. Hands off Ukraine. Gorbachev should have been given a second chance, but Gorbachev died...
  • Libertarianism - Just because I like Bernie Sanders doesn't mean I'm a communist! Also, if we privatize everything as you suggest, we'll just enable China's soft imperialism.
  • Neo-Imperialism - Contrary to what the tankies say I do not exploit the third world and am, in fact, very anti imperialist.
  • Luxemburgism - Cope harder commie. You attempted to overthrow a democratic government and failed miserably, HA! *quietly tightens fiber wire*
  • File:Marxlen.png Marxism–Leninism - The "Social Fascist" is Welfare Chauvinism, not me! Also, you scumbag worked with him to sabotage me![Note 1][9]
  • Maoism - Bastard who killed 80 million of his own people
  • Marxism-Leninism-Maoism - Combination of the two above
  • Maoism-Third Worldism - Piss of tankie
  • Neo-Libertarianism - The most American ideology I have seen. And no that is not a complement.
  • Monarcho-Capitalism - Another benefit of solving climate change, apart from saving the entire world, is that your totalitarian regimes will not exist anymore
  • Left Communism - You claim to love the working class, but all you do is sit on an armchair reading political literature all day, without contributing to society you lazy prick!
  • Anarcho-Capitalism - Healthcare is a human right!
  • Imperialism - Stop trying to coup me every time I try to nationalize my country's natural resources.
  • Fascism - Leave me alone, fascist pig!
  • Paleoconservatism and Trumpism - I! AM! NOT! A! COMMIE!
  • Alt-Right - Neo-nazi asshole
  • Juche - Stop using my name for propaganda you totalitarian scumbag!
  • Pinochetism - Allende was too radical for me but he didn't deserve to be overthrown for that, and YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S WAY MORE RADICAL THAN HIM!
  • Pink Capitalism - We could have been friends but you just had to cause economies to collapse.
  • Objectivism - You hate the poor so stay away from me.
  • Avaritionism - Basically a terrorist without ideology
  • Salazarism - I only overthrew you to give people true freedom.
  • Constitutional Monarchism - I do not care if you have a constitution! You are still old fashioned and elitist. Monarchs must have no political power!
  • Minarchism - A slightly more intelligent ancap, but that's not saying much at all.
  • Autocracy - Selfish and totalitarian asshole
  • Corporatocracy - That's why I hate Laissez-Faire and I care about small businesses, you also caused the concentration of much of the world's wealth to go to 1% of the population.
  • Monarcho-Socialism - LITERALLY juche!!!
  • Authoritarian Capitalism - Authoritarianism and unregulated capitalism. What a nightmare.
  • Authoritarian Conservatism - Asshole who hate the people
  • Monarchism - Elitist, outdated trash!
  • National Capitalism - Please, tell me this is a joke.
  • Paleolibertarianism and Buchananism - They said that are going to break me as a clock, still standing social Darwinist bigots.
  • Absolute Monarchism - Evil ideology than enslaves nations and places one family above all others for no reason.

Further Information

For overlapping political theory see:

File:Soc.png Socialism, Social Liberalism, Keynesianism, Liberalism, Liberal Socialism,
Regulationism, Democratic Socialism, Third Way , Reformist Marxism, File:Progress.png Progressivism, Welfarism, Reformism


Parties and Organizations



Online Communities


Memes and Humor

Political Parties



  1. Ernst Thälmann and the Communist Party of Germany targeted Social Democrat politicians instead because they thought Nazis coming to power would accelerate the collapse of capitalism, which at the time seemed preferable to the slow and reformist nature of moderate Marxists in the SDP


  1. Whitlam was pro-free trade and anti-protectionist.
  3. Lee Jae-myung had joined online website Ilbe Storehouse and once claimed that he once was an "Ilbe".
  4. Lee Jae-myung has expressed some admiration for South Korea’s past military dictators, especially Park Chung-hee and Choo Doo-hwqn.
  5. The Dong-A Ilbo, a conservative media outlet in South Korea, said Lee Jae-myung's state-led policies are closer to Park Chung-hee's authoritarianism than left-wing populism based on social equality.
  9. "How the Left enabled Fascism" New Statesman. October 2018.



Template:Centrist Template:Lib Template:Welfare es:Democracia Social pt-br:Social-Democracia